
Wang Wei investigated and supervised the county's rural grassroots party building work

author:Nine factions view the world

Recently, Wang Wei, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee and director of the Organization Department, conducted research and supervision of the county's rural grassroots party building work.

Wang Wei successively went deep into 13 townships and towns in the county to conduct a comprehensive investigation and supervision of the implementation of the key tasks of grass-roots party building after the change, such as the operation of the township and town leading bodies, the consolidation of the results of poverty alleviation, the "looking back" of the rural two-level change, the development of the village-level collective economy, the rectification of weak and sluggish party organizations, and the promotion of rural revitalization.

Wang Wei stressed that all township and town party committees should earnestly shoulder the political responsibility of party building work, further adhere to the problem orientation, focus on key tasks, rely on solid work responsibilities, strengthen promotion measures, and grasp the implementation of key tasks. It is necessary to pay close attention to party building and promote rural revitalization, implement the work of "four grasps and two rectifications", make efforts to build and strengthen rural grass-roots party organizations, and organize revitalization to ensure the implementation of the strategy of rural revitalization. It is necessary to take the opportunity to carry out a "large-scale investigation" of consolidating the results of poverty alleviation and a "review" of the change of term at the two levels of rural areas, strengthen the education management and supervision of the township and town leading bodies and members of the village "two committees" after the change, strengthen the management of the village-based help and support task force, timely carry out full-coverage training, and effectively enhance the ability to grasp party building and promote rural revitalization. It is necessary to actively learn from the village-level collective economic development path of "party building leadership, village-community integration, group development, and common prosperity", learn from advanced experience, innovate the village collective economic development model, and ensure that by the end of the year, more than 50% of the collective economic income of administrative villages will reach more than 50,000 yuan. It is necessary to continue to do a good job in rectifying weak and scattered party organizations, focus on post-disaster reconstruction, warm the masses for winter, and so on, actively take measures to do practical things for the people, strengthen the publicity and guidance of party members and the masses, and ensure that high-quality assessment and acceptance pass the provincial and municipal assessments. It is necessary to plan the ideas and typical cultivation plans for grass-roots party building work next year as soon as possible, build a good rural party member activity position with high standards, and build a number of high-quality demonstration villages for grasping party building and promoting rural revitalization around leading industries and rural tourism, so as to further enhance the influence of grass-roots party building work in the county.

Written by: Wang Xiaolan

【Source: Pingliang Municipal People's Government_County And District News】

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