
How does the boss think about employees applying for a raise?

author:Workplace tips

1) Employees have recently made some achievements and offered to raise salaries. Bosses will think that work will not always be in a state of high-grade excitement.

  Employees have been doing well recently and have some success. Offered a raise, and for good reason. If we base ourselves on the basic principle of exchanging business value, you really should give him a raise. However, be aware that there is a word in my sentence just now called "active".

  It's normal to offer a raise, and this employee has worked hard for months and has done well. Offer for a raise. What we should pay special attention to here is that the crux of the matter is that the work will not always be in a state of high-grade excitement, if next month, next month, is not done well this month. Will the employee take the initiative to say: I am not as good as the previous two months, and my grades are not as good as the previous two months, and now apply for a pay cut? I guess that's impossible. This I have to ask, why is the work performance good, with the results to take the initiative to propose a salary increase, but the work is not as good as the previous few months, the performance is somewhat declining, but can not take the initiative to propose a salary cut? According to the principle of commercial value exchange, this is also unfair.

  2) When an employee applies for a salary increase, the boss will consider his personal importance, job suitability, and if you can achieve it, you can get a raise.

   Employees proposed salary increases, indicating that employees are no longer satisfied with the status quo, and the instability of the position has increased. As a boss, how should you deal with it? Is it to agree to the requirements, improve the treatment of employees in order to improve the loyalty of employees, and increase the stability of the position? Or do you reject the request and respond to a possible employee departure? In general, bosses never think that money is the key to solving stability problems.

   Employee self-evaluation is outrageous

   Some employees ask for a raise when they want to get a raise, and they don't objectively evaluate the value they create for the company. To raise the salary is still based on strength, and strength can have the right to speak. If the requesting employee is already a dispensable or unnecessary person, this behavior is undoubtedly short-sighted.

   It is equivalent to forcing the boss to "quickly cut the mess"

   In many cases, employees who offer a raise are often already or are looking for a way back for themselves. If he doesn't agree to a raise, he'll be gone. If this employee has the ability and strength, then such a request is a forced palace. You show your hole card and give the boss two paths, yes or no. The boss is definitely re-evaluating your strength, potential, and loyalty (the objectivity of this estimate is of course also a problem) and making a choice.

   It can be seen that for employees' salary increase requirements, enterprises and bosses will generally be cautious. How can you get your pay rise plan realized? Mr. Bian Bingbin believes that:

   Corporate culture and company management style need to be considered

   Relatively speaking, in an open and communicative corporate culture, employee salary increase requirements are easier to achieve. Because under this value evaluation system that encourages competition, the relationship between contribution and income is closer, and the boss is also willing to discuss value issues with employees, and is also willing to use material methods to improve employees' enthusiasm for work and stimulate everyone to create more wealth for the company.

   A raise needs a reason

   Reason One: Personal importance

   If you're a software design department in an IT business, you're more likely to be able to offer a raise than your colleagues in the HR department of your company. Because you're in the core of the company. This is very important, the market determines the value, how much you are worth is not calculated by yourself. For the company, the more wealth you create, the more valuable you are, in order to keep you such a cash cow, even the boss will take the initiative to give you a raise. If you are just a marginal person, more you are not more, less you are not less, then it is still obedient, do not rush to touch this sensitive topic, lest the lamb is not eaten, to provoke a body of sheep commotion. Whether one's position is in the core department of the company or closely linked to the company's core projects is one of the decisive factors for the success of the salary increase.

   Reason two: job suitability

   If the job is not on their correct career development route, it is difficult to say that the salary increase is difficult, and I am afraid that I am afraid that my current value is difficult to protect without development prospects. This is a long-term question, for the sake of the moment or for the sake of a lifetime. Everyone has their own unique professional temperament and attributes, have different career interests and tendencies, and have their own ability potential model. These factors determine that everyone has a suitable job, and the suitable position is the stage for you to realize your self-worth. Only when you find the right stage for your own development, you will have the opportunity to continue to develop. With a high degree of personal and professional matching, you can make your "salary" better.

   The first two points are from the perspective of employees and analyze the views. In turn, we should also consider the problem from the perspective of the management side and base our salary increase requirements on the basis of objective rationality and justice.

   Are you worth it?

   This is the first issue that bosses usually consider when they encounter a request for a raise. How are you performing? How much have you contributed to the company? Do your contributions match the rewards you're getting now? If it doesn't match, how much more should you add? If you agree to your request, what changes will it bring to the company? Will it upset the pay balance and cause dissatisfaction among other employees? This series of questions boils down to three words, "Are you worth it?" ”

   Are you the right fit?

   Just like the previously proposed "Is it appropriate for me?" "In the same way, when companies face your requirements, they think about it from a longer-term perspective. Maybe you are good at the moment, but can you still calmly grasp the unpredictable future? Maybe your current ability is your limit, so will it make sense to renew your contract with a raise?

   These are the questions you have to think about before proposing a raise.

   Raising a salary increase with the boss is not a very casual thing, nor is it a thing that can happen from time to time, so make full preparations in advance, consider various possible situations, weigh the pros and cons caused by various situations, and then think about whether to raise salaries in the end, only in this way will there be a greater certainty.