
Biden made a big mistake not to invite Netanyahu to speak, and US and Israeli officials opposed it in unison

author:Xiaoxiang talks about popular science

The U.S. Congress invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address the U.S. Congress, but the decision caused controversy within the U.S. Congress and also within Israel.

Biden made a big mistake not to invite Netanyahu to speak, and US and Israeli officials opposed it in unison

Some members of the U.S. Congress and insiders of the Israeli government have expressed dissatisfaction with the decision, arguing that Netanyahu cannot represent the Israelis and that inviting him to give a speech to the U.S. Congress is an act of flattery.

President Biden invited Netanyahu to give a speech, and opponents argued that Netanyahu could not represent the will of Israelis.

Why can't Netanyahu represent Israelis?

President Biden's invitation to Netanyahu to speak at the U.S. Congress has caused controversy within the United States, and some U.S. congressmen are dissatisfied with Biden's invitation to Netanyahu, believing that Netanyahu has made a big mistake and inviting him to give a speech is an act of apology.

1. Netanyahu cannot represent the Israeli nationals, and members of the US Congress oppose Biden's invitation to Netanyahu.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was invited to give a speech to the US Congress, which caused controversy not only in Israel but also among members of the US Congress.

Some Democratic lawmakers on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee are unhappy with Biden's invitation to Netanyahu and oppose the actions of the current Israeli government.

And they also criticized President Biden's position, arguing that Biden's foreign policy is not resolute and decisive enough.

Netanyahu has been invited by the U.S. Congress to give a speech, but there are some in Israel who oppose it.

Israeli medical teams work in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip and hope that the Israeli government will take action to rescue Israeli citizens held by Hamas.

Biden made a big mistake not to invite Netanyahu to speak, and US and Israeli officials opposed it in unison

The Israeli government launched a prisoner swap program in exchange for a former Israeli prisoner demanding the release of Israeli citizens from prison by Hamas, but Netanyahu's government rejected the offer.

In 2014, Netanyahu's government did nothing, and Israeli prisoners, under the supervision of Hamas, began cleaning tunnels, which were accompanied by the recycling of iron and steel bricks from the rubble.

These bricks and tiles were eventually used by Hamas for military construction, to build tunnels, to carry out anti-Israeli operations, and even to build special tunnels to penetrate the Israeli border wall.

Through these tunnels, Hamas is attempting to carry out anti-Israeli military activities against Israel, so Israelis are often exposed to Hamas missiles, rockets and weapons at any time in the course of agricultural work, which poses great danger to the Israeli people.

Biden made a big mistake not to invite Netanyahu to speak, and US and Israeli officials opposed it in unison

These Israeli prisoners held by Hamas have become tools for Hamas and other armed groups to carry out criminal activities against Israel, but Netanyahu's government has been indifferent.

In July 2014, the Israeli government and Hamas negotiated a quid pro quo for prisoners, but no agreement was reached.

The United States has played the role of a left-right contradiction in the contradictions and conflicts between Israel and Palestine, on the one hand, it supports Israel in fighting against anti-Israel forces, and on the other hand, it discourages Israel from stopping the war early.

The United States regards Israel as a central tool for maintaining its oil control in the Middle East, so it will send advanced weapons and equipment to support Israel when it is attacked.

The United States and Israel are close allies and have a very close working relationship with each other, but if the United States helps Israel in its war, it is likely to cause even greater problems.

There is a general belief within the US government that the Israeli government is "not excessive" in its actions against Hamas, and that the worse Hamas is hit, the greater the "sense of security" the Israeli people will have.

The Netanyahu government's belief that eliminating Hamas is the best condition for achieving peace is the wrong view not only of the Israeli government, but also of the US government.

The single goal of eliminating Hamas is undoubtedly the criterion of success, but the cost of achieving it is very high and unrealistic.

Because Hamas is just an Islamic militant organization in the Palestinian region, it is only one of many radical militant groups in the Middle East, if Israel really eliminates Hamas, will there be no Islamic militant organization in Palestine?

It is highly unreliable that the Israeli government is so narrowly targeted, with their political agendas in it.

If Israel can really eliminate Hamas, it does not mean that the radical Islamic forces in the Middle East will disappear, and many radical Islamist groups will gather together to carry out more fierce attacks on Israel, so that Israel will face greater difficulties.

The decision of the US Congress to invite Netanyahu to visit the United States and deliver a speech is only to put aside the controversy between the conflict and Netanyahu himself, and purely from the level of national leaders, from the image of national leaders in the Middle East.

Biden made a big mistake not to invite Netanyahu to speak, and US and Israeli officials opposed it in unison

The United States invited Netanyahu to give a speech in the United States as a national leader for a certain background and reason.

The United States supports Israel for a reason, in addition to the religious-historical factor, but also the American interests in the Middle East.

However, as a world superpower, the international political status and geopolitical and strategic considerations of the United States are all reflected in various decisions.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has a long history, and it is very difficult to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and if it is not resolved properly, it is likely to trigger a greater chain of conflict.

The key to resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict lies in the fact that both sides are able to make compromises and concessions, and both sides need to pay a certain price for Israel to be guaranteed security and Palestine to be able to gain its own state.

The decision of the US Congress to invite Netanyahu to visit the United States and give a speech could cause controversy at home and abroad, as well as affect the international image and foreign policy of the United States.

The fact that the US Congress invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to visit the United States and deliver a speech also shows that the United States is very concerned about the current situation within the Israeli government.

The U.S. Congress's invitation to Netanyahu to visit the United States and deliver a speech is a way to examine the current situation within the Netanyahu government, which has been in office for a long time as the head of the Israeli government.

However, as a veteran of politics, Netanyahu is not completely without opposition in Israel, and Netanyahu, as a national leader, has been in power for more than ten years, which is not an opportunity, but a challenge and a test for Netanyahu.

Netanyahu's actions and views, as well as the policies of the Netanyahu government, will cause controversy and opposition at home and abroad, and Netanyi has lost many people from hope, which has also sparked criticism of Netanyahu.

The U.S. Congress invited Netania Many U.S. congressmen were dissatisfied with this, believing that Netani had killed many Israeli hostages, and that he had not taken action to rescue the Israeli hostages, which was a lot of criticism and dissatisfaction with Netany.

But was Netani's death really so wrong, and was the U.S. Congress's attack on Netani's death wrong?

2. Netani has committed many wrongdoings.

The invitation of the US Congress to Netani's death is a kind of criticism from within Israel, and some people within the Israeli government have opposed this move by the US Congress, believing that many of Netani's death are the prime ministers elected by the Israeli people.

The U.S. Congress does not have the right to criticize Israel's internal affairs, and many of Netani's deaths are indeed prime ministers elected by the Israeli people, but at the same time, the United States is also a real existence of an external world power, and with its own strength, Netani is indeed in charge of Israel's government, but the American people, as a world power, still have to question the behavior of the Israeli government leaders.

It is true that when the United States Congress invited Netani to die, Israel will not make mistakes, and it is Neta who puts Israel in a very dangerous situation.

In the area controlled by Hamas, Israeli personnel are not allowed to enter, so with the increase of underground tunnels in the Gaza Strip, Neta excavates tunnels, which poses a threat to Israel, Netta but the US Congress invited Neta Netta to give Hamas the ability to attack Israel.

This was not expected by the Israeli government, and the Israeli government of Neta believed that as long as Hada was eliminated, Israel only needed to eliminate Hada wrong, and this was not only Neta's fault, but also the Israeli government's erroneous view.

Hamas has been carrying out anti-Israeli activities against Israel for many years, and the unified armed forces, with Harbin's big mistake, the United States supports Israel, but it is impossible for Israel to enjoy the treatment of sitting on the profits, not letting Israel pay the price, but making Harmada wrong, for Neta this point can be used as a reference.

Neta Israel is eliminating Hata Bad, but Neta has only 7 Hata Bad, and the United States has made demands on Israel, Prime Minister Neta, but the United States also demands that Israel respect the ceasefire agreement and end the attack on the Gaza Strip.

Biden made a big mistake not to invite Netanyahu to speak, and US and Israeli officials opposed it in unison

3. Netaneta Let the crisis erupt.

The position of the Israeli government in Neta is that it wants the United States to build up Israel militarily and become the core force of the confrontation with the forces of radical armed groups in the region, but the decision of the United States has hardly changed, the military support has only changed conceptually, cities and residential areas have been heavily bombed, and Hamas's anti-chemical activities have hardly been affected.

Netasic was very frustrated by this outcome, because Israel's "Operation Defend the Border" was essentially an extremely complicated thing in Neta, and there were bigger problems within Israel, and Timulit had caused more trouble for Netanetta and had greater differences in positions.

Neta wanted a good government in Palestine, but Timulit staged a coup d'état in 2007 and Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip.

Neta wants to break the ties between the regions, but the formation of Palestine is in Israel's interests, the US Congress invites Netani to die, Neta but the US Congress invites Neta Neta The development of the Israeli problem, Neta but this time it is not the United States profit on Netta's part, the control of oil in the Middle East is threatened, so the United States prevents Israel from starting a war, and criticizes Netta.

However, the key to resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict lies in the ability of the two sides to engage in dialogue and negotiation, and only when the two sides can make compromises and concessions can the two sides coexist peacefully.

Netta's actions can only exacerbate tensions in the Middle East and pose a threat to regional peace and stability.

The contradictions and balancing considerations in international politics are quite complex

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