
The six major pastries of the Qing Dynasty royal family: ranked in the full table of the Manchu Han Dynasty, eating can not forget, Qianlong loves to eat the fifth kind

author:Jingjin Peter Pan

Today we talk about the six major pastries of the Qing Dynasty royal family, these pastries are listed in the whole table of the Manchu Han Dynasty, have been feasted on by a thousand monks, can't forget it, want to eat it, Qianlong loves to eat the fifth kind, and Cixi loves to eat the sixth kind the most.

The six major pastries of the Qing Dynasty royal family: ranked in the full table of the Manchu Han Dynasty, eating can not forget, Qianlong loves to eat the fifth kind

The first type: Imperial Diet Bean Yellow. One of the "Four Fruits of The Four Fruits" of the Manchu Han Feast, made of almonds, frozen powder, sugar, pea yellow, and golden cakes, it is cool and delicious, and it is a favorite cake for the Qing Dynasty royal family.

The six major pastries of the Qing Dynasty royal family: ranked in the full table of the Manchu Han Dynasty, eating can not forget, Qianlong loves to eat the fifth kind

The second kind: date paste cake. One of the "Four Fruits of The Four Fruits" of the Manchu Han Feast, made of pitted dates, sugar, rose sauce water, and frozen powder water, it is sweet and smooth, refreshing and cool, and the Qing Dynasty royal family likes to eat.

The six major pastries of the Qing Dynasty royal family: ranked in the full table of the Manchu Han Dynasty, eating can not forget, Qianlong loves to eat the fifth kind

The third type: Ruyi roll. One of the "two products of the Mongolian Pro-Domain Feast" of the Manchu Han Dynasty, made of eggs, the rolls are ruyi-shaped, wrapped in yellow shape, fragrant and delicious, because each piece of meat has a clear cloud pattern on the cross-section, so it is called "Ruyi Roll".

The six major pastries of the Qing Dynasty royal family: ranked in the full table of the Manchu Han Dynasty, eating can not forget, Qianlong loves to eat the fifth kind

The fourth kind: glutinous rice cold cake. One of the "Four Fruits of Gluttony" of the "Nine White Feasts" of the Manchu Han Dynasty, made of glutinous rice and bean paste, fragrant and soft glutinous rice, wrapped in sandy sweet bean filling, eat a mouthful of cotton soft non-stick teeth, sand sweet but not greasy, qing dynasty royal family like to eat.

The six major pastries of the Qing Dynasty royal family: ranked in the full table of the Manchu Han Dynasty, eating can not forget, Qianlong loves to eat the fifth kind

Fifth: two-color horseshoe cake. One of the "Four Fruits of The Feast of a Thousand Sorrows" in the Manchu Han Dynasty, made of horseshoe powder, sugar, milk, vanilla powder, cocoa powder and water, bright color, delicious and delicious, cool and smooth, to greasy meat, the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty loved to eat this pastry, each meal must be placed on a plate, each time eating more than three bites, the imperial chef will be rewarded.

The six major pastries of the Qing Dynasty royal family: ranked in the full table of the Manchu Han Dynasty, eating can not forget, Qianlong loves to eat the fifth kind

Sixth: Golden Cake. Also known as Beijing cake, hawthorn cake, one of the "four products of the "Longevity Feast" of the Manchu Han Dynasty, with hawthorn as the main ingredient, accompanied by white sugar and osmanthus refined. In addition to eating it in pieces, it can also be sprinkled with sugar or mixed with pear shreds, sweet and sour, soft and delicious. Empress Dowager Cixi loved to eat this pastry and gave it the name "Golden Cake". Since then, the Qing Dynasty royal family and princes and nobles have eaten it.

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