
After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

Source: CCTV news client

Starting today (March 1), primary and secondary schools across the country have opened one after another. In order to protect students' vision, let students concentrate on learning in school, prevent addiction to the Internet and games, and promote the healthy development of students' physical and mental health, the Ministry of Education recently issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Mobile Phones of Primary and Secondary School Students", which requires that schools should inform students and parents that in principle, personal mobile phones should not be brought into the campus. If students do have the need to bring mobile phones into the campus, they must obtain the consent of the students' parents and submit a written application, and after entering the school, the mobile phones should be handed over to the school for unified storage, and it is forbidden to bring them into the classroom.

New semester policy: Primary and secondary school mobile phones are prohibited from being brought into the classroom

Today, all primary and secondary schools in Beijing have opened, and the Beijing Municipal Education Commission has proposed that from this semester onwards, mobile phones will be included in the daily management of the school, and there should be a unified centralized storage of students' mobile phone facilities and equipment in the school, and it is also proposed to develop a practical and feasible mobile phone management system for students in the school according to the local conditions. During the winter vacation, in Beijing Fengtai No. 2 Middle School, through various channels such as the student union and online solicitation of parents, discussions have been held on the management of students' use of mobile phones in school, and the "Instructions for the Use of Mobile Phones of Fengtai No. 2 Middle School Students" has been formed.

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

He Shiming, principal of Fengtai No. 2 Middle School in Fengtai District, Beijing: As soon as I get this instruction, the child knows whether I bring my mobile phone or not, when I can use it, what conditions to bring, what procedures to have with it, what convenience the school provides for me when I don't bring it, and what parents do at home, which are very detailed and specific.

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

According to reports, at present, there are already some implementation plans in various schools in Beijing, in order to implement a more humane, from this semester onwards, different regulations will be proposed for different grades of classes.

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

Wang Dianjun, principal of the Affiliated Middle School of Tsinghua University: In Tsinghua High School, we use to give them (students) to manage independently, that is to say, he (students) may be a class under the leadership of the class teacher, he (students) will formulate a convention on class management of mobile phones, and everyone will discuss how to use mobile phones reasonably and what our class should do.

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

In addition, the reporter also noticed in the interview that many schools have also incorporated "telephone watch" equipment into the campus management norms.

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

Tan Xuetao, vice principal of moral education at Beijing No. 11 Middle School: It is the same as the management regulations of mobile phones, because in the school we have equipped each office and corridor with corresponding telephones, as well as some communication methods of our teachers, so if parents want to find their children, or if their children contact parents, there is no problem in communication.

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

Li Yi, deputy secretary of the Education Working Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee: We are actually divided into different age groups, different needs, and the reform of our education supply-side structure, the lower the age, the more we may cut him away from the mobile phone, and the higher the age, the more scientific our management methods need to be. The need to unblock the combination to help children learn to control is actually more valuable than a simple "one-size-fits-all" no contact.

Local management measures are more refined and more operational

The Ministry of Education issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Mobile Phones of Primary and Secondary School Students" in order to protect students' vision, let students concentrate on learning in school, prevent addiction to the Internet and games, and promote the healthy development of students' physical and mental health. While clearly proposing that "mobile phones are prohibited from being brought into the classroom", the notice requires schools to refine management measures and should solve the needs of students and parents by setting up public telephones on campus, establishing a communication hotline for class teachers, exploring the use of electronic student cards with call functions, or providing other parents with convenient ways to contact students. To this end, various localities are also exploring the formulation of specific methods that are more operational and more in line with the actual situation of school management.

Although Shandong Province passed local legislation in 2018, it became the first province in the country to prohibit primary and secondary school students from bringing personal mobile phones and tablets into the classroom in the form of regulations. However, at the beginning of the school year in the spring of this year, it has further introduced the provisions that teaching and assignment do not rely on electronic products, and the teaching time using electronic products should not exceed 30% of the total teaching time in principle.

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

In Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, the new semester through the discussion of the formation of class conventions, the implementation of unified class management, the implementation of the prohibition of students to bring smart phones and other electronic products into the campus regulations, and increase the intensity of supervision, but also for the students' mobile phones into the campus, into the class, what problems, these problems are handed over to teachers, students and parents to jointly sort out, form a common understanding, at the same time, teachers and students parents jointly explore ways to resolve the problem.

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

Xie Jun, principal of the No. 27 Middle School in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province: Of course, in the later stage, we will also pass some activities so that children can understand the landing of this policy. In particular, the mental health counseling center will find out the children who already have mobile phone Internet access or mobile phone game addiction, and the specific communication in this regard will allow them to correctly understand and ensure the healthy development of our children's physical and mental health.

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

In Changzhi, Shanxi, the electronic student card was launched, and at present, more than 160 schools in the city, more than 120,000 students use it, which can not only realize parent-child calls, but also let parents know the arrival of their children in school in time, and the special "SOS" key when the child encounters danger can also be a key to the alarm.

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

Dong Maocai, director of the Information Center of the Education Bureau of Changzhi City, Shanxi Province: Simply by using the method of blocking, the students' degree of disgust is relatively high. We adopt a combination of blocking and slacking to promote students' use of electronic student cards, on the basis of students and parents' voluntariness, electronic student cards can effectively solve the communication problems between students and parents and schools and teachers, and can also play a certain role in student management.

Requirements for regulating students' use of electronics have been made in 2018

On how to make healthier and more rational use of electronic products by school students, people from all walks of life have been exploring. As early as 2018, the Ministry of Education, the National Health Commission, the State General Administration of Sports and other 8 departments jointly issued the "Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Myopia in Children and Adolescents Implementation Plan", which for the first time proposed to regulate the use of electronic products by students.

In the "Plan", the school and family are required to use electronic products scientifically in terms of use methods and time, and it is strictly forbidden for students to bring personal mobile phones, tablets and other electronic products into the classroom, and those brought into the school should be kept in a unified manner. In the family, parents are required to accompany their children to learn, minimize the use of electronic products, non-learning purposes, no more than 15 minutes, for the purpose of learning, but also to control within 30-40 minutes.

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

Wang Dengfeng, director of the Department of Physical Education, Health and Art Education of the Ministry of Education: Since the issuance of the documents on the prevention and control of myopia in eight departments in 2018, very effective measures have been taken in various places. By 2019, our overall myopia rate had dropped by 3.4 percentage points. However, the epidemic in 2020 should say that many students are learning at home, through online learning, a large number of electronic products, so the decline in vision has become very obvious, and the preliminary statistics have increased by about 10 percentage points.

Before the start of the spring semester this year, the Ministry of Education once again issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Mobile Phones of Primary and Secondary School Students", which proposed that schools should incorporate mobile phone management into the daily management of schools, and primary and secondary school students should not bring personal mobile phones into the campus in principle.

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

Lu Yugang, director of the Department of Basic Education of the Ministry of Education: This time, the mobile phone management notice issued by the Ministry of Education adheres to the combination of flexible management and rigid requirements, and puts forward such a clear requirement of limited access to the campus and prohibition of bringing into the classroom. At the same time, schools are required to provide the necessary mobile phone unified management devices, and also require school teachers not to assign homework through mobile phones, and also require schools and families to strengthen communication and contact.

Continue to promote the thinking behind campus mobile phone management

From 2018, when the Ministry of Education first proposed to ban mobile phones from being brought into the campus to today, after two years, why is it emphasized again to strengthen the management of mobile phones for primary and secondary school students? What role does mobile phones play in students' learning and life? Come and see the reporter's investigation.

Although many primary and secondary school students say that mobile phones are an indispensable tool for learning, they are used to check materials, find courseware, watch instructional videos, etc. However, the reporter found in the interview that due to the many functions of smart phones, the self-control of primary and secondary school students is poor, and many students often "deviate" from the course of mobile phones.

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

Reporter: What do you do with this mobile phone every day?

Primary school students in Jinan, Shandong Province: Watch short videos in the name of learning.

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

Junior high school students in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province: Looking at mobile phones is definitely not related to learning, it is definitely more interesting.

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

Liu Geng, a parent of a student in Jinan City, Shandong Province: At first, it was to let him learn to consult the materials, but when he found that he checked and looked at purely entertaining things, the parents would definitely be angry.

The reporter found that most of the students interviewed used smart phones for leisure and entertainment, which not only deviated from the original intention of learning, but also difficult to control the use time.

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

Junior high school student in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province: When I play with my mobile phone, I originally agreed to an hour, but in fact I may play for an hour and a half. As long as I have a mobile phone, I basically don't care about time when I watch videos.

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

Junior high school students in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province: In fact, it is not very restrained, for example, after writing homework at night, relaxing for a while, I want to watch some small videos, and I see 9 o'clock at 9 o'clock to see more than 11 o'clock.

It is understood that many parents of primary and secondary school students configure mobile phones for their children in order to solve the problem of travel safety to and from school and understand the learning status in school, but what about in actual campus life?

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

Tan Xiao, teacher of the 27th Middle School in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province: In the past, although we also had some measures to let him (students) hand over their mobile phones, there were always children who could not control themselves, so they secretly hid their mobile phones and secretly took them out during physical education classes, recesses or classes that they did not want to listen to.

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

Due to the multiple considerations of students' growth and health, the education department continues to promote mobile campus management. Twice issued regulations on the management of students' mobile phones. We have noted that the Provisions not only require schools to take measures to strengthen management, but also that parents should play a certain role in family education.

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

Liu Geng, parent of students in Jinan City, Shandong Province: Our parents are still supportive, because they do not have to bring mobile phones, they have to go into the school to contact, and children bring mobile phones, in fact, sometimes it does more harm than good.

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

Han Chong, a parent of a student in Jinan City, Shandong Province: There is no need for you to bring a mobile phone in school, bringing a game console into the school is equivalent to bringing a game console in, and the whole class may be affected, so I think it is correct that the mobile phone does not enter the campus.

The harm caused by the excessive use of mobile phones by minors is irreversible

According to survey data, in recent years, the age of minors' first contact with the Internet in China has been decreasing, the proportion of people who have begun to contact the Internet at the age of 10 and below has reached 78%, and the main age group for the first contact with the Internet is concentrated in 6-10 years old, most of which begin to contact the Internet through mobile phones.

According to reports, because the body of minors is in a stage of rapid growth and development, the use of electronic products for a long time, the burden of using the eyes has increased significantly, making the myopia rate rise rapidly. According to the statistics from the Ministry of Education, in 2019, the overall myopia rate of children and adolescents in the country was 50.2%, of which the myopia rate of 6-year-old children was 14.5%, the myopia rate of primary school students was 56%, the myopia rate of junior high school students was 71.6%, and the myopia rate of high school students exceeded 90%.

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

Kou Yanwen, head of political education at the junior high school of Baoshan School in Licheng District, Jinan City, Shandong Province: Now that children's eyesight is declining, in fact, the more important reason is that children use too many electronic products.

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

At present, the myopia rate of adolescents in China is among the highest in the world, and medical experts point out that a large part of the reason for myopia showing a young age is the excessive use of electronic products such as mobile phones. In addition to the excessive use of electronic products such as mobile phones by minors, there are more hidden dangers of diseases.

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

Fu Jing, director of the Department of Strabismus and Pediatric Ophthalmology of Beijing Tongren Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University: We have also found that a disease has become more and more in recent years, then it is also a kind of strabismus, this strabismus is a kind of internal strabismus, the age of its occurrence We now find that the small one is 5 or 6 years old, and the biggest problem of this strabismus on the patient is that there are always double shadows when looking at things, which will seriously affect his life and learning.

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

Wei Wenbin, director of the Department of Ophthalmology, vice president of Beijing Tongren Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University: Especially kindergarten children or younger children use electronic products prematurely, which is actually a very common phenomenon in society. Mobile phones and tablets are an "electronic nanny", so that the farsighted reserves that we should have are prematurely consumed, and then prematurely enter the state of myopia. So when he went to school, the learning task was relatively heavy, and at the same time he could not carry out outdoor activities well, so the occurrence of myopia became more and more serious, so a vicious circle was formed.

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

In addition to causing irreversible harm to minors' bodies, excessive use of mobile phones to enter the virtual network world through mobile phones on the Internet, if not guided and restricted, is likely to cause problems in the formation of minors' outlook on life and values.

After two years, why does the Ministry of Education once again emphasize the ban on mobile phones in primary and secondary schools?

Wang Dianjun, principal of the Affiliated Middle School of Tsinghua University: Every educator should think about how we guide students to use mobile phones correctly, and then let it really become our helper, rather than becoming a tool that causes damage to our learning and life and health.

(CCTV reporter Chai Danfeng, Hao Liang, He Xueguo, Shandong TV, Jiangxi TV)

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