
Deep reading | He Yimin: Sheepshoe nails on Chen Pu Road

author:Straits Herald Greater Ningde
Deep reading | He Yimin: Sheepshoe nails on Chen Pu Road

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Deep reading | He Yimin: Sheepshoe nails on Chen Pu Road

The road in front of the office building of the management committee of Dongqiao District of Ningde City is called "Chen Pu Road", which is said to commemorate Chen Pu, a cultural celebrity in Ningde in the Southern Song Dynasty.

In Ningde, there are many things related to Chen Pu, such as Shangde Road, Shitang Mountain, Shenzi Bridge, Chen Pujia Wine, and so on. Once went to the countryside of Hubei in The Jiaocheng District, passed by Wenfeng Village and Meihe Village, saw the legendary "Shenzi Bridge", and learned a lot about Chen Puqi's people and their legends. Chen Pu (1244-1315 AD), courtesy name Shangde, was known as Mr. Shitang. In the fourth year (1244) of the Southern Song Dynasty, Chunyou was born in Shitang, the twenty capitals of Ningde (now part of Wenfeng Village, Hubei Township, Baocheng District), and died in the second year of Emperor Yuanrenzong's reign (1315), at the age of seventy-two. Chen Pu was a famous educator and theorist of the Southern Song Dynasty, whose casting leaky pot was the prototype of the world's earliest clock. He studied hard at an early age, read the Four Books and Five Classics, and when he grew up, he immersed himself in the study of Zhu Xi's theory. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Chen Pu refused to leave the shi, lived in seclusion in Shitang to open a professor, from hundreds of scholars, and lived in Puzhong in his later years, creating a beneficial public. He is the author of four volumes of Shi Tang's manuscripts, and the "General Catalogue of the Four Libraries" has been published in the world.

The Shenzi Bridge in Wenfeng Village is a uniquely shaped covered bridge that once performed a section of Zhu Xi and Chen Pu's "Ancient Singing Harmony". It is said that when Zhu Xi founded Lantian Academy in Gutian Shanyang, he passed by The Stone Hall one summer afternoon and felt thirsty, and saw that there was a spring more than a hundred meters away from the bridge, so he went down to drink a few sips, and the spring water actually had the smell of ink, and he realized that "in the next few decades, this Great Confucian was born." When passing by the bridge under construction, the carpenter was not there, and there was an ink bucket and a bamboo pen left on the scene, so he mentioned the poem "Ziyang Poetry Stone Hall Famous for Thousands of Ages" on a beam, and after writing, Zhu Xi left. After the master carpenter thought that some child was here to doodle at random, he took a planer for a long time, because the ink had already seeped into the wood, so he could only install it. Therefore, the locals call it "Shenzi Bridge". The Great Confucian of the Later Life that Zhu Xi realized referred to Chen Pu.

Every spring, a flower called sheepshoe nail blooms on Chen Pu Road. After work one day, deliberately go to a tree to observe carefully, the sheepshoe nail tree is 6 meters to 10 meters high, the leaves are round or broad-hearted, slightly more than long, more than ten centimeters long, the top of the leaf is split, shaped like a sheep's hoof, the crack is about one-third of the total length of the leaf, and the end of the lobe is round and blunt. Suddenly, it was because the leaves were shaped like sheep's hooves, so they were named sheepshoe nails. The flowers are branched, conical, white or reddish-purple, the flowers are as large as a palm, about 10 cm wide, there are 5 petals, of which 4 petals are arranged on both sides, two and two opposite, and the other petal is tilted above, such as orchid-like, smelling, there is a faint fragrance similar to an orchid, so the sheepshoe beetle is also called "orchid tree". The bark of the sheepshoe beetle contains tannins that can be used as tanning and dyes, and the roots, bark and flowers can also be used in medicine.

I remember that one spring, I was shocked by the sheepshoe armor that bloomed freely in the drizzle of early spring on the industrial road in Fuzhou: its dry height, its beautiful shape, its branches, and its lush leaves. In the spring rain, there are flocks of flowers, chuchu and moving, full of vitality and greenery. Bring many surprises to all the hurried pedestrians who pass by.

There was also such a tree in the jingjing campus in the depths of memory, there was no flower recognition software at that time, I didn't know what kind of plant it was, just because the leaves looked like butterflies, I named it "butterfly tree" in my heart, I thought this name was very beautiful and suitable, and I was secretly proud in my heart. In spring, this tree is full of flowers, pink and white with purple, very innocent, like the time of that era, real and long, beautiful and sad. Every time I pass by, I always like to stop under the tree, smell the fragrance, look at the bunches of pink butterfly-like flowers, and admire the symmetrical sheep's hoof-like leaves. Sometimes they will jump up mischievously and pull the branches full of flowers, let go of their hands, and the flowers will float up like frightened butterflies, and then they will fall, and the petals will scatter all over the head and shoulders, causing a string of beautiful reverie... One day chatting with a friend, mentioning the common campus and this tree when the girl was studying, suddenly, the scene of the "pink butterfly" flying reappeared in front of me, and the heart was soft, beautiful memory, fragrant and far away.

The flowering period of the sheepshoe nails is very long, from November to April of the following year. Lu Ji wrote a poem: "Three thorns rejoice in the same plant, and four birds mourn the forest." Li Bai sighed, "The Tian clan hastily divided the flesh and bones, and the blue sky and white sun destroy the bauhinia." The famous Tang Dynasty poet Wei Yingwu's poem "See bauhinia wheel": "Miscellaneous Ying has been accumulated, and it contains fang alone in the late spring." It is also like the old garden tree, and the people of the old garden are recalled. Taiwanese female writer Xi Murong described it in her essay: "The sheepshoe nail is a flower that is difficult to draw. When the flowers bloom, the whole tree looks like it is shrouded in a layer of pink smoke from a distance, and I always feel that I can't see clearly and don't draw carefully. However, if you really want to look at it closely, its delicate orchid-like flower is a completely different look, completely different from when you look at it from a distance, and you don't know how to start. "The poetic language is precise and precise.

In the early morning of spring, passing by the silent North Shore Park, the water surface of the East Lake is full of smoke and rain, and the trees and buildings on the other side of the lake suddenly appear, which are mysterious, deep, dreamlike and picturesque. The fresh air after the rain is a delight to behold. After the car turned into Chen Pu Road, the neat sidewalk trees on both sides of the road held up flowers full of powder, white powder, and purple flowers, and white pink and purple came into view. In the distance, the entire road is filled with fascinating colors, like smoke and fog, which is evocative.

Almost all spring, Chen Pulu has been so beautiful, from one, two, several, small scales of broken buds, and gradually spread into a stunning and admirable arrogance. The prosperity is no less than the famous cherry blossoms and peach blossoms that are spread everywhere else, and the beauty of this doorway does not require bringing good wine and food, or moving a small stool to see it. Every day on the way to work, on the way to work, or out of the office building to run errands, go to the restaurant, as soon as you look up, there is a surprise in your eyes.

The flower language of bauhinia is: family affection, which contains the beautiful meaning of family reunion and brotherly harmony. The Cheng Zhu Lixue inherited by Chen Pu advocates the knowledge of gewu and the wisdom of benevolence, righteousness, and wisdom, and between the beautiful meaning of bauhinia flowers, the connotation of truth, goodness and beauty is so harmonious that it can be described as in the same vein.

This year, due to the impact of the new crown epidemic, factories have stopped working and schools have been suspended, and with the effective control of the epidemic, various work such as the resumption of production and school in various places is being carried out in an orderly manner. I think, no matter what, as long as you conform to nature, do not force, do not violate, even if you occasionally encounter difficulties, such as natural disasters, such as man-made disasters, such as flowers blooming, such as flowers falling, you must not be too sad, and even have a faint joy, just like walking under the tree in full bloom of the Sheepshoe nails of Chen Pulu at this moment, if there is no fragrance in the wind, the fallen petals gently brush across the cheeks, leaving a faint fragrance on the hair or shoulders, and then quietly falling in the grass, gradually fading, gradually fading, gradually disappearing, And then start the next season of reincarnation...

In the twilight, the sheepshoe nails became a confused memory, deep and shallow, pink and purple standing in two rows like smoke and mist, reminding me of the Chen Pu Road that I walked back and forth every day, which was rich in cultural meaning, fresh and beautiful, and poetic.

Source: Big Dream Banana City
