
Zhang Naicheng, a master of Chinese painting who walks on the road of public welfare

author:Traditional opera Zhang Lihua
Zhang Naicheng, a master of Chinese painting who walks on the road of public welfare

There is a northern Chinese calligraphy and painting academy in Fengdengwu Town, Fengrun District, Tangshan, Hebei Province, and the director is Zhang Naicheng, a new generation of shrimp painting masters.

Zhang Naicheng, a master of Chinese painting who walks on the road of public welfare

The Northern Academy of Calligraphy and Painting is a temple for students and teachers to study and discuss the art of calligraphy and painting, and it is also a home for artists who receive people of insight.

Zhang Naicheng, a master of Chinese painting who walks on the road of public welfare

Recently, a public welfare reporter in Tangshan, Tian Hongxia (a student of Zhang Naicheng), and several people in his party visited the Northern Academy of Calligraphy and Painting to add strength to the Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, and made detailed reports, so that the canopy wall of the Academy of Calligraphy and Painting shone brightly.

Zhang Naicheng, a master of Chinese painting who walks on the road of public welfare

Li Xiaoqiang, General Manager of People's Bookstore (first from left), Tian Hongxia, public welfare reporter (second from left), President Zhang Naicheng (second from right), Liu Jun, Chairman of Fengrun Xingwang Furniture City (first from right)

Zhang Naicheng, a master of Chinese painting who walks on the road of public welfare

Zhang Naicheng and Beijing IT expert Yang Jiuhe (first from left)

Zhang Naicheng introduced them to his own path of art: In 1949, I was born in Zhangzhuang Village on the banks of the Huixiang River in Fengdengwu Town, Fengrun District, Hebei Province, and I liked to draw and splash water in my childhood, especially river shrimp. Raising shrimp at home, watching shrimp, studying the habits of river shrimp, and the posture of shrimp jumping into the water are remembered in the heart. When I became an adult and worked in the municipal government, I often had the opportunity to go out, so I went to study and exchange, and I got the true transmission of The Master of Chinese Painting, Jiang Yunong, who treated me like a son and taught me carefully. This has led to the rapid development of painting skills. Elder Jiang was honest and kind, not only taught me to paint, but also taught me how to be a person and how to practice art. Later, he was guided and cultivated by Master Wang Xuetao, a disciple of Qi Baishi, and absorbed the essence and formed his own painting style.

Zhang Naicheng, a master of Chinese painting who walks on the road of public welfare

This painting is the proud work of Mr. Zhang Naicheng, the composition is harmonious, fresh and elegant, the green and stretched lotus leaves, the ink color is suitable, the lotus flowers are beautiful and not vulgar, and the buds protruding from the head under the lotus leaves seem to be a little shy, not contentious, and have expectations. A few newborn shoots contrast with large lotus leaves, echoing up and down, and harmonizing. Several lively river shrimp, flexible and lively, lifelike, full of demeanor, ink color of the shades, so that the shrimp body crystal clear, a stroke of a section, several strokes in a row, the formation of shrimp waist from thick to thin rhythm sense, with the change of pen, shrimp waist presents various forms. There are those who bow forward, those who wander with straight waists, and those who curl up and play in the water. With the thick ink vertical point as the finishing touch, the horizontal writing as the brain, the ink into gold, the fine brush stroke whiskers, claws, large ao, rigid and soft, the front claws of the shrimp from thin to thick, the two jaws are shaped like pliers, there are openings and closings, the lines have virtual and real, and the brushwork is condensed. Zhang Lao's shrimp, from life but beyond life, jumped on the paper, as if playing and swimming in the water, the tentacles also seem to be unmoving, bold generalization and simplification, more wonderful pen conveyance. The whole picture is moving and static, and the nature is beautiful.

Zhang Naicheng, a master of Chinese painting who walks on the road of public welfare

Success is always obtained in the pursuit of no regrets, Zhang Naicheng, the year of Hua Jia, has been groping for half a century in the field of Chinese painting. He absorbed the techniques and charm of traditional Chinese painting. After years of dedication, continuous innovation, on the basis of tradition, dissolved into creation, self-contained. Liu Dawei, chairman of the China Artists Association, greatly appreciated Zhang Naicheng's paintings, calling them "majestic, calm and calm, giving people artistic appreciation and spiritual enjoyment." The painting master Han Meilin looked at his painting and praised: "Naicheng relies on the painted shrimp works made of ink, giving people a fresh breath and enjoying an infinite feeling." ”

Zhang Naicheng, a master of Chinese painting who walks on the road of public welfare

Zhang Naicheng's paintings not only enjoy a high reputation in China, but are also often exported overseas and sent to the United States, Japan, India, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other regions as a national gift.

Zhang Naicheng, a master of Chinese painting who walks on the road of public welfare

Zhang Wenqiang, secretary of the party branch of Zhangzhuang Village, Fengdengwu Town, Fengrun District, Hebei Province, said: In 2009, Zhang Naicheng returned to his hometown after retirement, and under the fame of not forgetting his father and fellow villagers, he worked hard for the construction of new rural areas and added bricks and tiles. In the past four years, more than 2 million yuan has been raised to pave cement pavement, install street lamps, build village committee office buildings, villagers' activity centers, etc., which has made Zhangzhuang Village undergo earth-shaking changes, and has been supported by the people of the whole village, known as "the master of Chinese painting walking on the public welfare road".

Zhang Naicheng, a master of Chinese painting who walks on the road of public welfare

Zhang Wenqiang, secretary of the party branch of Zhangzhuang Village, Fengdengwu Town, Fengrun District, Hebei Province

Zhang Naicheng Profile: Zhang Naicheng, Zi Yizhou, born in 1949 on the banks of the Huixiang River, college degree. He is currently a member of the China Artists Association, a national first-class artist, a researcher of Chinese Sinology, and the vice president of the China National Artists Association. Honorary Seat of the Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Art Research Association. He is a director of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Association, a connoisseur of China International Calligraphy and Painting, a director of the Hong Kong World Famous Calligraphy and Painting Garden Center, and the president of the North China Calligraphy and Painting Academy.

Zhang Naicheng, a master of Chinese painting who walks on the road of public welfare

Artistic Achievements:

In April 1995, People's Daily published his works under the title of "Zhongjie in the Painting World, the First Shrimp in Jingdong". On June 18 of the same year, his feature film was broadcast successively on the Central, Hebei and Tangshan TELEVISION stations with the theme of Jingdong painting shrimp, and was published in provincial and municipal newspapers and periodicals many times.

In October 2000, he was invited to South Korea to participate in the exhibition of the works of 100 outstanding Chinese calligraphers and painters

On February 16, 2001, he participated in the launch ceremony of the Anthology of Chinese Artists at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, and was cordially received by state leaders Wang Guangying and Cheng Siyuan.

In April 2001, his painting "Changyou Tu" won the "Golden Eagle Award" and gold medal of the world's Chinese calligraphy and painting art, and the gold medal of the "Golden Elephant Award" of the global calligraphy and painting art. In July 2001, he won the silver medal in the "National Calligraphy and Painting Competition to Celebrate the 80th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China".

In September 2001, "Shrimp Drama Lotus Map" won the gold medal of the Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Art Competition, and was awarded the "Honorary Certificate" of the World Calligraphy and Painting Art.

On April 17, 2003, "Shrimp Play Lotus" won the first "Nationalities Cup Gold Award" in China. In November of the same year, he was invited to Beijing Zhongnanhai and the Great Hall of the People to paint for the national leaders, and was highly praised by the national leaders.

In August 2004, "Yanzhao Metropolis Daily" published his works and artistic achievements under the title of "Zhang Naicheng, a new generation of shrimp painting masters", and his representative work "Hundred Shrimp Pictures" was praised by authoritative figures in the field of calligraphy and painting. "A Hundred Shrimp Take Off" is in the permanent collection of the Organizing Committee of the 20th Olympic Movement. In June 2008, "Shrimp Drama Lotus Map" was donated by the China Artists Association to the Wenchuan Earthquake Relief in Sichuan Province, and a certificate was issued. It is known as "the master of the painting world, the first shrimp in Jingdong".

Zhang Naicheng, a master of Chinese painting who walks on the road of public welfare

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