
Sun Ke's second wife, Lan Ni: Married to Sun Yat-sen's only son, divorced for life due to the "Lan ni incident"

author:Chunky article
Sun Ke's second wife, Lan Ni: Married to Sun Yat-sen's only son, divorced for life due to the "Lan ni incident"

Pictured| Lenny

One day in 1934, in the office of Wu Kaisheng, a famous lawyer in Shanghai, a gorgeously dressed young woman quietly walked in, her pretty face slightly haggard, but it was still difficult to hide the nobility between her eyebrows.

When Wu Kaisheng saw this person, he immediately stood up, and the person who came was none other than Lan Ni, a famous lady on the beach.

Wu Kaisheng and Lan Ni can also be regarded as old acquaintances, his wife and Lan Ni are close friends in the boudoir, the two have also known each other for many years, and they are very familiar with each other.

After the greeting, Lan Ni also explained her intentions to Wu Kaisheng, and it turned out that her trip was actually for divorce and came to ask for help.

This can't help but wu Kaisheng is very puzzled, LanNi and his husband Li Dingguo are in the eyes of everyone, Lang Cai, the envy of the immortal love, but why is Lan Ni now divorced?

It all started with Lenny's life.

On July 2, 1912, Lenny was born in Macau to a prominent family. The Lan family is quite prestigious in Macau, and Lan Ni's grandfather, Lan Heguang, was only a prominent person in the Qing Dynasty Guangxu years, and served as the governor of Xiangshan County, Guangdong.

Later, Lan and Guang went to the sea to do business, and their footprints spread all over the north and south of the river, laying a very solid industry for the Lan family.

Lan Ni's father, Lan Jianjun, was the eldest son in the family, was keen on revolution in his youth, was a loyal follower of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, joined the Chinese League in his early years, followed Huang Xing to engage in the anti-Qing revolution, and served as chief of staff under Huang Xing's department, and later went to Cambridge University in the United Kingdom to study, and served as the tax bureau chief in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province.

Lan Ni's mother, Fang Shuzhen, is also a famous girl, and she is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. In such a family environment, Little Lanni has been influenced by Chinese culture since she was a child, and her literary skills are very profound.

Lan Ni is not only smart and clever since childhood, but also looks very handsome, because she is a Miao girl, compared to the average Han girl, Lan Ni has a high nose and deep eyes, and the color of her eyes is still a little blue, which is quite exotic.

A woman like Lan Ni, who is born rich and wealthy, and is born beautiful, should be the happiest person in the world, but no one in a person's life is smooth, and Lanni, who was originally born superior, later experienced the hardships of life prematurely because of the fall of the family road.

In 1926, Lan Ni's father Lan Jianjun and his friend Chen Baochu went out together, the two were unfortunately attacked by gangsters on the way, Chen Baochu was shot and killed on the spot, Although Lan Jianjun was lucky to retrieve a life, but after witnessing his friend being killed, he returned home insane, lost his ability to work, and had to recuperate at home for a long time.

Lan Jianjun's illness caused the Lan family to lose its financial resources, and at this time Lan Jianjun remembered that he still had 200,000 taels of silver that had been borrowed from his brother Liu Defu. Now that Lau is in Hong Kong, he left for Hong Kong to ask Liu for the loan, and at the same time happened to go to Hong Kong for recuperation.

At that time, Lan Ni and her two younger brothers, Lan Yeguang and Lan Yeshen, were too young to accompany their frail father to Hong Kong. Although Lan Ni's mother could not be relieved, she had no other way but to let the two old servants Ding Fu and Gao Fu accompany Lan Jianjun to Hong Kong.

Sun Ke's second wife, Lan Ni: Married to Sun Yat-sen's only son, divorced for life due to the "Lan ni incident"

Figure | Lenny

Accompanied by two old servants, Lan Jianjun took a boat from Shanghai to Hong Kong, and after arriving in Hong Kong, Lan Jianjun took a lot of effort to find Liu Defu. But what Lan Jianjun never expected was that Liu Defu was actually an ungrateful person, seeing that Lan Jianjun was now down, he turned his face and did not recognize anyone, insisting that he had never borrowed this huge amount of money from him at all, and directly turned away several people.

Lan Jianjun could only return to Shanghai with two servants, but "the blessings are incomparable, and the misfortune is not alone", just after Lan Jianjun and his party had just returned to Shanghai, the two old servants saw that the master had not been able to recover the money, and even saw that they were unrighteous, not only did not send Lan Jianjun home, but instead took the opportunity to take Lan Jianjun to Hong Kong to see a doctor, and all the entanglements were all swept away and then fled.

Lan Jianjun not only found nothing when he went to Hong Kong, but also suffered successive blows, resulting in a more serious illness. In the following three years, Lan Jianjun's condition has not improved, and the Lan family's financial resources are already stretched, and the Lan family, which was once incomparably beautiful, has changed its appearance in a few years.

In the face of the family's difficulties, Lanni's mother was extremely anxious in her heart, the family had no financial resources, and the children had not yet grown up, and they had no dependence.

Now such a situation is absolutely difficult to support on her own, in order to save her husband's life and save the Lan family, in desperation, she can only tell her daughter how to save the Lan family.

At that time, Li Qiaosheng, the executive deputy director of the Finance Department of the Nanjing government, was originally a good friend of Lan Jianjun, and not long ago, he proposed to Lan Ni's mother that he wanted to marry Lan Ni as a daughter-in-law for his second son Li Dingguo, and if the Lan family agreed to this marriage, Li Qiaosheng could give the Lan family a monthly allowance of 100 yuan.

At that time, Lanni was just 17 years old, which was the age of flowers, full of yearning for love and the future, but as the eldest daughter in the family, Lanni looked at her aging parents and her brother who had not yet reached adulthood, and Lanni could not say a word with tears in her eyes.

She knew that in the current situation at home, even if she had a thousand reluctances, it was difficult to say a word. In this way, in 1929, Lan Ni, who was studying in school, married Li Dingguo as his wife, but the Lan family was very clear up and down that the marriage between Lan Ni and Li Dingguo was equivalent to the Lan family "selling marriage", in this context, it was also doomed that the end of this marriage would not be happy.

In fact, Lani's husband Li Dingguo is not an ordinary person, Born on September 13, 1910, Li Dingguo, handsome in appearance, graduated from Shanghai FaZheng University, his knowledge is outstanding, on the age he is only two years older than Lani, the two stand together very well matched.

However, marriage is not what it looks like on the outside in many cases, and the grievances in this are only clear to the parties themselves.

After Lan ni joined the Li family, it can be said that there is no day of life that is happy. Although the Li family is a high-ranking official of the Republic of China government, in their bones, they are still the style of the traditional bureaucratic family. There are not only many rules in the family, but also very feudal thinking, the older generation of the Li family often thinks that the Li family has funded the Lan family to solve its difficulties, and the Lan family should be grateful to the Li family for Dade, and do not treat Lan Ni as an equal, and sometimes even the servants do not take her in their eyes.

Lanni has been stubborn since she was a child, unwilling to submit to a soft temper, but for the sake of her relatives, these grievances she can also endure, after marrying into the Li family, Lanni has always abided by her duty, in the family to teach her husband and children, hoping to live with her husband, wait until the day of staying up.

In just five years, Lan Ni gave birth to three children for Li Dingguo in succession, but this did not buy her any respect, but instead intensified the humiliation. Like most rich sons at that time, Li Dingguo was born with a temperament, and did not restrain after marriage, often looking for flowers and asking for willows. At the same time, although Li Dingguo was born into a noble family, he had no great ambition, did not think of making progress, ate and drank every day, and dreamed of death all day long.

Since childhood, Lanni, who has great ambitions and experienced the ups and downs of life, is really unaccustomed to this point of her husband, she always wants to talk to her husband about something, but whenever she wants to open her mouth, she finds that she does not know how to say it, there is almost no common language between the two, married for 5 years, each other is still so strange.

Gradually, Lan ni realized that no matter how strong her heart is, in such an environment, she is powerless to change anyone, in the Li family, she is just a "fertility machine", and no one will take her voice seriously. Lenny felt desperate for such a life, and she could not accept that she would be trapped in such a mansion for the rest of her life. Finally, in 1934, the 23-year-old Lenny decided to end this nightmarish life and divorce Li Dingguo.

After making up her mind, Lan Ni found barrister Wu Kaisheng, so the scene at the beginning of the article appeared. After Wu Kaisheng's mediation, the two sides completed the divorce procedures, Li Dingguo did not pay any maintenance fees, and Lan Ni was out of the house.

After divorcing Li Dingguo, the Lan family naturally lost the li family's financial support, and in such a situation, the burden of supporting the family fell on Lan Ni. In order to support her parents and siblings, Lenny had to be strong. Lenny had never worked a day's shift, and her ordinary position could not meet her needs, and after weighing it, Lenny began to start a car running business.

Sun Ke's second wife, Lan Ni: Married to Sun Yat-sen's only son, divorced for life due to the "Lan ni incident"

The so-called running street, that is, the current middleman, Lenny was born into the nobility, and was once the daughter-in-law of the Li family, before the divorce, she was a rich daughter-in-law, who was mixed in the upper class for many years, and now she has some advantages in running the street. At that time, there were very few cars in Shanghai, and non-rich people could not afford to buy them, so she used her advantages to break into the automobile market.

After returning to singlehood, Lenny quickly got in touch with her former friends and began to attend various social events, and her beauty and noble temperament became a stepping stone for her to enter and leave high society.

During this period, Lan Ni became acquainted with a number of high-ranking officials and dignitaries in Shanghai at that time, shen Changgeng, Tang Jishan, Li Runshen, Li Ruijiu, and Du Yuesheng, a tycoon of the Qing Gang, who were her guests.

Among them, there are also many people who are obsessed with Lanni, including Du Yuesheng, a big gangster in the Green Gang. As the premier figure on the beach, Du Yuesheng is also a veteran in the Wind Moon Field, but when he first saw Lan Ni, he was still shocked. After saddleing up his horse beside Lenny, he was once willing to squat down to shine Hernie's shoes, which became a joke in the local tabloids.

With her own charm, Lan Ni has become the premier social flower in Shanghai by virtue of her charm. But she has always maintained a non-near and non-distant distance from these people, all because such a life is not what Lenny wants, she also wants to teach her husband and children at home, but life does not give her such an opportunity, in order to live she can only force herself to be strong, can only accept such a life, but in Lenny's heart, for love, has always had its own yearning, he hopes to find a true love of his own.

It was at this time that a man who had influenced her life came into her life

One day in the late spring of 1935, Lanni suddenly received a call from her classmate Lu Ying, inviting her to her home for a banquet in the evening, for such an opportunity, Of course, Lani would not give up, so she gladly went to the appointment.

That day, Lenny was dressed demurely and flowing as usual at the cocktail party, and just as Lenny was talking to her friends as usual, she stumbled upon a pair of eyes in the crowd that had been watching her. Lenny had long been accustomed to such a look, but when she looked at this person, she only saw a middle-aged man with glasses and personable smiling at herself, but Lenny herself did not know this person.

After Lu Ying's introduction, Lan Ni learned that this person was Mr. Sun Ke, the president of the Legislative Yuan of the Nanjing National Government at that time, and Sun Ke also politely toasted to Lan Ni.

Sun Ke's name Lan Ni is heard of, he is the only son of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, together with Zhang Xueliang, Lu Xiaojia, Yuan Kewen and called "the four princes of the Republic of China". In 1912, when Sun Ke studied abroad, he married his cousin Chen Shuying in Honolulu. After the establishment of the National Government in Nanjing, Sun Ke served here, due to the humid heat in Nanjing, his wife Chen Shuying fell ill and could not adapt to life here, so he returned to Macao to recuperate, and Sun Ke lived alone in Nanjing at this time.

The outstanding-looking Lenny quickly attracted Sun Ke's attention, and after a conversation, Sun Ke found that this brilliant girl not only had a beautiful face, but also a talent, not a vase. You talk to her about classical poetry, and she can quote the scriptures; Talking about Western music, she can count the family treasures; When it comes to painting, she has her own opinions. When it comes to high interest, Sun Ke, who has been living abroad for many years, casually speaks english, and Lani even simply follows his topic in English. For her past, she did not hide, and the tray out, let him appreciate her generosity and directness. Throughout the party, the topic of Sun Ke and Lenny was not interrupted.

Since then, The interaction between Lan Ni and Sun Ke has become more and more frequent, because Sun Ke is often single and serves as an official in Nanjing, and there is a lack of care in life, so he hired Lan Ni as his personal secretary to help him handle all public and private affairs.

Soon, Lan Ni appeared in Nanjing as the private secretary of Sun Ke, president of the Republic of China Legislative Yuan. Whether Sun Ke works or general communication, Lan Ni is always with her side, and her feelings are increasing day by day, becoming an inseparable partner.

But Sun Ke is not the only one who loves Lenny.

In 1935, the Kuomintang held the Fifth National Congress, and Lan Ni accompanied Sun Ke to the conference, and Zhang Xueliang also attended the congress as a delegate. At the cocktail party of Shanghai Mayor Wu Tiecheng and his wife, Zhang Xueliang met Lani for the first time. According to Zhang Xueliang's experience, the number of beautiful women he saw should be something that few people could match, but when he saw Lan Ni at the first sight, he was deeply attracted, and he offered great hospitality and did everything to please.

At that time, the relationship between Sun Ke and LanNi was not disclosed, so Zhang Xueliang did not know this, and the next night there was another dance, Zhang Xueliang held a 50,000 yuan check and asked someone to forward it to Lanni, expressing his admiration for Lanni and hoping to have dinner with Lanni.

After Lan Ni received the check, she immediately showed Sun Ke and then returned it to Zhang Xueliang. At that time, 50,000 yuan was almost an astronomical amount, and Lan Ni was actually unmoved, which showed the depth of her friendship with Sun Ke.

Sun Ke's second wife, Lan Ni: Married to Sun Yat-sen's only son, divorced for life due to the "Lan ni incident"

Sun Ke also missed Lanni's affection, decided to give her a name, at that time Sun Ke's marital status was not single, revealing Lanni's identity, will make him bear a lot of family and social pressure, but he still decided to marry Lanni as the second lady, the news came out, naturally attracted social opinion. In order to minimize the impact, Lan Ni and Sun Ke did not hold a formal wedding, but only invited colleagues in the Legislative Yuan, and set up a total of 4 tables.

The love between Sun and Lan was also a good story at that time, and in sun Ke's heart to Lan Ni, we can all feel the deep affection of this Prince of the Republic of China:

My Lady Blue, I flew from Paris to London today, and as soon as I arrived at the Chinese Embassy, I received a letter from you from Hong Kong on March 10, which gave me infinite comfort... So I lived in Paris for half a month, and I didn't have a good day in my heart... Now that I see your handwriting, I am so happy! My favorite Lady Lan, I can see you every day in Hong Kong, when I am not far away, I don't feel anything, but now that I have been away from you for three months, I don't miss you in my heart! ......

For the relationship between Sun Ke and Lanni, it must not be viewed from the perspective of today, although the Republic of China was monogamous, but the customs inherited by the old society could not be eliminated in a moment and a half, when three wives and four concubines were ordinary, and social celebrities were even more so. To restrain the people of the old era with today's moral norms is inevitably biased. Although in this relationship, Lenny can't say that she doesn't have a little worldly calculation, she can always correct her position.

But just a month after Lenny and Sun Ke got married, Lenny encountered the first challenge in her marriage.

In 1936, Sun Ke's former lover Yan Qianjuan gave birth to a daughter in Shanghai, and asked Sun Ke several times for living expenses, and not long after du Yuesheng's mediation, Yan Caijuan asked Sun Ke for maintenance again. For Yan Aijuan's accusation, Sun Ke was obviously a little difficult to deal with.

For the peach blossom debt outside Sun Ke, Lan Ni did not make a noise, nor did she stand idly by, and she also played the role of Xian Neisuke to help Sun Ke clean up the aftermath. For Yan Qianjuan, Lani sympathized with her suffering, as a woman, she understood the difficulty of a woman with a child. But Sun Ke couldn't come up with much money, so she mediated from it many times, and finally took a part of her savings and ended the matter with twelve gold bars.

Lanni's indisputability made Sun Ke feel a little ashamed in his heart, he felt that what he did was really a little indebted to Lanni, in order to express his apologies, he specially wrote a note for Lani:

"I only have the original wife Chen and the second wife Lan, and there is no third person, so I hereby certify and hand over to the second wife of Lan Xunyi to receive it."

A few simple words, but the greatest comfort that Lenny can get in this relationship, and she has also saved this note for a lifetime.

After marrying Sun Ke, she could have been at ease with her husband and children, and lived a life without worry. But Lenny has a sense of independence in her bones, and although she sometimes has to cling to men, she has never abandoned this idea of independence. After marrying Sun Ke, Lenny quit her job as a confidential secretary. With leisure time and Sun Ke's relationship, her communication has become wider. Other people's wives socialize mostly to kill time, but her socialization has a clearer purpose.

On August 6, 1938, Lanni gave birth to Sun Ke's only daughter, Sun Suifen, in the French Concession of Shanghai. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Nationalist government moved to Chongqing, and Lan Ni could only entrust her daughter to her mother's care, and then followed Sun Ke to Chongqing. At that time, it was the second period of Kuomintang-Communist cooperation, when Sun Ke often went to the Eighth Route Army office in Zengjiayan to discuss with Zhou Enlai, Deng Yingchao, Dong Biwu and other CCP leaders about the great plan of resisting Japan and saving the country. Lan Ni accompanied Sun Ke to many times and became good friends with Deng Yingchao, she called Deng Yingchao "Sister Deng", and Deng Yingchao called her Mrs. Sun.

Three years later, Sun Ke's eldest wife Chen Shuying also came to Chongqing with her child, for her identity, Lan Ni is very clear, as a woman she also understands Chen Shuying's current situation, so Lan Ni left Chongqing under the pretext of taking care of her daughter and returned to Shanghai under the Japanese occupation.

After returning to Shanghai, although Lanni began to live a reclusive life, the title of Second Lady Sun Ke also forced her to go to the bright place and enter the social scene, but her interest was not in politics, but in business. During this period, she met Zhang Youyi, when Lani had always taken Zhang Youyi as her example, followed her every business, and learned a lot of investment knowledge.

Sun Ke's second wife, Lan Ni: Married to Sun Yat-sen's only son, divorced for life due to the "Lan ni incident"

Figure | Lenny and Sun Ke wedding photos

After seeing Zhang Youyi hoarding military uniform dyes and making a lot of money, Lani also bought a batch of dyes. Unfortunately, she was not as lucky as Zhang Youyi, and at that time, of all the investment in the clothing industry, only Zhang Youyi made money. What Lanni did not expect was that this dye business eventually became the fuse for her and Sun Ke to break up.

Sun Ke's status as the second lady gave her many conveniences in doing business, it was easier for her to find sales, and it was easier for her collaborators to trust. Soon Lenny began to contract projects in partnership with others, which made her a lot of money. With sufficient funds, Lanni then set her sights on real estate, bought a whole lane in the area of Fuxing West Road in the French Concession, and built seven French-style buildings with different characteristics, named The Rose Villa, which has become Lannie's most cherished asset.

In 1943, Lanni also promoted the smooth opening of the Shanghai Huashang Stock Exchange and the listing of some stocks, from which Lanni gained considerable benefits. Before going to Hong Kong, her real estate was everywhere, and Hongqiao Road alone had fifty acres of land. In the years of the all-out war of resistance, it was also the time when Lenny was most active, and she put all her energy into making money.

In the eyes of outsiders, Lan Nigui is Sun Ke's wife, and there is no need to make money so hard. But what outsiders don't know is that although Sun Ke is the president of the Legislative Yuan, he is incorruptible and never buys real estate. He is a book lover, and every surplus of money will be used to buy books, not to mention the breeze of two sleeves, but it is indeed not economically rich. After Lanni experienced the great changes in her family since she was a child, she deeply understood that at any time, she had to rely on herself, and only in this way could she truly control her own destiny.

In April 1948, the Nanjing government openly elected the president and vice president, and Sun Ke was also running. For the sake of her husband's career, Lenny also spared no effort to contribute money. It's just political trickery, always killing people in unexpected places a surprise.

At the same time as Sun Ke, li Zongren was running for vice president, and the campaign was in full swing, and both sides went from canvassing to personal attacks, sparing no effort to dig up each other's black history.

On the morning of April 23, the National Salvation Daily published a front-page headline that said that after the victory of the War of Resistance, the Kuomintang Central Trust Bureau confiscated a batch of Lenny's German imported pigments in Shanghai and disposed of them as enemy property. However, Sun Ke sent a letter to Hong Lanyou, secretary general of the National Assembly, saying that the paint was owned by "our relative" Lan Ni and demanded that it be returned. Hong Lanyou wrote to Wu Rencang, director of the Central Trust Bureau, saying that Lan Ni was President Sun's wife, and asked Wu to look at President Sun's face and return the paint to her.

The news broke out, which made Sun Ke's momentum turn sharply, and some supporters simply launched violence and violently attacked the newspaper of the "Salvation Daily" newspaper that broke the news. The campaign reached an impasse, and Lee Zong-jin announced his withdrawal from the campaign. Finally, with chiang kai-shek's intervention, the election was held as scheduled, and Sun Ke lost the election without a doubt.

Lenny never imagined that she would be caught up in the political vortex by contributing money to Sun Ke's campaign, and Sun Ke's supporters attributed Sun Ke's failure to her. But what makes Lanni even more chilling is that on the cusp of such a storm, Sun Ke, in order to clear her relationship with her for fame, acquiesced to the thousands of people's fingers and did not stand up and say a word for her.

More than ten years of feelings, at this moment, Lenny felt more disheartened than ever, she had a feeling of being fooled, physically and mentally exhausted. It turned out that he didn't really understand her, at this moment, she didn't know what kind of role she was in Sun Ke's life, she looked at the notes written by Sun Ke for her in her hand, and she left tears. Perhaps, in Lenny's world, the only thing that can be relied on is really money.

After the election, Lenny decisively broke up with Sun Ke and ended her nearly thirteen-year marriage to him. At the end of 1948, the political situation was turbulent, at this time Lan Ni was no longer Sun Ke's second wife, Shanghai had no place for her to live, after much consideration, she first sent her daughter and brother Lan Yeshen to Hong Kong, and she left Shanghai in April 1949. There was a reason why she left late, her father was ill and hospitalized, and her mother was reluctant to leave her husband and go with her daughter, so she had to find a way to settle her parents to be relieved.

She originally thought that this trip would not last long and she would soon return to Shanghai, so when she left, the Rose Villa that she had devoted her life to was not sold, but then the sharp turn of events was something she never expected.

After Lan Ni arrived in Hong Kong, in the name of her brother Lan Yeguang, she opened a Da Long Gold in Xuechang Street, engaged in gold trading and speculation, but the instability of the situation made her Da Long Jin finally close its doors, eroding all her belongings, and when she was cornered, Lan Ni was depressed for a while and committed suicide.

In her later years, Lenny recalled a period of time in Hong Kong, and said with emotion: "After liberation, I was in Hong Kong, I had no money, I was very bitter, and I ate dried radish. However, she was very relieved and proud to say: "It is precisely because I was poor at that time that I raised a few children of my own." ”

At that time, although Lani was not smooth in the business field and her life was difficult, she regarded her daughter Sun Suifen as her hope and did whatever it took to create superior educational conditions for her daughter. Sun Suifen did not live up to Lenny's expectations, and after graduating from the Emperor George V School in Hong Kong in 1954, she joined the airline as a flight attendant.

Sun Ke's second wife, Lan Ni: Married to Sun Yat-sen's only son, divorced for life due to the "Lan ni incident"

Figure | Left one Sun Ke, left two Lannie

In 1962, Lenny immigrated to the United States with her daughter's family, and after coming to the United States, she settled in San Francisco alone. At this time, Lanni, compared with the prominent reputation in China in her youth, is more like an ordinary person, and her life is also flat, there is no social interaction, and she is very satisfied with her life today. There is a world of difference. After divorcing Sun Ke, Lenny never remarried for life, and the affection was really hurt far more than happiness for her.

Sun Ke died in Taipei in 1973. Lenny was unable to go to Taiwan to meet Sun Ke for the last time, but she instructed her daughter Sun Suifen to go to Taiwan to mourn for Sun Ke.

In the United States, although Lanni has entered her old age, but the longing for her homeland is getting stronger and stronger, she on the other side of the ocean, always pay attention to the dynamics of the motherland, hoping that one day, you can return to the motherland.

In the autumn of 1982, the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee issued an invitation to Lanni's mother and daughter to return to the motherland for sightseeing, and Lanni was very excited after receiving the invitation and immediately packed up. On September 18, she finally returned to the motherland continent that haunted her dreams, at this time, Lanni was already 70 years old, but when she set foot on the mainland of the motherland, she was happy like a child, and tears could not stop pouring out.

In Beijing, Lan Ni met Deng Yingchao again, and as in Chongqing, she called Deng Yingchao a big sister, and Deng Yingchao still called her Mrs. Sun.

After coming to Beijing, Lan Ni and her daughter came to Shanghai, and now Shanghai is no longer the original Ten Mile Ocean Field, and the ancients of that era have long been ancient, looking at the rejuvenated Shanghai Beach, Lan Ni is very emotional in her heart.

She said emotionally: "In the past, I wanted to go to Taiwan to live with my daughter, but I was not allowed. Today, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the mainland of the motherland is thriving, and everywhere is a beautiful scenery. Now Taiwan has asked me to go, and I will not go. I would like to return to Shanghai and settle down."

The time of the visit was over, and Lenny returned to the United States, but the trip made her longing for her homeland more and more intense, and she could no longer live in the United States. Therefore, Lan Ni wrote a letter to Deng Yingchao, expressing her deep nostalgia for her homeland and clearly proposing to return to China to settle down.

In 1986, the 120th anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's birth, Deng Yingchao solemnly extended an invitation to Lan Ni, inviting her and her daughter Sun Suifen to return to China to participate in the 120th anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's birth, and at the same time asked her to stay forever.

After being invited by Deng Yingchao, Lan Ni could no longer suppress her inner excitement, and she wandered outside for half a lifetime, and now, she can finally go home with honor and integrity.

Back in Shanghai, the Rose Villa that Lanni once built is still standing, but after a long war, the house has long changed owners, but as a builder and former owner, the government still gave one of them to Lanni.

On March 18, 1990, after decades of absence, Lenny finally moved into her own home. Before moving home, Lanni renovated the house, hanging a portrait of her daughter Sun Suifen on the north wall of the living room, while in the middle of the east wall hangs a photo of Lanni and Sun Ke, which is particularly conspicuous and hangs in exactly the same position as before.

After returning to China, Lenny lived in simplicity, almost without leaving home, she enjoyed the peace brought to her by Shanghai, and for a woman like her, who had drifted away for half a lifetime, there was no happier life than this.

After returning to China for six years, on September 28, 1996, a generation of beautiful Lanni quietly walked the last stop of her life in Shanghai, at the age of 85, as a generation of legendary women, when she died, few people knew the news of her departure, Lenny quietly left this world, leaving no trace.

Sun Ke's second wife, Lan Ni: Married to Sun Yat-sen's only son, divorced for life due to the "Lan ni incident"

Pictured | Sun Yat-sen and Sun Ke father and son

Among Lan Ni's children, in addition to Sun Suifen, the daughter of Sun Ke, there were three children born to Li Dingguo at the beginning, and after divorcing Li Dingguo, although Lan Ni did not take away the three children, she did not forget them, and often received the Li family during the War of Resistance.

The three sons and daughters born to Lan Ni and Li Dingguo later settled overseas and had their own achievements, which was also a thing that Lan Ni was very proud of in her later years. Becoming a matter of satisfaction and pride for Lan ni in her later years, Lani's eldest daughter Li Ximeng died early at an early age, the second daughter Li Xuan went to the United States from Hong Kong in 1950 to study in the United States and became a National citizen of the United States; the third daughter Li Hua, who went to the United States from Hong Kong in 1950 to study, and later became an Australian citizen; the eldest son, Li Zhenya, graduated from the University of California in the United States and founded the American Securities Investment Company in 1966. Li Zhenya's daughter, Li Meng, was elected Miss Asian American in 1986, and Li Meng's husband is the former US ambassador to China, Locke Jiahui, who is also the first Chinese governor in the United States.

Looking back at modern China, in the long years, there have been countless legendary women, some of them are born beautiful, some are noble and elegant, some have achieved great success, but only Lanni can be called the most understanding and frank person in life. For feelings, she never hides her desires, can bow her knees, can also leave in a dashing manner, and never drag mud and water!

Along with Lenny's life, there are all kinds of controversies, but in her body, there is a kind of freedom that the world is drunk and awake. Whether it was for the family to marry Li Dingguo, or later to marry Sun Ke, Lani always understood what she wanted. Life has brought her endless suffering, but from beginning to end, Lani has always maintained the independence in her heart, and it is difficult to change her true colors.

Today's people will always look at things from today's moral standards and perspectives, but this is extremely one-sided and wrong, everyone has a special color of their own time, we can't judge anyone's life choices, because we are not them, we have not experienced the suffering of others, we have no right to judge others.

But no matter what the choice, life, as long as one person can take responsibility for their own life, I think this is enough. Worldly ideas have always been used to break, and their own lives are wonderful enough, so they don't have to pay attention to other people's eyes.

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