
"Your Delivery, Your Decision" Happy Childbirth Experience Camp for Pregnant Mothers

author:Xingyang Maternal and Child Health Hospital
"Your Delivery, Your Decision" Happy Childbirth Experience Camp for Pregnant Mothers

As the bell of life is approaching, every expectant mother stands at this unique and sacred turning point in life. To help expectant mothers better understand, experience and master the childbirth process

On the morning of June 29, 2024, Xingyang Maternal and Child Health Hospital carefully planned and held the "Your Delivery, You Decide" pregnant mother salon activity. The purpose of this event is to build a communication platform for expectant mothers, so that they can gain more confidence and strength while welcoming a new life.

"Your Delivery, Your Decision" Happy Childbirth Experience Camp for Pregnant Mothers

In the soft and warm melody of "Love Makes Us Family", we embarked on this journey full of expectations together. Liu Liping, director of the Health Education Department, came to the scene and participated in the well-designed lucky draw of the lucky pregnancy gas station. The six lucky mothers-to-be shared their strong belief in natural childbirth while receiving exquisite prizes. Their sharing was like a beam of sunshine, which warmed the hearts of every expectant mother present, and also dispelled their doubts and fears about childbirth.

"Your Delivery, Your Decision" Happy Childbirth Experience Camp for Pregnant Mothers

Small theater

Subsequently, the small theater carefully planned by the delivery room became the link between the inheritance of experience. Two experienced pregnant mothers used their real experiences to tell the expectant mothers about the delivery process, passing on knowledge and strength. On the Avenue of Birth Stars, under the guidance of Director Liu Liping, the fathers-to-be experienced different delivery positions and breathing techniques, and learned how to give the most powerful support to the mothers-to-be at critical moments.

"Your Delivery, Your Decision" Happy Childbirth Experience Camp for Pregnant Mothers

In order to show the childbirth process more intuitively, the event specially arranged a gentle childbirth simulation session. With the perfect cooperation of midwives Zhao Jia and teacher Li Lu, the whole process of childbirth was simulated on the spot. This session allows expectant mothers to have a deeper knowledge and understanding of the upcoming delivery.

"Your Delivery, Your Decision" Happy Childbirth Experience Camp for Pregnant Mothers

At the end of the event, Director Wu Linlin of the Department of Obstetrics answered all kinds of doubts about childbirth for expectant mothers with a professional and detailed explanation, and enhanced their confidence in childbirth. At the same time, she also introduced the information about the midwifery clinic to the expectant mothers, so that expectant mothers can understand the full range of antenatal services provided by the hospital.

"Your Delivery, Your Decision" Happy Childbirth Experience Camp for Pregnant Mothers

In order to commend the expectant mothers who actively participated in the activity and studied seriously, at the end of the event, the outstanding expectant mothers who recently listened to 6 classes were awarded the outstanding expectant mother graduation certificate. This is an affirmation of their efforts and perseverance on the road to becoming mothers, and it is also a good wish for a happy life for them in the future.

"Your Delivery, Your Decision" Happy Childbirth Experience Camp for Pregnant Mothers

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"Your Delivery, Your Decision" Happy Childbirth Experience Camp for Pregnant Mothers
"Your Delivery, Your Decision" Happy Childbirth Experience Camp for Pregnant Mothers

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