
Possessing a body of learning aimed at teaching the people, Chen Pu did not contribute a point to the Yuan Court all his life Chen Puqi did not contribute a point to the Yuan Dynasty in his lifetime, and did not change his books and sayings, and made great contributions

author:Sensen says history

Foreword: During the Southern Song Dynasty, people always had the courage to resist foreign enemies, but the imperial court's strong idea of partial security was finally unable to return to heaven, and the Southern Song Dynasty lasted only more than a hundred years before it collapsed. After the Mongol invasion, the Yuan regime was established on the land of China. At this time, the resistance of the people did not stop, and the people's resistance activities never stopped during the existence of the Yuan regime of less than a hundred years. After the establishment of the Yuan regime, many of the people who survived during the Song Dynasty did not recognize its legitimacy from the bottom of their hearts, so they resisted it a lot. At this time, people with conditions participate in organized rebellion, and people without conditions of integrity are not willing to serve them.

There is such a person here, that is, the famous educator and theorist Chen Pu. He refused the solicitation of the Yuan court three times in his life, preferring to risk being liquidated by the Yuan people and imparting his knowledge to the people in the countryside, while claiming to be a remnant of the Southern Song Dynasty, not recognizing the Yuan regime's intentions were very obvious, and its integrity was awe-inspiring. So what kind of person is Chen Pu? What happened to him in his life? Let's review them all.

Possessing a body of learning aimed at teaching the people, Chen Pu did not contribute a point to the Yuan Court all his life Chen Puqi did not contribute a point to the Yuan Dynasty in his lifetime, and did not change his books and sayings, and made great contributions

Educator and theorist Chen Pu

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Chen Puqi</h1>

Chen Pu was born in 1244 in 1244 in the late Southern Song Dynasty in Shitang, the Twenty Capitals of Ningde (present-day Hubei Township, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian Province). When he was young, he studied hard and inspirationally, and he had nothing to do with the Four Books and Five Classics. Until he became an adult, he studied Zhu Xi's science in depth and eventually became very proficient. Later, he went to Suzhou to visit Han Yifu, a famous scholar at that time. Because of his outstanding learning and good attitude, Han Yifu was deeply valued by Han Yifu, so Han Yifu married his daughter Yucia to him.

In 1271, when the Mongol soldiers invaded the Southern Song Dynasty, Chen Pu had to move to Shitang Mountain to live in seclusion, where he began to write books and study.

Possessing a body of learning aimed at teaching the people, Chen Pu did not contribute a point to the Yuan Court all his life Chen Puqi did not contribute a point to the Yuan Dynasty in his lifetime, and did not change his books and sayings, and made great contributions

Chen Pu was poor in his childhood but studied very diligently

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > does not contribute a single force to the Yuan Dynasty for life</h1>

A few years later, in 1279 AD, the Mongols invaded Lin'an in the Southern Song Dynasty, and the Southern Song Dynasty fell. At this time, Chen Pu, as a remnant of the Southern Song Dynasty, vowed not to participate in the Yuan Dynasty and not to contribute to the Yuan Dynasty regime, let alone to become an official of the Yuan Dynasty. Because of his great influence in writing and teaching in the folk, the Yuan court tried to recruit him into the camp three times and hire him to be a professor of Fujian Province (in ancient times, the professor was not an official name, but equivalent to today's teacher), but he refused.

Possessing a body of learning aimed at teaching the people, Chen Pu did not contribute a point to the Yuan Court all his life Chen Puqi did not contribute a point to the Yuan Dynasty in his lifetime, and did not change his books and sayings, and made great contributions

Chen Pu refused to be recruited by the Yuan Dynasty and taught in the countryside

Chen Pu set up a school hall in a temple in Shitang Mountain (now Wenfeng Village, Hubei Township, Ningde City), namely Renfeng Temple. People from all over the world knew of his talent, so hundreds of students soon came to study. For teaching, Chen Pu does not let his students learn the boring scriptures and histories, but lets students focus more on practical content. Therefore, in the process of learning, "it is not expensive to write words, and it is necessary to revere elegance and float", and to "know the truth and practice, and seek to be worthy of the ancient sages".

Under this teaching method, Chen Pu has trained many famous people in science, such as Han Xintong, Yu Zai, Yang Bowl, Huang Pei and others, who have learned to apply what they have learned and practice-oriented celebrities. While he was trying his best to teach, he was also studying mathematical knowledge. During this period, he spent three years and countless practical experiments to finally develop a new type of "poly copper casting and engraving leaky pot". This new leaky pot can "rise and fall at the right time, and the fiber is not cool". This object can accurately tell the time, and even at that time, the Fujian Cloth Administration Department used this new timer as a prototype to create a new large leaky pot to place in the Yulou (now Fuzhou Drum Tower) to tell the time.

Possessing a body of learning aimed at teaching the people, Chen Pu did not contribute a point to the Yuan Court all his life Chen Puqi did not contribute a point to the Yuan Dynasty in his lifetime, and did not change his books and sayings, and made great contributions

"Poly copper casting carved leaky pot"

Because Chen Pu refused several times to be recruited by the Yuan regime and presented himself as a remnant, some people in the Yuan regime wanted to blame him. He had to swim in Gutian, Pingnan, Zhenghe and other places for more than ten years. Later, Chen Pu founded the Dexing Chu'an Academy, and then taught at Jianyang Yunzhuang Academy, Fuzhou Aofeng Academy, and Changle Aofeng Academy. Everywhere he went to give lectures, the bachelors came with their clothes on, and they kept going on along the way.

In his lifetime, Chen Pu only taught people knowledge, never accepted the solicitation of the Yuan Dynasty regime, and did not contribute a single point for them. The backbone of its remnants is very admirable.

Possessing a body of learning aimed at teaching the people, Chen Pu did not contribute a point to the Yuan Court all his life Chen Puqi did not contribute a point to the Yuan Dynasty in his lifetime, and did not change his books and sayings, and made great contributions

Dexing Chu'an Academy

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > anecdotes do not change</h1>

There is a passage about zhu xi and Chen Pu's "ancient singing and harmony" deeds, recorded in the "Ningde County Chronicle". This deed occurred in the area from Wenfeng Village to Meihe Village in Hubei Township, where a special shape of the covered bridge was built. The county chronicle records that Zhu Xi, an ancient university scholar and theorist, once built a academy in Shanyang in Gutian, called Lantian Academy. One day at noon, when the sun was rising, Zhu Xi walked past the stone hall, and he suddenly became thirsty and found that not far from the front of the bridge, there was a fountain that was bubbling out of the water. The water was so clear that he couldn't help but take a few sips. This spring is not only clear, but also has the smell of ink. This could not help but make him feel something in his heart, thinking that "in the next few decades, this Great Confucianism was born." Zhu Xi felt this and made a famous sentence for thousands of years: "The name of the Ziyang Poetry Stone Hall is manifested through the ages." Decades later, Chen Pu set up another academy here, which fulfilled Zhu Xi's prophecy of the birth of the Great Confucian in that year.

Possessing a body of learning aimed at teaching the people, Chen Pu did not contribute a point to the Yuan Court all his life Chen Puqi did not contribute a point to the Yuan Dynasty in his lifetime, and did not change his books and sayings, and made great contributions

"The Name of the Ziyang Poetry Stone Hall has been famous for thousands of years"

By 1244 AD, Chen Pu was born here. After Chen Pu was born, his family was poor, but he worked very hard in school. And he is talented, so he learns at a very young age than others. When he was only five years old, he happened to see flocks of egrets flying in the field, so he casually recited a poem "Wing Egret" in five words, saying: "I sit here, Er rests over there, the sky is cloudless, and a few snows fly down." The poem is breathtaking. By the age of twelve, he was proficient in memorizing the Four Books and Five Classics.

Possessing a body of learning aimed at teaching the people, Chen Pu did not contribute a point to the Yuan Court all his life Chen Puqi did not contribute a point to the Yuan Dynasty in his lifetime, and did not change his books and sayings, and made great contributions

The young Chen Pu made this poem

One summer, he went to the Shenzi Bridge with his brothers to play, and accidentally saw the inscription on the beam of the bridge pavilion: "The name of the Ziyang Poetry Stone Hall is ancient", which has an upper link but no lower link, which not only triggered his thinking. He then thought about it for a moment, and then he came up with the next sentence: "Emperor Xuan's throne honors Jin Yu Shou Yong Yong", and takes the pen and writes it into Liang. This swing of his inadvertently became the "ancient singing harmony" between him and Zhu Xi. After the story was spread, Chen Pu became famous. After that, Chen Pubai studied hard under Han Yifu, a scholar at Soochow University. Han Yifu was Zhu Xi's disciple, and Chen Pu became Zhu Xi's disciple. After a series of hard work, Chen Pu was very proficient in the history of scripture and other studies, and he had a comprehensive grasp of Zhu Xi's theory, and his reputation spread far beyond the land of Bamin and the Huaijiang River.

Possessing a body of learning aimed at teaching the people, Chen Pu did not contribute a point to the Yuan Court all his life Chen Puqi did not contribute a point to the Yuan Dynasty in his lifetime, and did not change his books and sayings, and made great contributions

"Singing and Singing"

After the Yuan Dynasty replaced the Southern Song Dynasty, in order to better rule, the Yuan Court wanted to learn from the Han people to govern the Han Dynasty and recruit talents to serve them. At that time, Yuan Shizu had a counselor named Liu Bingzhong, who was a Han Chinese. When he learned of Chen Pu's reputation, he gave him three initiations and asked the imperial court to grant Chen Pu the title of professor of Fujian Provincial Studies. The imperial court issued three edicts to Chen Pu, but on the one hand, he regarded himself as a remnant of the Southern Song Dynasty, and learned tao yuanming to cultivate to aspire, and he should never give a contribution to the Yuan court. He also composed a poem of Yongzhu, with the inscription of the Green Bamboo Festival, in which he wrote: "Verse after verse, a thousand branches and thousands of leaves." I don't flower, so I don't want to stir bees and butterflies. Therefore, he went back to his hometown to establish a Renfeng Academy, and hung a horizontal plaque in the middle hall to show his ambition, on which was written "Zhi Bu Shi Yuan". The plaque is still protected by local villagers as a treasure of the village.

Possessing a body of learning aimed at teaching the people, Chen Pu did not contribute a point to the Yuan Court all his life Chen Puqi did not contribute a point to the Yuan Dynasty in his lifetime, and did not change his books and sayings, and made great contributions

Chen Pu refused yuan dynasty demands three times

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > wrote books and made great contributions</h1>

Chen Pu's study of Zhu Xi's theory was very in-depth, and in order to pass on this useful knowledge, he founded the Dexing Chu'an Academy in Zhenghe, and then accepted the invitation of Liu Shuo, a sage from Jianyang, to go to Yunzhuang Academy to be the main lecturer. All of this focuses on the teaching of Zhu Xi's science. After that, he re-compiled the Funeral Rites by Zhu Xi's students Huang Gan and Yang Fu, and compiled Zhu Xi's related writings, which were eventually edited into ten volumes and published in the world. Soon after, he lectured in a number of colleges and spread the relevant knowledge widely. Its impact is growing, and the number of students is difficult to accurately count.

In terms of other practical content, Chen Pu is also deeply researched. In addition to the above-mentioned "poly-copper casting carved leaky pot", he also had a very in-depth study of astronomy, and he created the book "Armillary Celestial Theory". The book is divided into three volumes, which expound the relevant contents of the armillary sphere and the principle of armillary image; the production steps and design of the armillary sphere are elaborated in detail, including a variety of graphics, which are described in detail by dozens of diagrams; and how to make a water transport instrument elephant table is fully described and explained in detail. These materials are extremely valuable and greatly promote the development of natural science at that time.

Possessing a body of learning aimed at teaching the people, Chen Pu did not contribute a point to the Yuan Court all his life Chen Puqi did not contribute a point to the Yuan Dynasty in his lifetime, and did not change his books and sayings, and made great contributions

The Theory of Armillary Spheres

Conclusion: Chen Pu's life has made great contributions to our educational cause. He has made outstanding contributions in natural sciences and theoretical sciences. To this end, he created many works, such as "Shitang Collection" (this book was included in the "Two Song Mingxian"), "Zhou Yi Xie", "Shang Shu Supplement", "Hun Tianyi Theory", "Wuyi Song", "Lecture Notes on the Four Books and Five Classics", "Mr. Shi Tang's Testament", etc., in addition to hundreds of books on astronomy, geography, sound law, yin and yang and other types of books (specific reference to the "Book of Min)").

In 1315 AD, a generation of famous artists Chen Pu died of illness in Puzhong, and his body was eventually returned to his hometown by relatives and buried on Shitang Mountain. The people of the time deeply remembered his educational achievements and established a township ancestral hall to commemorate him. Today, its temples are still flourishing with incense.

For Chen Pu, the "Ningde County Chronicle" has a clear record as follows: The tomb of the famous Chen Pu is located on the Stone Hall Mountain in the Twenty Capitals. During the Ming Dynasty, Gong Lingying carved a tomb inscription on him, writing: "Gong Ben is clothed, and the name is very honorable, and the deceased is limited, but the Gong will always exist." The public is in the world, there is virtue and speech, Sven is in the right vein, and the public is at its door. Although I was born, I was fortunate to be a ruler of the earth, and I had a self-cherishing, a kind of sacrifice cemetery. "In the east four miles of Shitang Village, the people here are grateful to Chen Pu for his virtuous ability, and they go to sacrifice every year during the Qingming Festival.

Chen Pu, an educator and master of science, did not succumb to the obscenity of the invaders of the Yuan Dynasty without fear of danger, did not do his part for it for the rest of his life, and devoted his life to teaching the world, which is very admirable. And the doctrines he wrote are also examples for future generations to learn.


"Introduction to Chen Pu, a Historical Figure in Eastern Fujian". Southeast Net

Wen Feng: "A Thousand Years old village "Xanadu"" .. Banana City Online

History of the Song Dynasty

Chronicle of Ningde County