
The Sui army occupied the State of Chen, and Lord Chen Hou was cowardly and hidden, and his son was not in danger, exposing the inevitable end

author:Mirror Youth
The Sui army occupied the State of Chen, and Lord Chen Hou was cowardly and hidden, and his son was not in danger, exposing the inevitable end

When Emperor Wen of Sui led an army to attack the State of Chen and a large army occupied the capital of the State of Chen, Chen Shubao, the lord of the State of Chen, panicked and considered how to escape to save his life.

At this time, Chen Guo's ministers spoke one after another, hoping that Chen Shubao could be dressed and sit in the middle of the main hall, even if Chen Guo was defeated, he would retain the last dignity and face of the king of a country.

But where did Chen Shubao still care about what face was not faceless, in his mind, he was just thinking about how to survive.

Just when everyone was very flustered, a thought flashed in Chen Shubao's mind. The Tibetan cats and cats that I played as a child may be able to come in handy at this time?

So, as soon as I slapped my head, I decided. Together with his beloved Concubine Zhang Guifei and Concubine Kong Guifei, he hid in a dry well in the harem that had not been watered for many years. I hoped that when the Sui army searched the city, it would not find itself hidden in this well.

The Sui army occupied the State of Chen, and Lord Chen Hou was cowardly and hidden, and his son was not in danger, exposing the inevitable end

Such a childish and ridiculous behavior, if it happens to a child, will be praised as cute, but Chen Shubao is an adult with a wife and a child, and it will seem a little ridiculous to do such a thing.

The Sui army has already captured the State of Chen, and the capital city will soon become the meat of the Sui Dynasty, not to mention this dry well, even if it is three feet into the ground, Yang Jian is bound to capture Chen Shubao, the king of the subjugated country, alive.

But he was short-sighted, and he thought that he could hide without being discovered, which was really a big fool in the world.

Compared with Chen Shubao, the performance of his son Chen Shen, the crown prince, was completely different.

In the year when the Sui army attacked the city, Chen Shen, the crown prince of Chen Guo, was only fifteen years old, and when the Sui soldiers pushed the door in, they saw Chen Shen sitting very calmly, his eyes were frank, and the prince Kong Boyu was also standing aside.

The Sui army occupied the State of Chen, and Lord Chen Hou was cowardly and hidden, and his son was not in danger, exposing the inevitable end

When the Sui soldiers were holding knives and guns, sharp blades were beside them, and the crown prince Chen Shen was facing the threat of life and death tests, he did not have a trace of fear and fear, but naturally and calmly said to the Sui army: "You have been working hard all the way, but now you are not too tired, right?" ”

Although the positions of the two countries were different, Chen Shen's arrogance and calmness also made the soldiers of the Sui Army have to admire.

Why is it that the father, Chen Shubao, is this virtue, but he can raise such a diametrically opposed son? The answer is closely related to Chen Shubao's empress Shen Wuhua and noble concubine Zhang Lihua.

At that time, Shen Wuhua could also be regarded as a legendary woman.

When the Sui army invaded the capital of the Chen Kingdom, Empress Shen was not flustered at all, and was as calm and calm as usual. Empress Shen was born into a famous family, and the history books record that she was "quiet in nature, widowed, intelligent and strong, and dabbled in the history of scriptures", and was very talented. Later, she became Chen Shubao's concubine, but she was not often liked by Chen Shubao, but the harem beauty Zhang Lihua was favored in the harem. After that, Chen Shubao ascended the throne, made Shen Shi empress, and Zhang Lihua was a noble concubine, but the power to control the harem was handed over to Zhang Guifei, and Empress Shen also treated it indifferently and had no complaints.

The Sui army occupied the State of Chen, and Lord Chen Hou was cowardly and hidden, and his son was not in danger, exposing the inevitable end

Although empress Shen and Chen Shubao were captured by the Sui army after the destruction of Chen Guoguo, her talent was always appreciated by Yang Jian, and every time she went out on a tour, she would accompany her. There are both talents and patterns, how can such a woman not be strong?

And the noble concubine Zhang Lihua is also a figure that must not be said. When people mention the noble concubine of the Zhang clan of Chen Guo, they will think that she is chen Shubao's favorite concubine, and she is also a "red face disaster water" who borrows the art of prayer to fornicate the government, but they rarely emphasize that in fact, she is also a very intelligent woman.

Zhang Lihua was born into a military family, had a talent for debate, and was said to have a very good memory, and she often provided some gossip for Chen Shubao's political decisions, so she was also deeply loved by Chen Shubao. She knows how to get favored, and she has a high emotional intelligence, and she knows how to win the hearts of the harem people, and the harem people are very grateful to her, often competing to talk about her benefits. Such a woman must also have a pattern and means.

Under the influence and cultivation of Empress Shen and Zhang Guifei, prince Chen Shen was able to have such a temperament and confidence, which was forgivable.

The Sui army occupied the State of Chen, and Lord Chen Hou was cowardly and hidden, and his son was not in danger, exposing the inevitable end

However, Chen Shubao became the lord of the subjugated country, and his empress dowager and prince became an old relic of history along with his subjugation and defeat. Sometimes I can't help but wonder, if Chen Guo's life can be postponed for a few more years, until Chen Shen becomes the monarch, will Chen Guo's fate change?

Perhaps when Chen Shen becomes the monarch, he can reverse the fate and situation of the Chen state through a series of policies, revive the withered economy, and care for the people, and the Chen state can be revitalized under the rule of a generation of Ming jun. Perhaps after Chen Shen became the monarch, with his own strength and through a series of measures, he could not change the situation of the country that had been "played badly" under Chen Shubao's rule.

However, history cannot assume that no matter what, Emperor Wen of Sui's conquest of Chen Guo is the trend of the times, and whether it is Chen Shubao or his son, it seems that there is not much difference between the Southern Chen Hou Lord. It is only when looking back on this period of history that it is inevitable that when I think of the arrogance and pattern of Prince Chen Shen who is not in danger, it is inevitable that there will be some difficulties.

Author: Our team has a falling moon

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