
How to breed a leopard print keeper (Part 1)

author:Small carp roe

The 9th original content of little carp roe

How to breed a leopard print keeper (Part 1)

Leopard-print mortuary scientific name:

Eublepharis macularius macularius

Meaning spotted, the Latin name "Eubiepharinae translates to "real eyelids.".

It belongs to the suborder Lizard and has movable eyelids, so most reptile owners call it the eyelid geckos a phalanx with eyelids and no toe pads.

It inhabits flat to mountainous areas, and can be found in van dolce freak wastelands or grassland areas. The ground-dwelling type, centered on a male shougu, adopts a polygamous lifestyle.

How to breed a leopard print keeper (Part 1)

"The Breeding Period of the Leopard Pattern Keeper"

Males will fight fiercely for a mate, so it is not recommended for adult males to be kept together. During the day, he hid between the rock crevices, and did not go out to forage until night, and he guarded the palace at night.

Eggs can be laid 1-5 times a season, 1-2 eggs can be laid per litter, and they can be hatched in 40-60 days.

How to breed a leopard print keeper (Part 1)

The breeding season in the leopard-print palace is long

It is about seven or eight months long and can mate from autumn to spring.

The distinction between male and female can be determined by observing the bulge of the upper and lower sides of the cloaca, and the female does not have these features, and the adult can be seen with the naked eye.

When a female is in estrus, you can observe that there is a red dot in the middle of her belly indicating that during ovulation if at this time you gently pinch her neck and she tilts her tail upwards then you can put the male in and have a mating baby.

How to breed a leopard print keeper (Part 1)

Females can lay eggs 3-4 times a season, about two eggs at a time, because they are non-sticky eggs, they can be easily moved to the incubator to hatch, about 50-60 days, can be hatched.

The unfertilized egg will turn yellow and decay in about a week, the fertilized egg will remain white and slightly enlarged, and the most suitable incubation temperature is 28.9-30.6 degrees Celsius.

The number of hatched larvae is equal, the higher temperature produces more males, and the lower temperature produces most of the females, it is important that the temperature is best not to exceed 32 degrees, otherwise the embryo is prone to death.

How to breed a leopard print keeper (Part 1)

(Squeezing eyebrows)

"Leopard Pattern Keeper's Breeding Environment"

The most suitable temperature for the survival of the leopard pattern palace is about 30 degrees, the leopard pattern palace can eat most of the insects, known wild palace will eat beetles, centipedes, scorpions and spiders, adaptable, almost can eat everything to eat, but we in the process of raising in our own home is best to eat artificially propagated bread crickets Dobia is the best about the breeding environment layout, leopard pattern palace for ground habitat, the ground can be paved with reptile sand, wood bark, travertine sand and other substrates or newspapers, etc., the focus is that the substrate must be non-toxic, the particles are not easy to eat, Even if ingested, it will not cause intestinal blockage.

How to breed a leopard print keeper (Part 1)

At the same time, a low and shallow basin should be placed for it to drink freely, but it should be noted that the water should not be too deep, and the basin can be easily entered and exited, so as to avoid the risk of drowning.

Because it is a nocturnal animal, it does not need VA and UVB lamps, only need to provide a general light source and heat source, a low wattage bulb, bottom heating equipment, and thermostat can meet the demand.

How to breed a leopard print keeper (Part 1)

"Precautions for Leopard Print Keeper"

The tail of the leopard-print palace has a defensive effect, if pressure is applied, the tail is easy to break (so be sure not to catch the tail although it will regenerate but it is still not good for them) The tail will continue to squirm after it is broken, which is called self-cutting.

Its function is to distract the predator, take the opportunity to escape, the base of the tail is slightly constricted is the self-cutting place, which is after the tail is cut, the blood vessels will automatically close, and the tail will automatically re-grow after the self-cutting.

The re-grown tail is relatively wide, but about half the original length, the color and texture are uneven, and losing the tail will not hurt the palace, unless there is a period of time without eating, because the tail of the palace is used to store fat and provide an energy source when food is lacking. Some reptiles use their tails as a storehouse of fat.

How to breed a leopard print keeper (Part 1)

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