
In the first three quarters, Shenzhen's imports and exports increased by 15.2% year-on-year, and foreign trade increased for 11 consecutive months

author:South Plus client

According to customs statistics, in the first three quarters of 2021, Shenzhen's imports and exports amounted to 2.51 trillion yuan, an increase of 15.2% year-on-year (the same below). Among them, exports were 1.35 trillion yuan, an increase of 13.5%, ranking first among the major foreign trade cities in the country; imports were 1.16 trillion yuan, an increase of 17.2%.

According to the Statistical Analysis Department of Shenzhen Customs, Shenzhen's foreign trade in the first three quarters specifically showed the following characteristics:

The first is that the monthly import and export value has maintained a year-on-year increase for 11 consecutive months since November last year, of which the single-month import and export value in August and September this year has exceeded 300 billion yuan continuously.

At the same time, the trade structure continued to be optimized, and the general trade of imports and exports in Shenzhen accounted for more than half in the first three quarters, and the processing trade grew rapidly. The general trade import and export of a longer industrial chain, higher added value and more reflective of the independent development ability of enterprises was 1.26 trillion yuan, an increase of 14.5%, accounting for 50.4% of the total import and export value of Shenzhen in the same period ( the same below); the import and export of processing trade was 640.09 billion yuan, an increase of 20.3%, accounting for 25.5%.

In terms of trading partners, the top ten trading partners accounted for 77.3% of the total import and export. It also showed double-digit growth for ASEAN and the European Union.

In terms of the nature of enterprises, private enterprises are firmly in a leading position, and their proportion has further increased. The import and export scale of private enterprises ranked first, reaching 1.54 trillion yuan, an increase of 17%, accounting for 61.2%, and the proportion increased by 1 percentage point over the same period last year.

In terms of export products, consumer electronic and electrical products have grown significantly. The export of mechanical and electrical products was 1.08 trillion yuan, an increase of 21.5%, accounting for 79.9% of the total export value of Shenzhen in the same period, and the proportion increased by 5.3 percentage points over the same period last year. Among them, automatic data processing equipment such as computers and their parts, mobile phones, audio and video equipment and their parts, household appliances and other consumer electronic and electrical products exported a total of 344.88 billion yuan, an increase of 25.4%, driving the overall export of 5.9 percentage points.

In terms of imports, mechanical and electrical products accounted for nearly 80% of the total import value of Shenzhen in the same period, reaching 921.68 billion yuan, an increase of 12.9%, of which integrated circuits and electrical equipment continued to grow in double digits.

[Reporter] Zhang Guangyan

[Correspondent] Liu Hongwei Yao Xiaozhen

【Author】 Zhang Guangyan

【Source】 Southern Press Media Group South + client

Source: South+ - Create more value

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