
Zeng Aiyun of the "Xiangtan University Love Murder Case": Get a family as soon as possible after taking state compensation

author:China News Network
Zeng Aiyun of the "Xiangtan University Love Murder Case": Get a family as soon as possible after taking state compensation

Zeng Aiyun attended a hearing on the application for state compensation at the Xiangtan Intermediate Court on December 1

Xiangtan University murder suspect Zeng Aiyun After being acquitted after 12 years in prison, he will receive 1.27 million yuan in state compensation He hopes to start a family as soon as possible after taking state compensation

Yesterday, the Xiangtan Intermediate People's Court decided to pay 1.27 million yuan in compensation to the state for Zeng Aiyun, who had been in detention center for 12 years for the "Xiangtan University Love Murder Case.".

12 years is the time when Zeng Aiyun went from a 26-year-old youth to a 38-year-old nearly confused time, and it was also the time when he went from a full-fledged graduate student to a detention center on death row. The young man with the middle point and vigor on the photo at that time became a middle-aged bachelor with a trance and a blessed figure.

On July 21 this year, Zeng Aiyun was acquitted, which was the end of his long prison career and the beginning of his difficult reintegration into society. Because the reason for being released was "unclear facts and insufficient evidence", Zeng Aiyun often felt a lot of pressure, felt that "he did not really pay back his innocence", and was also ridiculed as "because of the relationship to be released".

Zeng Aiyun, who was once the president of the student union of the four faculties, resisted contact with others for a long time after being acquitted, and he was not convinced that his classmates who were not as good as himself were now better than himself. He refused the company's job offer, afraid that he would be disconnected from society for a long time, and he would not be able to adapt to the work but would owe human affection.

"After the state compensation comes down, I want to start a family as soon as possible." Zeng Aiyun told the Legal Evening News reporter that he felt that life was like returning to the starting point, and now he lacked confidence in what he did. He wanted everything to pass quickly and live in peace and security.

After the incident, he negotiated over emotional problems and died three hours after the enemy

It has been 12 years since Zeng Aiyun returned to his alma mater, Xiangtan University. Just a week after he was released from prison, he went back to get his ID card. "It was supposed to be the place I miss the most, but now it's also the saddest place for me." Zeng Aiyun said. A few months ago, he declined an offer to return to Xiangtan University to continue his graduate studies. He felt helpless, after all, he was 38 years old, and the pressure of life made it impossible for him to return to the ivory tower to study with peace of mind.

In September 2003, Zeng Aiyun was admitted to a graduate school at Xiangtan University, and he could not imagine that his graduate school life had only 57 days before it came to an abrupt end. A month after the start of school, he met his classmate Li Xia at a tutor selection meeting, and the two quickly exchanged feelings for each other. At this time, Li Xia was breaking up with Zhou Yuheng, who had been in love for many years.

On October 27, 2003, Zhou Yuheng called Li Xia and told her that there was something wrong with Zeng Aiyun's life style. Zeng Aiyun called Zhou Yuheng to explain, and Zhou Yuheng said that he was mentally broken because of Li Xia's departure, and he could not do without Li Xia. Zeng Aiyun said that he was willing to return Li Xia to Zhou Yuheng.

Later, the court's judgment showed that at about 8 o'clock that night, the three people met in the library to negotiate. When they met, Zhou Yuheng was supported by his classmate Chen Huazhang. Previously, Chen Huazhang had already mashed and dissolved the stabilizing pills prepared in advance and put them in Zhou Yuheng's teacup.

Zeng Aiyun also thought that Zhou Yuheng's abnormality was a manifestation of "mental breakdown", so he put Li Xia's hand on Zhou Yuheng's hand, signaled them to reconcile, and then turned away. Unexpectedly, Li Xia finally followed up, and Zhou Yuheng also returned to the dormitory with the support of Chen Huazhang. At about 11:40 p.m. that night, Zhou Yuheng's body was found downstairs in the engineering department.

Sentence Changes Several times sentenced to death, finally released due to insufficient evidence

From the time of the meeting at more than 8 p.m. to the death of Zhou Yuheng, what happened in the past three hours is a question that has not been answered for 12 years. After the incident, Chen Huazhang said that he witnessed Zeng Aiyun's murder. However, the police also investigated and concluded that because Zhou Yuheng was heavily valued by his mentor, Chen Huazhang was jealous of Zhou Yuheng and also had a motive for killing. The police determined that Zeng Aiyun and Chen Huazhang were seriously suspected of killing Zhou Yuheng.

The day before the crime, Zeng Aiyun was still busy with work-study. In addition to his daily studies, he also had to work at the construction site and work as a part-time teacher at the Xiangtan Senior Technical School to maintain his daily expenses. At that time, Zeng Aiyun had a good academic performance and strong personal ability, and was the president of the student union of the four departments of Xiangtan University, and he was ambitious for the future. But all his hopes vanished after October 27, 2003.

In September 2004, the Xiangtan Intermediate People's Court sentenced Zeng Aiyun to death and Chen Huazhang to life imprisonment, followed by a long prison sentence. When he first entered the detention center, Zeng Aiyun was not used to dealing with the people inside. At that time, he was also writing to the relevant departments, "It doesn't matter how long I stay here, even if I die inside." But you have to give me an innocence. "However, he did not receive a reply.

For 12 years, the word "hope" has been looming around Zeng Aiyun, and his mood fluctuates with each verdict. In December 2005 and June 2010, the Xiangtan Intermediate People's Court again sentenced Zeng Aiyun to death and Chen Huazhang to life imprisonment.

After several times the results of upholding the original verdict came out, Zeng Aiyun tried to commit suicide in the detention center several times, but without success. Along with the mental blow is a total collapse of the body's defenses. Zeng Aiyun recalled that as long as the temperature of the detention center was slightly colder, his body began to shiver. In those years, he ate all the cold medicines in the detention center, including Gankang, white and black, and dripped three times a week. "For the first time I felt like I was going to die there." Zeng Aiyun said.

Later, he learned on the television of the detention center that Zhao Zuohai, Zhang's uncle and nephew had been rehabilitated one after another, and Zeng Aiyun seemed to see his hope. He began to exercise in prison, and his body began to slowly recover. Finally, he waited for the day. On July 21, 2015, the 4,382nd day of detention center, Zeng Aiyun was acquitted on the grounds that the facts were unclear and the evidence was insufficient. Chen Huazhang committed intentional homicide and was sentenced to life imprisonment and deprivation of political rights for life.

Zhong Zhiyuan, Zeng Aiyun's defense lawyer, told the Legal Evening News that during Zeng Aiyun's detention, trial, and sentencing, newspapers, television, and other media repeatedly reported on zeng Aiyun's "Xiangtan University graduate student extortion and murder of the same door case" and "Magajue no. 2," which had an impact on his right to reputation nationwide.

Yesterday, when Zeng Aiyun and Zhong Zhiyuan went to collect the state compensation documents, they suggested to the Xiangtan Intermediate People's Court that they hoped that the court would make a public announcement in the newspaper and apologize to Zeng Aiyun, and the court said that it would consider Zhong Zhiyuan's suggestion.

Released home, his mother made a special dish, and he couldn't eat the taste of the past

From Xiangtan City back to Zeng Aiyun's hometown of Shaodong County, Pheasant Ping Town, it is more than two hours away by car, but Zeng Aiyun has been walking for 12 years.

Back to his hometown where he had been away for many years, Zeng Aiyun found that the appearance of his hometown had become illegible along the way. The old mother had been waiting at the door early, wiping her tears. Zeng Aiyun saw her mother, who was thinner than before, and her nose was sour. Crossing an overgrown path, Zeng Aiyun helped his mother Zhao Chunxiu into the house from the door of his home.

Zeng Aiyun was the only graduate student who came out of Pheasant Ping Town in the early years, and he was the pride of the whole village. After entering the detention center, there began to be some rumors in the village, and many people began to alienate their families because of Zeng Aiyun's "killing".

Her mother, Zhao Chunxiu, was greatly devastated by this, and she began to suffer from insomnia and amnesia in her early years due to osteomyelitis surgery, and she needed to rely on drugs to maintain sleep, and sometimes taking medicine did not work. Remembering Zeng Aiyun, Zhao Chunxiu could not sleep at night and began to cry, and when the pillow was wet, he changed the other side.

On the day he returned home, Zhao Chunxiu made Zeng Aiyun his favorite home-cooked tofu, but he could no longer eat the previous taste. "Mom is old, her eyes are not good, and she doesn't know how to put salt." Zeng Aiyun said that as soon as he ate this dish now, he felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Zeng Aiyun returned home and saw the broken eggs that had been tightly wrapped by his mother, and his heart trembled. Zhao Chunxiu did not know where to get the news, thinking that Zeng Aiyun would be able to go back in 2014. She has delicious food that she is reluctant to eat, and the chicken raised at home, Zhao Chunxiu is also reluctant to kill, and wants to leave it for her son to come back to eat.

After returning home, whenever Zeng Aiyun went out, he had to call his mother every other day. Zeng Aiyun said that if she did not call her mother, she would feel very uncomfortable. For so many years, the fear of never seeing her son again was deeply engraved in Zhao Chunxiu's heart, as long as she could hear her son's voice, even if there was only one sentence, she would feel at ease in her heart.

Rumors plagued by "insufficient evidence" reasons were rumored to be exonerated from the relationship

After returning home for nearly half a year, Zeng Aiyun, who had a nervous headache, often remembered his life in the detention center and was so uncomfortable that he couldn't sleep. Because of the bad air in the detention center, rhinitis, laryngitis and other diseases tormented him all the time.

Because Zeng Aiyun was released on the grounds of "unclear facts and insufficient evidence", in addition to physical torture after returning home, he was often troubled by some gossip. One day, an acquaintance went to Xiangtan University to do business, inadvertently mentioned the matter of Zeng Aiyun, the other party said slightly sarcastically, "It should be two people to do it, I think this matter is small." I think I once loved Yunto to find a relationship before releasing it, right? These words reached Zeng Aiyun's ears, and his heart was full of mixed feelings.

Zeng Aiyun felt that after all, the reason for the current judgment was that the facts were unclear and the evidence was insufficient, rather than "finding the defendant innocent." He feels that he still has not completely repaid his innocence, so "I have no confidence in what I do now, and there is a lot of pressure." Today, Zeng Aiyun, who once went to graduate school, can't even speak Mandarin. It was only for a moment, when he occasionally spoke of the technical vocabulary of mechanics, automation, and remote control, that his graduate student status was reminiscent.

Adapt to society

Find someone to teach online tickets

Learn with a smartphone

In the 12 years that were stolen, the torrent of the times rolled away, and Zeng Aiyun was left behind and left alone.

From Xiangtan, Zhuzhou, Changsha, Huaihua, and then to Guangzhou, Dongguan, and Chongqing, after coming out of the detention center, Zeng Aiyun went to many places to distract himself. He lamented the rapid development of the outside and the glittering lights of the city. He doesn't book train tickets online and needs help from his cousin, who is two or three years younger. When riding the high-speed rail and airplane, Zeng Aiyun felt a lot of psychological pressure, and felt that he had never seen this, nor had he seen it.

Zeng Aiyun does not use smart phones, and his impression of mobile phones is still stuck in the era of Nokia's black and white machines. He couldn't read the smartphones in people's hands, and he didn't know where to start. He didn't understand Weibo, WeChat, and until now he couldn't understand what an APP was. He lamented that no matter how he used to be a graduate student, he would not even use the basic tools of life now.

He even spoke cautiously, afraid of causing unnecessary embarrassment because of his backwardness. He wanted to get out of that state. Zeng Aiyun asked his cousin to teach him little by little the tools he needed in his daily life. He began to try to deal with others, to listen to them talk about what had happened during the 12 years of his absence.

"They told me that I would basically do it. I know all about online shopping, buying tickets, and sending couriers. Zeng Aiyun said, but he still makes "jokes". Once, a friend wanted to introduce him to the object, Zeng Aiyun wanted to send his avatar to the other party, but sent it to the public circle of friends, he found out and quickly explained.

I was once the president of the student council and now I work in a supermarket

12 years ago, Zeng Aiyun resolutely resigned from his position as deputy director of the workshop in Hengyang Railway Machinery Factory, leaving behind the achievements and glory of being rated as an advanced individual in this factory for two consecutive years. After three months of preparation, Zeng Aiyun was admitted to the graduate school of Xiangtan University as he wished. He still remembers the earnest teaching of the workshop leader before leaving: "It is not easy to jump out of this stable and secure environment to go to graduate school." You have your own ideas and your own ideals, we still support you. ”

At that time, Zeng Aiyun was 26 years old, he had excellent academic performance, was energetic as the president of the student union, and worked energetically with his classmates around him to deal with the affairs of many departments. He said he wanted to go to a multinational company with more room to grow after graduating from graduate school. After 12 years, Zeng Aiyun, whose professional knowledge has been forgotten, is disconnected from society and lacks work experience, is looking for a job again. This year, he was 38 years old.

For a long time after zeng Aiyun was released, she resisted interacting with others, especially classmates. Zeng Aiyun was very struggling inside, once loved to play basketball and had a cheerful personality, he had many friends in school, but now he didn't even have the courage to take a step. Some of his classmates have become leaders, some have obtained national patents in technology, and some have become bosses, only he has stayed at the origin of the past. He was not convinced, he was the same as his classmates, even better than most of them. Zeng Aiyun sighed, "I have become like this now!" ”

After coming out, Zeng Aiyun also went to work in the supermarket for a few days, and the salary was 80 yuan a day. He said that "when the goods come at night, they often have to work until two or three o'clock in the morning", and more importantly, he feels that the work is very simple, he used to be a graduate student, and there is a big psychological gap in doing this. After working there for five days he didn't go. Zeng Aiyun said, "There are still some difficulties in finding a job now. ”

Learn from the role models envy the successful entrepreneurial protagonists worry about the risk of failure

Zeng Aiyun envied Wang Jianping, the protagonist of the unjust prison who used the money compensated by the state to start a business as a shareholder of a listed company, but he also knew that success was also a case after all, and there were more failures. He worries that "he has not done business before, and now the entrepreneurial environment in recent years is not very good, and he is afraid that he cannot afford the risk of business failure." After all, in addition to himself, he also had to think about his elderly mother and relatives at home. Zeng Aiyun paused for a moment and added, "I need stability now, after my family settles down, if there is an opportunity, I can start a business." ”

He also doesn't want others to sympathize with him, and he thinks "too much sympathy is unnecessary." After Zeng Aiyun was released, several modern agricultural companies invited him to work. But he feels that this is "owed to others", and he feels that repaying others' human feelings will cause a lot of psychological pressure on himself. He is more afraid that "he and society have been disconnected for such a long time, and after working in the company, they will not be able to adapt, but they will live up to the friendship of others." ”

In the past few months since leaving the detention center, Zeng Aiyun has almost no source of livelihood. He and his mother also need help from relatives and friends for their living expenses. During this period, he reflected the difficulties to the relevant departments, "they asked me to make a report to apply for 5,000 yuan first, from the final compensation to my state."

Future planning Hope the government provides jobs and wants to buy a house and start a family as soon as possible

Rather than compensation, Zeng Aiyun prefers the government to provide him with a job. He is still obsessed with the "lack of facts and unclear evidence" reasons for release, feeling that if the government can arrange a job for himself, it is an "indirect acquiescence to himself that he is not a murderer.". When others see it, they will have less gossip about his case.

Some scholars' research shows that after the prisoners are released from prison, they will generally go through the process of "excitement period - disappointment period - repositioning period". Positive relief during this period is especially important, otherwise they are prone to becoming depressed and even repeating previous mistakes.

The media commentator "Midnight Kanren" believes that "the protagonist of the unjust case is different from the prisoner, but the same experience of squatting in prison also determines the similarity in the form of relief." At present, the remedies for parties to unjust cases are mostly limited to compensation, while the systematic and three-dimensional aftermath relief is not obvious. For the protagonists of unjust cases, their experience of unjust imprisonment and the anxiety of being disconnected from life after being released from prison will lead to easy fluctuations in their emotions. This also contains compound rights claims: the government's assistance to it should be more systematic, and it should also be placed under the framework of generalized compensation and more sustained. And the society should also extend a hand of public welfare assistance to it. ”

After wandering for so long, there had never been a moment when Zeng Aiyun was as eager to have a home as much as this moment. "After the state compensation comes down, after buying the house, it is estimated that there will be very little left, and I want to start a family as soon as possible, and I dare not have more plans."

(Text/Li case investigation studio intern reporter Ding Xue)