
Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, applied to study in the United States, and after seeing the major, netizens: I won't come back to work

author:Black Rabbit Kan World
Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, applied to study in the United States, and after seeing the major, netizens: I won't come back to work

At the annual graduation ceremony, Yang Jinwen, an outstanding graduate from Zhejiang University, was selected as a representative. She expressed her firm patriotic belief and said that she would "go where the motherland needs it most." The patriotic feelings and dedication she talked about are a positive guide for young people and students in the new era, telling everyone how to be patriotic and dedicated.

But he chose to apply to study in the United States, which caused questions and discussions among netizens. In this regard, many people expressed their understanding and support, believing that studying abroad is a personal choice and a two-way communication, which should be viewed rationally and respect everyone's decision. So, what is the reason for this contradiction? And how should we rationally look at the choice of studying abroad? Let's dive into this topic.

Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, applied to study in the United States, and after seeing the major, netizens: I won't come back to work

1. At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University, Yang Jinwen said that she would "go to the place where the motherland needs it most", but it was later revealed that she had applied to study in the United States.

At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University, the speech of a graduate became the focus of the scene, and she was Yang Jinwen. At the graduation ceremony, Yang Jinwen unreservedly expressed her love for the motherland and her persistent pursuit of science, and she said that she will always cherish her love for the motherland and shoulder the mission of promoting the spirit of science.

Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, applied to study in the United States, and after seeing the major, netizens: I won't come back to work

It can be said that Yang Jinwen's speech was full of patriotism and dedication, and the emotions she expressed also deeply touched the teachers and students present, and won warm applause and praise from everyone. Just when everyone was moved by her speech, Yang Jinwen revealed her plan to study abroad in her speech, she said that she had applied to a school in the United States and was ready to go to the United States to study for a master's degree.

Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, applied to study in the United States, and after seeing the major, netizens: I won't come back to work

This sudden news undoubtedly brought some shock and confusion to the teachers and students present, and many people felt that they couldn't understand why they chose to study abroad and go to a country like the United States when they loved the motherland so much. Yang Jinwen's speech also sparked a wide range of heated discussions and discussions, and many netizens expressed their views and opinions on this, some people felt that they could understand and support her choice, while some people questioned and opposed it.

2. Studying abroad is not the only way, and personal choices should be viewed rationally

Many people have expressed their understanding and support for Yang Jinwen's choice to study abroad, and they believe that studying abroad is a personal choice, and everyone has the right to pursue a higher academic realm and international vision, and whether they choose to study abroad or return to China for development, they should be understood and respected by others.

Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, applied to study in the United States, and after seeing the major, netizens: I won't come back to work

Studying abroad is not the only way to improve, domestic higher education is also constantly improving and reforming, providing students with more learning opportunities and platforms, as long as students have enough enthusiasm for learning and intellectual curiosity, they can get high-quality educational resources in domestic universities, carry out their own interested scientific research projects, and realize their academic dreams.

Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, applied to study in the United States, and after seeing the major, netizens: I won't come back to work

When faced with the choice of studying abroad, everyone should make rational guesses, make the most suitable decision for themselves according to their interests and career planning, no matter what path they finally choose, they should pay attention to their professional development and the improvement of their international vision, and use practical actions to contribute to the development and progress of the motherland.

Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, applied to study in the United States, and after seeing the major, netizens: I won't come back to work

3. Studying abroad is a two-way exchange, which helps to spread the culture and values of the country

On the other hand, as a way of international exchange, studying abroad is also of great significance, which can help students understand and get in touch with different countries and cultures, expand their international horizons, and at the same time, they can also become messengers of friendly exchanges between countries and spread their own culture and values.

Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, applied to study in the United States, and after seeing the major, netizens: I won't come back to work

In the current context of globalization, international exchanges and cooperation are becoming closer and closer, and all countries need talents with international vision and cross-cultural communication skills to cope with global challenges and problems and promote world peace and development.

Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, applied to study in the United States, and after seeing the major, netizens: I won't come back to work

Only by truly understanding and respecting the culture of other countries can we better show the image of our country on the international stage and make positive contributions to the country's development and foreign exchanges.

Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, applied to study in the United States, and after seeing the major, netizens: I won't come back to work

Fourth, take a rational view of personal choices and promote the diversified development of education

In the face of the various phenomena of studying abroad in the current society, we should look at everyone's choice with a rational and inclusive attitude, whether it is studying abroad or returning to China for development, we should be responsible for our own decisions, and practice our own values and life ideals with practical actions.

Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, applied to study in the United States, and after seeing the major, netizens: I won't come back to work

We should also realize that the essence of education is to cultivate students' independent conjecture ability and global awareness, so that they can grow and improve in different cultural environments, become internationally competitive talents, and make positive contributions to the country's modernization and foreign exchanges.

We need to strengthen the investment and reform of domestic higher education, provide students with more diversified learning opportunities and development platforms, cultivate their international vision and cross-cultural communication skills, so that they can confidently present themselves on the global stage and make due contributions to the common development of mankind.

Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, applied to study in the United States, and after seeing the major, netizens: I won't come back to work


Patriotism is not limited to specific behaviors and choices, it can be embodied in all aspects of life, which can be achieved through different ways and ways, and everyone has their own unique life trajectory and growth process, which should be respected and understood.

In the face of similar contradictions, we should learn to empathize with each other's choices, look at everyone's choices with tolerance and understanding, believe that they can make meaningful contributions to the country and society, and also hope that the public opinion environment of the society can become more rational and inclusive, encourage young students to bravely pursue their dreams, and promote the diversified development of education and talent training.

I also wish Yang Jinwen to achieve excellent results in his study and life in the United States, never forget his original intention, forge ahead, and make positive contributions to the friendly exchanges and cooperation between China and the United States in the future.

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