
Guangdong fresh lychee "airborne" the capital of the new national gate, foodies quickly come to taste

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

On this day of love on May 20, the Cantonese fresh lychee, which is in the hearts of foodies, officially "parachuted" into the new gate of the capital - Daxing Airport.

On the same day, the aviation brand agricultural product promotion zone was launched in China United Airlines (pilot), and the promotion and tasting of the new national gate of guangdong lychee of the characteristic brand agricultural products was held at the same time. According to reports, the guangdong promotion of guangdong lychee and other characteristic agricultural products at Beijing Daxing International Airport is one of the series of activities of "2021 Guangdong shouting Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei people to eat lychees".

Guangdong fresh lychee "airborne" the capital of the new national gate, foodies quickly come to taste

Beijing Daxing International Airport. Chen Meng photography

Nandu reporter learned that this activity is a warm-up of the special brand agricultural product public welfare agricultural welfare agricultural assistance - aviation public welfare agricultural production and marketing docking activities, and it is also a new exploration to innovate the production and marketing docking mode of agricultural products and strengthen the construction of agricultural brands.

Luo Huilan, second-level inspector of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Guangdong Province, introduced that the guangdong promotion of guangdong lychee and other characteristic agricultural products at Beijing Daxing International Airport is one of the series of activities of "2021 Guangdong shouting Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei people to eat lychees", and looks forward to relying on the platform of Daxing International Airport to make Guangdong characteristic agricultural products sell well in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei market.

Qiu Zhiyong, director of the Guangdong Agricultural Exhibition Center, said that in order to open up the market, Guangdong Province has opened up online + offline channels, established the Guangdong Agricultural Products Buyers Alliance, and built a buyer's home. The production areas in various places have innovated the marketing model on the basis of the original, and the agricultural tourism in Conghua District combines the sale of lychees, the customized lychees in Yangxi County, and the auction of lychees in Suixi.

Qiu Zhiyong introduced that Guangdong has also cooperated with Jingdong, Tmall, Douyin, Sina, Tencent, WeChat Xiaodian, Hema Fresh, Baiguoyuan and other e-commerce companies to open up offline channels, creating brand marketing scenarios such as lychee on the plane, on the high-speed rail, on the outdoor big screen, on the live broadcast, on the hot search, etc., and held a series of activities such as Guangdong Litchi Square, 100,000 e-commerce sales of Guangdong Lychee, express delivery brother with goods Guangdong Lychee PK Competition, Lychee Pop-up Store, Guangdong Litchi Music Festival, etc., and continued to promote the popularity of guangdong shouting the people of the whole country to eat lychees, and Guangdong shouting the world to eat lychees.

Qiu Zhiyong stressed that in the process of helping farmers increase income, they pay attention to both production data and sales data in the sales area, and carry out the lychee marketing brand planning around the theme of "selling well" and publicize it in the form of a shopping guide.

Guangdong fresh lychee "airborne" the capital of the new national gate, foodies quickly come to taste

The "Aviation Agricultural Assistance (Production and Marketing Docking of Characteristic Brand Agricultural Products) and Innovative Development Seminar" held at the same time focused on the theme of "Exploring a New Model of Aviation Agricultural Assistance and Helping characteristic Product Tree Brands", and was committed to exchanging characteristic brand agricultural products to help farmers, and promoting and tasting characteristic brand agricultural products Guangdong Lychee.

It is understood that the seminar also prepared a sharing and tasting session of guangdong lychee, a special brand agricultural product, and Luo Huilan and Qiu Zhiyong from Guangdong focused on introducing Guangdong lychee for the guests.

Wen\Song Chenghan Chen Meng from Beijing