
Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

author:Qujiang Cultural Tourism
Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market
Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

With the acceleration of urbanization and the improvement of residents' living standards, people's consumption needs are becoming increasingly diversified, and the night-time economy has gradually become an important part of urban economic development.

In this context, Qujiang Cultural Tourism focuses on the night economy and creates a more diversified and differentiated play experience for citizens and tourists.

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market


Night "acting"

Qujiang has always been committed to telling the cultural story of the night, carefully presenting a wonderful nightlife that perfectly integrates profound culture and gorgeous scenery, bringing tourists a double enjoyment of the soul and senses. The colorful night performance of the Tang Furong Garden, the large-scale water dance light and shadow show "Tang Chasing Dreams" takes the Furong Lake at night as the stage, telling the story of the millennium. Behind it, Ziyun Tower stands majestically, adding endless solemnity and elegance to the performance. Tourists take a cruise to immerse themselves in the profound cultural heritage and historical glory of the Tang Dynasty.

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market
Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market
Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

("Tang Chasing Dreams")

The large-scale super-dimensional sitcom "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty" shows the glory of the Tang Dynasty from multiple chapters and different angles. Fang city atmosphere, literati and military generals...... Each scene is vivid, showing the diversity and prosperity of society during the Tang Dynasty, and at the same time, the poignant and moving love story is interspersed, adding endless tenderness and charm to this dance drama.

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market
Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

("Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty")

In addition, the wonderful performance of the thousand-year-old intangible cultural heritage culture - Tang Dynasty court Yanle "Drum" with its unique rhythm and rhythm to feel the glorious era of Tang Dynasty court music. In the bright night, the graceful dancing of "Lingbo Manyun", the delicate and delicate of "Mirror Beauty", the majestic and majestic "Lion of the Five Directions", and the harmonious elegance of "Dancing Lady" and other scattered performances are rich and diverse in content and form, in a wonderful performance, vividly showing the unique charm and profound heritage of Tang culture.

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market
Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

("Dream Hunting: Hibiscus")

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

("Lion of the Five Directions")

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

("Lady in the Spiegel")

The night performances in Datang Never Sleeps City have the characteristics of a "combination of ancient and modern" neighborhoods. Among them, the performance of "Return to Chang'an" will bring the audience into an immersive experience of the Tang Dynasty, the popular "Tang Dynasty Secret Box" shows the prosperity and mystery of the Tang Dynasty in a unique way, the "Zhenguan Zhizhi" that shows the style of the Tang Dynasty, the exotic "Rotating Hu Xuan", and the intimate interaction with tourists "Hua Deng Taibai" is closely linked to the charm of ancient poetry and the emotions of modern tourists. The "Little Sister Tumbler", which has attracted countless tourists, seems to bring the audience into the dream of the Tang Dynasty with its elegant dancing posture and smart image. These splendid performances not only enhance the tourists' immersion in the Datang Sleepless City neighborhood, but also deeply empower the integration of the night economy, allowing people to experience the unique charm of the night economy while enjoying the cultural feast.

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market


Night "Shopping"

Creative performances bring immersive experiences, while more diverse formats lead to richer consumption patterns. Datang Never Sleeps City has always integrated cultural creativity into the culture of the Tang Dynasty, and has created many popular cultural and creative products, such as Q Meng's "Tang Xiaozang" and the lovely "Meat Sandwich Bun", which are essentially the inheritance and development of Xi'an's local culture.

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market
Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market
Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market
Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

While the night economy of cultural tourism is developing rapidly, modern pop culture has also been written into the genes of Qujiang's night economy. With the development and promotion of Internet culture, sitting on the lakeside with good friends and drinking coffee, or taking advantage of the night to get drunk, has become a new fashion symbol.

The surrounding area of the scenic spot is also full of rich business formats, such as Joy City, which is close to Datang Sleepless City, and Furong Xintiandi, which is adjacent to Tang Furong Garden, and the rich commercial formats inject a steady stream of vitality into Qujiang's night economy.

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market
Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

(Unico Coffee)



As the soul of the night economy, the beautiful night view of Qujiang can bring a unique tour experience. In the night light and shadow of the Tang Paradise, the solemn and simple pavilions and pavilions during the day present a more modern artistic atmosphere, adding a touch of mystery to the ancient Tang style of the park.

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

(Night view of the Ladies' Pavilion)

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

(Night view of Ziyun Tower)

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

(Night view of the flag pavilion)

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

(Night view of Caixia Promenade)

The brightly lit Datang City that never sleeps has become a holy place for night tour enthusiasts to check in. The Tang style architecture shines brightly, like a picture scroll intertwined with history and modernity, showing a unique charm. The dreamlike "Poetic Chang'an" poetry lamp group perfectly integrates Tang style poetry with modern light and shadow, each of which carries the popular Tang poems, and you can also feel the strong cultural heritage while enjoying the beautiful scenery.

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market
Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

The perfect combination of atmosphere and scenery makes Qujiang Pool at night a "new favorite of young people", showing the profound cultural heritage of Qujiang Pond and condensing the charm of history.

Xinhua News Agency once described Qu Jiang in a report: "The stories scattered in the history books and classics are once again presented to the world through modern dance, live performances, on-site interactions and other forms." "It is this kind of night economy that lights up the good life of the public. The vigorous development of "night rewards" has continuously injected more new momentum into the in-depth integration and development of cultural tourism.

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market
Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market


Gorgeous costumes, unlock new ways to play night tours

In Qujiang, where the Tang culture is strong, wearing a Chinese costume for a night tour is a rare travel experience. Wearing Chinese costumes in the major scenic spots of Qujiang, with deep clothes and brocade skirts, there is no sense of disobedience, and it can be said that Qujiang is a gathering place for Chinese costumes. Recently, the Tang Paradise has launched a free ticket policy: visitors dressed in fancy clothes and full makeup can scan the QR code below to make an appointment to visit the Tang Paradise for free.

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

Wearing gorgeous clothes, whether it is strolling through the pavilions and pavilions of the Tang Paradise, lingering in the evening breeze of Qujiang Pond, or walking through the brightly lit Datang Sleepless City block, it is the most popular way to check in today.

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market


Accommodation to make the night tour even better

The prosperity of the night economy is inseparable from the solid backing of high-quality hotel accommodation. With its profound cultural heritage, the Qujiang area has endowed many hotels with unique cultural attributes, so it has attracted countless tourists. The Tang style atmosphere of Hong Lim Court Hotel and Tang Hua LUXE Hotel brings historical charm, the young and luxurious Po Wei Hotel provides young travelers with a stylish and comfortable accommodation choice, and Qujiang Ginza Hotel has won the praise of many guests for its advanced facilities and meticulous service. A full range of high-quality services, carefully create the best quality accommodation experience for every guest, and enjoy a peaceful and comfortable sleeping environment while enjoying the night of Qujiang.

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

(Hong Lim Court Hotel Rooms)

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

(Hong Lim Court Hotel Lobby)

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

(Lobby of HUALUXE Tang Hua Hotel)

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

(Exterior view of Hualuxe Tang Hualuxe Hotel)

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

(Qujiang Ginza Hotel Multi-function Hall)

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

(Rooms of the Po Wei Hotel)

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

Enjoying food is an indispensable part of the night tour economy, and Qujiang cuisine includes both traditional specialties and a wide range of creative snacks, providing more choices for citizens and tourists traveling at night.

The time-honored brand cluster of Datang Sleepless City is based on tradition and condenses ingenuity. The Shaanxi cuisine of Xi'an Restaurant, the mutton steamed bun with Shengxiang, the dumpling feast of Defa Chang, and the gourd head steamed bun in spring, these traditional food categories are the traditional tastes in the memory of the old Xi'an people.

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

(Datang Sleepless City Time-honored Cluster Terrace)

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

(Xi'an Restaurant gourd chicken, squirrel fish & Tongshengxiang mutton steamed bun)

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

(Defa Long Dumpling Banquet)

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

(Gourd head soaked bun in spring)

Qujiang Imperial Banquet Palace Hotel, with its unique inheritance and meticulous presentation of the Tang banquet tradition, brought guests a feast of imitation of the Tang Dynasty through time and space. In the hotel, the antique environment and exquisite food complement each other, creating a palace feast atmosphere like a thousand years ago, each dish is carefully cooked, intoxicating the enjoyment of taste buds, and has become the first choice for wedding banquets in the minds of countless Xi'an people, adding a strong cultural heritage and romantic atmosphere to the happy moments of each couple.

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market
Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market
Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market
Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

Another form of food lies in the night tour of the market full of fireworks, whether it is Chang'an Wharf, Hudian Wharf, Tang Market in Tang Furong Garden, or Tang Food Fang in Tang Never Sleeps City, in the creation of these tourism projects, Qujiang digs deep into Xi'an's characteristic Tang cultural resources, integrates the desirable Tang cultural concept into the market products, and develops a series of highly creative and popular snacks such as Tang poetry and fan cake, which are essentially the deep integration of culture, tourism, commerce and other industries, and are also an in-depth interpretation of high-quality night economy.

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market
Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market
Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

With the gradual development of the night economy, "night culture" has gradually taken shape and become an important support for the night economy. A healthy, positive and high-profile night culture is of great significance for improving the quality and connotation of the night economy and promoting the cultural inheritance and innovation of the city.

It has held a variety of summer music festivals, lakeside concerts in the Tang Paradise, lakeside music markets in Qujiang Pond, music festivals in the Tang Never Sleeps City in the middle of summer, and a dream-chasing power stage filled with singing every night in the Tang Never Sleeps City...... The night of Qujiang is always full of vitality and passion, cheers and bustling sounds linger in the night of Qujiang, the flow of people is like weaving, the crowd is crowded, and a variety of rich activities organically connect the surrounding commercial areas, driving the night consumption in many fields such as catering, entertainment, and shopping.

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

(July 29, 2022, Tang Furong Garden Furong Lakeside Music Festival)

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market
Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

(Datang Never Sleeps City Dream Chasing Power Stage)

On the professional track of Qujiangchi Ruins Park, the participants wore professional equipment, walked vigorously, and enjoyed the joy of sports in the charming night view.

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market


The booming night-time economy is a microcosm of the urban economy, a new track for urban competition, and is expected to become a new growth point for urban economic development in the future, as well as a new engine for building urban brands and promoting consumption upgrading, which contains huge market potential and social value.

In the process of shaping a high-pattern night culture, combined with modern technology and creativity, Qujiang's night culture development has deepened the attributes of Tang culture, empowered the night economy, and created a distinctive and influential night culture brand, covering food, intangible cultural heritage, cultural and creative industries, entertainment, sports and other formats, creating a fireworks atmosphere that everyone likes to see.

In the future development, Qujiang Cultural Tourism will continue to provide you with a nightlife "feast" that combines exquisite culture and scenery, create more possibilities for the night economy, and bring more diverse and immersive night play methods and more colorful nightlife experiences.

Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

Editor: Liu Zhejia

Proofreading: Hui Tian

First trial: Du Mengyu

Reviewer: Xu Gang

Final review: Zhang Yi



Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market
Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market
Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

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Night tours activate the "night economy" and ignite the new vitality of the summer consumer market

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