
Monkeys in Shenzhen Wildlife Park taste fresh lychees

author:Guangzhou Daily

It's the season when the lychees are ripe again. Today, the lychee trees in the various animal exhibition areas of Shenzhen Wildlife Park are hung with heavy fruits. Animals play under the red lychees, which become a beautiful scenery in the park.

Monkeys in Shenzhen Wildlife Park taste fresh lychees

The sweet and delicious lychee has also become the "good fruit" that some primates in the park taste in the summer.

Monkeys in Shenzhen Wildlife Park taste fresh lychees

On the morning of the same day, the De's long-tailed monkey, red-tailed long-tailed monkey, guinea pig-tailed monkey, red monkey and other primates living in the "Ape Second Village" of Shenzhen Wildlife Park. They are born acute and are already salivating at the fresh lychees picked by the keepers in the garden.

Monkeys in Shenzhen Wildlife Park taste fresh lychees

The monkeys eagerly grabbed the lychee, first biting open the shell, revealing the tender and juicy flesh, smelling the fragrance emitted by the flesh, and eating with relish.

Text/Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Xuan Hui

Photo/ Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Xuan Hui

Correspondent: Li Musheng

Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Editor: Yang Hongquan

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