
Bai Yutang's tragic ending, only because of such a strange trait from Zhan Zhao's strange "five rats" millennium look back, the hero's past from the disappearance of the Mo family to see the production of "official xia" in the book is closest to the "hero": "Jinmao rat" Bai Yutang Bai Yutang's tragedy: the asymmetrical contest between personal heroism and political machine Conclusion: "The strange ending of "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness"

author:Liangzhou Seven Miles

The sword smiled and went out to travel in all directions. Ambition swallows the universe, chivalrous bones withstand wind and frost. --Song. Hu Zhonggong "Chivalrous"

"Chi" is definitely not an unfamiliar topic for the Chinese people, and can even become a culture, not only the literati and inkers have always been not stingy with praise, but also deeply loved and worshiped by the people.

Bai Yutang's tragic ending, only because of such a strange trait from Zhan Zhao's strange "five rats" millennium look back, the hero's past from the disappearance of the Mo family to see the production of "official xia" in the book is closest to the "hero": "Jinmao rat" Bai Yutang Bai Yutang's tragedy: the asymmetrical contest between personal heroism and political machine Conclusion: "The strange ending of "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness"

The founding father of Chinese martial arts novels, "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness", tells the story of Bao Zheng's trial of strange cases, the peaceful imprisonment, and the story of the chivalrous elimination of violence and the righteousness of the heroes. In the original text, the commentary, and the later film and television works of the heroes, the process of this group of loyal and courageous good men from the rivers and lakes to the temple seems to be natural, and their choice is also natural.

The book was once my childhood favorite, but now that I read it again, I have a different experience.

<h1>Strange show Showa inexplicable "five rats"</h1>

Nanxia Zhan Zhao is the most widely known figure, he was originally a dashing chivalrous guest, and later he was inspired by Bao Zheng and turned to serve the government.

This is the most common recognition, but the author sees something wrong in the original text: he has long been obedient.

In the third "Golden Dragon Temple Hero First Rescue", Zhan Zhao has already appeared, and it is not until the twenty-second time that he truly submits to the imperial court, which seems to have undergone complex ideological changes.

Bai Yutang's tragic ending, only because of such a strange trait from Zhan Zhao's strange "five rats" millennium look back, the hero's past from the disappearance of the Mo family to see the production of "official xia" in the book is closest to the "hero": "Jinmao rat" Bai Yutang Bai Yutang's tragedy: the asymmetrical contest between personal heroism and political machine Conclusion: "The strange ending of "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness"

▲The most handsome exhibition

In the sixth time, the four warriors (Zhang Long, Zhao Hu Dynasty Mahan) mistakenly tied Up Bao Zheng, and Zhan Zhao persuaded the four of them to abandon the dark and throw themselves into the light and contribute to the country. From a psychological point of view, his ability to advise others actually means that his yearning for this kind of life is only a matter of time.

After Bao Zheng became the governor of Kaifeng Province, Zhan Zhao did not immediately defect like the four people of the dynasty, but secretly did several earth-shattering events, coincidentally changing the Tibetan spring wine to save the martyr Jin Yuxian, helping to capture Anle Hou Pang Yu, killing the demon Dao and then saving Bao Zheng.

With such a name, Zhan Zhao naturally will not be wronged, and directly become a four-pin guard with a knife, as a full-time bodyguard, which is obviously a "high match". What is even more strange is that Zhan Zhao actually knows the difference between the official field and the jianghu, and if he says that he has not done his homework in advance, the author does not believe it.

When Tianzi saw this, he couldn't help but lose his voice: "Strange! Amazing! Where is this person, it is clear that it is like a royal cat. "Who knew that Zhan Ye had heard it from a high place, so he prostrated himself in the room and the Holy Lord. --"Three Heroes and Five Righteousness"

Nanxia Zhan Zhao, who was dashing between heaven and earth, actually did everything in his power in front of the emperor like a street entertainer, and Tianzi casually said "Royal Cat", and he actually seized the opportunity to become his "title", and was treated as a domestic animal and complacent, so the means of patting the horse's ass can also be called superior today.

Since then, the habits of the jianghu that have been displayed are no longer visible, but more of a "deliberate" consideration of the overall situation, conscientious work after going to work, and even the rules of the officialdom have not fallen, in front of Bao Zheng, "respectful and respectful, and even said yes".

The real Zhan Zhao is full of justice, firm in his goals, bold in his actions, and is a good man, but his heart and the city government should not be underestimated, and it is no wonder that he was able to build miracles many times later.

Bai Yutang's tragic ending, only because of such a strange trait from Zhan Zhao's strange "five rats" millennium look back, the hero's past from the disappearance of the Mo family to see the production of "official xia" in the book is closest to the "hero": "Jinmao rat" Bai Yutang Bai Yutang's tragedy: the asymmetrical contest between personal heroism and political machine Conclusion: "The strange ending of "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness"

▲ "Royal Cat" and "Five Mice"

"Five Rats In Tokyo" originated from Bai Yutang's dissatisfaction with the "Royal Cat" suppressing the name of "Five Rats", and the dragon and tiger fight between the two sides was not pressed for the time being, just talking about the routine of facing tianzi, comparing Zhan Zhao's Menqing, the latter's performance is a bit difficult to say.

It is said that Tianzi saw that Xu Qing was very reckless, because he asked him how to cross the mountain. Xu Qing said, "Only because of me..." Jiang Ping quietly pulled him behind him and promoted: "Sinners, sinners." Xu Qing listened, and Fang said, "My sinners have drilled eighteen holes in a row on the trap island, so this person calls me a sinner pangolin." "--Three Heroes and Five Righteousness. Forty-nine times

Bai Yutang's tragic ending, only because of such a strange trait from Zhan Zhao's strange "five rats" millennium look back, the hero's past from the disappearance of the Mo family to see the production of "official xia" in the book is closest to the "hero": "Jinmao rat" Bai Yutang Bai Yutang's tragedy: the asymmetrical contest between personal heroism and political machine Conclusion: "The strange ending of "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness"

This is the scene of the "Golden Temple's Trial of The Three Rats sealing the official", and the lawless "rat" came to tianzi with a mouthful of "sinners", trembling and afraid to look up. The scene of Mian Jun is an elaborate arrangement of two shrewd people (Lu Fang and Jiang Ping) and a performance of the true colors of a mangy man (Xu Qing), showing their sincerity of submission by showing reverence for imperial power, and Tianzi's taming and compliments to these "outsiders" are extremely useful.

In the novel, all three are named liupin lieutenants, and Han Zhang and Bai Yutang, who are not present, are "represented" and accepted to be incorporated, and later they are all happily loyal to the imperial court. The so-called five rats in Tokyo, on the surface, is a fight between "cats" and "mice", but in fact it is the desire of the five rats for the title of "royal mouse".

However, after that, are they "officials" or "heroes"? Maybe it's more appropriate to call them "official heroes".

Such a "hero" is actually like a chivalrous non-chivalrous, say no, "three heroes and five righteousness" are all good men who stand up to the sky and have three correct views, say yes, it seems that this group of "heroes" who only promise in the face of imperial power still have a big gap with our cognition, isn't it?

<h1 class="ql-align-center" > a thousand-year look back, the past of heroes</h1>

"Confucianism violates the law with literature, and chivalry violates prohibitions with force." --"Han Feizi Five Beetles"

This is the first appearance of the word "xia", the representative of the legal family Han Feizi has no good feelings for Confucianism and xia, he believes that chi is neither a fixed social class nor a profession to support the family, but a general term for this group of brave, lawless, and free from the control of the state, so it is an unstable factor in the state system created by the legal family.

The reason why the "heroes" can get rid of the fate of "farming war" and prove that they have the ability to survive independently also means that they are a group of "stateless people": anyone can recruit, they can also refuse any recruitment, and their souls still belong to themselves.

Although it did not get the naming rights, the origin of "Chi" came from another school - the Mo family.

"Whatever you do, the soldier does what he does at his own expense." --Mozi Sutra

"Ren, for the evil of the body to the needs of adults." --"Mozi Sutra Shang"

This is the so-called "Renxia", which refers to the use of authority, courage or financial resources to help the weak and help others. The Mo family's practice is like an ascetic monk, who often works tirelessly to defend what they think is "justice", and is therefore also the object of the teeth of the kings of the nations.

"Now the Ranger, though his deeds are not in line with justice, will believe his words, and his deeds will bear fruit, and he will promise to be sincere, and he will not love his body, and he will go to the misery of the soldiers, and he will survive and die, but he will not be ashamed of his ability, and he will be ashamed of his virtue, and he will have enough to cover." "--Historia. Ranger Chronicles

Tai Shi Gong's description of the "Ranger" is biased toward neutrality, and this force that is unwilling to accept any restraint has always ignored everything and is indeed a hidden danger of society. But its heavy commitment, morality, and light life and death characteristics are also worthy of recognition.

In general, this is a group of good and evil people, in today's terms, a group of jianghu people.

And the movie often says: The things of the jianghu should be solved by the method of the jianghu. In other words, chivalrous guests are more accustomed to using the will of life and death to distinguish between right and wrong, rather than relying on the judgment of state institutions, and will not actively or passively give their souls to people other than "confidants", even if they have to pay the price of their lives.

So how did the "official heroes" of "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness" abandon the ideas and behaviors of their predecessors?

<h1>From the disappearance of the Mo family pair, we can see the emergence of "official heroes"</h1>

The Mo family disappeared quickly after Qin Shi Huang unified China, the specific reason is unknown, the author has done some analysis from the descendants of the "Xia".

Bai Yutang's tragic ending, only because of such a strange trait from Zhan Zhao's strange "five rats" millennium look back, the hero's past from the disappearance of the Mo family to see the production of "official xia" in the book is closest to the "hero": "Jinmao rat" Bai Yutang Bai Yutang's tragedy: the asymmetrical contest between personal heroism and political machine Conclusion: "The strange ending of "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness"

Zhao Keman Hu Miao, Wu Hook Frost Xueming. The silver saddle shines on the white horse, fluttering like a shooting star.

Ten steps to kill a person, a thousand miles do not stay. The thing whisked away, hiding deep with the name. --Li Bai,"Chivalrous"

Do you know who this poem is celebrating? Like more than half of the "chivalrous poems", the protagonists are the two heroes of the great beam: Hou Ying and Zhu Hai. The young Li Bai is a swordsman in white clothes, he is good at wine and is angry, "three cups of Turannuo, five Yue poured light" Perhaps it is himself, which is the standard "Ranger" style. The reason why he had a bad fate was that he wanted to join the temple, or he wanted to do a big vote like the "two heroes of the great beam", and he also wanted to completely retain the freedom and independence of the chivalrous guests.

Although he wanted to become an official, he also knew that Xuanzong treated him like a canary, so he wandered again, Li Bai may not be noble, but it is undeniable that this is an independent and proud soul.

In fact, with the advent of unification and the establishment of imperial uniqueness, the "best employer" candidate is only a lonely one, and the arrogance brought about by monopoly can be imagined at this time.

When a single "hero" is still difficult to find a place to stand, how can it be the living soil of the Mo family chivalrous group? I'm afraid that in addition to committing to cooperation, this group will not have the opportunity to get ahead.

Bai Yutang's tragic ending, only because of such a strange trait from Zhan Zhao's strange "five rats" millennium look back, the hero's past from the disappearance of the Mo family to see the production of "official xia" in the book is closest to the "hero": "Jinmao rat" Bai Yutang Bai Yutang's tragedy: the asymmetrical contest between personal heroism and political machine Conclusion: "The strange ending of "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness"

The logic of "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness" is that some of the knights came in the name of Mu Bao Zheng, and some were inspired by Bao Zheng, and Bao Zheng also vigorously sponsored these righteous soldiers in front of Renzong. As a result, the righteous soldiers were transformed into loyal soldiers, and they could be knighted, and there were more restrictions in the officialdom, and in addition to the righteous words, they must always remind themselves to be loyal to the king.

In the chaotic world, the people often hope for two types of people - qing officials and chivalrous guests, and "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness" naturally associates the qing officials and chivalrous guests, after all, with the complementarity of the two, the society will be harmonious and stable, the people can live and work in peace, and the son of heaven will sit back and relax.

"Three Heroes and Five Righteousness" is written for the people of the city, but it seems to have more rhyme with "Water Margin", but it is only its appearance, not its spirit. --Lu Xun. A History of chinese Novels

Mr. Lu Xun believes that the novel is a projection of the people's mindset, and he embodies the people's fantasies about the chivalrous community, just like the Ming Jun and the Qing Officials. What is worse than "Water Margin" is that the latter can still show the collective resistance of chivalry to tyranny and the resolute and uncompromising spirit of some good men, while the former only has a small-scale cooperation with "Qing officials".

Bai Yutang's tragic ending, only because of such a strange trait from Zhan Zhao's strange "five rats" millennium look back, the hero's past from the disappearance of the Mo family to see the production of "official xia" in the book is closest to the "hero": "Jinmao rat" Bai Yutang Bai Yutang's tragedy: the asymmetrical contest between personal heroism and political machine Conclusion: "The strange ending of "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness"

It is difficult to imagine that the two depict the same era, and the reason for this difference lies in the way of thinking of the book era, which shows that in the five hundred years from the end of the Yuan Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty, the impact of the strengthening of imperial power can be described as obvious.

The "righteousness" of chivalrous guests is embodied in addition to violence and peace, robbing the rich and helping the poor, and inserting knives in the ribs of friends and brothers, and the duty of the imperial court is also to stabilize the people, punish evil and promote good, from this point of view, chivalrous guests and the imperial court have the common duty of stabilizing society. But the spirit of "chivalry" is by no means necessary for a healthy society under the rule of law, so the two are competitive to some extent, even counterproductive. For example, the imperial court may harm the interests of the people because it satisfies the interests of the power group, and the chivalrous guests will stand up at this time to protect the interests of the people.

Bai Yutang's tragic ending, only because of such a strange trait from Zhan Zhao's strange "five rats" millennium look back, the hero's past from the disappearance of the Mo family to see the production of "official xia" in the book is closest to the "hero": "Jinmao rat" Bai Yutang Bai Yutang's tragedy: the asymmetrical contest between personal heroism and political machine Conclusion: "The strange ending of "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness"

Therefore, the imperial court is still jealous of these chivalrous warriors, and a shrewd court will actively absorb and accept this force for its own use, so that the actions of these chivalrous warriors can be within their control, and thus there is what is now called "official heroes".

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" > the closest character to "chivalry" in the book: "Golden Mouse" Bai Yutang</h1>

Bai Yutang is the best chivalrous image portrayed in the book, and overall it is cute and hateful and sad.

"The young man is gorgeous, the temperament is extraordinary, the person is sinister and vicious, but he is good at chivalry and righteousness, that is, he acts poisonously."

This is an overall evaluation of Bai Yutang in the book, which is about positive and negative.

Bai Yutang's tragic ending, only because of such a strange trait from Zhan Zhao's strange "five rats" millennium look back, the hero's past from the disappearance of the Mo family to see the production of "official xia" in the book is closest to the "hero": "Jinmao rat" Bai Yutang Bai Yutang's tragedy: the asymmetrical contest between personal heroism and political machine Conclusion: "The strange ending of "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness"

▲Bai Yutang stills

Bai Yutang first appeared in the thirteenth time, and zhan zhao was in the Miao family. Bai Yutang took away the silver by making a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain, which shows his cleverness; "Good and cruel Yutang, and cut off the woman's ears", so hurting the innocent, you can also see the poison of his actions; on the way to Beijing, he helped Yan Chashan, a cold scholar with lofty ideals and virtues, which showed his nature; killed the eunuch Guo An, who intended to murder Zhongliang, in the inner garden of the palace, and inscribed a poem in the Zhonglie Shrine, which showed his responsibility; stealing the Three Treasures would deceive Zhan Zhao to the trap island, and it can be seen that his intentions are used, after all, the young hero is inevitably arrogant and arrogant. At the same time, this also reflects his true disposition.

It can be said that Bai Yutang, a seemingly immature "hero", is actually the original face of this group, which can also be called spontaneous, such as because of the unilateral identification of the title of "Royal Cat" to reduce the color of the "Five Rats" and regard Zhan Zhao as a great enemy, bound to make a big fuss in Tokyo, "let Tianzi also know the name of Bai Yutang".

It can be seen from this that Bai Yutang also cares about the affirmation from the imperial power in his heart, rather than blindly fighting spirit, the reason why he is more like a chivalrous guest is that his behavior and thinking still have a strong habit of jianghu, as well as the standard of "RenXia".

He is a good person, this is the patent of chivalry, once he joins the government, he can only be a detective of duty, and some places cannot be visited, which is obviously not bai Yutang's character. Mr. Hu Shi read "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness" and was extremely excited about him, even if he had many shortcomings of "pride, viciousness, competitiveness, and rash action", but it was precisely because of this that he became a credible chivalrous hero, rather than a "god like all Germany" like Bao Zheng.

Bai Yutang's tragic ending, only because of such a strange trait from Zhan Zhao's strange "five rats" millennium look back, the hero's past from the disappearance of the Mo family to see the production of "official xia" in the book is closest to the "hero": "Jinmao rat" Bai Yutang Bai Yutang's tragedy: the asymmetrical contest between personal heroism and political machine Conclusion: "The strange ending of "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness"

Unlike the half-push and half-push of other people's submission process, from thirteen appearances to fifty-eight times of being canonized, Bai Yutang was the last person to accept the invitation, and his road to submission can be described as a twist and turn. Bai Yutang finally proudly accepted the title of Sanpin with a bag guard, and achieved a steady suppression of the "Royal Cat", even only half a level less than Bao Zheng.

However, at this time, the "Royal Cat" has been trained by the eunuch sea for a long time, and the cultivation of qi kung fu has also reached a higher level, and it is presumably not going to compete with him for this length of time.

In any case, the day-to-day golden rat was finally absorbed, no matter how noisy, he never thought of confronting the imperial court in his heart, and even longed for the unique attention of Tianzi, but the means of obtaining the "letter of submission" were more intense.

Unfortunately, the position of the imperial court is obviously not suitable for this chivalrous young hero.

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" > the tragedy of Bai Yutang: the asymmetric contest between individual heroism and the political machine</h1>

When Bai Yutang was in the rivers and lakes, he only needed to simply fight for "righteousness" to do what he could for the people, and this was not an obligation, but enlightenment. And once he became a loyal soldier, he was not free to come and go, but to obey the dispatches of the imperial court and do things for the imperial court.

The ultimate boss of the story is the King of Xiangyang who is plotting rebellion, and he has naturally become the biggest opponent of the knights who are favored by the Son of Heaven. In order to steal the "Letter of Conspiracy against the Alliance", the alert and clever Bai Yutang Three Probe Copper Net Array, who was clever and strong in martial arts, finally died under the cold copper net, which was really sad and regrettable.

It was said that Bai Yutang was already a member of the official palace, and all actions needed to be dispatched, but after all, he was still the young hero who never compromised, especially after the letter was stolen by the people in the Xiangyang Palace, it was even more difficult to remain calm under self-blame and anger, so he ignored xiao Zhuge Shen Zhongyuan's repeated instructions not to trespass.

Therefore, the root of Bai Yutang's tragedy lies in his desire to complete the mission of "official hero" in the way of "Renxia" and "Ranger", but personal heroism has become a pile of vulnerable flesh and blood in front of the political machine.

The theme of "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness" is a "great reconciliation" between the government and chivalrous guests, and the picture depicted in which the two coexist in harmony and jointly uphold justice is too beautiful to be believed. And the death of Bai Yutang, on the other hand, has broken the ideal situation of complete and complete justice, and it can be regarded as a death.

"The death of Bai Yutang is a ready-made lesson for those other chivalrous guests who still have the last trace of ancient heroism. "-Wang Dewei. "False Justice"

The jianghu and the temple are two different worlds, and if the chivalrous want to set foot in the temple world, they must abandon or even forget their jianghu habits and personal heroism to run into this indestructible political machine, which is the way out.

Bai Yutang's tragic ending, only because of such a strange trait from Zhan Zhao's strange "five rats" millennium look back, the hero's past from the disappearance of the Mo family to see the production of "official xia" in the book is closest to the "hero": "Jinmao rat" Bai Yutang Bai Yutang's tragedy: the asymmetrical contest between personal heroism and political machine Conclusion: "The strange ending of "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness"

If Zhan Zhao was here, he would probably be more careful than the real cat. He has been working diligently and considering the overall situation to work around Bao Zheng until the sequel "Little Wuyi" is still alive and well, but there is only one introductory appearance. The author seems to be unable to bear to let the hero die of twilight and loneliness, so he simply does not write the ending of Zhan Zhao, but he thinks that it is undoubtedly a good ending.

In fact, Zhan Zhao is by no means a greedy person who is afraid of death, and his justice cannot be denied, and there is no reason to die, he just completely abandoned the past "Renxia" style and grew into an excellent bureaucrat, just like Bao Zheng.

<h1>Conclusion: The strange ending of "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness"</h1>

At the end of the novel, the conspiracy of the King of Xiangyang continues, the unbreakable copper net array remains unmoving, and the imperial court officials holding shangfang's sword and the flying warriors have no way to take the two. The novel comes to an abrupt end with such a big suspense, and even today's film and television works are not easy to shoot, is it just to pave the way for the sequel (not the original author) "Little Wuyi"?

It seems that Bai Yutang used his life to find a way of survival between the jianghu and the imperial court for other chivalrous guests, but in fact, the group of heroes thought more about perhaps the meaning of the ancient individual heroism, a sense of powerlessness also spontaneously emerged, and even failed to exchange for a long-awaited and natural victory, until everyone faded away after old age and decline.

Bai Yutang's tragic ending, only because of such a strange trait from Zhan Zhao's strange "five rats" millennium look back, the hero's past from the disappearance of the Mo family to see the production of "official xia" in the book is closest to the "hero": "Jinmao rat" Bai Yutang Bai Yutang's tragedy: the asymmetrical contest between personal heroism and political machine Conclusion: "The strange ending of "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness"

▲ The good men of "Water Margin" have gone to the road of no return of Zhao'an

Bai Yutang's death was not only due to his carelessness and carelessness, but also the significance of the existence of the Copper Net Array was not only to protect the rebel alliance of the King of Xiangyang, but also symbolized a political machine. The fact that the golden combination of the qing official and the great hero has never been able to cope with it shows a cruel truth: how pale and powerless the so-called justice will be in the face of the behemoth that truly controls the machine of power.

Although the heroes of the sons and nephews in "Little Wuyi" eventually destroyed the copper net array, it seems that the legend is still continuing, but this is only a more idealistic sequel than the previous work, and heroes such as Bai Yutang will never reappear, whether it is "Renxia", "Ranger" or "Official", they will eventually be blown away by the rain and the wind like the background of the era to which they are attached.


Historia. Ranger Chronicles" "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness"

beauty. WANG Dewei. "False Justice"

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