
The death of Shinichi Chiba at the age of 82 due to new crown pneumonia has ended with a generation of "generations of tyrants" and a "most familiar stranger" in the hearts of Chinese audiences

author:People's Entertainment
The death of Shinichi Chiba at the age of 82 due to new crown pneumonia has ended with a generation of "generations of tyrants" and a "most familiar stranger" in the hearts of Chinese audiences

Since then, there has been no "hegemony".

| Author: Liu Jiaying

On August 19, a hot search quietly arrived: according to the website of the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK), Japanese actor Shinichi Chiba died of COVID-19 at the age of 82.

Maybe you are not familiar with his name, but the role of "Xiongba" played in the film and television drama "Fengyun" is a classic image in the hearts of many "post-80s" and "post-90s" Chinese audiences.

As soon as the news came out, Zhao Wenzhuo, who played "Nie Feng" in "Wind and Clouds", Xie Tianhua, who played "Qin Shuang", and Jiang Zuping, who played Youruo, sent tributes one after another. Many netizens said that it is only now known that it was a Japanese who played the male bully.

As Zhao Wenzhuo said: "'Jin Lin is a thing in the pool, and when it encounters a storm, it turns into a dragon', and the past is vividly remembered... Since then, there has been no 'male bully', all the way to good. ”

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="16" > a "most familiar stranger."</h1>

Looking back at Shinichi Chiba's acting experience, I found that he was a "most familiar stranger".

He is the mad knife caster Hattori Hanzo in Kill Bill. Although there are not many scenes, its lines echo the connotation of the entire film.

The death of Shinichi Chiba at the age of 82 due to new crown pneumonia has ended with a generation of "generations of tyrants" and a "most familiar stranger" in the hearts of Chinese audiences

He is the domineering Kamata boss in "Fast and Furious 3", wearing a white hat trench coat, holding a cigar, and revealing the style of "boss" all over his body.

The death of Shinichi Chiba at the age of 82 due to new crown pneumonia has ended with a generation of "generations of tyrants" and a "most familiar stranger" in the hearts of Chinese audiences

In his early years, Shinichi Chiba had a wealth of experience in the Japanese showbiz industry, such as "Detective Kazeraifang" and "The Conspiracy of the Yanagi Clan", which won him many honors. But what really makes him known to Chinese audiences is the classic "Storm Domination of the World".

The death of Shinichi Chiba at the age of 82 due to new crown pneumonia has ended with a generation of "generations of tyrants" and a "most familiar stranger" in the hearts of Chinese audiences

In 1998, Hong Kong director Liu Weiqiang was preparing to shoot the film "Storm Domination" adapted from the manga, and when casting for "Xiongba", he found Shinichi Chiba. At this time, Shinichi Chiba is more than half a hundred years old, but it is a real "manga tearing face", from the facial features to the demeanor of the "male bully" in the manga has been restored 100%. There are even many fans who have questioned whether Yuba was painted according to The way Chiba Shinichi looked?

The death of Shinichi Chiba at the age of 82 due to new crown pneumonia has ended with a generation of "generations of tyrants" and a "most familiar stranger" in the hearts of Chinese audiences

Released in Hong Kong in 1998, the film version of "Wind and Cloud" won the hong Kong annual box office championship, and the protagonist's superb acting skills and the martial arts background produced by computer special effects for the first time made it a milestone in the history of Hong Kong martial arts films. Shinichi Chiba was also nominated for Best Actor at the 18th Hong Kong Film Awards. He was the first foreign actor to be nominated for the Hong Kong Academy Awards.

Due to the enthusiastic response, in 2002, the TV drama version of "Wind and Cloud" also arrived as scheduled. This time, the main actors have basically changed their fresh faces, including the two protagonists Nie Feng and Bu Qianyun, only the male bully played by Shinichi Chiba is unmoving, from black hair to white hair, playing the life of this villain role, which confirms that sentence: since him, there is no longer a male bully.

The death of Shinichi Chiba at the age of 82 due to new crown pneumonia has ended with a generation of "generations of tyrants" and a "most familiar stranger" in the hearts of Chinese audiences

The film and television drama series of "Wind and Cloud" was a great success and spread all over Hong Kong. Shinichi Chiba once laughed and said, "I play a big bad guy who is unforgiving, and in the future, when this drama is broadcast, I will come to China, hoping that I will not be thrown stones!" ”

"In the whole world, only the old man is the real strongest." "I don't believe in fate, man will triumph over heaven, my own fate is in my own hands, and I prefer to change my life against heaven." The lines in the film are majestic and proud, and they are all vividly interpreted by Shinichi Chiba. The strength of the bones has made the real "tyrant".

The death of Shinichi Chiba at the age of 82 due to new crown pneumonia has ended with a generation of "generations of tyrants" and a "most familiar stranger" in the hearts of Chinese audiences

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="43" > from gymnast to "Japanese national treasure actor"</h1>

The "heroic spirit" that Chiba Shinichi brings with him is not a natural thing, and it is inseparable from the efforts of years and months.

Shinichi Chiba, whose original name was Akiho Maeda, was born in Fukuoka, Japan in 1939.

In Japan in the 1950s, gymnastics began to rise. At the 1952 Helsinki Olympics, Japanese gymnast Joe Ono participated in the Games for the first time and won a bronze medal in vaulting. In middle school, Shinichi Chiba was inspired and joined the gymnastics team, hoping to participate in the Olympic Games and win glory for the country. He trained very hard and won the National Championship in Japanese Gymnastics.

In 1957, Chiba Shinichi entered the Japan Sports University as he wished, but because he could not afford to pay the tuition, he used his spare time to work as an earth digger. Unfortunately, during a vaulting training, his failure to land on the ground caused sciatic nerve damage, coupled with long-term short-term work led to physical deterioration, and the dream of gymnastics was in vain.

Suffering brought him to a turning point in his fate, and another window opened for him. At that time, Japan's Toei Company held a rookie show, and Shinichi Chiba stood out from more than 20,000 people due to his special experience in sports, and began his sparkling career as an actor.

In his spare time, Chiba Shinichi has practiced the four stages of "Extreme Vacuum Hand" and the three stages of "Shaolin Fist". Professional sports quality coupled with the identity of "martial arts master" soon allowed him to find his own position in action movies. In "The Conspiracy of the Yanagi Family", he jumped off the cliff of 20 meters without a stand-in; in order to make the character more vivid, he specially trained with a wooden knife for up to 8 hours a day. After the release of the film, it established Shinichi Chiba's position in the Japanese showbiz circle.

The death of Shinichi Chiba at the age of 82 due to new crown pneumonia has ended with a generation of "generations of tyrants" and a "most familiar stranger" in the hearts of Chinese audiences

· In "The Conspiracy of the Yanagi Family", Shinichi Chiba plays Yanagisei Shibei.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="78" > generation of drama bones came to an end</h1>

In the show business circle, Shinichi Chiba can be described as an uncompromising "labor model". According to statistics, he has participated in more than 1500 works before his death, which can be called Japan's "national treasure" actor.

When he acted in China, he did not "disagree with the water and soil" in the slightest, and he was familiar with the drama, so that the audience could see the blood boiling. He has also worked as a martial arts instructor for action movies, and the Japanese-style technical duel in the snow in Kill Bill was designed and helped by Shinichi Chiba.

The death of Shinichi Chiba at the age of 82 due to new crown pneumonia has ended with a generation of "generations of tyrants" and a "most familiar stranger" in the hearts of Chinese audiences

· Stills from Kill Bill.

He also opened a personal studio that specializes in training martial arts actors. Oshima Yuki and other well-known actors in Hong Kong films are popular with him.

The death of Shinichi Chiba at the age of 82 due to new crown pneumonia has ended with a generation of "generations of tyrants" and a "most familiar stranger" in the hearts of Chinese audiences

· In the 1990s, the "beating of women" Hiroshima Yugali, which often appeared in Hong Kong movies.

However, the "martial arts master" is also "difficult for people to win the sky".

Since May, Shinichi Chiba and his son have been found to be positive for COVID-19. In early August, Shinichi Chiba's illness worsened, and it took only 11 days from hospitalization to his death.

"The golden scales are originally things in the pool, and they turn into dragons when they encounter the wind and clouds." This is the criticism of the male bully in "Wind and Cloud", which foreshadows the fate of the male bully. At the end of "Wind and Cloud", the male bully saw that the general trend had gone, and a generation of tyrants felt that they had collapsed in one fell swoop, committed suicide with hatred, but in this life.

Shinichi Chiba, who achieved the "hero", has now passed away due to illness, and the legendary actor has come to an end. With the passing of the "xiongba", the childhood time of China's "post-80s" and "post-90s" has gradually drifted away.

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