
Epidemic prevention and control is no small matter, tighten the string - Linxiang Municipal People's Procuratorate held a deployment meeting for epidemic prevention and control

author:Linxiang Municipal People's Procuratorate

On August 4, 2021, the Linxiang People's Procuratorate held a meeting on epidemic prevention and control deployment to make arrangements for epidemic prevention and control. Chen Yao, secretary of the party leading group of the academy, presided over the meeting, and backbone cadres at and above the middle level of the academy attended the meeting.

Epidemic prevention and control is no small matter, tighten the string - Linxiang Municipal People's Procuratorate held a deployment meeting for epidemic prevention and control

The meeting stressed: First, we must be highly vigilant and unrelenting. It is necessary to further improve the political position, strictly follow the deployment of the epidemic prevention and control work of the provincial and municipal party committees, resolutely overcome the paralyzing thinking, slack mentality and war-weariness, make ideological preparations and work preparations for long-term response to the epidemic, and unremittingly do a good job in the normalization of epidemic prevention and control. Second, we must be proactive and strictly prevent and control. All cadres and police officers should insist on not going out unless necessary, and do not go to medium- and high-risk areas. If it is necessary to go, strictly implement the "double report" system, report to the unit and the community where it is located, and the overseas and medium- and high-risk arrivals (pro) personnel are strictly implemented in accordance with the relevant prevention and control measures. At the same time, it is necessary to develop good hygiene habits, enhance self-protection awareness, and do a good job of personal protection measures. Third, it is necessary to strictly take responsibility and pay close attention to detail. The hospital's epidemic prevention and control leading group should earnestly regard the epidemic prevention and control work as the current primary task, pay close attention to emergency preparations and duty work; improve material reserves, strictly implement various protective measures in the hospital, make every effort to do a good job in the disinfection and disinfection of key areas such as office buildings, canteens, and door guards, and strictly register and detect the temperature of outsiders; all business departments should strictly abide by the requirements for handling cases under the epidemic prevention and control situation, and standardize the reception of petitioners and the reception of case-handling parties.

Epidemic prevention and control is no small matter, tighten the string - Linxiang Municipal People's Procuratorate held a deployment meeting for epidemic prevention and control

Finally, Chen Yao, secretary of the party leading group, asked the participants to convey the spirit of the meeting to all the personnel of the internal organs, and asked the cadres, policemen, clerks and staff of the whole hospital to implement the requirements and deployment of the detailed work with a high degree of political consciousness, rule of law consciousness and procuratorial consciousness, with the spirit of tenacious struggle against the epidemic and the spirit of epidemic prevention and control at all times, and resolutely win the battle against the epidemic!


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