
18 ancient poems, too classic, such as: a plum tree in front of Baiyutang, for whom it is scattered and for whom.

author:Motivated little Ah Xing
18 ancient poems, too classic, such as: a plum tree in front of Baiyutang, for whom it is scattered and for whom.
18 ancient poems, too classic, such as: a plum tree in front of Baiyutang, for whom it is scattered and for whom.
18 ancient poems, too classic, such as: a plum tree in front of Baiyutang, for whom it is scattered and for whom.
18 ancient poems, too classic, such as: a plum tree in front of Baiyutang, for whom it is scattered and for whom.
18 ancient poems, too classic, such as: a plum tree in front of Baiyutang, for whom it is scattered and for whom.
18 ancient poems, too classic, such as: a plum tree in front of Baiyutang, for whom it is scattered and for whom.
18 ancient poems, too classic, such as: a plum tree in front of Baiyutang, for whom it is scattered and for whom.
18 ancient poems, too classic, such as: a plum tree in front of Baiyutang, for whom it is scattered and for whom.
18 ancient poems, too classic, such as: a plum tree in front of Baiyutang, for whom it is scattered and for whom.
18 ancient poems, too classic, such as: a plum tree in front of Baiyutang, for whom it is scattered and for whom.
18 ancient poems, too classic, such as: a plum tree in front of Baiyutang, for whom it is scattered and for whom.
18 ancient poems, too classic, such as: a plum tree in front of Baiyutang, for whom it is scattered and for whom.
18 ancient poems, too classic, such as: a plum tree in front of Baiyutang, for whom it is scattered and for whom.
18 ancient poems, too classic, such as: a plum tree in front of Baiyutang, for whom it is scattered and for whom.
18 ancient poems, too classic, such as: a plum tree in front of Baiyutang, for whom it is scattered and for whom.
18 ancient poems, too classic, such as: a plum tree in front of Baiyutang, for whom it is scattered and for whom.
18 ancient poems, too classic, such as: a plum tree in front of Baiyutang, for whom it is scattered and for whom.
18 ancient poems, too classic, such as: a plum tree in front of Baiyutang, for whom it is scattered and for whom.

In the courtyard at noon in summer, the sun shines on every corner, and even the air is filled with a quiet and warm atmosphere. Ah Xing sat at a stone table, holding a yellowed ancient book in his hand, his eyes were staring intently at a poem: "A plum tree in front of the White Jade Hall, for whom it is scattered and for whom it is opened." This poem seems to have a kind of magic that makes his mind drift away and fall into deep contemplation.

"Ah Xing, are you reading that old book again?" A crisp voice broke the silence of the courtyard, and Ah Xing's sister Ah Yue came out of the house, holding a plate of cut watermelon in her hand.

Ah Xing raised his head and smiled slightly: "Yes, Ah Yue, the poems in this book are really beautiful." ”

Ah Yue sat next to Ah Xing, picked up a piece of watermelon and handed it to Ah Xing: "Then can you recite a poem to me?"

Ah Xing nodded, closed his eyes, and began to chant in a low voice: "If life is only as it was when I first saw it, what is the autumn wind and sad fan." Waiting for idle changes but old people's hearts, but old people's hearts are changeable. His voice echoed through the courtyard, as if to merge with the surrounding landscape.

Ah Yue listened attentively, and she sighed: "These poems are so beautiful, each one is like a story." ”

Ah Xing put down the ancient book in his hand, looked at Ah Yue and said, "Yes, every poem contains the poet's emotion and wisdom. Just like this sentence 'A plum tree in front of Baiyutang, for whom it is scattered and for whom it opens', it made me think a lot. ”

Ah Yue asked curiously, "What are you thinking?"

Ah Xing took a deep breath and said slowly: "I thought of the transience and impermanence of life, and thought of the life of each of us is like this plum tree, I don't know who to open for and who to fall. But even if life is so short, we should cherish every moment and live our lives to the fullest. ”

Ah Yue nodded, she looked at Ah Xing and said, "You're right, we should cherish life and live our own meaning." ”

Ah Xing picked up the ancient book again, turned to another page, pointed to one of the poems and said: "Look at this poem, 'Picking chrysanthemums under the east fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan'." This is Tao Yuanming's poem, expressing his yearning for pastoral life and his love for nature. ”

Ah Yue looked at the poem, and her eyes flashed: "I also want to live such a life, free and unrestrained." ”

Ah Xing smiled and said, "Then let's work together and strive to live the life we want." ”

The two looked at each other and smiled, as if they saw hope for the future. They continued to talk poetry in the courtyard and share their thoughts and insights. The sunlight shone on them through the gaps in the leaves, as if casting a golden halo on them.

Time seems to freeze at this moment, and Ah Xing and Ah Yue seem to be in a world full of poetry and dreams. They felt the power and beauty of poetry, and also felt the fragility and preciousness of life.

In the end, Ah Xing and Ah Yue decided to pass on this love for poetry and the cherishing of life. They began to organize poetry recitals and invite more people to join them. They hope that in this way, more people can feel the charm of poetry and the beauty of life.

In the world of poetry, Ah Xing and Ah Yue have found their own direction and hope. They believe that as long as they have love and dreams in their hearts, they can create their own wonderful life.

At the end of the story, Ah Xing and Ah Yue are standing in the courtyard, looking at the sky in the distance. They know that no matter how many challenges and difficulties lie ahead, as long as they stick to their dreams and beliefs, they will be able to meet a better future.

This story tells us that poetry is not only an art form, but also a source of spiritual sustenance and strength. It stimulates our emotions and thoughts, making us cherish life and love life more. At the same time, it also reminds us to be brave enough to pursue our dreams and beliefs, and to live our own wonderful and worthy.

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