
On stage: I love my country, my country needs me! Got off the stage: Berkeley, California is so fragrant!

author:Extraordinary elves
On stage: I love my country, my country needs me! Got off the stage: Berkeley, California is so fragrant!

Text丨Extraordinary elves

Editor丨Extraordinary elves

On stage: I love my country, my country needs me! Got off the stage: Berkeley, California is so fragrant!

Lively stage

Friends, it's the annual college graduation season again! No, there is another good show being staged, which makes our group of melon-eating people enjoy watching it! The sun was shining in June, and the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University was very lively. On the stage, an outstanding graduate representative named Yang Jinwen was giving an impassioned speech.

On stage: I love my country, my country needs me! Got off the stage: Berkeley, California is so fragrant!

This girl is beautiful, and she speaks in a set way, and the students and teachers in the audience all nodded again and again, and the applause was like thunder. "Students, let's bravely embrace the uncertainty of life, like a starry truth-seeking star, shining where the motherland needs it most!" Yang Jinwen's words were sonorous and powerful, as if she could see the patriotic light flashing in her eyes.

On stage: I love my country, my country needs me! Got off the stage: Berkeley, California is so fragrant!

The audience in the audience was enthusiastic when they heard this, and they couldn't wait to rush to the place where the motherland needed it most. Some students even burst into tears with excitement, as if they had seen the glorious image of themselves teaching in the frontier and poverty alleviation in the countryside.

This scene is even more burning than watching a patriotic education movie! Yang Jinwen's speech can be said to have achieved the ultimate in patriotic education, which makes people have to be moved.

On stage: I love my country, my country needs me! Got off the stage: Berkeley, California is so fragrant!

The reversal came too quickly

That's how wonderful things are. Just when everyone was still immersed in Yang Jinwen's exciting speech, a powerful news suddenly came out: Yang Jinwen, who had just been on stage and impassionedly shouted that he wanted to go to the "place where the motherland needs it most", had applied for a graduate degree in law at the University of California, Berkeley!

On stage: I love my country, my country needs me! Got off the stage: Berkeley, California is so fragrant!

This reversal is coming too quickly, isn't it? Before everyone could recover from the emotion, they were caught off guard by the news. It's lively now, and the Internet exploded instantly. Someone exclaimed: "Isn't this a double standard? One set on stage and one set off the stage, it's really eye-opening! Some people also complained: "It turns out that the 'most needed place for the motherland' is in California, I have seen it for a long time!" "

On stage: I love my country, my country needs me! Got off the stage: Berkeley, California is so fragrant!

Some people said angrily: "This kind of person is a typical two-faced person, one thing on the surface and one thing behind the other, it's too disappointing!" "There are also some sane voices. Some people say: "There's nothing wrong with studying abroad, isn't it better to return from school to serve the motherland?"

Another person said: "We shouldn't be too harsh on young people, let's give her some room to grow." This matter suddenly became a hot topic on the Internet, and various opinions were debated, and everyone was arguing.

On stage: I love my country, my country needs me! Got off the stage: Berkeley, California is so fragrant!

Think deeper

It's a really confusing thing. On the one hand, Yang Jinwen's speech was really great and inspired many people. But on the other hand, her behavior seems to be somewhat inconsistent with what she said. Let's think about it from another angle: if you were Yang Jinwen, what would you do?

On stage: I love my country, my country needs me! Got off the stage: Berkeley, California is so fragrant!

Do you find this question a bit difficult to answer? That's the complexity of reality. We can't simply say who's right and who's wrong, because everyone has their own reasons behind their choices. Yang Jinwen chose to study in the United States, probably in order to learn advanced legal knowledge and better serve the country in the future. But she didn't mention it in her speech, which was a bit disappointing.

On stage: I love my country, my country needs me! Got off the stage: Berkeley, California is so fragrant!

We all know that patriotism is not just about shouting empty slogans, but about proving it with practical actions. Yang Jinwen's behavior makes people want to ask: Is there something wrong with our patriotic education? Why is there such a discrepancy between words and deeds?

On stage: I love my country, my country needs me! Got off the stage: Berkeley, California is so fragrant!

The dilemma of brain drain

Yang's choice reflects a larger societal problem: the brain drain. In recent years, more and more outstanding students choose to study abroad. Of course, there are considerations to increase knowledge and learn advanced knowledge, but it is also undeniable that some people go for high salaries and better living conditions abroad.

On stage: I love my country, my country needs me! Got off the stage: Berkeley, California is so fragrant!

This makes people have to think: why do the talents we cultivate end up becoming other people's "wedding clothes"? Shouldn't our country and society reflect on how we can retain these talents? Someone said: "Instead of blaming these young people who go abroad, it is better to think more about how to improve the environment in China so that they are willing to stay." That's true.

On stage: I love my country, my country needs me! Got off the stage: Berkeley, California is so fragrant!

After all, patriotism is not a bondage, but a choice. We should create an environment where young people feel more promising to stay in the country and thrive, rather than forcing them to stay in the form of moral kidnapping. In the end, Yang Jinwen's choice pushed herself to a crossroads. What will happen to her in the future, everyone is waiting to see.

On stage: I love my country, my country needs me! Got off the stage: Berkeley, California is so fragrant!

Could it be, as some feared, that she went to the United States and not returned? Or will she return to serve the motherland after completing her studies, as she herself said? Only time will tell. However, one thing is certain, that is, Yang Jinwen's "operation" has undoubtedly added a lot of pressure to his future road. I'm afraid her every move in the future will be put under the microscope.

On stage: I love my country, my country needs me! Got off the stage: Berkeley, California is so fragrant!


Through Yang Jinwen's incident, we see the complexity of reality. It is not just a simple issue of "patriotism vs studying abroad", but involves multiple levels such as education, talent training, and social values.

Instead of simply criticizing or agreeing, we should calm down and think: What kind of talents does our society need? How should our education be reformed? How should each of us balance our personal ideals with our social responsibilities?

On stage: I love my country, my country needs me! Got off the stage: Berkeley, California is so fragrant!

There is no standard answer to these questions. But as long as each of us thinks seriously and proves our choice with practical actions, I believe that our society will get better and better. Let's hope that Yang Jinwen can be a positive example. Regardless of whether she stays at home or goes abroad for further study, I hope she can prove her patriotism with practical actions, instead of staying on slogans.

On stage: I love my country, my country needs me! Got off the stage: Berkeley, California is so fragrant!

Friends, through Yang Jinwen's story, we see the complexity of reality. It is not just a simple issue of "patriotism vs studying abroad", but involves multiple levels such as education, talent training, and social values.

Instead of simply criticizing or agreeing, we should calm down and think: What kind of talents does our society need? How should our education be reformed? How should each of us balance our personal ideals with our social responsibilities?

On stage: I love my country, my country needs me! Got off the stage: Berkeley, California is so fragrant!

There is no standard answer to these questions. But as long as each of us thinks seriously and proves our choice with practical actions, I believe that our society will get better and better. Let's hope that Yang Jinwen can be a positive example. Regardless of whether she stays at home or goes abroad for further study, I hope she can prove her patriotism with practical actions, instead of staying on slogans.

On stage: I love my country, my country needs me! Got off the stage: Berkeley, California is so fragrant!

What the world needs is not empty talk, but hard work. Let each of us start from ourselves and interpret with actions what is true patriotism and what is real social responsibility. Only in this way can our country become truly strong and our future will be even brighter. What do you think, friends? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, let's discuss together!