
After Wang Wei sacrificed for the country, what happened to his family? The decision of the wife and children is touching

author:Well-off - Fortress Position

At present, China can be said to be a rich country and a strong people, and the living standards of the people are also improving year by year. The reason why we can have such a good and happy life is not that the global situation is very good now, and there are many soldiers defending the country to shield us from the wind and rain. It was they who gave up their reunion with their families, gave up a comfortable environment, gave up a comfortable life, stationed on the border of the motherland, defended us against external dangers, and resisted all threats outside the country, so that we have a happy life today. Many soldiers have lost their lives in the events of defending national security, and pilot Wang Wei is one of the representatives. After Wang Wei sacrificed for the country, the movements of his family have attracted much attention. The decision of Wang Wei's wife and son was very touching.

After Wang Wei sacrificed for the country, what happened to his family? The decision of the wife and children is touching

Excellent pilot Wang Wei

Perhaps some people are pilot Wang Wei is not very familiar with, Wang Wei is an excellent pilot 20 years ago, in a mission, in order to protect the country, was violently hit by the US fighter plane that tried to cross the border, and even the man and the plane fell into the South China Sea, unfortunately lost his life. Wang Wei is a well-deserved hero. After Wang Wei's sacrifice, he left his wife, to take care of his elderly parents, to raise a child waiting to be fed, the family's life is very difficult, the government learned of this situation, Wang Wei's family made proper arrangements.

After Wang Wei sacrificed for the country, what happened to his family? The decision of the wife and children is touching

Wang Wei, born in Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, has been particularly fond of airplanes since he was a child and is determined to become an excellent pilot. Knowing that the pilot has high physical requirements, Wang Wei has strict requirements for himself since childhood, and has made plans for his own learning and exercise, and when others play games and watch TV, he always pays attention to his own vision protection. Seeing the child like this every day, Wang Wei's parents are a little distressed, and they have repeatedly found Wang Wei, hoping that he will not put too much pressure on himself, but Wang Wei does not want to slacken off, after all, if he wants to become an excellent pilot, he must be strict with himself.

After Wang Wei sacrificed for the country, what happened to his family? The decision of the wife and children is touching

Work hard to achieve your dreams

In this way, through his own efforts, Wang Wei realized his dream step by step, became a very good pilot, and was also a pilot who could fly in all weathers. When Wang Wei's future was bright, an accident suddenly fell on him. On April 1, 2001, Wang Wei went to work as usual, and just arrived, he received news that a US reconnaissance plane had crossed the national border and arrived at China's airspace in an attempt to inquire into the news inside China.

After Wang Wei sacrificed for the country, what happened to his family? The decision of the wife and children is touching

After Wang Wei lost his life in order to take care of his wife, children, and parents, the state took them to live in the compound of the Naval Military Region. In order to fulfill Wang Wei's dream, Wang Wei's wife volunteered to join the army and made a lot of military merit. Wang Wei's son, who has regarded his father as an idol since he was a child, is bent on making contributions to the country and has now become a naval officer. And their decision is also touching.

After Wang Wei sacrificed for the country, what happened to his family? The decision of the wife and children is touching

To sum up, the spirit of the ancestors is worth learning and carrying forward, and today's China is the life of countless ancestors, and we must put the interests of the country in the first place. Wang Wei is a hero who sacrificed his precious life to protect the interests of the country. After Wang Wei's sacrifice, their wives and sons both inherited his legacy and joined the cause of defending the family and the country.

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