
"Eleven" holiday Foshan red punch card point is popular

author:Guangzhou Daily

Foshan is a red hot land with a glorious revolutionary tradition, not only where the Guangdong Central Column was established, but also the seat of the Central Prefectural Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Pearl River. Today, the red ruins scattered throughout Foshan have become a popular red punch point for tourists. The reporter learned that during the National Day, groups of tourists followed the footsteps of the revolutionary ancestors and felt the revolutionary spirit at the former residence of Chen Tiejun and Tan Pingshan in Foshan.

"Eleven" holiday Foshan red punch card point is popular

Chen Tiejun's Former Residence:

Hide in lingnan heaven and earth Feel the spirit of the iron army that regards death as a homecoming

During the National Day, the former residence of Chen Tiejun in Chancheng District of Foshan City became a red punching point for many tourists. Walking into the Ancestral Temple Street of Chancheng District, In the East Rui Road Lingnan Tiandi Donghuaxuan, a three-room two-courtyard Qing Dynasty residential building surrounds many tourists. Many tourists solemnly walked into the houses and felt the unswerving revolutionary spirit of the revolutionary martyr Chen Tiejun. According to reports, in 1904, Chen Tiejun was born here, and did not leave home until 1922 after going to Guangzhou to study.

"Eleven" holiday Foshan red punch card point is popular

As the daughter of Foshan, Chen Tiejun's revolutionary deeds have deeply affected generations of Foshan people, and "Wedding on the Execution Ground" has moved generations of people. Today's former residence of Chen Tiejun, the kitchen, bedroom, study, living room, etc. are displayed in the original state when Chen Tiejun lived, and the mahogany furniture, stationery supplies, seals and hand-embroidered silk scarves used by the martyrs are preserved. Chen Tiejun's former residence also made a special exhibition, through pictures, physical objects, sound and photoelectric technology, detailing how Chen Tiejun broke through the feudal ideology and embarked on the revolutionary road. Mr. Luo, who came to Foshan from Jiangmen to visit, took his 6-year-old daughter into Chen Tiejun's former residence. "This is a place to visit." Mr. Luo said that this would allow him and his daughter to thank the martyrs for their efforts. During the visit, the reporter noticed that many tourists stood in front of the screen in the exhibition room and watched the movie "Wedding on the Execution Ground" seriously.

The reporter learned that in 1998, Chen Tiejun's former residence was listed by the Foshan Municipal Government as a cultural relics protection unit in Foshan City, in 2007 the Chancheng District Government carried out a comprehensive repair of Chen Tiejun's former residence, in 2014 Chen Tiejun's former residence was opened to the public for free as a patriotic education place, and in 2017 it was announced by the Organization Department of the Foshan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China as the Foshan Party Member Education Base, and a number of schools or units have been organized to visit, and the annual audience has continued to grow.

Tan Pingshan's former residence

Immerse yourself in the cultural protection unit and feel the origin of the ideas of democratic revolutionaries

Similarly, tan pingshan's former residence in Foshan's Gaoming district welcomed a wave of tourists during the National Day. On the banks of the Cangjiang River in Qishe Village, MingCheng Town, Gaoming District, Foshan City, across a cement bridge on a lotus pond, a hut with a hard hilltop, green brick walls and gray sand walls is presented in front of you, which is tan Pingshan's former residence. Rustling leaves and green bricks make this typical Qing Dynasty Lingnan residential building appear charming. And from this hut came the legendary figure in the history of the Chinese revolution, Tan Pingshan, which made this hut a red resort for future generations.

"Eleven" holiday Foshan red punch card point is popular

Walking into the former residence, you will find that there is a section of mud wall, which tells the clean family style of Tan Pingshan. Liao Zhiming, president of the Tanpingshan Research Association in Gaoming District and director of the Mingcheng Cultural Station, told reporters that around the 1960s, the Cangjiang River suddenly flooded, and tan Pingshan's former residence on the banks of the Cangjiang River was unfortunately washed away by the flood, leaving only the wall foundation. At that time, Tan Pingshan's family was financially strapped and unable to repair it as it was, so they could only use mud and rubble to simply stack the wall. Due to the disrepair of Tan Pingshan's former residence, in 2018, Gaoming District launched the renovation project of Tan Pingshan's former residence, and the government department repaired Tan Pingshan's former residence in accordance with the principle of "repairing the old as before". In order to preserve the memory and remember the history, this mud wall was preserved during the restoration process. In May 2019, Tan Pingshan's former residence was announced as the ninth batch of provincial-level cultural relics protection units.

Liao Zhiming told reporters that Tan Pingshan's former residence was built in the Qing Dynasty, covering an area of more than 160 square meters, and the former residence originally had three bungalows, leaving only more than 30 square meters of simple old houses in previous years. The building materials of the house are mainly made of gray sand, not like the green bricks used by large households. From this, it can be seen that Tan Pingshan's family in his adolescence was not rich, and it was also spent in his former residence that Tan Pingshan's extensive contact with the life of the bottom of society, which had a profound impact on his later embarkation on the revolutionary road.

"Eleven" holiday Foshan red punch card point is popular

Text, photo/Guangzhou Daily Xinhuacheng Reporter: Liu Pengfei Correspondent: Liao Zhiming

Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Editor: Luo Lin