
Chicken, duck, beef and lamb... There is a queue coming to your bowl

author:Agricultural Television Network

Editor's Note

With a tight supply of pork, other meats such as chicken, duck, beef, and lamb as substitutes have taken on a heavy responsibility. According to statistics, as of November this year, 219 meat and poultry slaughter sample enterprises in Shandong Province slaughtered a total of 2.807 billion, an increase of 16.8% year-on-year. It is expected that the province's poultry meat production will increase by 20% year-on-year this year, and the output of beef and mutton will also rise steadily.

Chicken, duck, beef and lamb... There is a queue coming to your bowl

△ A local chicken finishing workshop.

In the process of following the investigation, the reporter of the agricultural television network visited a number of relevant farms and enterprises and learned about some specific situations.

The structure of animal husbandry in the province is balanced

The animal husbandry structure in Shandong Province is relatively good, and the proportion of pigs, cattle, sheep and poultry is balanced, of which pork accounts for less than 50% of meat, 14 percentage points lower than that of the whole country, and correspondingly, the proportion of poultry in meat is 14 percentage points higher than that of the whole country. The province has formed a layout of meat and poultry on the Jiaodong Peninsula, dairy cattle along the highway, beef and sheep along the yellow meat, and pigs in Luzhongnan.

Chicken, duck, beef and lamb... There is a queue coming to your bowl

Taking 2018 as an example, the total output of meat, eggs and milk in the province was 15.21 million tons, accounting for one-tenth of the country, of which poultry meat accounted for 17% of the country and 3% of the world, poultry eggs accounted for 14% of the country and 5% of the world, duck meat accounted for 31% of the country, 21% of the world, beef accounted for 12% of the country, 1% of the world, mutton accounted for 8% of the country, and 2% of the world.

According to statistics, as of November this year, 219 meat and poultry slaughter sample enterprises slaughtered a total of 2.807 billion animals, an increase of 16.8% year-on-year. It is expected that the province's poultry meat production will increase by 20% year-on-year this year, and the output of beef and mutton will also rise steadily.

Shandong poultry meat is not only high in production, but also rich in products, after visiting found that Shandong poultry products can not only have Texas grilled chicken Oh.


Taking Yantai, located in Jiaodong Peninsula as an example, broiler breeding is a local dominant industry, with a set of feed production, breeding chicken breeding, chick incubation, commercial chicken expansion, broiler slaughtering and processing, conditioning products deep processing, condiment research and development and production, domestic and foreign sales and other whole industry chain enterprises, Shandong Chunxue Food Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Chunxue Company) is so.

Chicken, duck, beef and lamb... There is a queue coming to your bowl

△ Automate the removal of the visceral area

Chicken, duck, beef and lamb... There is a queue coming to your bowl

△ Conditioning product raw material finishing area

Chicken, duck, beef and lamb... There is a queue coming to your bowl

△ Deli area, chicken rice flowers are being produced.

Chunxue Company not only has a long industrial chain, but also has a highly automated processing workshop, including hanging chicken area, hair removal area, offal area, pre-cooling area, dividing assembly line, conditioning product raw material finishing area, cooked food area, after this procedure, from a broiler chicken to chicken rice, Orleans chicken legs and other cooked food products. The level of equipment automation is very high, except for the cutting and seasoning workshops that require manual processing by workers, other workshops only need a few workers to inspect.

Chicken, duck, beef and lamb... There is a queue coming to your bowl

△ The staff is inspecting the situation in each workshop

Due to the excellent quality of the products, in addition to domestic sales, the company also exports to Japan, Hong Kong, the European Union and other countries and regions, the market demand is very large, handling 200,000 broiler chickens per day. This year's comprehensive price increased by 30% over last year, taking chicken breast as an example, last year's 11,000 yuan per ton, this year rose to 18,000 yuan.

Chicken, duck, beef and lamb... There is a queue coming to your bowl

△ Deputy General Manager Li Yanlin

In order to meet the demand for chicken in the market, Li Yanlin, deputy general manager of Chunxue Company, told reporters that the company has a plan to double the scale within three years, that is, the "615" plan, and build a slaughtering plant with an annual slaughtering of 60 million animals within three years, a breeding base of 10 million animals per year, and a cooked food products factory with an annual production of 50,000 tons.

Meat duck

Shandong Liaocheng has a supplier of Zhou black duck and tasteless duck neck - Shandong Lihai Group, which integrates breeding duck factory, hatchery, meat duck breeding, slaughtering processing, cooked products processing and so on. Lihai Group has also made great achievements in the deep processing and development of meat and duck products, and has developed more than 100 kinds of duck meat products, such as ejiao duck, duck blood, brine duck neck, brine duck intestines, etc.

Chicken, duck, beef and lamb... There is a queue coming to your bowl

△ Ejiao duck head

Chicken, duck, beef and lamb... There is a queue coming to your bowl

△ Duck meat cutting workshop

This is a processing workshop of 200 people, in order to ensure the freshness and taste of duck meat, maintain a temperature of 10-14 degrees all year round, from the hairy duck hanging, slaughtering and cutting, quick-freezing into storage, a total of 72 minutes. Due to the good food safety, dealers often exceed demand, Huang Shanghuang, Zhou Black Duck, Absolute Taste Duck Neck and other dealers are waiting for Lihai to expand its scale to provide more high-quality raw materials.

Chicken, duck, beef and lamb... There is a queue coming to your bowl

△ Deputy General Manager Hou Libing

According to Hou Libing, deputy general manager of Lihai Group, the company's duck meat production this year increased by 30%, and the benefit is good, taking the duck breast meat single product as an example, in previous years, 8,000 yuan per ton, the highest price this year is 32,000 yuan, and the current price is 19,000 yuan per ton.

In order to meet the needs of the market, Lihai Group intends to lay out from the source, establish an intelligent duck seedling breeding base with 290 million duck seedlings per year, and build two production lines. It is expected to triple in size next year, currently processing 100,000 meat ducks per day, and the daily processing capacity next year is planned to reach 300,000.


Linqing City, Shandong Province, there is a state-level big tail cold sheep breeding base - Linqing Runlin Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Runlin Animal Husbandry), where there are more than 300 endangered big tail cold sheep, to protect and breed them, the characteristics of the big tail cold sheep are developed tails, can reach more than 30 pounds.

Chicken, duck, beef and lamb... There is a queue coming to your bowl

△ Big-tailed cold sheep

However, the big tailed cold sheep is a protected breed, and the breeds of breeding sheep and meat sheep used by Runlin Animal Husbandry for sale are mainly lake sheep, and there are currently 60,000 breeding sheep in the lake sheep. Deputy general manager Ma Zhongjie told reporters that this year's field output increased by 20%, the price is also at a high level, the market demand is very large, and now to buy breeding sheep, you have to queue up until March and May next year.

Chicken, duck, beef and lamb... There is a queue coming to your bowl

△ Lake sheep

Runlin is currently expanding a 150-acre farm, which is expected to be put into operation in September 2020, which can store 40,000 stocks and produce 100,000 yuan per year.


With the change of people's dietary concepts, eating healthy has become a trend, and beef naturally has a healthy label in meat. Chile's Simmental cattle is an excellent breed of both milk and meat, Yantai Longkou has a commitment to building the largest Simmental cattle breeding base in China - Longkou Gerun Fude Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Gerun Fude).

Chicken, duck, beef and lamb... There is a queue coming to your bowl

△ Simmental cattle in the barn

Grund has been raising cattle since 2017, when 2,000 purebred meat and milk were introduced from Chile and Simmental cattle. The milk produced by this breed of cows is of extremely high quality, with a milk fat rate of up to 4.5%, a protein rate of up to 4%, and a beef grade higher than that of ordinary beef, making it a high-end variety. At present, the milk produced by the company is directly supplied to Shanghai Guangming Co., Ltd.

Chicken, duck, beef and lamb... There is a queue coming to your bowl

△ Intelligent milking equipment can detect the indicators of milk production of each cow.

The ventilation, lighting and bed rest of the barn in the ranch adopt the most advanced international planning design and construction, which not only provides the most comfortable environment for the growth and development of dairy cows, but also realizes the maximum intensive breeding.

Chicken, duck, beef and lamb... There is a queue coming to your bowl

△ Farmer manager Wang Yangang

The company is highly positioned, using advanced breeding, breeding, breeding technology, the current storage of 3043 cows, breeding base design storage of 13,000 cows, to create the largest Domestic Simmental cattle breeding base. The reporter learned from Wang Yangang, the manager of the farmer, that it is expected to reach the scale of 5500 heads next year.

With the improvement of living standards

Meat is already an indispensable part of our rice bowl

At the moment when pork is relatively tight

Other meats carried the burden

Chicken, duck, beef and lamb


So many varieties of meat

Don't you try much?

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