
Brief introduction of martyr Guo Liang

As romantic as a poet, but as tough as steel, the blood-colored romance on the red hot land is vividly displayed in the first poem, which is either generous or tragic. Towering green mountains, gorgeous and pregnant with heavenly treasures. The vast Xiangshui is a great way to educate people.

The blessed land of northern Hunan is Tongguan, and the mountains are undulating and stretching. The thousand-year-old kiln fire has accumulated a rich cultural landscape, and the red homeland highlights the historical sites and scenic spots. On December 3, 1901, Guo Liang was born in Tongguan Street, Wangcheng District, since he was a child, he was exposed to the spiritual spirit of his father's generation, and rarely had the ambition to save the country and save the people, only 15 years old, he saw the head of the revolutionary party who was killed on the streets of Changsha. Snow shame needs to pour Dongting water, how can patriotism be afraid of hanging on the head! The heart of the fist jumps on the paper, and the impassioned feelings are shocking. After Mao Zedong's introduction, Guo Liang joined the Xinmin Society. From Rong to the country, join the army. At the age of 21, he joined the Xinmin Society, and at the age of 25, he participated in the Nanchang Uprising. Male entanglement, dancing guns and sticks on the battlefield. Heroic and heroic. At the age of twenty-seven, he launched a general strike on the Guangdong-Hanzhou Railway that shook the whole country, and unfortunately the traitor was arrested in Yueyang on March 27, 1928, and died heroically at the gate of Changsha Division on the 29th!

At that time, Guo Liang had a high hall alive, and a young son who had not yet completed his career, and left a book to Canying's wife, saying: Canying and my love: Liang ran around, without a home and a country. I'm done, I hope to take care of my son, so as to continue the rest of the will!

Alack! Time flies and does not stagnate for the martyrs, nor does it fade because of cloth. The martyrs threw their loyal bones, ninety and six years ago! I feel that Guo Liang looks up to the mountains, now I see the prosperity of the motherland, the bronze official is now more than the grand scene, the martyrs have not seen the scene, the words are endless and the sorrow is endless; Sigh the martyrs did not sigh, words are poor and love cannot end. I praise: majestic ancient and modern, unparalleled in the world. Sacrifice for the country, Dan's heart reflects the sun and the moon. Tongguan Tao is full of money, and the future is immeasurable. The red homeland is eternal and prosperous. Hunan, the main birthplace and source of the Chinese Revolution, has an inexhaustible driving force for the surging revolutionary waves, arduous revolutionary struggles, brilliant revolutionary figures, and countless moving stories. On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the reporter will take you to feel the red mountains and rivers that have been tempered from blood and fire from those beautiful or poignant poems that have never given up their beliefs and ideals.

Xiangshui is endless, how many blood and tears and how much hatred? Snow shame needs to pour Dongting water, how can patriotism be afraid of hanging on the head! In 1916, at the age of 15, Guo Liang saw the head of a slain revolutionary on the street of Changsha and wrote this poem angrily. "How can a patriot be afraid of hanging his head", 12 years later, Guo Liang was killed, and his head was hung at the gate of Changsha Division for three days and three nights.

Guo Liang was only 27 years old when he died, and although his life was short, he left a glorious chapter in the history of China's modern labor movement. The Bolshevik magazine, a publication of the central organ, spoke highly of Guo Liang.

Take the lead in mobilizing the workers' movement

In 1901, Guo Liang was born in a peasant family in Wenjiaba, Tongguan Sheshanchong, Wangcheng, Changsha. Since he was a child, Guo Liang has been willing to think, diligent and studious, and dares to question the unfairness of society. In the autumn of 1915, Guo Liang was admitted to the junior high school of Changsha Changjun Middle School and got acquainted with Mao Zedong and Cai Hesen. In the second half of 1920, Guo Liang was admitted to the second department of the Hunan Provincial First Normal School, then joined the Xinmin Society, and joined the Changsha Socialist Youth League in October of the same year. In 1921, introduced by Mao Zedong, Guo Liang joined the Communist Party of China.

After joining the party, Guo Liang was mainly engaged in the workers' movement, running workers' night schools, propaganda and organizing workers' clubs. In August 1922, Guo Liang was sent to Yueyang, Hunan Province to engage in the railway workers' movement, organized the Guangdong-Hanzhou railway workers to put forward seven demands to the railway authorities to improve the living conditions of workers and ensure the personal safety of workers, issued a strike declaration, and launched the famous Guangdong-Hanzhou railway workers' strike.

The general strike of the railway workers in Guangdong and Hanzhou was suppressed by the railway authorities, and Guo Liang led the railway workers to block the train with the heroic spirit of "heroes from ancient times do not bow their heads".

The suicide note of more than 30 words is full of feelings for the family and country

In January 1928, Guo Liang returned to Yueyang, insisted on the party's underground work, and covered the party's work as the boss of the "Li Ji Coal Store". On March 27, 1928, Guo Liang was arrested for betrayal by traitors. On March 28, the enemy sent heavy troops to escort Guo Liang to Changsha, and secretly killed Guo Liang at midnight that night on the front lawn of the Communist Court at the gate of the Changsha Division, and "hung his head" to show the public. Before Guo Liang died, he left this suicide note to his wife Li Canying: "Canying and my love: Liang runs around, without a home and a country. I'm done, I hope to take care of my son, so as to continue the rest of the will! Reading between the lines expresses Guo Liang's confidence in the victory of the revolution.

The heroic spirit lasts forever and inspires people to forge ahead

Guo Liang is not only a communist, but also a husband and a father, but he does not hesitate to sacrifice his personal family happiness and even his own life for the sake of communist ideals. Especially in the first year of the "14th Five-Year Plan" and in the development of rural revitalization, we must give full play to the spirit of hard work, be down-to-earth, ride the wind and waves, and move forward bravely!

Guo Liang is an alternate member of the Central Committee, secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, and leader of the labor movement. A native of Changsha County, Hunan Province (now Wangcheng County), his original name was Guo Jingjing, and he changed his name to Guo Liang because of his admiration for Zhuge Liang. At the age of 6, he entered his father's Mongolian Pavilion. At the age of 12, he entered the preparatory department of Xihu Temple High School, and then transferred to the fourth high school in Changsha County. In the fall of 1915, he was admitted to the Provincial President's County Lianli High School. Due to changes in family circumstances, he was forced to drop out of school and returned to his hometown to teach in the Guo ancestral hall. In the autumn of 1920, he was admitted to the Hunan Provincial First Normal School. He had a close relationship with Mao Zedong and participated in the Xinmin Society and the Hunan Marxist Research Association. In October 1921, he joined the Chinese Socialist Youth League. In the winter of the same year, he was introduced by Mao Zedong to join the Communist Party of China. In May 1922, the Executive Committee of the Hunan District of the Communist Party of China was established. He served as a member of the committee, was in charge of the workers' movement, went to Changsha Xinhe and Yuezhou stations to carry out the railway workers' movement, established the Yuezhou Workers' Club of the Guangdong-Hanzhou Railway, recruited party members, and formed the Yuezhou Station branch. In September of the same year, in protest against the mistreatment of workers by the railway authorities, he took the lead in lying on the rails and launched a general strike on the Guangdong-Hankou Railway that shook the whole country. In November, the Guangdong-Hankou Railway Federation of Trade Unions, the earliest unified organization of the national railway trade unions, was established. He was elected secretary. At the same time, the Hunan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions was established. Mao Zedong and he were elected Director-General and Deputy Director-General, respectively. In the summer of 1923, Mao Zedong was transferred to the Central Committee. He succeeded him as Director-General [1].

In January 1923, he returned to Tongguan to lead the anti-tax struggle of pottery workers, forcing the Changsha County Government to cancel the "kiln gate donation" and "license tax". He used to be the honorary chairman of the Tongguan Ceramics Trade Union, a member of the Hunan District Committee of the Communist Party of China, the minister of workers and peasants, and the chairman of the Hunan Diplomatic Support Association.

In 1924, when the Kuomintang and the Communist Party cooperated for the first time, he joined the Kuomintang in his personal capacity according to the instructions of the party, and was elected as a member of the Provisional Provincial Party Department of the Kuomintang Hunan Province and an executive member of the Hunan Provincial Party Department of the Kuomintang, responsible for the workers' and peasants' movement. After the May Day Massacre in Shanghai, he contacted people from all walks of life to set up the Hunan Snow Shame Association for the Qinghai-Shanghai Massacre, and was elected as its chairman, organizing more than 20,000 people in Changsha to hold a general demonstration during the Summer Festival (the fifth day of the fifth lunar month) and announcing the five economic pacties on severing diplomatic relations with Britain and Japan. In December, he joined forces with representatives of various public corporations to burn down the crooked ships of Japanese merchants and demanded the recovery of Changsha Dajin Wharf. The anti-imperialist patriotic movement of the people of Changsha rose again.

In May 1926, he was elected as an alternate executive member of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions at the Third National Labor Conference. Soon after, he returned to Hengyang and formed a special committee of the Hunan Provincial Party Department of the Kuomintang with He Shuheng, Xia Xi, Zeng San, Xiong Henghan and others to vigorously support the Northern Expedition. After the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions was formally reorganized into the Hunan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, he served as its chairman. He devoted a great deal of energy to training the trainees of the labor movement, expanding the workers' pickets, and also devoted himself to studying the experience of the labor movement in the past few years, and wrote the article "The Past and Present of the Hunan Labor Movement" to guide the Hunan labor movement at that time.

In April 1927, he was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee at the Fifth National Congress of the Communist Party of China. In May, he acted as secretary of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) to deal with the dangerous situation in Changsha after the Malaysia-Japan incident. After the incident, he went to Wuhan to attend the Fourth National Labor Conference and was elected as an executive member of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions.

On the eve of the Nanchang Uprising, the Yangtze River Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China sent him to Helongbu to do political work and participate in the formulation of the combat plan for the armed uprising. In August, he served as a member of the Peasants' and Workers' Committee and participated in the southern expedition of the Nanchang Rebel Army. After the defeat in the Chaoshan area of Guangdong, he went to Shanghai via Hong Kong to find the party organization, and was appointed secretary of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee by the Party Central Committee. In January 1928, he was appointed secretary of the newly established special committee of the northwest of Hunan Province, but due to the needs of work, he was reappointed as the secretary of the special committee of the Hunan-Hubei-Jiangxi border area.

In Yuezhou, under the pseudonym Li Cai, he opened a "Li Ji Coal Money" as an organ of the special committee, and opened another restaurant as an underground secret traffic station, restored and developed the party organization, and mobilized the workers and peasants to carry out armed struggle. Thanks to his hard work, the party organizations on the borders of Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi provinces were restored and developed. On March 27, 1928, he was arrested in Yuezhou and taken to Changsha overnight due to a traitor's informant. At midnight on the 28th, he was secretly killed on the front lawn of the "Hunan Shovel Communist Court" at the entrance of Changsha Division. His head was hung at the gate of the division for three days and three nights, and then moved to the stage of Dongshan Temple, Tongguan, his hometown. At the time of his death, he was only 27 years old.

"It is rare for a revolution to be retired." After learning of this, Lu Xun wrote this, angrily denouncing the ferocity of the enemy and highly praising the sacrifice spirit of the revolutionaries. His fame and achievements spread widely throughout the country. Mao Zedong called him a "famous worker organizer" in Yan'an. The Bolsheviks, a theoretical journal of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, published an article calling him "the founder of the workers' movement in Hunan." Anyuan in Jiangxi, Shuikoushan and Changsha in Hunan, and Yuehan, Zhuping and Zhuping in the three provinces of Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi, all these local workers and workers in other industrial occupations organized and struggled under his direct and indirect guidance. "In 1957, Guo Liangling was built in Tongguan, the martyr's hometown.

Guo Liang's tomb is in Wenjiaba, Tongguan District, Wangcheng County, Hunan. It was rebuilt in 1957 to commemorate the 29th anniversary of the death of Guo Liang, an outstanding leader of the Hunan workers' movement. Guo's wife, Li Canying, was buried here after dying of illness in the early days of liberation. The cemetery is sealed with cement, there is glazed decoration, the front end is the worship hall, the back end stands with the stele, the middle stele is engraved with "the tomb of the martyr Guo Liang and Li Canying of the Communist Party of China", the stele on the left is engraved with "March 29, 1957 (29th anniversary)", and the stele on the right is engraved with the "Journal of the People's Congress of Wangcheng County".

There is a legendary story circulating in Wangcheng: in the spring of 1925, when Guo Liang was carrying out the peasant movement in his hometown Tongguan, two soldiers pretending to be "pig dealers" came to arrest him, and they happened to meet Guo Liang on the road, but they didn't know him, so Guo Liang took these two soldiers everywhere to arrest "Guo Liang". Later, such a smooth slip spread in the Tongguan area: "Guo Liang led the troops to arrest Guo Liang, and the person who bought the pig was a pig." The legendary figure in the story is Guo Liang, a famous leader of the labor movement in Hunan. In order to commemorate Guo Liang, in 2011, a Guo Liang Memorial Park covering an area of about 50 acres was built with Guo Liang's former residence and Guo Liang's tomb as the center. It has also become one of the patriotic education bases in the province.

Guo Liang, formerly known as Jing Ji, was born on December 3, 1901. Since he was a child, he has been diligent and thoughtful, worried about the country and the people. In 1912, Guo Liang, who had just stepped into the Xihu Temple Higher Primary School, changed his name to "Guo Liang" because of his admiration for Zhuge Liang. Once, he asked aloud in an essay: "Why do the people who farm have no food?" Why don't the masons who build houses have no housing? Why is there a shortage of clothes for the weavers? Why do the straw mat weavers sleep in bare beds......"

"How can a patriot be afraid of hanging his head!" In the autumn of 1915, Guo Liang was admitted to Changsha Changjun Lianli Middle School, where he began to get in touch with new ideas, often talked about current affairs with his classmates, and sought the truth of saving the country and the people. In May 1916, Guo Liang saw the heads of revolutionaries who were still hanging in public after being killed on the streets of Changsha, and wrote angrily: "Xiangshui is endless, how many blood, tears, and hatred? Snow shame needs to pour Dongting water, how can patriotism be afraid of hanging on the head! Verses. In 1919, when the May Fourth Movement broke out, Guo Liang invited some classmates to carry out patriotic and anti-imperialist propaganda in Tongguan and Jinggang with leaflets and tabloids distributed from Beijing, Shanghai, Changsha and other places. In the autumn of 1920, Guo Liang was admitted to the Hunan Provincial First Normal School, and had a close relationship with Mao Zedong, participating in the Xinmin Society and the Hunan Marxist Research Association. In October 1921, he joined the Chinese Socialist Youth League, and in the winter of the same year, he was introduced by Mao Zedong to join the Communist Party of China. When he joined the party, Guo Liang was very disgusted with the speculators who sang high-profile but greedy for life and feared death, and swore: "Some people join the party just to give an empty mouth, I, Guo Liang, am willing to sacrifice my head for the party!" ”

"Carry your head to the revolution". In May 1922, the Executive Committee of the Hunan District of the Communist Party of China was established. Guo Liang was a member of the committee in charge of the workers' movement. In August, he was sent to Yuezhou (present-day Yueyang) to engage in the railway workers' movement. He mobilized and organized workers to establish the Yuezhou Workers' Club of the Guangdong-Hanzhou Railway, developed a group of Communist Party members, and established the Yuezhou Station Party Branch. In September of the same year, in protest against the mistreatment of workers by the railway authorities, Guo Liang led the workers to lie on the tracks twice and block the train, launching a general strike of railway workers in Guangdong and Hanzhou that shook the whole country. In January 1923, Guo Liang returned to Tongguan and led the anti-tax struggle of pottery workers, forcing the Changsha County Government to cancel the "kiln donation" and "kiln tax". In March, Guo Liang prepared to establish the Tongguan Ceramics Trade Union, and then founded the first school for workers' children and a night school for workers, and established the Tongguan Ceramics Workers' Branch of the Communist Party of China, becoming one of the earliest grassroots organizations of the party in the province. On June 1, Japan sailors shot and killed citizens at Changsha Pier. The next day, Guo Liang led tens of thousands of people to carry the bodies of the victims of the June 1 tragedy to hold a demonstration and call on the people to boycott Japanese goods. In 1925, after the Shanghai "May Day" tragedy, Guo Liang contacted all walks of life to establish the Hunan Snow Shame Association of the Qinghu Massacre, and was elected as the chairman, organizing more than 20,000 people in Changsha to hold a general demonstration during the Summer Festival (the fifth day of the fifth lunar month) and announcing the five economic severance conventions with Britain and Japan. In December, Guo Liang and representatives of various public corporations set fire to Japanese merchant ships and called for the recovery of Changsha Dajin Wharf, which set off a new round of anti-imperialist patriotic movement in Changsha and became the center of the national anti-imperialist patriotic movement. In August 1926, Guo Liang was elected chairman of the Hunan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, drafted the "Workers' Armed Self-Defense Case" for the trade union, and expanded the workers' pickets. He also conscientiously summed up the experience and lessons of the workers' movement theoretically and wrote an article entitled "The Past and Present of the Workers' Movement in Hunan." In May 1927, Guo Liang was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee at the Fifth National Congress of the Communist Party of China. On May 21, Xu Kexiang, a reactionary Kuomintang officer, betrayed the revolution and created the "Ma-Ri Incident". Guo Liang was appointed as the acting secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China. At about 10 o'clock that night, the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions was surrounded by reactionaries, Guo Liang escaped from danger with wit, and then traveled to Wuhan to attend the Fourth National Labor Conference and was elected as an executive member of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. On the eve of the Nanchang Uprising, the Yangtze River Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China sent Guo Liang to Helong's troops to do political work and participate in the formulation of the combat plan for the armed uprising. In January 1928, Guo Liang was appointed secretary of the special committee of Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi. In Yuezhou, he opened a "Li Ji Coal Store" as a special committee organ, and opened another restaurant as an underground secret traffic station to mobilize the workers and peasants to carry out armed struggle. In the early morning of the 29th, Guo Liang was killed on the front lawn of the Hunan "Shovel Communist" court outside the gate of Changsha, and his head was put in a bamboo cage and "displayed" for three days and three nights, and then hung on the pillar of the stage of Tongguan Dongshan Temple.

"It is very rare for a revolution to be retired!" After Guo Liang's death, Lu Xun, who was far away in Shanghai, heard the news and could not help himself, and expressed his deep condolences in two articles entitled "Head" and "Shoveling the Communist Party" respectively, and angrily alleged: "It is rare for a revolution to be retired", denounced the ferocity of the enemy, and highly praised the sacrificial spirit of the revolutionaries. In fact, before Guo Liang was executed, he made his last words, "Canying and my love: Liang is running around, without a home and a country." I'm done, I hope to take care of my son, so as to continue the rest of the will! This order. On the day of his death, Guo Liang "hoped that his wife Li Canying would take good care of his son Guo Duoyan and complete the unfinished revolutionary cause during his lifetime.

Guo Liang has always maintained absolute loyalty to the party from joining the party to making a revolution until his heroic sacrifice, and has led and carried out a series of vigorous revolutionary movements with his tenacious will to fight and superb fighting skills, and is a "well-known organizer of the workers' movement". He used his actions and life to fulfill the solemn oath of "willing to sacrifice his head for the party" he made when he joined the party. "The green mountains bury the bones of loyalty, and the mighty spirit is stored in the world." Guo Liang's fighting spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice will continue to inspire us to practice our original mission, and work hard and innovate and strive forward in the current process of implementing the "three highs and four new" strategy and comprehensively promoting high-quality development!

Guo Liang: "Famous Organizer of the Workers' Movement" in the Mainland


On December 3, 1901, Guo Liang was born in a peasant family in Wenjiaba, Tongguan Town, Changsha County, Hunan Province (now Wangcheng County). His grandfather Guo Shigentry was born as a farmer, and his father Guo Bilin once studied ancient books of literature and history hard, and before he could go to Beijing for scientific research, he set up a museum in his hometown to teach apprentices. Her mother, Zou, was a virtuous peasant woman who gave birth to nine children, five of whom died in misery. Guo Liang was at the end of his brotherhood, formerly known as Guo Jingji, read "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" when he was a child, admired Zhuge Liang's talent and wisdom, and took the name Guo Liang in order to spur himself.

Guo Liang was 6 years old and finished reading ancient books such as "Three Character Classics", "Hundred Family Names", "Thousand Character Texts", "Zengguang Xianwen" and "Four Books" and "Five Classics" in his father Guo Bilin's school. Later, a new school was built in Tongguan Town, and Guo Bilin was accustomed to the old rule of "father does not teach son", Guo Liang was successively sent to Dongshan Junior Primary School and Xihu Temple Higher Primary School. At that time, due to the warlord war, the urban and rural economies were seriously damaged, and the people's lives were miserable, and this social situation caused Guo Liang to have a series of doubts, and he wrote in an essay: "Why do farmers who farm have no food? Why do masons and carpenters have no housing? Why is there a shortage of clothes for the weavers? Why do the weavers sleep bare? He asked his father, Li Xilin and other learned Xiucai to answer these questions, but the answer was mostly "The cultivation of life is short, and the wealth of people is in the sky." This explanation could not dispel Guo Liang's doubts, so he wrote another essay in the form of a poem on the school's poster, "Ask the Society", which was regarded by the county government inspector as a "heresy" that "disturbed the society and incited the people's hearts", and demanded that the Xihu Temple Autonomous Office (i.e., the township office) "deal with it strictly", and Guo Liang was ordered to drop out of school. When the autonomous office asked for the guilt, Guo Bilin had to come forward to intercede and apologize for his son, until the end of the matter. In order to avoid recurrence, Guo Liang was transferred by his father to study at the Fourth Senior Primary School of Changsha County, Jinggang, on the other side of Tongguan.

In May 1915, the whole country set off a wave of protest against Yuan Shikai's signing of the "21 Articles" traitorous treaty with Japan, and the 4th High School in Jinggang held a rally against the "21 Articles." The old principal Xu Jigui burst into tears on the stage and made a generous speech, which inspired Guo Liang's patriotism. Guo Liang jumped onto the podium and shouted: "We will never be slaves of the country!" We are resolutely opposed to the 'Twenty-One Articles'! I, 40,000,000 Chinese, can sit back and watch the land of my ancestors' graves being eaten by others! The head can be broken, the blood can be shed, and the slave of the country must not be a slave! ”

In the autumn of 1915, Guo Liang was admitted to the nineteenth class of the junior high school of Changsha Changjun County Middle School with excellent results. Due to the growing financial difficulties of his family, Guo Liang studied at Changjun Middle School for two years before dropping out and returning home. While farming with his second brother, he insisted on self-study. Some classmates and friends often sent him progressive literature and periodicals, and when he replied to thank him, he always eagerly hoped that he would "combine comrades," "stir up the wind of fortitude and courage," and "pursue the progress of the country and the nation." Under the care and sponsorship of the old principal Xu Jigui, Guo Liang entered the clan school and became a primary school teacher. He used new teaching methods to weave stories and songs to teach his students about the exploitation of the poor, the partition of China by the imperialist powers, and the suffering of the common people in the warlords. Guo Liang's approach was opposed by the gentry, and soon after the start of school, all the children of the rich family left the school. Guo Liang was not discouraged by this, he went to the house with his family and invited the children of poor families to go to school. Those who cannot afford to pay the tuition fee can be exempted; Those who couldn't afford to buy books, he copied them for them. The students listened to him and their academic performance improved rapidly. Later, when the inspector of the Changsha County Bureau went to the primary school to inspect, Guo Liang only treated him with a bowl of "chili pickles", which angered the inspector and accused Guo Liang of being "a young man who is arrogant, has no respect for his elders", "is young and ignorant, and is not worthy of being a teacher", so he notified the Tongguan Township School Affairs Committee to remove Guo Liang from his post.

At this time, Guo Liang heard from his classmates that there were progressives in Changsha, such as Mao Zedong and Cai Hesen, who were organizing a group of enthusiastic young people to go to France for work-study in order to transform the country. He approached his father and said, "Nothing can be done without transforming this country." If you want to transform, you must combine comrades and learn from Mr. Mao. So, he left Tongguan and went to Changsha to find Mao Zedong. However, Mao Zedong had already gone north at this time because of the organization of a work-study program in France, and he returned to Tongguan countryside in disappointment, helping his second brother farm at home, and studying his own while engaging in agricultural labor.

After the outbreak of the May Fourth Movement in 1919, Guo Liang read important articles such as "The Great Union of the People" from the patriotic leaflets and tabloids distributed by the patriotic teachers and students of Changsha who went to the county to go to the countryside propaganda team in Beijing, Shanghai, Changsha and other places. This time, he met Mao Zedong in Changsha. At that time, Mao Zedong and others were planning to launch a campaign to expel Zhang Jingyao, the overseer and governor of the Beiyang warlords, so Guo Liang also actively participated in the expulsion movement.

In June 1920, Zhang Jingyao fled from Changsha in a hurry under the pressure of national public opinion. After the victory of the expulsion movement, Guo Liang was admitted to the Hunan Provincial No. 1 Normal School in the autumn of the same year. At that time, Mao Zedong served as the director of the primary school attached to the first division, and Guo Liang often went to Mao Zedong for advice, and the two had long talks many times. Soon, after Mao Zedong's introduction, Guo Liang joined the "Xinmin Society" with the purpose of "transforming China and the world". With Mao Zedong's help and influence, he began to read Marxist works and periodicals such as The Communist Manifesto, The Development of Socialism from Utopia to Science, and The Communist Party published by the Shanghai Communist Group. At the same time, he often accompanied Mao Zedong to the workers' night school. Through studying revolutionary theory and the teaching practice of workers' night schools, Guo Liang realized that it was not enough to worship Zhuge Liang, but also to worship Marx and Lenin. Soon after, Guo Liang joined the Changsha Socialist Youth League and the Russia Studies Association. Mao Zedong, He Shuheng, Peng Huang, He Minfan and others formed the Changsha Communist Group, and Guo Liang was an enthusiastic participant in the various activities organized by the association.

In 1921, after the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Mao Zedong and others returned to Hunan to establish the party, and on October 10 of the same year, the Hunan branch of the Communist Party of China was formally established. Guo Liang was introduced by Mao Zedong (Xia Xi) and joined the Communist Party of China in the winter of this year.


In May and June 1922, Mao Zedong, He Shuheng, Guo Liang and others formed the Hunan District Executive Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Guo Liang was in charge of the workers' movement. In August of the same year, Guo Liang graduated from the First Normal School. He declined an offer from a middle school and threw himself into the surging tide of the workers' movement. Guo Liang first became active among the rickshaw workers, and later went to Xinhe Station to open a night school to enlighten the class consciousness of the railway workers and organize them. As a result of his excellent work, the Xinhe Workers' Club was soon established, with Guo Liang as secretary, and the workers' movement was carried out in depth.

In August, Guo Liang was ordered to Yuezhou to lead a general strike of Guangdong-Hanzhou railway workers. He disguised himself as a railway worker and came to Yuezhou Station, often visited the workers' homes, and soon became a close friend of the railway workers. He ran a night school for workers and taught it himself. He edited and published the weekly "Workers' Road" and personally wrote popular and vivid articles exposing the criminal acts of imperialism and capitalists in exploiting workers, propagating Marxism, and praising the "sanctity of labor." He mobilized the workers to break through the obstacles of the authorities, founded the Yuezhou Station Railway Workers' Club, and served as its secretary. After joining the club, the workers were educated by the party and quickly raised their consciousness. Guo Liang also cultivated and developed a group of party members and established the party branch of Yuezhou Station.

Under the instigation of imperialism and feudal warlords, Wang Shiyu, director of the Hubei Railway Bureau, took advantage of his hometown connections to use money to buy some workers and staff members, and set up the so-called "Workers' Research Association" and the "Guangdong-Hanzhou Railway Workers' Federation" to split the ranks of the working class. He also withheld the wages of the workers, even though his cronies Zhang Enrong, the supervisor and Miao Fengming, the translator, used the withheld wages to operate opium tobacco and make huge profits. Workers Ruan Kangcheng and Wu Qingshan reported the incident to Guo Liang, but they were severely beaten by the supervisors. Guo Liang immediately convened a meeting of club members and protested to Wang Shiyu, demanding that Zhang Enrong and Miao Fengming be investigated. Wang Shiyu not only refused the workers' demands, but also fired Nguyen Kang Sung and Wu Thanh Son. Guo Liang once again convened a meeting of the members of the workers' club, and decided to send a telegram to all the workers of the Guangdong-Hanzhou Railway and all walks of life to expose Wang Shiyu's crimes, and put forward eight conditions, including lifting oppression, improving treatment, protecting personality, and severely punishing the murderers, and limiting Wang Shiyu to reply within three days, otherwise a strike would be held by the General Union of the Whole Railway Bureau.

Guo Liang returned to Changsha overnight to report the situation to the district party committee and Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong instructed Guo Liang and others to immediately contact the party organization in Wuhan to mobilize the railway workers at Xujiapeng station to respond, and quickly unify the organization of the Guangdong-Hanzhou railway workers, calling on the "workers' clubs" in all localities to make full preparations before the strike and achieve unified command. Mao Zedong immediately sent He Shuheng to Wuhan to contact the Hubei party organization. In order to unify the strike action of the workers on Yuehan Road and strengthen the unified leadership of the strike, the Hunan District Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Wuhan District Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to set up a general strike headquarters in Xujiapeng, Wuchang. Guo Liang, Lin Yunan, He Shuheng, Shi Yang and others were the commanders of the strike. At the same time, it is necessary to take advantage of the contradictions between the warlords of the north and the south to keep the warlord governor of Hunan, Zhao Hengti, neutral, and to explain to the railway workers the importance of winning public opinion to support the strike.

On September 6, Guo Liang and others convened an emergency meeting of the workers' clubs of Yuezhou, Xinhe, Zhuping and other stations along the Hunan section of the Guangdong-Hanzhou Railway, and established a federation of workers' clubs in this section, with Guo Liang as the secretary of the federation.

Three days later, Wang Shiyu still refused to reply to the eight conditions put forward by the workers' club. He colluded with Carmichael, the governor of United Kingdom, to tighten control over the workers of the "Institute of Workers' Research", the royal trade union, and ordered them to keep the train running as usual when the club went on strike; On the one hand, he reported to Xiao Yaonan, the overseer of Hubei, and prepared to suppress the strike.

In the early morning of September 9, under the specific organization and leadership of Guo Liang and others, the Chang (Sha) Wu (Chang) section of the Guangdong-Hanzhou Railway went on strike. From Zhuzhou to Xujiapeng, trains lie quietly in the station and on the railroad tracks like dead snakes, and only at Xinhe Station in order to take advantage of the contradictions within the warlords of Hunan and Hubei to divide Zhao Hengti and Xiao Yaonan and keep the Hunan Road Bureau neutral, can military vehicles run. On September 10, under the leadership of Guo Liang, all the striking workers held a demonstration under the banner of "Never give up if we do not agree to the eight conditions" and shouted slogans such as "punish the murderers" and "expel the thieves."

On the night of the 10th, Wang Shiyu instigated the military and police to injure more than 100 workers and their families who were lying on the rails, and forcibly drove a train from Xujiapeng to Yuezhou Station. Guo Liang realized that this was a vicious method used by the reactionaries to shake the morale of the army and sabotage the strike, and when the train was approaching Yuezhou Station, he raised his arms and shouted: "Swear to block the train to the death!" With that, he rushed to the front of the line and lay down on the tracks. In an instant, on the road surface of Yuezhou Station, the workers collapsed in a large area of black pressure, blocking the movement of the train.

Surrounded by a group of military police, Wang Shiyan came to the front of the workers and shouted in a strange manner: "Workers, don't lie on the railroad tracks, now is the time of the war between the north and the south, you strike and block transportation, affect military and civilian food, violate military and France law, this is to kill your head!" Guo Liang stood up from the masses lying on the rails and asked Wang Shiyan with righteousness: "What kind of military France law, military civilian food, and the wages earned by the workers who shed blood and sweat and fought hard for their lives were withheld by you and used to buy and sell tobacco and poison the people, is this not a violation of national law?" Is it a violation of military France law for the workers to be exploited by you so that they have no food and clothing, no money to cure diseases, dead and unable to be buried, they sell their children and daughters, cry hunger and cold, and in order to survive and protect their legitimate interests, to make minimum demands? This series of questions made Wang Shiyu speechless.

Guo Liang turned around and picked up Ruan Kangcheng, a skinny and wounded worker, and said angrily to Wang Shixi: "This worker, who refused to take care of opium for you, was severely beaten by Zhang Enrong and Miao Fengming, as the director of the bureau, not only did not punish the murderer according to law, but ordered the dismissal of the victim worker, is this your military France law?" Wang Shiyu asked angrily: "Who are you?" Guo Liang said: "You want to ask me about my qualifications, secretary of the joint committee of the Guangdong-Han Railway Club!" Ask my name, Guo Liang! Wang Shijing seemed to have grasped something, tilted his neck and asked: "You are neither a railway worker nor an employee of this bureau, what right do you have to intervene in the affairs of my road bureau?" At this time, Zhang Wanyun, a member of the club, took over and said: "The secretary of the club is the official of our workers, and he is speaking on behalf of our 3,000 workers, why can't he ask?" ”

Wang Shiyu was at a loss for words, so he commanded the military and police to coerce the train driver forward. The situation was very critical, Guo Liang raised his arms and shouted: "Workers, you must not let the train pass and block it!" He was at the front, and the first one lay down on the tracks. Immediately, hundreds of workers followed him and lay down again. Wang Shiyu was even more crazy, shouting hoarsely: "Hurry up, hurry up, crush these bastards, I'm responsible!" On the locomotive, Miao Fengming forced the driver with a pistol and shouted: "Drive, drive forward, press over the poor ghosts!" ”

The train moved forward slowly, the whistle whistled, the wheels rolled, and it seemed that it was about to press Guo Liang. Guo Liang ignored it and didn't move. Ruan Kangcheng burst into tears and squeezed Guo Liang to the side of the road with all his might, and at the same time rushed to the front of Guo Liang. Guo Liang resolutely refused to let Ruan Kangcheng hold back and push back. Then, Wu Qingshan, Zhang Wanyun, Ruan Kangcheng and Guo Liang were close to each other arm in arm, lying in the front. When the train came to his side, Guo Liang held the obstacle remover with one hand, supported his body with the other, and shouted bravely and calmly; "Workers! You can't drive a train from the working class! Under Guo Liang's encouragement, everyone became more calm and determined, and everyone retreated.

Although Wang Zhong, a locomotive driver, had been deceived into joining the "Workers' Research Institute," his hands trembled when he saw that there were no rails or sleepers in sight on the 200-meter-long lane in front of him, and that there were all worker brothers lying on the rails. At this time, Guo Liang suddenly rushed to the locomotive and shouted to the driver: "Workers who drive, all workers in the world are class brothers, don't contribute to the warlords and crush your relatives to death!" Wang Zhong pulled his hand back, and the train retreated. The workers cheered, jumped to their feet and rushed to the retreating train. On the locomotive, Miao Fengming panicked and used a pistol to force Wang Zhong to drive forward. Wang Zhong turned around and punched Miao Fengming down, then jumped off the locomotive and joined the ranks of the striking workers. Then, more than 100 workers of the "Workers' Institute" on the train also jumped off the train and joined the strike struggle.

Wang Shiyu saw that the situation was not good, turned around and slipped away. After that, he used 12,000 yuan to buy off two companies in the south of the Hubei warlord Xiao Yao, and plotted to suppress the striking workers. When Guo Liang returned to the club and the workers gathered at the station to celebrate the victory of blocking the train, the two companies carried out a bloody crackdown on the unarmed workers, killing six workers and wounding more than 70 workers on the spot. Guo Liang and more than 30 workers were also arrested on the spot and taken to Wuchang and sent to the "Army Prison".

After the tragedy, Mao Zedong immediately rushed to Xinhe Station to convene an emergency meeting, decided to provide great assistance, and personally drafted the "Letter of All Workers of the Guangdong-Hanzhou Railway to the People", telegraphed the whole country, exposed the crimes of Xiao Yaonan and Wang Shiyu, and strongly demanded that the first evil Wang Shiyu be punished. The Guangdong-Hanzhou Railway Workers' Club also immediately sent a "fast mail telegram" to trade unions across the country, stating that the workers of the railway would persist in striking and swearing to the death despite this brutal oppression, and proposed: "Immediately withdraw the army that bombed and crushed the workers, dismiss and punish Wang Shiyu, compensate the dead and injured workers and their families, and fully recognize the conditions put forward by the workers." After the "Letter to the People" and the "Express Mail and Telegram" were issued, all the workers in Wuhan, under the leadership of Shi Yang and others of the Wuhan Federation of Trade Unions, decided to support the striking workers of the Guangdong-Hankou Railway with their strength, and decided that "if a satisfactory solution is not reached within three days, all the workers will strike." The national railway party organization convened a meeting of more than 1,000 representatives of railway workers from Longhai, Zhengzhou, Changxindian, and Yuehan, and decided to hold a strike in response to the problem within 54 hours, and prepared to organize 200 death squads to participate in the strike struggle. At the same time, Mao Zedong sent party and league members and cadres with donations from all walks of life to Xujiapeng and Yuezhou stations to express condolences and encouragement to the striking workers. Seeing that the strike would spread to the railways of the whole country, the Ministry of Communications of the Beijing government had to send a deputy minister to Xujiapeng on the 24th to negotiate with the workers.

After Guo Liang was taken to the "Army Prison" in Wuchang, he continued to accuse, expose, and denounce the persecution of workers by the railway authorities and the atrocities of the bloody massacre of workers by the warlords, and effectively cooperated with the struggle outside the prison. On the 19th of the same month, Yi Peiji, a well-known figure in the education circles, and others thought that Guo Liang was a provincial No. 1 normal student, and they were not guilty of the strike, and sent two telegrams to Xiao Yaonan, and wrote to Wu Ziyu (Wu Peifu) to rescue him. The Hubei Provincial Overseer was forced by public opinion to release Guo Liang on bail on the same day.

Due to the unswerving struggle of Guo Liang and others and the assistance of the Jinghan Railway and other railway bureaus, Wu Peifu had no choice but to send a telegram to Wang Shiyu to properly solve the problem, and sent a telegram to Xiao Yaonan to strictly supervise and deal with it quickly. In the end, Wang Shiyu had to agree to the seven conditions of the workers: (1) Zhang Enrong and Miao Fengming have now been dismissed and are waiting for investigation; (2) The wages of all workers on the road shall be handled in accordance with the regulations of Jinghan Road; (3) The increase in wages of fire-making workers and small workers, etc.; (4) All workers who have been working for 2 years and small workers who have been working for 1 year will be paid a wage increase once; (5) Workers shall be promoted from among the old workers, and workers shall not be punished or dismissed without reason unless they violate the road rules; (6) During the Hunan-Hubei War, double pay and wages during the strike period were paid; (7) Workers' travel expenses and various benefits shall be handled by the assessment regulations.

On September 28, Guo Liang and all the released workers arrived at Yuezhou Station by special car, where they were greeted by the workers. On November 1, Guo Liang attended the congress jointly held by the four workers' clubs of Xujiapeng, Xinhe, Yuezhou and Zhuping, and established the Guangdong-Hanzhou Railway Federation of Trade Unions. The meeting site was located in Xinhe, Changsha, and Guo Liang served as the commissioner and secretary.


In April 1923, Mao Zedong left Hunan to work in Shanghai, and Guo Liang succeeded him as the director general of the Hunan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions. In the Hunan District Committee of the Communist Party of China, he served as the head of the Workers' and Peasants' Movement.

In March of that year, Japan imperialism refused to return Lushun and Dalian, which had been forcibly leased by force, and the anti-Japanese movement of the people throughout the country was on fire. On 27 March, Guo Liang led the Federation of Trade Unions, together with more than 70 units of student unions, education associations, chambers of commerce, and other people's organizations, and more than 60,000 people from all strata, held high the banners of "taking back the University," "canceling the 21st Article," and "Down with imperialism," held a huge demonstration, and submitted a "warning letter" to the Japan Consulate in Changsha.

On April 5, initiated by the Federation of Trade Unions, more than 200 public law groups were united to establish the Hunan Diplomatic Support Association from all walks of life, and Guo Liang was elected as the chairman. The Diplomatic Support Association issued the "National Salvation Weekly" calling on people of all strata to resist Japan's imperialist aggression and break off economic relations with Japan. On 21 May, the Diplomatic Support Association announced that this day would be the date for the formal implementation of the severance of economic relations with Japan, and distributed tens of thousands of copies of the economic pact with Japan to the people of the whole province, and the vigorous anti-imperialist patriotic movement in the whole province rose to an unprecedented height.

On June 1, the ship "Jinling Maru" of the Nissin Company of Japan arrived in Changsha with Japanese cargo, and the patriotic people went to Xiaoximen Dock to boycott it. On the pretext of so-called "proper defense," Japan sailors shot and killed our worker Wang Shaoyuan and elementary school student Huang Hanqing, seriously wounding more than 20 people, and creating the "1 June" tragedy.

When Guo Liang heard the news, he immediately notified the "Perak News" to send out the news. The newsboy shouted along the street: "The Japan soldiers have landed and killed people!" The people of the whole city took action, "for a while, thousands of people were empty, and they concentrated on Xiaoximen", held a procession to carry the corpse, held a mass meeting, and "Guo Liang became the anti-imperialist leader of the whole city." After the meeting, he, Xia Minghan, Xiao Shufan, and others led the demonstrators to petition the Zhao Hengti government, putting forward eight conditions for the Zhao government to negotiate with the enemy. Unexpectedly, the Zhao Hengti government issued a "martial law order" to dissolve the Hunan Diplomatic Support Association by force, and ordered the military and police to arrest Guo Liang, Xia Xi, Xia Minghan and other responsible persons. Guo Liang and others went underground on the orders of the party organization and waged a complex and ingenious struggle against the reactionaries.

At the beginning of the first Kuomintang-Communist cooperation, Guo Liang joined the Kuomintang in his personal name in accordance with the party's instructions, and served as a member of the executive committee of the provisional provincial party department, responsible for the workers' and peasants' movement.

In November 1924, in response to Sun Yat-sen's declaration of going north, the Party Central Committee immediately mobilized the people's organizations to organize the "National Conference Promotion Association", and Guo Liang convened a joint meeting of various public law groups in the name of the Provincial Diplomatic Support Association, and successively established the "Hunan National Conference Promotion Association" and the "National Conference Support Association" to further promote the people's democratic struggle against the warlords in the province.

In May 1925, Guo Liang was elected as the workers' representative of the province to attend the Second National Labor Conference held in Guangzhou. In late May, Guo Liang returned to Hunan from Guangdong to attend the first provincial congress held in Changsha by the Provisional Party Department of Hunan Province of the Kuomintang, and was elected as an executive member. In order to implement the spirit of the congress and commemorate the second anniversary of the "1 June" tragedy, he contacted the provincial diplomatic support association, the anti-imperialist alliance, and other responsible persons from all walks of life, and held a mass meeting of 100,000 people at the provincial education hall on 1 June. In the course of the meeting, the unfortunate news of the "May Day" tragedy in Shanghai came out, and the masses were extremely angry. Guo Liangshang, together with Li Huidi, chairman of the conference, took advantage of the situation and organized a large-scale mass demonstration to support the strike of the workers of the Shanghai yarn factory.

The next day, the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions and the Provincial Federation of Students organized more than 20,000 people to gather in the Provincial Education Association and decided to establish the Hunan Snow Shame Association for the Qinghu Tragedy, and Guo Liang was publicly elected as the chairman of the "Snow Shame Association". In order to set off an upsurge of the patriotic mass movement, Guo Liangshang and all walks of life in the industrial, agricultural, academic, and commercial circles held a demonstration in solidarity with the Qinghai-Shanghai tragedy, with more than 100,000 participants. On June 3, Changsha City went on strike, went on strike, went on strike, and the workers of the British and Japanese consular offices went on strike, students from Xiangya and Fuxiang dropped out of school, and the press also stopped publishing newspapers. The workers and students also called out along the streets and urged the military and police to be unanimous. Guo Liang, Xia Minghan, and Xiao Shufan also took advantage of the students' return to the county during the summer vacation to organize propaganda teams to distribute popular pamphlets such as "Imperialism Is Such a Thing," "An Overview of Unequal Treaties," and "The National Revolution" in the rural areas, and performed new dramas such as "The Battle of the Dongjiang River," "The Power of the Peasants," and "The Shanghai Tragedy." Within a few days, Hengyang, Changde, Xiangtan, Yuezhou, and other places set up "Snow Shame Branches" and held demonstrations, forming an upsurge in the movement of the people of the whole province against British and Japanese imperialism.

At that time, the situation was particularly tense, and the reactionary warlord government arrested Guo Liang everywhere, and Guo Liang skillfully overcame one difficulty after another. One day, Guo Liang found his "home" where he often moved to visit his wife Li Canying and his half-year-old son. Li Canying asked Guo Liang what he brought to the child, Guo Liang took out a folded piece of paper and gave it to her, saying, "10,000 yuan!" Li Canying opened it and saw that it was a notice offering a reward of 10,000 yuan for Guo Liang's arrest. Guo Liang stroked his son's little face and said, "You're a warrior, right?" When you came to the world at a time when the Chinese nation was full of disasters and difficulties, I will give you the name 'How Difficult'! Later, in order to inherit his father's will, he changed his name to Guo Zhicheng.

At the beginning of March 1926, Guo Liang, Xia Xi, Xia Minghan, Xiao Shufan and others, mainly the provincial federation of trade unions, student federations, education associations and chambers of commerce, united 457 groups to hold anti-British demonstrations against Wu, and sent Xie Jueya and other four representatives to meet Zhao Hengti and urge him to send troops to fight Wu. However, Zhao had illusions about Wu and avoided meeting him. In this way, the expulsion of Zhao Hengti has become an urgent task facing the people of the whole province. On March 9, the Hunan Provincial Party Department of the Kuomintang mobilized more than 30,000 workers from all walks of life and people from all walks of life in Changsha to hold a citizens' meeting to drive Zhao in the provincial education hall, and Guo Liang was elected as the chairman of the conference. Together with the responsible persons of the trade unions and the Hunan Provincial Party Department of the Kuomintang, he adopted 24 proposals on the situation in Hunan Province, such as "Down with Zhao Hengti" and "Asking the Nationalist Government to Expedition North," and also organized the establishment of the Hunan Provisional People's Committee to fight against Wu and Zhao. Zhao Hengti sent troops to block the education hall, and at the same time posted notices in front of the education hall and in the streets and alleys, wanting Guo Liang, Xia Xi and others. Someone suggested that Guo Liang leave the venue early, and he said with a smile: "I am the chairman of the Anti-Imperialist Grand League, and I am also the chairman of today's conference. At the same time, Tang Shengzhi, commander of the Fourth Division of the Hunan Army stationed in southern Hunan, began to lean towards the national revolution because of the influence of the momentum of the national revolution. On the one hand, he mobilized troops to march towards Changsha, and on the other hand, he telegraphed Zhao Hengti to support the struggle of people from all walks of life to drive out Zhao. Under the persecution of all sides, Zhao Hengti had to issue a "telegram to all walks of life and the Tang Ministry" on March 20, and fled to Yuezhou that night, and then went to Hankou. Under the leadership of the Hunan District Committee of the Communist Party of China, Guo Liang and other organizations launched a struggle to expel the warlord Zhao Hengti and won the final victory.

At the end of April, Guo Liang came to Guangdong. From May 1 to 12, Guo Liang attended the Third National Labor Conference held in Guangzhou. At the meeting, he was elected as an alternate executive member of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. After the meeting, Guo Liang returned to Hunan and passed through Hengyang, just as Tang Shengzhi retreated to southern Hunan under the counteroffensive of Wu Peifu, Ye Kaixin and other northern warlords. He, together with He Shuheng, Xia Xi, Zeng San, and Xiong Henghan, who had made a special trip from Changsha, organized a special committee of the Kuomintang Hunan Provincial Party Department in Hengyang to discuss such issues as making comprehensive preparations for the Northern Expeditionary Army, mobilizing the masses to support the Northern Expedition, and further promoting the transformation of the Tang Dynasty into a revolutionary side.

On June 2, under the impetus of the revolutionary situation, Tang Shengzhi's department announced in Hengyang that he would participate in the National Revolution, accept the post of commander of the Eighth Army and commander-in-chief of the enemy in the middle of the Northern Expeditionary Army, and actively unite the armies of the Northern Expedition to carry out the Northern Expedition. In late June, the Fourth Army of the Northern Expeditionary Army, spearheaded by Ye Ting's Independent Regiment, advanced north side by side with the Eighth Army and approached Changsha. On July 12, he conquered Ningxiang and entered Changsha. At this time, Guo Liang, who had secretly returned to Changsha from Hengyang, under the unified deployment of the Hunan District Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Hunan Provincial Party Department of the Kuomintang, together with Xia Minghan, Liu Zhixun, and Chen Youkui, mobilized workers, students, and people from all walks of life to greet the Northern Expeditionary Army with practical actions.

After the Northern Expeditionary Army entered Changsha in victory, Guo Liang, in the name of the Hunan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, united with 50,000 or 60,000 people from the Provincial Federation of Students, the Provincial Women's Federation, the Changsha Agricultural Association, and other organizations, held a welcoming meeting, and immediately mobilized more than 4,000 workers from rickshaws, manure cleaning, and dock trade unions to form more than 300 transport teams to transport military rations and ammunition for the Northern Expeditionary Army, and at the same time carried more than 100,000 pictorial leaflets printed by the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions and distributed them along the way, so as to arouse the masses of the people to rise up and support and actively participate in the Northern Expedition.

In late August, the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions was reorganized into the Hunan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, and Guo Liang was elected as the chairman. In order to sum up the lessons and lessons, defend the victorious fruits of the workers' and peasants' movement, and support the Northern Expedition, on December 1 of this year, Guo Liang and Yi Lirong, chairman of the Provincial Agricultural Association, jointly presided over the first workers' and peasants' congress in the province, and Guo Liang was elected as one of the chairmen of the presidium. At the meeting, he made reports on the "World Workers' Movement," "The Work of the Hunan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions," and "The Situation of the Workers' Congress," and drafted more than 40 resolutions with Yi Lirong, Xia Minghan, and Liu Zhixun. Mao Zedong made important speeches such as "the great alliance of agriculture, industry, industry, students, and soldiers," and clearly put forward the central issue of the national revolution and the peasant question. During the meeting, Guo Liang presided over the gathering of agriculture, industry and commerce, and told more than 3,000 workers and peasants and representatives of various organizations about the political basis for the formation of a united front of agriculture and industry and commerce, and the importance of further strengthening this united front. On December 30, Guo Liang presided over the first workers' congress of the province and passed resolutions on unifying the workers' movement in the province and organizing workers' arms. Guo Liang drafted the "Workers' Armed Self-Defense Case", which incisively expounded the importance of building the workers' and peasants' revolutionary armed forces from a theoretical perspective. The conference was held for 26 days, and at the first executive committee meeting of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions held after the meeting, Guo Liang was re-elected as the chairman.

Just as the Great Revolution was developing victoriously, the April 12 coup d'état took place, and the reactionaries in Hunan took advantage of the opportunity to launch a rampant counterattack against the revolution. In this regard, the people of Hunan gave a timely response.

At the critical juncture of the revolution, the Party Central Committee convened the Fifth National Congress in Wuhan in late April 1927. Guo Liang, as a representative of the Hunan Party, attended the meeting and was elected as a member of the Central Committee. At the meeting, he resolutely supported Mao Zedong's correct proposition of strengthening the agrarian revolution, vigorously arming the peasants, and establishing peasant power.

At this time, the rightists among the officers of the Northern Expedition, headed by He Jian, the commander of the 35th Army, gathered in Hankou and secretly discussed the military coup plan of "purging the party and opposing the communists". They sent their henchmen Yu Xiangsan back to Changsha to secretly gather Wang Dongyuan, head of the Teaching Regiment, and Tao Liu, director of the 35 th Army's garrison and left-behind office, and bribed Xu Kexiang, head of the 33 rd Regiment, to act as the vanguard of the anti-communist rush and launch a counter-revolutionary armed coup d'état in Changsha.

At about 11 o'clock on the night of May 21, more than 1,000 rebels under the command of Xu Kexiang attacked the provincial and municipal federations of trade unions, the provincial peasant associations, the provincial party school, the provincial peasant movement training institute and other revolutionary organs and organizations in three directions. Guo Liang, Liu Zhixun, Yuan Zhongxian, and others, with the help of a small number of workers and peasants, respectively carried out heroic resistance in the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions and the Provincial Peasant Association, but finally failed because they were outnumbered, dozens of workers' pickets and peasant self-defense army soldiers died heroically, and dozens of revolutionary organizations such as the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions and the Provincial Peasant Association were almost completely destroyed.

At the critical moment when the Federation of Trade Unions was trapped, Guo Liang was in a hurry, threw Guangyang from the local tyrants and inferior gentry outside the wall, took advantage of the enemy's opportunity to seize Guangyang, led the guard Zhou Shangwu and others to break through the wall, found Liu Zhixun and others, and discussed the aftermath and counterattack plan in the Sangong Temple at the north gate. Then, they split up. Guo Liang and Zhou Shangwu disguised themselves and went out of the city, sneaked back to their hometown near Tongguan, and informed the leaders of the party group and trade union in the town of the Mari incident, asking them to prepare for contingencies and counterattacks. On the evening of the 22nd, Yuan Zhongxian sneaked back to Tongguan and found Guo Liang. After discussion, they immediately left Tongguan and went to Xiangyin, and after making arrangements for a counterattack to the responsible persons of the local party and peasant associations, they went to Wuhan together. Guo Liang and Yuan Zhongxian made an urgent report to Zhou Enlai and other responsible persons, and Lu Yi, a representative of the Third International, received them, convened a meeting of some personnel, gave some emergency temporary guidance to Guo Liang and others' instructions, and decided to let Yuan Zhongxian still return to Changsha and organize a general riot in the name of the 24th Division Recruitment Office.

At this time, Liu Zhixun and others came to Xiangtan in accordance with the counteroffensive plan arranged by the provisional provincial party committee and discussed with Guo Liang in advance, convened a military meeting, and decided to issue a circular and appeal to all counties in the name of Guo Liang, chairman of the provincial federation of trade unions, and Yi Lirong, chairman of the provincial agricultural association. Immediately after the military meeting, in the name of the Xiangtan County Party Headquarters, the County Peasant Association, the Federation of Trade Unions, the Federation of Students, and the Women's Federation, a "Yangri Telegram" was issued to all localities, informing them of the rebellion of the reactionaries in the province and calling on "all parties to concentrate all their strength, adopt a united front, and set out for Changsha when the telegram arrives, with a view to restoring the original state of the province and suppressing it." On May 26, in the name of the Provincial Peasant Association, he also "ordered all the peasant self-defense forces to attack Changsha on May 30."

At the end of May and the beginning of June, the workers' and peasants' volunteer armies in Tin Mine, Shuikoushan, Hengshan, Anyuan, Anhua, Xinhua, Ningxiang, Xiangxiang, Changsha, Yiyang, Pingjiang, Liuyang, Liling, Xiangtan, and other counties were formed one after another. The peasant army on the East Road "came from Liuyang Road and went straight to the provincial capital", and they "fired gunfire along the station road" and approached Xiaowumen.

Just when Changsha was within reach, the Party Central Committee headed by Chen Duxiu "issued an order to cancel the attack on Changsha" on May 30, and the great feat of 100,000 peasant troops encircling Changsha was thus a failure.

After the failure of the peasant army's plan to attack the city, the reactionaries carried out a massacre in a frenzy, and offered rewards everywhere for the wanted Guo Liang and other provincial party leaders. Guo Liang disguised himself as Zuojiayuan, Tanjiayuan, and Yangqiao on the border of Changsha and Xiangyin, and then went to Hankou, where he met with Mao Zedong and Liu Shaoqi, and exchanged views with them on the current situation. In mid-to-late June, Guo Liang attended the Fourth National Labor Conference presided over by Liu Shaoqi and others. At the congress, he reported on the situation of the workers' movement in Hunan, the Ma-Ri Incident and the counterrevolutionary massacre, and the armed attack of the workers and peasants on Changsha. At this congress, Guo Liang was elected as an executive member of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. After the meeting, he sneaked back to Hunan and secretly carried out armed struggle.

After the defeat of the Great Revolution, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China drew up the "Outline of Peasant Revolts in Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, and Guangdong Provinces." At the same time, Mao Zedong drafted the "Work Plan for Southern Hunan". The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China adopted Mao Zedong's opinions in the "Plan for the Autumn Harvest Rebellion of Peasants in Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, and Guangdong Provinces" and prepared to establish a government in southern Hunan. For this reason, the Central Committee issued a circular letter appointing Mao Zedong, Guo Liang, Xia Xi, and Ren Zhuoxuan to form the CPC's Special Committee for Southern Hunan, "with Mao Zedong as secretary," and "at the same time it was decided that the former enemy would divide the first or second regiment into a regiment and hand it over to Guo Liang, and that Xi would lead it to southern Hunan to occupy the Chenyiru area and organize a revolutionary government in southern Hunan." But before that, due to the needs of the army's work, at the request of Zhou Enlai and others, Guo Liang and Liu Zhixun were all transferred out of Hunan.


In late July 1927, the 15th Independent Division led by He Long was reorganized into the 20th Provisional Army, with He Long as the commander. In order to help He Long build up his troops, the party incorporated a part of the workers' and peasants' armed forces into the 20th Army, and sent Guo Liang and some other Communist Party members to He Long's troops to do political work. Soon after, Guo Liang was sent by the party to Nanchang to participate in the preparatory activities before the uprising. He won over and persuaded his teacher at Changjun Middle School, Jiang Jihuan, then acting chairman of the Jiangxi provincial government and director of the provincial civil affairs department, to participate in the uprising.

After the "1 August" rebel army occupied Nanchang, Guo Liang, Peng Pai, Li Lisan, and Chen Yu served as members of the Workers' and Peasants' Movement Committee at a joint meeting with Communist Party members as the main body and leftists of the Kuomintang attending. When the rebel army moved south, Guo Liang set out from Nanchang with the organs of the Workers' and Peasants' Movement Committee, passed through Fuzhou, Yihuang, Changting, and Shanghang, and entered Dapu and Sanheba in Guangdong. When the rebel troops reached the Chaoshan area, they were surrounded and attacked by the Kuomintang and suffered great losses. Guo Liang, Liu Zhixun and others broke out, lost contact with the troops, and with the help of the local people, found Zhou Enlai and other comrades of the former enemy committee in Puning County. On October 1, in a church, Guo Liang attended an important meeting presided over by Zhou Enlai, secretary of the former enemy committee of the Party Central Committee. According to the central order conveyed by Zhang Tailei, arrangements were made for the whereabouts of the insurgents. Guo Liang, Liu Zhixun and others left Puning and came to the coastal town of Jiazigang, but unfortunately they were surrounded by enemy troops on a beach and lost contact with the main force. They hurried along the seashore, and when they found a tattered sampan, they immediately ran up and rowed away from the shore to escape the enemy's pursuit.

After several days and nights of wandering at sea, hunger and cold, and vomiting, the two comrades-in-arms who shared life and death finally fainted. Later, they were rescued by fishermen on a small island in the South Sea. When Guo Liang and Liu Zhixun woke up, they were already in a foreign country. On this isolated island, there is no administrative body. Just when they were helpless, the bells in the Jesus Church made Guo Liang come up with a solution. He pulled Liu Zhixun aside and said, "Monk Liu (he always likes to call Zhixun nickname), you are from a church school, and you speak a few words of English, so we pretend to be Jesuits and go to the church to find a pastor, only to say that we have been robbed at sea, and ask him to help us go back to Hong Kong." What do you think of this? And it worked. Remembering that they are "all children of God," the pastor of the church actively helped them and took a foreign freighter to Hong Kong. By this time, it was late October.

After Guo Liang and Liu Zhixun arrived in Hong Kong, they returned to Shanghai at the end of October and met Zhou Enlai under the care of the party organization. Earlier this month, the CPC Central Committee appointed Guo Liang as secretary of the Hubei Provincial CPC Committee. Guo did not arrive, and Ren Xu was replaced.

Guo Liang went to Wuhan at the end of November, and because Chen Qiaonian, secretary of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee, and others were impeached for no reason, Guo Liang presided over the work of the provincial party committee as a member of the Standing Committee of the provincial party committee, and went all out to organize the New Year's riot. Soon, He Long, Zhou Yiqun and others arrived in Hankou and met Guo Liang. Guo Liang asked He Long to serve as the commander-in-chief of the Wuhan Three Towns Riot. At a meeting of the Hubei Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China presided over by Guo Liang to study the plan for the uprising, it was unanimously decided that after the uprising, he would go to Hubei's Chuyang to join his division, and then transfer to eastern Hunan and western Hubei respectively, and further discuss how to develop the rural guerrillas and develop the party's organizations.

While the riot was being intensively prepared, Guo Liang received successive letters of instruction from the Central Committee on January 3 and 9, 1928, asking Guo Liang and others not to participate in the Hubei Provincial Party Committee, and later appointing Guo Liang as secretary of the Northwest Hunan Special Committee. At this time, the underground organs of the Party at the Wuhan Printing House were destroyed, the plans and propaganda materials of the insurrection fell into the hands of the enemy, and the insurrection could not be carried out as scheduled. The party organization then decided to stop the riots. One evening in the middle of this month, Guo Liang and Li Weihan and Xia Minghan, who had just arrived in Wuhan, sat around a square table in a hotel opened in the French Concession, and the table was covered with snow-white printed tablecloths. Under the cover of playing mahjong, they studied how to implement the spirit of the central authorities' instructions and cancel the riots at the New Year Pass of the Two Lakes. Guo Liang and Xia Minghan listened to Li Weihan's message, analyzed the situation of the balance of forces between the enemy and us in Wuhan at that time, and believed that the hasty Nianguan riot had little hope of victory. Therefore, they unanimously agreed with the Central Committee's opinion to cancel the New Year's Pass riots, and decided to promptly notify the party organizations in all localities and conscientiously do a good job in protecting the safety of the organizations and comrades. Soon after, the party sent He Long, Zhou Yiqun, Guo Liang, Liu Zhixun, and Xu Teli to form a five-member group to open up the base areas in western Hunan and Hubei. Guo Liang has not yet made the trip, and Xuan was appointed as the secretary of the Hunan-Hubei-Jiangxi Special Committee.

At the beginning of February 1928, more than 20 cadres, including Guo Liang and Zhou Shangwu, marched south from Wuhan in batches and entered Yuezhou (now Yueyang City), an important town in northern Hunan Province. Guo Liang wore a melon-skin hat and a cotton robe and horse coat, dressed up as a big businessman, and together with the guard Zhou Shangwu and others, he set up the "Li Ji Coal Store" on Hanlin Street as a cover and set up a special commission organ. When the wind was tight, he and the cadres of the special commission went to the ship to spend the night. In an extremely cruel environment, Guo Liang disguised himself as the boss of the coal stack and carried out the arduous construction work. Soon after, the special committee was formally established and established relations with the party organizations in the counties of the border region. Guo Liang immediately convened a meeting of the special committee in Yuezhou and decided to mobilize the masses of workers and peasants to establish a revolutionary base area. Summing up the lessons of the failure of organizing the insurrection in Wuhan, he particularly warned the comrades not to engage in "blind retaliatory actions, but to renew their work with arduous and patient efforts and strike at the enemy in a planned way." ”

In mid-March, six cadres of the New Special Committee were seized and killed by the reactionary authorities in a hotel on Yueyanghe Street. Subsequently, the enemy massacred more than 30 people in Yuezhou, and the Communists in the Matang army in Yuezhou were also exposed. So, Guo Liang decided to revolt in Matang in advance. But one night before the Matang uprising, Guo Liang was unfortunately arrested.

Late at night on March 27, 1928, Guo Liang was arrested in the "Li Ji Coal Stack" on Hanlin Street in Yuezhou due to Su Xianjun's betrayal and informant. His guard Zhou Shangwu fought hard with the enemy to cover Guo Liang and died heroically. The enemy put Guo Liang in a special car, tied him to the saddle, and escorted him back to Changsha.

At around 4 p.m. on the 28th, the special car arrived in Changsha. The news of Guo Liang's unfortunate arrest spread for a while, and the hearts of the whole city were shaken. Workers, students, and citizens poured into the streets, and from the railway station to the entrance of the department, thousands of people bid farewell to "Chairman Guo," whom they knew and were most cordial with, with heavy hearts. At that time, the reactionary regime in Hunan had only ceased its troops under the rivalry of various warlords, and the reactionary order had not yet stabilized. Under the "escort" of the military and police, Guo Liang walked on the street with shackles. As he passed by the gate of Changsha's commercial center and the Octagonal Pavilion, he stepped on a rickshaw next to him and gave an impassioned speech to the crowd surrounding him, shouting "Long live the Communist Party of China!" "Workers, peasants and soldiers unite!" "Down with the Kuomintang warlords!" "Build the Soviets!" and other slogans. The reactionary military and police tried many times to interrupt the "reddening propaganda" of this "communist leader," but they did not succeed, but they were overwhelmed by the growing number of people and the increasingly passionate emotions. Fearing that something would happen, they hurriedly sent additional troops, dispersed the crowd, and escorted Guo Liang to the "Shovel Communist Court".

In the middle of the night, the enemy conducted a secret interrogation of Guo Liang.

"Are you Guo Liang?" "I admit to being Guo Liang, the chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions. You can kill you, don't ask! ”

When the interrogators pressed him about the party's underground organization, Guo Liang humorously said: "There are all communists when you open your eyes, and there is no one who closes your eyes." ”

This answer angered the judge, who threatened: "If you don't say it, I will torture you!" ”

"It's commonplace." "I'm going to cut off your head!" "Say goodbye to the old and return home." This was the entire "confession" of the young Communist in the Kuomintang "court".

The Kuomintang reactionaries in Hunan were very afraid of Guo Liang's tremendous influence among the masses, and at the same time they kept receiving reports from secret agents: "rioters" in Yuezhou, Tongguan, Changsha, and other places were "ready to riot and rob the prison immediately." They were terrified, and before they had time for a retrial, they secretly killed Guo Liang at 2 a.m. on March 29 (the seventh day of the second month of the lunar calendar) in the "Shovel Communist Court".

Before Guo Liang was killed, he wrote a suicide note to his comrade-in-arms and wife Li Canying:

Chan Younggo Love:

Liang ran around, homeless and without a country. I'm done, I hope to take care of my son, so as to continue the rest of the will!


Guo Liang

After secretly killing Guo Liang, the weak and cruel enemy placed his body in the Literacy Ridge outside the Liuyang Gate (this was the execution ground where the Kuomintang reactionaries killed the Communist Party members, workers and peasants after the "Ma-Ri Incident" in Hunan Province), and hung his head at the door of the department for public display. Three days later, his head was hung on the stage of Dongshan Temple in his hometown, Tongguan Town. The reactionaries tried in vain to subjugate the people and scare off the revolution by beheading. Lu Xun gave a powerful answer to this. When he learned that Guo Liang's head was hanging around and "traversing Changyue" in order to create "shoveling the communist air", he angrily waved his pen and wrote: "It is rare for the revolution to be hung on his head. ”

Yes, the Communists and the masses of the people have not been "hung on their heads". On March 30, the workers, students, and citizens of Changsha gathered in the vicinity of Simen and Octagonal Pavilion with a heavy heart to mourn their leaders and protest against the atrocities of the Kuomintang reactionaries with silent silence.

That is, in the past few days, the pottery workers of Tongguan Town, the farmers in the area of Xihu Temple, and Guo Zhengya, the second brother of the martyr Guo Liang, under the leadership of the underground party, risked their lives to transport the leaderless body of the martyr from Changsha back to Wenjiaba in the starry night; At the same time, Guo Zhengya and his brother Li Bingkui managed to ask someone to take the heads of the martyrs off the stage of Dongshan Temple, sew them together, and bury them on the mountain behind the martyrs' former residences. Next to it, there is a small stone tablet of the eldest brother Guo Yanzhang, who died in his early years, as a sign to remember the martyr's tomb. With grief and indignation, the people held an "underground" memorial service at the martyr's home.

After Guo Liang's heroic inauguration, the Bolsheviks, the theoretical journal of the Party Central Committee at that time, published the martyr's lifelong combat achievements in the column "Our Dead." The suicide note he wrote before his righteousness was also photocopied in another secret publication of the party, the "Biography of the Martyrs."

In 1935, at the meeting of the Hunan Hubei, Sichuan and Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, it was decided to change the name of Yongshun County, the seat of the Provincial Party Committee, to "Guoliang County", and build a symbolic Guo Liang martyr's tomb to commemorate the martyrs and educate the comers.

In 1957, the Wangcheng County People's Congress resolved to build a martyr's cemetery in Wenjiaba; Dongshan Temple Primary School, where the martyr studied in his childhood, has been renamed "Guoliang Primary School"; The stage of Dongshan Temple, where he often gave speeches, has been rebuilt into "Guo Liangting"; At that time, the seat of the Hunan-Hubei-Jiangxi Special Committee of the Communist Party of China - Hanlin Street in Yueyang City was named "Guoliang Street". All these embody the people's deep feelings for the martyrs and their infinite reverence.

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