
Women's basketball "traitor" Li Mingyang: Betrayed the motherland during his recuperation, and immigrants recognized a wealthy Japanese businessman as his godfather

author:Strange birds talk about the past and the present
Women's basketball "traitor" Li Mingyang: Betrayed the motherland during his recuperation, and immigrants recognized a wealthy Japanese businessman as his godfather
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Women's basketball "traitor" Li Mingyang: Betrayed the motherland during his recuperation, and immigrants recognized a wealthy Japanese businessman as his godfather

At the 2010 World Youth Basketball Championships, a 16-year-old girl named Li Mingyang made a stunning appearance. The young player from Jilin won with 1. With an astonishing height of 96 meters and an outstanding performance, she has become a leader among the rookies of the Chinese women's basketball team in one fell swoop.

However, just when the basketball world had high hopes for her, a shocking news came: Li Mingyang mysteriously disappeared while recuperating from his injury, and then appeared in Japan.

What's even more shocking is that the former Chinese women's basketball hopeful star not only joined the Japanese club, but also changed his nationality, and even recognized a wealthy Japanese businessman as his godfather.

For a time, the name "traitor" followed, causing an uproar among Chinese basketball circles and fans, setting off a heated discussion about patriotism, career choices, and morality.

Women's basketball "traitor" Li Mingyang: Betrayed the motherland during his recuperation, and immigrants recognized a wealthy Japanese businessman as his godfather

In 1994, in an ordinary family in Jilin Province, Li Mingyang fell to the ground. Showing extraordinary athletic talent from an early age, she quickly caught the attention of her parents.

Although the family is not wealthy, Li Mingyang's parents still fully support their daughter to pursue her basketball dream and pave the way for her future.

With the encouragement and companionship of her family, Li Mingyang began her basketball journey. Her innate coordination and love for basketball quickly set her apart from her peers.

As she gets older, Li Mingyang's height advantage gradually becomes apparent, which has won her more opportunities on the basketball court.

Women's basketball "traitor" Li Mingyang: Betrayed the motherland during his recuperation, and immigrants recognized a wealthy Japanese businessman as his godfather

With his outstanding performance and potential, the young Li Mingyang quickly caught the attention of the national team coach. After going through layers of selection, she successfully joined the Chinese women's basketball team and opened a new chapter in her career.

For this girl from Jilin, it is undoubtedly a great honor and responsibility to be able to represent the country.

In 2010, at the age of 16, Li Mingyang ushered in an important moment in her career - participating in the World Youth Basketball Championship with the national team. At this time, she has reached an astonishing height of 1.96 meters, which makes her feel like a fish in water on the field.

Against the mighty Spanish team, although Li Mingyang did not start, she still showed maturity and strength beyond her years.

Women's basketball "traitor" Li Mingyang: Betrayed the motherland during his recuperation, and immigrants recognized a wealthy Japanese businessman as his godfather

In that game, Li Mingyang scored 17 points alone, and her outstanding performance not only helped the Chinese team defeat the former world champion Spanish women's basketball team, but also made her name begin to be more well-known.

Against the generally tall Spanish players, the young Li Mingyang was undaunted and fought hard in the forward position, showing amazing courage and skill.

This victory is not only the pride of the Chinese team, but also an important milestone in Li Mingyang's personal career. Her performance gave hope to the coaching staff and teammates, as well as the excitement of basketball fans in China.

Many people began to expect that this girl from Jilin could become a new generation of leaders of the Chinese women's basketball team and win glory for the country in the international arena.

Women's basketball "traitor" Li Mingyang: Betrayed the motherland during his recuperation, and immigrants recognized a wealthy Japanese businessman as his godfather

However, the cogs of fate are always unpredictable. Just when everyone is looking forward to the future of Li Mingyang, an unexpected turning point is quietly coming, which is about to change the trajectory of the young player's life.

After the 2010 World Junior Championships, Li Mingyang's career seemed bright. However, fate always likes to joke. Just as she was ready to continue playing for her country, an unexpected injury interrupted her pace.

In order to recover as soon as possible, Li Mingyang had to temporarily leave the team for recuperation.

This period of recuperation was supposed to be a valuable time for Li Mingyang to adjust his form and prepare for future competitions. However, it was during these seemingly peaceful days that an opportunity to change the trajectory of her life crept up.

Women's basketball "traitor" Li Mingyang: Betrayed the motherland during his recuperation, and immigrants recognized a wealthy Japanese businessman as his godfather

The Japanese side have clearly been interested in the young and promising Chinese player. They orchestrated a covert operation, sending an agent disguised as a reporter to approach Mr. Lee, who was recuperating.

In the name of an interview, this "reporter" successfully established contact with Li Mingyang.

In contact with Li Mingyang, the agent skillfully painted a bright picture of the prospects for development in Japan. She showed Li Mingyang the advantages of the Japanese basketball league, hinted at the high salary that could be obtained, and even mentioned the convenience of living in Japan.

For the young Li Mingyang, this is undoubtedly a tempting proposition.

Women's basketball "traitor" Li Mingyang: Betrayed the motherland during his recuperation, and immigrants recognized a wealthy Japanese businessman as his godfather

We can imagine Li Mingyang's inner struggle in the face of this decision. On the one hand, loyalty and duty to the Motherland, and on the other hand, unknown but perhaps brighter career prospects.

She may have thought about it repeatedly: continue to stay in China and play for her country, or go to Japan to seek new opportunities? It's a choice that is not only about her career, but also about her life values.

In the end, under the skillful persuasion of this agent, Li Mingyang made a shocking decision: she chose to secretly travel to Japan. This decision means that she will leave her familiar environment, her beloved motherland, and face huge public pressure and moral doubts.

When the coach and teammates of the Chinese women's basketball team waited with anticipation for Li Mingyang to return to the team, they suddenly found that they had completely lost contact with her. They anxiously searched around, called, messaged, and even contacted Mr. Li's family, but none of them received any useful information.

Women's basketball "traitor" Li Mingyang: Betrayed the motherland during his recuperation, and immigrants recognized a wealthy Japanese businessman as his godfather

It wasn't until later that a heart-wrenching truth emerged: Mr. Li had quietly left for Japan to join a well-known local club. This news is like a bombshell, causing a huge shock in the Chinese basketball world.

For the Chinese women's basketball team, Li Mingyang's departure is not only the loss of an excellent player, but also a heavy blow. Her decision was seen as a betrayal that was difficult for many to accept.

And for Li Mingyang herself, this decision also pushed her into a complicated situation. She may not fully realize that this choice will completely change the trajectory of her life and will also leave a wound in the hearts of Chinese fans that will not heal.

After arriving in Japan, Li Mingyang acted quickly and began her "new life". In order to be able to join the Japanese women's basketball team, she made a shocking decision: to change her nationality.

Women's basketball "traitor" Li Mingyang: Betrayed the motherland during his recuperation, and immigrants recognized a wealthy Japanese businessman as his godfather

This is not just a change of paperwork, but a complete change of identity and sense of belonging. Li Mingyang may realize that this decision will change the course of her life forever, but she seems ready for a new life.

In the process of this transformation, Li Mingyang met a figure who had a profound influence on her: Akihiro Sugiyama, the minister of the Japanese Chanson Company.

Surprisingly, Li Mingyang not only regarded Akihiro Sugiyama as his mentor, but also recognized him as his godfather. This move seems to imply that Li Mingyang is trying to find a new sense of reliance and belonging in a foreign country.

Akihiro Sugiyama may have provided important support and guidance as Li Mingyang adjusted to his new environment, making her willing to form such an intimate relationship.

Women's basketball "traitor" Li Mingyang: Betrayed the motherland during his recuperation, and immigrants recognized a wealthy Japanese businessman as his godfather

In order to better integrate into Japanese society, Li Mingyang even changed his name and officially changed his name to "Wakamatsu Miyuki Sugiyama". This new name not only symbolizes her new identity, but also represents a kind of separation from her past.

From Li Mingyang to Miyuki Wakamatsu Sugiyama, she not only changed her nationality, but also changed the entire trajectory of her life.

However, when the news reached China, it caused an uproar. Many Chinese could not understand Li Mingyang's choice and accused her of turning their backs on the motherland. This is undoubtedly a huge blow to those coaches and teammates who once had high expectations.

They may feel betrayed, or they may be worried about Lee's future.

Women's basketball "traitor" Li Mingyang: Betrayed the motherland during his recuperation, and immigrants recognized a wealthy Japanese businessman as his godfather

In any case, this series of actions by Li Mingyang shows her determination for a new life. She seems determined to start afresh in Japan, not only in basketball, but in her entire life.

However, this decision also saddled her with the label of "traitor", which will be a heavy burden that she will have to face for the rest of her career.

Li Mingyang's sudden "mutiny" caused an uproar in China. The reaction of the domestic public can be described as a stone that has stirred up a thousand waves, and social media is full of criticism and accusations against her.

Many people expressed strong indignation and disappointment, believing that Li Mingyang had failed the country's cultivation and betrayed the trust of the motherland. People questioned her moral character, and some even labeled her a "traitor".

Women's basketball "traitor" Li Mingyang: Betrayed the motherland during his recuperation, and immigrants recognized a wealthy Japanese businessman as his godfather

In this condemnation, the memories of He Jun, who once served as the head coach of the national youth team, are particularly touching. In an interview, He Jun recalled Li Mingyang's bits and pieces in the team.

He said: "At that time, she was just an ordinary child, smart and clever, and she never did anything out of the ordinary. He Jun's tone was full of regret and incomprehension, as if he was recalling a dream that had faded away.

He once regarded Li Mingyang as the future star of the Chinese women's basketball team, and even thought that she had the potential to become Chen Nan's successor. Now, this young player who once had high hopes has chosen a different path, which has undoubtedly brought a heavy blow to He Jun and the entire Chinese basketball community.

In stark contrast to the reaction from the Chinese side, the Japanese basketball community welcomed the new member with an open attitude. The Japan Basketball Association welcomed Li Mingyang's arrival, believing that her arrival will inject new vitality into the Japanese women's basketball team.

Women's basketball "traitor" Li Mingyang: Betrayed the motherland during his recuperation, and immigrants recognized a wealthy Japanese businessman as his godfather

However, neither the voices for nor against can change the facts that have happened. Li Mingyang's choice is not only a personal decision, but also triggers deep thinking about the athlete's nationality, career choice and patriotism.

The Li Mingyang incident is not only a question of an athlete's personal choice, but also a profound reflection on the entire sports world and even society.

In fact, it is not uncommon for athletes to change their nationality. However, the main reason why Li Mingyang's situation has caused so much controversy is that she made this decision while playing for the national team.

This is not only about personal career choices, but also about sensitive issues of ethics and loyalty.

Women's basketball "traitor" Li Mingyang: Betrayed the motherland during his recuperation, and immigrants recognized a wealthy Japanese businessman as his godfather

As individuals, we should first have a deep affection for the motherland. However, in the face of the pressures and temptations of reality, everyone may face difficult choices.

Ultimately, Lee's choice, while controversial, also provides an opportunity to re-examine the relationship between patriotism, personal choice, and career development.

This story reminds us that in the context of globalization, these issues are far more complex than we can imagine, and require us to face them with a more open and rational attitude.

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