
"Theme Recitation" Liu Shaoqi to his son Liu Yunruo (excerpt)

author:Jiangxi Daily
"Theme Recitation" Liu Shaoqi to his son Liu Yunruo (excerpt)
"Theme Recitation" Liu Shaoqi to his son Liu Yunruo (excerpt)
"Theme Recitation" Liu Shaoqi to his son Liu Yunruo (excerpt)

Relive the classic memories of the original heart, keep in mind the mission and move forward.

At the time when the theme education of "not forgetting the original heart and keeping the mission in mind" was vigorously carried out by the whole party, the "Night Reading" column of Jiangxi Daily WeChat and the Jiangxi news client launched a special plan for the red classic recitation of "Not Forgetting the Initial Heart, Remembering the Mission", which also presented the 70th anniversary of New China!

The work we bring to you today is Liu Shaoqi to his son Liu Yunruo (excerpt).

This is a letter written by Liu Shaoqi to his son Liu Yunruo on May 6, 1955, Liu Yunruo was studying at the Moscow Aviation Institute in the Soviet Union at the time, because he did not get along well with his classmates, he asked to transfer to another department, Liu Shaoqi wrote many letters to him in succession in response to these problems, this is one of them. The letter criticized his individualistic and erroneous ideas, instructing him to learn to get along with people, concentrate on learning scientific knowledge, and live up to the expectations of his family.

"Theme Recitation" Liu Shaoqi to his son Liu Yunruo (excerpt)
"Theme Recitation" Liu Shaoqi to his son Liu Yunruo (excerpt)

Liu Shaoqi to his son Liu Yunruo (excerpt)

Dear Yoon Joo,

...... In the past, you (1) often had a bad relationship with others, and the main shortcomings or mistakes were in your aspect. On this point, I remember that before you went to Yan'an Middle School to study, I talked to you about uniting and cooperating with gentlemen and classmates, and not to be afraid of losing a little in front of gentlemen and classmates, not to take advantage of others, and not to look down on others. In the past, whenever you could not get along with anyone in your family or school, I always raised this question for your attention and repeatedly told you emphatically. Although there had been some progress a year or two before you left Beijing, when you went to the Soviet Union and we said goodbye, I still put forward this point for you to remember: don't be proud, don't look down on people, respect everyone's opinions, and be willing to suffer a little loss for everyone's affairs. Moreover, I also quoted Lu Xun's famous saying, "Horizontal eyebrows are cold to a thousand fingers, and bow down to be a widow cow." I don't know if you remember these words. Your consistent mistake is that you refuse to "bow down to the cattle" before the working people and in front of your comrades. Now, according to your letter, your problem has not only not changed, but has also developed. Now it is time for you to confess your mistake to your organization, to ask your comrades for criticism, to accept everyone's opinions with an open mind, and to normalize relations with each other. That is to say, before your comrades you must "bow down to the cattle." When you can't get along with your classmates and your organizational side, and the truth is not entirely in your aspect, I will not support you, I can only believe in and support your organizational aspect. You have to correct your mistakes, otherwise you will make even bigger mistakes if you stick to it.

You must learn to listen to the criticism of your comrades with an open mind. You must understand that the most important help of your comrades to you is to point out your mistakes and shortcomings to your face. To reject the criticism of comrades is to refuse their help, and one cannot be a Communist.

You always think that you are right, others are wrong, people are sorry for you, but you are not sorry for others, you do not think for others, but you want others to think for you, you are not willing to sacrifice for others, but you want others to sacrifice for you, you do not pay attention to others, but want others to pay attention to you, what is this attitude? Among comrades, this is not an attitude of unity and cooperation, but an attitude of opposition to the organization and the collective, that is, to place oneself in a position of opposition to the collective, which is a kind of individualism. Individualism, on the other hand, is a bourgeois ideology, and only collectivism is the ideology of the proletariat. You have to abandon individualism and embrace collectivism. That is, at any time, in any matter, we must first consider the interests of the collective, put the interests of the collective in the front, and put the individual wishes and individual interests in the position of obedience; when individual wishes and individual interests contradict the collective interests, we should be willing to sacrifice the interests of the individual for the sake of the interests of the collective. You should make up your mind to become such a person, to transform yourself, to strengthen your exercise in this area, to always pay attention to the relationship between the individual and the collective, and to correct mistakes as soon as you make them, otherwise you will not become a person who is really useful to the people.


Finally, I hope that you will accept my opinion, really correct your mistakes, have a good relationship with your classmates, continue to study for a long time, often pay attention to overcoming the idea of individualism, and cultivate yourself to become a useful person in the country. I hope you do this, and you must do it, and don't fail to live up to your country and our expectations of you!

It would not have been easy for me to write two long letters to you. You must take seriously what I have said, completely abandon your erroneous thoughts, turn your thoughts around, and you will be happy.

I wish you health, happiness and progress!

——Liu Shaoqi

May 6, 1955

Today's "don't forget the original heart, keep in mind the mission" red classic recitation is here, thank you for listening!


(1) You: Refers to Liu Yunruo.

Source: Red Family Style (edited by Zhang Tianqing)

Reader: Cui Kunyu (Student, Department of Broadcasting and Hosting Arts, Nanchang Hangkong University)

Planner: Li Wancheng Feng Xingxing

Editor: Luo Caihua

Editor: Chen Shuangshuang

Executive Producer: Qiu Hu

"Theme Recitation" Liu Shaoqi to his son Liu Yunruo (excerpt)
"Theme Recitation" Liu Shaoqi to his son Liu Yunruo (excerpt)

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