
NBA Five Bad Guys: Lambier retired to the whole league to celebrate, Bowen mat Carter was chased all over the field

author:Basketball Skills One

As a sporting event full of fierce physical confrontation, injuries are undoubtedly the last thing players and fans want to see, so NBA players have to learn how to protect themselves on the court from an early age. However, there are so many evil men in the NBA, they are not good at playing on the field, but try their best to deliberately hurt the opponent, today Xiaobian will take you to see the five evil men who have appeared in the NBA, what have they done to start being hated?

NBA Five Bad Guys: Lambier retired to the whole league to celebrate, Bowen mat Carter was chased all over the field

In the 2013 Lakers' away game against the Eagles, Kobe Bryant defended his Duntai Jones during a jump shot and deliberately stepped on his foot to injure Kobe, a malicious move that also made Kobe Bryant rarely angry after the game. When the reporter asked Kobe After the game: Kobe, you are a good defender, how do you evaluate this action? Kobe Bryant did not save Jones face at all, bluntly saying that this is a dirty move, when I back jump shot, there is no reason why I will step on other people's feet when I land, which has been very blunt to point out Jones's dirty action, it is said that Jones also received death threats from Lakers fans after the game.

NBA Five Bad Guys: Lambier retired to the whole league to celebrate, Bowen mat Carter was chased all over the field

But when it comes to stepping up, how can we not mention Bruce Bowen? As a former villain, Bowen has injured the star many times, and the most tragic is undoubtedly Carter. In the game between the Nets and the Spurs in 2005, Bowen, who was the main defense against Carter, committed many malicious fouls, stepping on his feet twice in one game, so that the good-tempered Carter directly went head-to-head with Bowen on the field, if it were not for his teammates pulling away, Carter would have killed Bowen's heart.

NBA Five Bad Guys: Lambier retired to the whole league to celebrate, Bowen mat Carter was chased all over the field

Of course, with the continuous improvement of the NBA and the improvement of the quality of players, there are fewer and fewer evil men in the league who deliberately hurt others. But in the 2017 Western Conference Finals, there was still a malicious stepping incident, that is, the Warriors' Zaza Pachulia maliciously padEdin Leonard, when Leonard made a shot, Zaza deliberately extended his foot two steps forward, it can be said that the pad is very obvious, and the Spurs also lost a big player, making the good situation disappear.

NBA Five Bad Guys: Lambier retired to the whole league to celebrate, Bowen mat Carter was chased all over the field

However, in the 80s and 90s of the last century, the rules of malicious fouls were not yet perfected, and the NBA was still a league full of confrontations, so some players also had more fouls and defensive scales than basketball actions, the most typical of which was undoubtedly the Lambiers of the Pistons Bad Boys. According to the magician himself, seeing Lambier standing under the basket, he lost the desire to hit the basket, and Lambier's defense can be said to lock throats, pad feet, and pull people in the air, which can no longer be described by small actions. After Lambier announced his retirement, the rest of the league's players even held parties to celebrate the evil guy finally leaving the league.

NBA Five Bad Guys: Lambier retired to the whole league to celebrate, Bowen mat Carter was chased all over the field

At that time, Malone and Stockton were not very clean on the defensive end, Stockton's small movements were more famous, and Malone's iron elbow was more famous. In addition to knocking Jordan's elbow down, he also knocked Thomas' elbow down with 40 stitches, and against Admiral Robinson, Malone's elbow almost killed the admiral, making Spurs fans call Malone a murderer. However, with the development of the league and the NBA, there are more moments on the court to protect opponents, and these malicious slander shots of opponents are becoming less and less. (ikuet)

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