
Chinese specialty cuisine - Shandong - Jinan

author:The world in the taste buds

Jinan, known as the "Spring City", is famous for a long time, and no matter where you walk in Shandong, you can hear the local residents' evaluation of Jinan. "Lotus flowers on four sides, willows on three sides, a city of mountains and half a city lake" let people appreciate the unique style of Jinan.

1. Jinan oil spinner

The earliest shop in the south to operate The Oil Spinning Was Fengji Lou during the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty. Wenshengyuan Restaurant, which opened in the 20th year of Guangxu, is famous for its many local snacks. The oil spinners produced by this restaurant are made of Zhangqiu scallions and noodles, which are rich in flavor and layered, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, which has long been praised by eaters.

Chinese specialty cuisine - Shandong - Jinan

2. Mengjia pickpockets

Mengjia Grilled Hoof is a local famous food in Jinan City, Shandong Province, dating back to the early 20th century.

Chinese specialty cuisine - Shandong - Jinan

3. Chen Lou sugar melon

Laiwu specialty Chen Lou sugar melon, began in the Qing Dynasty during the Tongzhi period, has more than 100 years of production history.

Chinese specialty cuisine - Shandong - Jinan

4. Shuangquan tofu skin

Shuangquan tofu skin has the characteristics of thin skin, bright, strong toughness, large tension, tendons, etc., and is the main ingredient of various vegetarian dishes, rich in nutrition, delicious taste, and often eating can live a long life.

Chinese specialty cuisine - Shandong - Jinan

5. Sichuan honey rose pear balls

Rose pear balls are made of local large green pear as the main raw material, with the sugar filling made of the rose soul flower of Pingyin specialty as an accessory, plus green and red silk, walnut kernels, sesame seeds, white sugar refined, pure taste, sweet and delicious.

Chinese specialty cuisine - Shandong - Jinan

6. Longsang Temple tribute crisp

Longsang Temple tribute puff pastry was first created in the Qing Guangxu period, ingredients: fine powder, eggs, sugar, brown sugar, sesame oil, walnut kernels, peanut rice, black sesame seeds, raisins, etc.

Chinese specialty cuisine - Shandong - Jinan

7. Small circle of tofu skin

Small circle tofu skin production has a long history, has a history of 50 years, the use of modern technology and traditional technology combined, selected pollution-free soybeans and high-quality groundwater refined, without any additives.

Chinese specialty cuisine - Shandong - Jinan

8. Put the sub-meat

Jinan's pork emphasizes the important role of soy sauce without putting salt. It is to select fatty and lean pork, cut into long strips, bundle it with hemp rope, cook it, and then stew it in soy sauce.

Chinese specialty cuisine - Shandong - Jinan

9. High pile steamed bun

High pile steamed bun is one of Jinan's long-standing traditional pasta dishes. The most famous person in Jinan is Yang Mingyou, whose production technology has been passed down to the fourth generation, has rich experience, and enjoys a high reputation in the north.

Chinese specialty cuisine - Shandong - Jinan

10. Oil burst double crisp

This dish began in the middle of the Qing Dynasty, in order to meet the needs of local dignitaries, chefs in Jinan, Shandong Province, with pork belly tips and chicken gizzard slices as raw materials, carefully operated by knife workers, boiled oil and stir-fried, the original must be cooked for a long time belly and gizzard slices, rapid maturity, crisp and smooth taste, fresh and refreshing.

Chinese specialty cuisine - Shandong - Jinan

11. Jinan radish silk cake

Radish silk cake is a traditional and delicate noodle food species in Jinan.

Chinese specialty cuisine - Shandong - Jinan

12. Sacred Well Beef

It is a traditional food in Pingyin, originating from the Qing Dynasty, and uses special cuisine with unique taste

Chinese specialty cuisine - Shandong - Jinan

13. Sweet foam

Sweet foam is the traditional public porridge food in Jinan, which is a kind of salty porridge mainly boiled with millet noodles, and Jinan people also commonly call it "five-spice sweet foam".

Chinese specialty cuisine - Shandong - Jinan

14. Fried lotus flowers

Fried lotus flower is a famous snack in Jinan, with the aroma of lotus cinnamon, sweet and fragrant, refreshing the heat and reducing turbidity, nourishing the heart and calming the world.

Chinese specialty cuisine - Shandong - Jinan

15. Unicorn mandarin fish

Unicorn scales are an animal in ancient Chinese legends, shaped like a deer, with horns on its head, scales and tails all over its body. The ancients used this animal to symbolize auspiciousness. This dish is named because it resembles a unicorn scale. Mandarin fish is one of the five most valuable freshwater fish, with very few burrs, the meat is garlic cloves, the texture is delicate, and the taste is delicious. Chinese medicine believes that its sweet taste is flat, with the effect of tonifying qi and blood, benefiting the spleen and stomach, and can be used to treat deficiency and thinness, intestinal wind and diarrhea and other symptoms. The key to the production of this dish lies in knife processing, the mandarin fish, winter mushrooms, winter shoots, egg skin, ham, chicken cake processing into a "unicorn" shape, adding clear soup, salt, southern wine, green onion, ginger, monosodium glutamate, lard into the cage steamed. The finished meat is extremely tender, the colors are beautiful, the shape is realistic, and the metaphor is beautiful.

Chinese specialty cuisine - Shandong - Jinan

16. Sugar shortbread

Sugar shortbread is a specialty of Jinan, which is the addition of sugar and flavor to the ordinary millet paste, which can increase the flavor and prevent the cake from becoming hard again.

Chinese specialty cuisine - Shandong - Jinan

17. Jar meat

"Jar meat" began in the Qing Dynasty. Because the meat is stewed in a porcelain altar, it is named. According to legend, the chef who created the dish was the chef of Jinan Fengjilou Hotel. In the Qing Dynasty Yuan Ming's "Suiyuan Food List", there are recorded characteristics of "magnetic altar meat, slow simmering in the chaff, the method is the same as the previous, always must be sealed": simmered with pork rib meat. The color of the finished dish is dark red, and the meat is thick and the soup is thick, fat but not greasy.

Chinese specialty cuisine - Shandong - Jinan

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