
When Yang Dezhi first entered Korea, he was threatened with life and death twice, And Li Zhimin: If you don't die, you will be blessed

author:Xiao Mi Tong

On February 5, 1951, full of ardent hope for the second time to enter the Korean War, Premier Zhou received Yang Dezhi, commander of the 19th Corps, and Li Zhimin, political commissar, in Zhongnanhai.

Premier Zhou said to the two corps commanders, "I invite you to come because I want to meet you." You are about to leave your motherland in order to defend your homeland, and I am here to send you off. ”

The three of them drank the red wine from their glasses.

Then, Premier Zhou said to Yang Dezhi: "Your 19 corps, as well as the two corps commanded by Comrades Yang Yong and Yang Chengwu, are all units with glorious traditions and strong combat effectiveness. I once said that if you want to take out your "Three Yangs", it will be called "Three Yang Kaitai"! ”

"Sanyang Kaitai" is a harmonic sound of the allusion "Sanyang Kaitai", which means auspicious. Premier Zhou cited this allusion to pin his earnest expectations for the victory of the 19th Corps.

When Yang Dezhi first entered Korea, he was threatened with life and death twice, And Li Zhimin: If you don't die, you will be blessed

When the 19th Corps set out from Shandong and arrived in Dandong, which was close to the west bank of the Yalu River, the soldiers saw with their own eyes that Dandong was completely in a combat posture during the day.

The icy Yalu River shows a spectacular scene:

On the bridge, full of soldiers and heavy military columns, they sped to the east like a gallop; in the middle of the river, the water column raised by bombs rose and fell one after another; on the surface of the river, which was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder, the volunteer soldiers were stepping on the temporary pontoon bridge and rushing to the other side of the river.

On the military column, carrying Yang Dezhi, Li Zhimin, and the command organs of the 19th Corps, the 64th Army marched on both sides of the railway, and the 63rd and 65th Armies were flying on the pontoon bridge in the middle of the river.

Dingzhou, North Korea, February 17.

The column rode through the night in smoke and darkness; it was almost dawn, and in order to avoid being attacked by enemy aircraft, the head of the corps decided to temporarily stop advancing, and first sent the front of the column to a cave south of Dingzhou in four carriages of the corps organ, and then left at night.

Shortly after the carriage entered the cave, the roar of the enemy plane gradually became clear from far and near. The huge fleet swooped down, pouring out a large number of bombs, followed by the sound of explosions shaking the mountain.

Huge waves of air rushed into the dark cave, almost overturning the train inside the cave.

After the enemy plane left, Yang Dezhi, who was sitting in the back, stood up, patted the dust on his shoulder, and inspected the comrades as he walked along the revocation. Seeing the commander coming, the soldiers asked angrily, "Commander, are we not leaving yet?" ”

Another soldier grumbled, "Commander, I really didn't expect that when we arrived in North Korea, we would still be squatting in a cave. ”

Yang Dezhi turned around and threw out a sentence without anger: "Hum! Little devil, you're not going to be in the bag when you're not in the bag! ”

When Yang Dezhi first entered Korea, he was threatened with life and death twice, And Li Zhimin: If you don't die, you will be blessed

Night finally fell, and the rumble of the locomotive came from far and near. With the sound of "beeping", the carriage began to move slowly, gradually driving out of the cave. Not far out, the carriage suddenly began to tilt, faster and faster.

The teapots, kettles, etc. on the small table collided with each other and clanged.

Everyone who was still cheering just now was disturbed by the sudden tremor

At this time, Yu Zhen, deputy chief of the corps operations section, hurriedly ran to Yang Dezhi, "Commander, it's not good, our carriage has no front end." ”

Yang Dezhi was shocked in his heart, hurriedly supported his backrest, and looked forward through the car window! Yikes! Sure enough, only the carriage did not see the front of the car. What's going on here?

It turned out that the hook between the front of the car and the carriage was not connected, and after the carriage was hit by the front of the car, it began to slide out in the opposite direction, because it was downhill, relying on gravity, and the speed was getting faster and faster!

"Emergency braking!" Yang Dezhi shouted.

Several people hula rushed to the brake brake at the end of the carriage, but no matter how everyone exerted their force, they could not pull it. The carriage was completely out of control.

In these four carriages was the organ of the 19th Corps Corps, which was the nerve center of the entire Corps, and in the event of an accident, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Yang Dezhi, Li Zhimin, and deputy commander Zheng Weishan all broke out in a cold sweat.

Li Zhimin looked at Yang Dezhi and Zheng Weishan and said anxiously, "What to do?" ”

"Jump out of the car, organize the jump car immediately!" Zheng Weishan said eagerly.

"No, the car is too fast!" Yang Dezhi flatly refused.

The hills, cliffs, and trees outside the car flashed like lightning out of the car window. Ten minutes later, the out-of-control carriage drove into the Dingzhou railway station at a very fast speed.

When Yang Dezhi first entered Korea, he was threatened with life and death twice, And Li Zhimin: If you don't die, you will be blessed

Hell, right in front of the carriage, there is a truck parked! Crashing at such a speed, the people in the car will inevitably be spared. The people in the car all widened their eyes in horror and opened their mouths wide.

At the moment of the first shot, a thirteen or fourteen-year-old North Korean boy ran from the platform like an arrow off the string, and with his extremely skillful movements, quickly pulled open the turnout.

Almost at the same time as the little boy pulled open the turnout, the carriage "whistled" past him, and drove a long way along the other railway he had pulled, before slowly stopping.

After the car stopped, the people in the carriage jumped out of the car with cheers and ran madly to the little boy.

I saw that he was only thirteen or fourteen years old, carrying a submachine gun not much shorter than him on his chest, his clothes were ragged, and his small face and small hands were frozen red.

The cadres of the organs excitedly hugged the little boy and lifted him up high. Looking at the little boy who was lifted up by the soldiers, several corps leaders could not help but shed tears.

If the little boy hadn't pulled the turnaround, the 19th Corps would have been in danger! This will have an immeasurable impact and loss on the war situation.

Li Zhi's civil affairs committee asked the guards to take some food and stuff it into the little boy's hand, and Commissar Li choked and said, "Good boy, thank you, thank you... ”

An hour later, the front of the car came over and everyone continued on their way.

Remembering the awkward picture just now, Yang Dezhi couldn't help but feel afraid and funny, he sighed a long sigh, and then said very seriously: "If it weren't for the children saving each other just now, the comrades of our whole organ would have gone to Marx to report!" This is equivalent to letting the enemy take the "old nest" of our regiment without spending a single shot! Thank God! ”

Everyone couldn't help but laugh. Seeing that everyone is on the rise, Li Zhimin, who usually likes to sing poetry and write gifts, opened his mouth and read:

Thinking of this, the headless train traveled without permission; before the division was successful, it was in danger, and a danger caused a hundred people to be shocked.

Deputy Commander Zheng Weishan "banged" and placed the large white enamel teapot in his hand on the tea table forcefully, and said cheerfully: "I add two sentences!" Then he read:

The wrench workers were alert and instructed the train to stop in Dingzhou.

Li Zhimin blurted out praise: "Good! ”

Zheng Weishan laughed twice and laughed: "Whether he is good or not, anyway, it is a big truth!" ”

"Really good!" Immediately, Li Zhimin turned to the commander Yang Dezhi, "Old Yang, you can also come to two sentences, this poem will become!" ”

Zheng Weishan also advised: "The pipe is dry and wet, and it is painful and happy to crepe two sentences!" ”

Yang Dezhi was also very excited at this time, he slowly wiped a handful of cold sweat from his forehead, and thoughtfully read out two sentences:

In distress, it is not dangerous to kill Ji, and the battlefield cooperates to build a miracle.

With bursts of applause and laughter, the train sped through the night.

When Yang Dezhi first entered Korea, he was threatened with life and death twice, And Li Zhimin: If you don't die, you will be blessed

On February 20, the troops finally reached the temporary assembly area southwest of Yinshan.

On the 23rd, General Peng suddenly came to the assembly area of the 19th Corps to visit the troops. He said to Yang Dezhi and the others, "I didn't come specifically to see you... I want to come, but the situation does not allow it. This time, Chairman Mao asked me to return to China to report on my work, and I turned a corner to see you and welcome you on behalf of the Party Committee of the Volunteer Army. ”

Yang Dezhi reported the situation of the troops to General Manager Peng and asked about the tasks of the 1st Corps.

Mr. Peng told them: "Your main task now is to familiarize yourself with the situation as soon as possible. The fourth campaign that is currently under way is not allowed to spare you, so hurry up and make preparations, and you will be on the fifth campaign. ”

After a short meeting, Mr. Peng will embark on the way back to China. Yang Dezhi, Li Zhimin, and others sent off, and Mr. Peng shook Yang Dezhi's hand and said affectionately: "I have not been able to see the comrades below this time, please ask everyone on my behalf." When I return, we will fight the fifth battle together. ”

On the evening of April 6, just after the end of The Zhiji's meeting on the Fifth Campaign, Yang Dezhi and Li Zhimin rushed back to the duzhuangdong corps headquarters from Junzili in two cars.

Since the "dangerous situation" in February, in order to avoid the head of the corps from being "glorious" together due to accidents, Yang Dezhi and Li Zhimin have made a stipulation: When the leaders of the corps drive in, Yang Dezhi and other leading comrades of the corps do not take a car.

In April in North Korea, it was still cold. Yang Dezhi's car was in front, and Li Zhimin's car was behind.

The fifth campaign deployment that Shiji had just conveyed excited the two men. They were eager to rush to the camp and convey it at once; although the road was difficult to walk, the speed was still above 50 yards.

Driving at night, they often encounter attacks by enemy planes, and in order to prevent air raids, the canopy of the jeep they are riding in has been removed, and special personnel have been arranged to observe the enemy planes on the vehicle. This time, too, guards Guo Changrong and Duan Yourong undertook this task.

When Yang Dezhi first entered Korea, he was threatened with life and death twice, And Li Zhimin: If you don't die, you will be blessed

About a normal distance, suddenly, two guards shouted almost at the same time: "There is an enemy plane!" Sure enough, after a while, the roar of the plane was heard.

The driver, Li Genzhong, sped up. Just then, the enemy plane dropped several flares.

However, at the moment when the flares lit up, Yang Dezhi on the car suddenly shouted: "Not good... ”

As soon as the words fell, there was a loud "bang", and the jeep collided with a large truck speeding in front of it.

It turned out that the driver and the guards were only looking at the enemy planes in the sky, but did not pay attention to the front. But at this juncture, a large truck came to the front.

Yang Dezhi threw himself out of the car more than 10 meters away, unconscious.

Guard Guo Changrong rushed to Yang Dezhi's side and shouted in panic, "Commander! Commander... ”

When Li Zhimin saw the scene in front of him, his face turned pale, and he hurriedly jumped out of the car and shouted: "Old Yang... ”

After a long time, Yang Dezhi opened his eyes with great difficulty, and he grabbed Li Zhimin's hand and took a lot of effort to finally stand up.

Li Zhimin hurriedly asked, "Old Yang, how's it going?" ”

Yang Dezhi moved his hands and feet for a moment and said, "If the leg is not broken, it will be fine." Then, Yang Dezhi looked at Guo Changrong and asked, "Are you hurt?" How about the two of you? ”

Guo Changrong, who was sobbing, did not answer, Yang Dezhi knew that he was worried about himself, and said busily: "It doesn't matter, I don't live well!" ”

"It's too dangerous! You and Xiao Guo and Xiao Duan were thrown out for more than 10 meters, and Li Genzhong's chest was pushed against the steering wheel. Look, the bumpers of the car are all bent. ”

When Yang Dezhi first entered Korea, he was threatened with life and death twice, And Li Zhimin: If you don't die, you will be blessed

At this time, Duan Yourong walked over with a carbine in one hand and a warrior in the other. The fighter Duan Yourong was holding was the truck driver.

He yelled at the driver, even shouting, "I'm going to shoot you!" ”

Yang Dezhi hurriedly stepped forward and asked the truck driver with concern: "Are you injured?" ”

The truck driver bowed his head and did not speak.

Li Zhimin asked him: "Did you take a nap while driving?" ”

The truck driver nodded, still not speaking.

Yang Dezhi said: "Crashed the car, this is sober." Check your car, but be careful later! ”

The driver then looked up, choked up, and said, "Which unit is the chief?" Your car broke me, take my car, I'll send you back!" ”

Duan Yourong asked in a nonchalant manner, "Which unit are you from?" ”

The driver replied, "Nineteen corps." ”

It turned out to be his own soldier, and Yang Dezhi said to him: "Well, we are a unit, you go!" ”

The driver saluted Yang Dezhi, "I'm sorry chief, I'll go back to the company to check." "Say goodbye and go."

Yang Dezhi and Li Zhimin did not tell the truck driver their identities, if he knew that it was his own corps commander, it would be a lot of pressure, and there might be an accident on the road.

Duan Yourong looked at the driver who had left and asked uneasily, "Just let him go?" ”

Yang Dezhi smiled and said, "What? You're really going to shoot people!" ”

Yang Dezhi's car broke down, so he and Li Zhimin shared the same car. In the car, Li Zhimin jokingly said: "The devil's plane did not blow you up, but it was almost buried under the wheels of his own men. ”

Yang Dezhi smiled and said, "I don't ask for future blessings, but I hope I don't come again!" ”

Recalling the experience of escaping from death several times since entering the DPRK, Yang Dezhi smiled and said to Li Zhimin: "If the battle has not been fought, I have been "glorious" in an accident, then I will really die blind! ”

"Old Yang, you can rest assured, the Prime Minister's auspicious words will bless us!" Li Zhimin said half-jokingly.

Looking at the old comrade-in-arms in front of him, Yang Dezhi said with some emotion: "Yes, I am finally looking forward to this day." In this first battle, no matter how we fight it, we must not fail to live up to the expectations of the prime minister and the people of the motherland! I think this evening, the corps headquarters will move forward! ”

Li Zhimin said very agreeably: "Come, let's study it together!" ”

When Yang Dezhi first entered Korea, he was threatened with life and death twice, And Li Zhimin: If you don't die, you will be blessed

Two old comrades who had cooperated for many years, in the bumpy car, began to study the specific deployment details of the fifth battle.

At exactly 18:00 on April 22, our army launched a fierce attack on the entire line within an area of hundreds of miles, and the fifth battle began.

In the first stage of the Fifth Campaign, the 19th Corps, under the command of Yang Dezhi and Li Zhimin, achieved the result of annihilating more than 23,000 enemy troops.

However, at the end of the fifth campaign, the United Nations gathered heavy troops to counterattack. Because our army's organizational plan was not meticulous enough when it withdrew to the north, the troops did not arrange alternate cover, resulting in a grim war situation.

In order to cover the smooth northward retreat of the large troops, the 63rd Army of the 19th Corps was ordered to block the northward advance of the enemy several times that of itself on the first line of the Iron Plains.

The 63rd Army fought a blockade battle in the Tieyuan and Lianchuan areas for 13 days, which bought great time for the Volunteer Army headquarters to quickly adjust the new strategic deployment.

The day after the Tieyuan Blockade Battle was fought, General Peng rushed to Yichuan, the resting place of the 63rd Army.

At this time, the warriors had just come down from the line, and one by one, they had been burned by fire and broken by thorns many times; the uniforms on the warriors' bodies had long been in tatters, and some fighters were even more naked on their upper bodies and had only a pair of shorts left on their lower bodies.

One by one, their heads were dirty, their beards were furrowed; on their dark faces, the same bloodshot eyes radiated the same proud light.

Looking at this scene, Peng La said excitedly: "Comrades, you have played well, you have played well!" The motherland and the people cannot forget you, and the motherland and the people thank you! ”

The 19th Corps did not fail to live up to the expectations of the Prime Minister and the people and fought very well in the first battle abroad.

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