
Glorious Road, the Lakers' 21-22 season of crazy journey 3, three consecutive losses in preseason

author:Shigeko's trick

湖人季前赛‬第三场‬,114-121不敌‬勇士‬,遭遇‬三连败‬。 Today, James Westbrook made his first joint appearance, and the effect was not ideal. The whole team made frequent mistakes and had a very low shooting rate. Defensively, the first quarter of the opening quarter was very good, and I also thought that the Lakers playing the Warriors was really a preview of the Western Conference Finals. The back slowly relaxed. Everyone's hands feel stiff on offense, and after the offseason, they haven't found the feeling of playing. Howard's performance is the biggest surprise, the basket under the basket 20 + 10 doubles, there are empty dunks, there are also chase big hat performances, physical state is bursting. At present, it seems that Howard is one of the first to enter the state, and the hard work in the offseason has not been in vain!

Glorious Road, the Lakers' 21-22 season of crazy journey 3, three consecutive losses in preseason


As the biggest reinforcement of the Lakers this summer, Wei Shao's debut performance is indeed not in line with people's expectations, mistakes, iron, and the ideal breakthrough impact is not shown, and it is completely integrated into the Lakers' system. Su Qun bluntly said that Wei Shao and James had no chemistry at all. Relative to Wei Shao's personal ability, it can only be said that he is still running in, trying to integrate into the team lineup and find the best way to help the team.

Glorious Road, the Lakers' 21-22 season of crazy journey 3, three consecutive losses in preseason


James also said in an interview after the game that we are practicing a new offensive system, which needs to be adjusted and adapted.

Preseason is still the run-in stage of the team, winning or losing is not important, believe in James, thick eyebrows, Wei Shao, believe in the Lakers!

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