
The anti-Japanese tyrant Liu Scar was resourceful, and the Japanese puppet army threatened to offer a reward for arrest, but even the shadow could not be found

author:Military History Lookout

Liu Yonghou, medium-sized, long thin face, thick eyebrows, windy ears, straight nose bridge, thick lips, very long in people, single eyelids, eyes although not large but bright, there are two deep scars on the face.

He was born in 1907 in Liu Wolf's Nest Village, Laoting County, Hebei Province, to a family of sharecroppers, whose ancestors showed the graves of landlords and rented a few acres of thin fields to survive. He is the eldest son, intelligent since childhood, he grew up watching leting shadow puppet plays, can sing a few loud drums. A wealthier relative of his family sent him to private school for several years, and he not only read and hyphenate, but also wrote well. Relatives sent him to the northeast as an apprentice, and he learned to plan and bookkeep. After returning, he first farmed in his hometown, and then worked as a miner in the Kailuan Coal Mine. There, he met Jie Zhenguo. Dong Yuhua (then renamed Wang Zhonghua) went to Jidong to launch a revolution among the workers and introduced Liu Yonghou to the party.

In 1937, Liu Yonghou was instructed by the party to return to Laoting County to mobilize peasants to participate in the Jidong rebellion, he was the organizer and participant of the Jidong rebellion, and served as the leader of the jidong anti-Japanese coalition army led by Wang Zhonghua. He stood on the village threshing ground to mobilize the peasants before the war: "Fellow villagers, let's attack the county seat of Laoting County, do you agree or disagree?" Those who agree are not afraid of death stand up. "

The anti-Japanese tyrant Liu Scar was resourceful, and the Japanese puppet army threatened to offer a reward for arrest, but even the shadow could not be found

At that time, the peasants' consciousness was not high, the life of the wife and children was not risky, and who was willing to die in vain? Everyone you look at me, I look at you, no one moved the nest, after a moment, only a peasant brother Liu Erzhu who had a good relationship with him stood up.

He was very anxious in his heart, and his heart pulled Xiao Jiujiu: Broken, people have a herd nature, only one person is willing to do it with me, how can this complete the task of rioting? He was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, but his face was silent, and suddenly he was in a hurry, and he stepped forward and kicked Liu Erzhu down with his foot: Erzhu, I am blind, hit the Japanese devil, people are not afraid of death, just you alone are afraid of death! "

Liu Erzhu zhang'er monk was confused and defended, "Big brother, didn't you say that you were not afraid of death and stood up?" Liu Yonghou roared: "Who said, I said that I am afraid to stand up for death, you all heard it, you are all good, like a grandfather, I did not read you wrong!" "

He, the general, and the peasants present could only nod: "Yes, yes..."

In the war years, there were special practices in the war years, and the peasants' consciousness could not be mentioned in the sky at once, and Liu Yonghou's pre-war mobilization was so dramatic that he led these peasants who had just put down their hoes and did not know how to shoot guns to attack the county town of Laoting County, and bravely charged forward, and the results of this battle could be imagined, and the siege failed.

The anti-Japanese tyrant Liu Scar was resourceful, and the Japanese puppet army threatened to offer a reward for arrest, but even the shadow could not be found

The tasks entrusted to him by the party must be well accomplished, and he has a momentum of not accepting defeat. He conscientiously summed up the lessons, mobilized the masses in depth, patiently taught the peasant brothers the ability to shoot, and led some people to charge at the enemy several times larger than himself when he attacked the county town of Laoting for the second time, and finally succeeded. However, he also paid the price, the enemy's bullet hit him, the first shot from the right side of the face into the left side of the face penetrated, knocked out several teeth, the second shot hit his shoulder, since then left 3 scars on the face and shoulder, nicknamed "Liu Scar Diarrhea".

After the failure of the Jidong rebellion, Liu Yonghou unswervingly followed Wang Zhonghua to Pingxi. In March 1939, the Jidong People's Anti-Japanese Coalition Army led by Wang Zhonghua and the Anti-Japanese Vanguard Headquarters led by Bai Yihua merged at Jinjitai in Wanping County to form the North China Anti-Japanese Coalition Army.

Bai Yihua knew people and was good at ren, he saw that Liu Yonghou had rich social experience, was good at communicating with people, had many ghost ideas, and would plan to keep accounts for the meeting, so he appointed him as the deputy director of the Supply Department of the 10 Regiments (after the sacrifice of Director Qiao Yu, he served as the director). At that time, the Eighth Route Army was in difficulty in supplying, and after eating the last meal, there was no next meal, and the development of grain and materials became the top priority. The army's logistical support was very important in the war, the soldiers and horses did not move, the grain and grass went first, the role of the director of the supply department was very difficult, Liu Yonghou saw that his comrades-in-arms could not wear cotton clothes, could not eat enough, and some wounded and sick people gradually festered and pus because they did not have medicine, and their hearts were burning with anxiety. He found Bai Yihua and demanded to break into the enemy's heart and go to several "model public security villages" near Miyun County, where the enemy was most at ease, to get some food and supplies for the troops. Bai Yihua was worried that this would be too dangerous, and he said firmly: "Commander, I am a Communist Party member, and at a moment when it is a matter of the life and death of the military and the people in the base area, what is the personal risk?" Don't go into the tiger's den, get the tiger? "

The anti-Japanese tyrant Liu Scar was resourceful, and the Japanese puppet army threatened to offer a reward for arrest, but even the shadow could not be found

Bai Yihua was impressed by him, agreed to his request, and selected several shrewd and capable people from the 10 regiments to follow him on the mission.

In the area of the tug-of-war between the Eighth Route Army and the Japanese puppet army, there were some two-faced regimes, and the devils came to do things for the devils, and the Eighth Route Army had to pay a smile when they came. When dealing with these people, we must learn to talk to people when we see people, talk to ghosts, and see hooligans talk seriously that is called stupidity.

Tangzhuang in Miyun County belongs to the two-sided regime, Liu Yonghou pinned the gun to his waist, hid 4 grenades, wore a white sheep's belly towel on his head, and walked towards Datangzhuang in the clothes of his fellow villagers. Datangzhuang is located between the Pinggu Railway and the county seat of Miyun County, where the township mayor and the bao commander obediently do things for the devils, and do not pay attention to the Eighth Route Army. Liu Yonghou and the others went straight to the homes of the township chief and the chief of the security guard, and the real people did not tell lies, but clearly told them: "We are the Eighth Route Army, we want to get some food, medicine and materials, and I hope you will help." If you don't want to help, you can report the devils, but then the people will not agree, and your home will now become a battlefield and a grave. "

At first, these township chiefs and security chiefs were very angry when they saw several peasant-like people breaking into their homes, and they really wanted to arrest them and report them to the officials. But on second thought, these people with bulging pockets around their waists seem to have come with guys and can't resist. Wait until they are gone and then report to Taijun, so that their families will be in danger. These earth eight roads are haunted, who knows what kind of moths they can produce? No, these dirt eight roads cannot be offended.

The anti-Japanese tyrant Liu Scar was resourceful, and the Japanese puppet army threatened to offer a reward for arrest, but even the shadow could not be found

Thinking of this, they hurriedly smiled: "This master, you told a joke, didn't you?" We are also Chinese, Chinese how can we do things for the Japanese? Just as this is your home, say what you need! "

Originally, the township mayor and the bao chief were polite, who knew that Liu Yonghou borrowed a donkey from the slope and simply lived in the home of the township chief and the bao chang. The township chiefs and security chiefs not only ate and drank well, but also did not dare to leak the wind.

One day, Liu Yonghou was discussing grain raising at the home of the township chief of Datangzhuang, and a few puppet soldiers came to visit the door. The township chief was frightened into a cold sweat, but Liu Yonghou laughed and laughed, grabbed a handful of red dates and handed them to the puppet army: "Oh, I said how come the magpies chirped vigorously early this morning, it turned out that the distinguished guests came." I am the cousin of the township mayor, from The Pavilion to string relatives to see the cousin, you quickly taste the red dates in our hometown, bite a bite of sweet teeth. "

The puppet soldiers took the red dates and ate them, Liu Yonghou made them tea sharply, and his mouth was smeared with honey: "Brother, come to sit at home more, I don't know if you are coming today, next time I will bring you our Leting specialties, steamed steamed with fat meat and white sugar, as well as roast chicken and suspension bridge baked cakes, that is called an incense." "

After the puppet soldiers left, the township chief gave a thumbs up to Liu Yonghou: "This master, you are really wise and courageous, admire, admire!" "

The anti-Japanese tyrant Liu Scar was resourceful, and the Japanese puppet army threatened to offer a reward for arrest, but even the shadow could not be found

Under the eyes of others, he actually straightened his waist and was calm and self-assured, and he Liu Yonghou was really cattle. Man, it is so strange, picking persimmons and picking soft pinches, who is afraid of whom, Liu Yonghou's marksmanship is famous far and wide, the township mayor and the chief of the security see that Liu Yonghou is a true grandfather, has real ability, and is intimidated by his power to obediently do things according to his requirements. Not only did he help him raise grain, cloth, cotton, and medicine, but he also wrapped the bullets he bought in tarpaulin through the dung diggers in Pingjin and put them into dung baskets and sent them to the mountains.

In the difficult years of the War of Resistance, the Eighth Route Army was often hungry, once, when the troops were transferred, Liu Yonghou rode to a hillside, hungry to the front of his back, he casually dropped a handful of leaves from the tree, and also picked a few mushrooms, stuffed them into his mouth and chewed them, but he did not expect to chew and chew suddenly a dizziness, and venus appeared in front of his eyes, and he fell to the ground from his horse. It turned out that the mushrooms he ate were poisonous.

Whenever there is a famine, everyone looks forward to the stars and the moon waiting for him to appear: "As soon as Liu Scar diarrhea comes out of the horse, we will have good fruit to eat." "

Sometimes, he came to the local tycoon's house dressed as a businessman in a long robe and asked the local tycoon for grain, and the local tycoon said no, and he slapped the gun on the table: "I have investigated clearly, your family's grain is hidden in the cellar, how much you can see and do!" "

He constantly brought ammunition, medicine, food, and daily necessities from enemy strongholds, and grain from the homes of squires to the Eighth Route Army, and his comrades-in-arms could get cans, shirts, vests, towels, and soap from time to time. Sometimes, for emergency reasons, he also went to the homes of ordinary people to collect food and left money or IOUs for the people before leaving.

The anti-Japanese tyrant Liu Scar was resourceful, and the Japanese puppet army threatened to offer a reward for arrest, but even the shadow could not be found

Once, Bai Yihua asked him: "Liu Scar diarrhea, why did you come as soon as you came out of the horse grain?" He said mysteriously: "Commander Bai, I have a knack, looking for grain can not just ask the common people, they are poor, their own family can not open the pot, you have to find rich people to ask." "

He was not satisfied with just being a good director of the supply department, but also carried out anti-Japanese propaganda to the township chief and the chief of security, telling them that the scourge of the Japanese Kou was Chinese, and that the devils could not grow the tail of a rabbit, and since they were Chinese they had to do things for the Chinese and Chinese heart. With his help and education, some township chiefs and security chiefs were won over, from passively doing things for the Eighth Route Army to taking the initiative to help the Eighth Route Army.

Liu Yonghou's approach gave the 10 regiments a great enlightenment, and everyone felt that in order to smash the enemy's "no man's land" plot and win over the common people, they must first win over these township chiefs and bao chiefs, because they are the people who are circling between the common people and the devils. Therefore, the rest of the 10th regiment also learned from Liu Yonghou, and three or five people formed a group, disguised themselves as peasants, and every day before dawn, they came to the homes of the township chief and the chief of the village to live, and at three or four o'clock at night, they went deep into the homes of their fellow villagers to publicize the anti-Japanese resistance and raise grain.

In order to destroy the people's anti-Japanese fighting spirit, the devils scattered everywhere that "leaves fall, eight roads go, and the eight roads of the earth are poor and stupid for a long time."

At first, some ordinary people were very cold to the Eighth Route Army, afraid that if they got closer, they would be retaliated against by the devils. Later, they personally saw the Eighth Route Army delivering salt, cloth, and medicines for curing diseases to the people in the "circle of people", and they rushed to tell each other, "Don't listen to the devils blindly, the Eighth Route Army has not left at all, the 10th Regiment is next to us."

The anti-Japanese tyrant Liu Scar was resourceful, and the Japanese puppet army threatened to offer a reward for arrest, but even the shadow could not be found

Sometimes, the officers and men of the 10th Regiment sent messages to the township chief and the chief of the security guard: "We are going to rescue the people in this 'circle of people', and you tell them to do a good job of receiving them, and if the devils know, you will say that they have been robbed by the Eighth Route Army." "

Those township chiefs and bao chiefs who had changed their emotions consciously cooperated with the Eighth Route Army; they sent a message to the common people in the "circle of people," took advantage of the empty space of going out to work, and fled with their families; when the common people were rescued by the Eighth Route Army, they put some empty guns in the sky and pretended to report to the devils, "Tai jun, it is not good, the Eighth Route Army has kidnapped the people in the 'circle of people'." "

Liu Yonghou fought bravely and resourcefully, often infiltrated the enemy camp in disguise to engage in intelligence, used two guns to hunt down and kill the traitors and bullies who fled into the stronghold, and after he was caught by Li Xiaowu, a hardcore traitor who was willing to fight for the Japanese, he tied him to a telephone pole near the county seat of Miyun County.

"No man's land" was a major invention of the devils, who moved this idea from puppet Manchukuo to Pingbei, but Liu Yonghou's method was greatly used in the Fengluanmi anti-Japanese base area. It was precisely because Liu Yonghou was resourceful and had accomplished his task so well that the Eighth Route Army loved him, and the Japanese puppet army hated him, threatening to offer a reward for the capture of Liu Scar, but even his shadow could not be found.

Liu Yonghou and Bai Yihua have a very deep affection, he has a strong personality and a fiery temper, but Bai Yihua and he push their hearts and talk about everything.

The anti-Japanese tyrant Liu Scar was resourceful, and the Japanese puppet army threatened to offer a reward for arrest, but even the shadow could not be found

So far, very few of the 10 regiments have witnessed it. Gu Yan's earlier name was Ge Fen, and during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he assumed the pseudonym Zhao Jun, and first worked in the Women's Rescue Association of Fengluanmi United County, and then transferred to the Pingbei Military Subdistrict, where she was one of the few witnesses who had close contacts with the 10th Regiment.

At that time, Zhao Jun traveled from eastern Hebei to the Fengluanmi base area, often interacted with the officers and men of the 10th Regiment, got to know Wang Kang, Wu Tao, Cai Shan, Peng Lie, Shi Jun, Zhai Pu, Zhai Fei, Hu Yi, Liu Lisheng and others of the 10 Regiment, and witnessed the arduous struggle of the 10 Regiment in the Fengluanmi Anti-Japanese Base Area. She found that the Eighth Route Army of the 10th Regiment was very good at local work, and the relationship with the Fengluanmi County Party Committee was particularly harmonious, and wherever the county party committee went, the 10th Regiment must send a company to protect it. Bai Yihua also drew more than 40 cadres from the 10 regiments to help the local government establish anti-Japanese regimes in counties and districts.

Spending all day with the people of the 10 regiments and the people of the Fengluanmi United County Government, Zhao Jun knew them very well. She clearly remembers that the 10 regiments had to sing before each meal, often singing "Three Disciplines and Eight Attentions", and the 10 regiments' group song had such lyrics as "God of War, holding a sword in his hand, fighting against the fear of the Japanese enemy", and often sang between classes, and the songs could be loud.

Fengluan is close to the puppet manchukuo, the Japanese puppet army often comes to the base to harass, the 10 regiment has a director surnamed Cui will do a unique job, that is, before going to bed, put his ears on the ground to listen to the sound, his ears are particularly long, the devils wear leather boots to walk, the distance is very far he can hear, can not hear the sound of leather boots to inform everyone that they can sleep, if there is a sound of leather boots, tell everyone not to sleep with their eyes wide open. Speaking and chatting, Gu Yan seemed to have returned to that period of time.

The anti-Japanese tyrant Liu Scar was resourceful, and the Japanese puppet army threatened to offer a reward for arrest, but even the shadow could not be found

From April 1940, when it advanced into Pingbei and opened up the Fengluanmi base area, by August 1941, the 10th Regiment had fought 414 large and small battles with the Japanese puppet army and conquered 13 enemy strongholds. 2,525 Japanese puppet troops were killed and 298 were captured; 3 cars were blown up; 8 guns of various kinds were captured; 144 machine guns and rifles and 287 war horses were captured. In order to celebrate the victory, the 10th Regiment and the Fengluanmi Party and government organs jointly held a celebration meeting at the Chaohe Factory in Miyun County, at which Lu Zhihua, commander of the 1st Company of the 10th Regiment, Wang Yujin, commander of the 7th Company, Liu Yuqi, deputy company commander of the 2nd Company, Du Xiaomo, instructor of the 8th Company, Zhang Pengchen, the hero of the 8th Company, Wang Shuxing, the leader of the 2nd Company, and Wang Wanfa, the leader of the 3rd Company, were commended.

This is our battlefield behind enemy lines. After the outbreak of the All-out War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Communist Party of China comprehensively analyzed the situation and characteristics of the Sino-Japanese War in which the enemy was strong and we were weak, and the Japanese army was well-equipped and well-trained, and pointed out that it is difficult for China to win a military victory by relying solely on frontal combat, and it is necessary to launch a guerrilla war behind the enemy to launch a guerrilla war among the masses. The anti-Japanese armed forces under the leadership of the Communist Party of China adopted the path of advancing in waves in the mountains and then in the plains, created anti-Japanese base areas behind enemy lines, and successively opened up battlefields behind enemy lines in north China, central China, and south China. The formation of battlefields behind enemy lines, such as North China, Central China, and South China, and the extensive development of people's wars not only effectively coordinated with the frontal battlefield operations against Japan and smashed the Japanese army's strategic plot to destroy China in a "quick battle and quick decision," but also posed a fatal threat to the rear of the Japanese army. After the Sino-Japanese War entered the stage of strategic stalemate, the battlefield behind enemy lines gradually rose to the main battlefield of China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and became a key factor in the change in the enemy's long-term strength.

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