
In the third quarter of 2021, the "four modernization" projects in Guizhou Province concentrated on the groundbreaking ceremony of the Qianxian Prefecture branch venue was held Huang Xingwen gave instructions

author:Qianxian Radio and Television Station

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On September 28, the groundbreaking ceremony of the "Four Modernizations" project in Guizhou Province in the third quarter of 2021 was held. Huang Xingwen, deputy secretary of the state party committee and governor, gave instructions; Chen Jian, member of the standing committee of the state party committee and executive vice governor of the state government; Fang Jun, deputy director of the standing committee of the state people's congress; Huang Man, vice governor of the state government; and Liao Xing, vice chairman of the state CPPCC committee, attended the meeting.

Huang Xingwen pointed out in the instructions: Paying close attention to project construction and expanding effective investment is the main support for promoting the sustained and healthy development of our state's economy. All levels and departments should thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Guizhou and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1st" important speech, fully implement the spirit of Secretary Chen Yiqin's important speech at the "special meeting" of the provincial party committee, firmly establish the concept of "we must grasp investment, we must grasp effective investment, we must innovate ideas and grasp effective investment", innovate ideas and measures, and unswervingly adhere to the confidence of grasping projects and stabilizing investment. The whole state should focus on the "four new" to attack the "four modernizations", take project construction as the main position for expanding effective investment, strive to tackle tough problems, form a clear orientation of grasping large projects and grasping large projects, strengthen safeguard measures, innovate work mechanisms, and promote project construction with high standards, high quality and high efficiency, so as to provide strong support for the good start and good start of the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" in our state, and boost the high-quality development of the state's economy.

Chen Jian announced the concentrated start of the project and made a speech, asking all levels and departments throughout the state to firmly establish the concept of "we must grasp investment, we must grasp effective investment, and we must innovate ideas to grasp effective investment", and vigorously grasp project construction to expand effective investment. It is necessary to take the "four modernizations" project as the focus of expanding industrial investment, private investment and industrial investment, strengthen the guarantee of land use, water use and other elements, and provide high-quality services for the creation and implementation of projects. It is necessary to establish the concept that grasping projects is to grasp development, keeping an eye on the major national and provincial "14th Five-Year Plan" major plans, market demand and policy and capital orientation, focusing on improving the quality of project planning, ensuring that a batch of reserves, a batch of construction, a batch of construction, and a batch of completions continue to inject living water into the high-quality development of the whole state.

Huang Man presided over the groundbreaking ceremony.

The responsible comrade of the State Development and Reform Commission introduced the basic situation of the "four modernizations" project in the third quarter of the state. Representatives of Xingyi City and project owners spoke separately.

It is understood that a total of 37 "four modernization" projects have been started in our state this time, with a total investment of 10.195 billion yuan.

(Qianxiantai Cen Nanxi Lou Chen Orange Report Editor Dai Shuoyi Responsible Editor Fan Wen Editor Zhang Xiang)

In the third quarter of 2021, the "four modernization" projects in Guizhou Province concentrated on the groundbreaking ceremony of the Qianxian Prefecture branch venue was held Huang Xingwen gave instructions

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