
Our festival oral folklore | little detective ancient cool method jade pillow, crispy water, jintangdun to understand

author:Cover News

Cover news trainee reporter Liu Kexin

"One waits for the warm wind; the second waits for the crickets to live in the yu; the third waits for the eagle to start the dove", the small summer has arrived with the humid and hot summer wind. Although the summer is not the hottest season of the year, "the summer is small, steamed and boiled", and the "strict waiting" of the summer has been felt in the gradually rising temperature. And before the arrival of the really cool "white dew", there are still three volt days waiting for us.

Summer is really coming, and modern people hurry to use the cashier cool "three treasures": air conditioning, Wi-Fi, ice-cold watermelon. When we sit on the couch blowing air conditioning, eating watermelon, and surfing the internet, have you ever wondered how the ancients spent the hot summer when there was no electricity? On June 29th, chengdu museum "The Way of Yangyang: Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Culture Exhibition" was officially launched, showing the ancient people's summer health care.

Our festival oral folklore | little detective ancient cool method jade pillow, crispy water, jintangdun to understand

Yang Ningshi "Summer Heat Paste" image source network

Our festival oral folklore | little detective ancient cool method jade pillow, crispy water, jintangdun to understand

Porcelain pillows

The elegance of living: the porcelain pillow is simple and elegant, and the gold leaf jade pillow is gorgeous

The ancients paid attention to "living time, eating festivals, cold and summer, then the body is beneficial and the life expectancy is beneficial." Putting a regular schedule comes first, which shows how important "sleeping well" is.

Summer nights are sweltering and difficult to sleep, and the ancients came up with a strange trick: on the porcelain pillow! The Song Dynasty Cizhou kiln white ground black flower porcelain pillow in this exhibition is such an object. The white porcelain background is lined with black flowers, and it also writes a poem written by the Northern Song Dynasty poet Yan Shu: Yang hua dance on the side of the platform, and swallows fly in the middle of the curtain, which can be described as elegant in shape and elegant in righteousness. Sleeping on such a pillow, I don't know if I can experience the life of a literati in a dream?

In addition to the elegant porcelain pillow, there are also warm jade pillows, luxurious gold leaf jade pillows, pillows such pillows, only afraid of dreams are magnificent.

Our festival oral folklore | little detective ancient cool method jade pillow, crispy water, jintangdun to understand

Jade pillow

The ancients put such a kung fu on the pillow, not for the sake of being mysterious. In the sweltering summer night, the material of jade and porcelain pillows is cold and cold, which is used as a pillow, which is both cool and cheerful, and in line with the health concept of Chinese medicine "foot warm head". This is "long summer is difficult to twilight, the yarn kitchen is noon." Forget the opportunity to sleep during the day, a pillow is the most appropriate." According to the Shennong Materia Medica and the Compendium of Wood Herbs, jade can also be used for medicinal purposes, in addition to medium heat, relieve boredom, moisturize the heart and lungs, drain the blood veins, clear the eyes and ears, help the throat, nourish the hair, nourish the five internal organs, and reassuring the soul. According to this theory, using jade as a pillow is also of great benefit.

Because porcelain pillows and jade pillows are very hard, many pillows will also be made into a curved style, in line with the curve of the human head and neck. There are also some pillows that are designed in a hollow style, breathable and cool, more suitable for use in the hot summer. Moreover, in ancient times, there was a ritual system of "male weak crown women and buns", and when women reached the age of 15 and men reached the age of 20, they had to pull their hair up and comb it into a bun. Sleeping on such a pillow, the pillow is not easy to move, and the natural bun is not easy to mess up. Modern people can even give up breakfast in order to get ten minutes more sleep on weekday mornings. Ancient people had such long hair, in order to reduce the trouble of combing hair, it is not incomprehensible to sleep on a hard pillow.

Our festival oral folklore | little detective ancient cool method jade pillow, crispy water, jintangdun to understand

tea set

Our festival oral folklore | little detective ancient cool method jade pillow, crispy water, jintangdun to understand

Kingtown (left)

Eat carefully: crispy water to a cup

The calligrapher Yang Ningshi of the Five Dynasties period wrote in the "Xia Re Ti": Condensed Qi: Xia Re body is good, long □ crisp water, that is, to cause the Dharma Seat, bitter □□□ milk offering, crisp is not as good as private.

Xia Retie, now in the Palace Museum in Beijing, is the only cursive work of Yang Ningshi that has been handed down. Although the existing works are incomplete, it can still be seen that in the hot summer, Yang Ningshi gave the monks the crispy water of the summer drink as a greeting. There is no written record of how to make crispy water, but it is said that it is a drink mixed with milk and honey, so i guess sweet milk should not taste bad.

In this exhibition, some summer "food health" methods are also provided. For example, the "tea drinking health" method. The Shennong Materia Medica records that "tea tea is served for a long time, which is powerful and pleasant", and clearly points out that drinking tea can make people mentally happy and physically powerful. Summer tea drinking is of course the first to promote green tea, green tea can clear the heat to cool off, go to the fire, refreshing the mind. In addition, honeysuckle tea, chrysanthemum tea, and lotus leaf herbal tea can all be included in the "summer drink list".

In the exhibition hall, the golden toned tonun and celadon bowls stand out. Tondon is an ancient tableware used to hold soups. The ancients paid attention to the supplement in summer, advocating avoiding frying, frying, frying, smoking, roasting, etc., steaming, stewing, boiling, these ways can destroy the nutritional content of food than Mina, while the food is also cooked soft and crispy, which is beneficial to the absorption of the human body. What kind of food did the ancients eat with these utensils a hundred years ago? Today's people can only know it from ancient books and paintings.

Our festival oral folklore | little detective ancient cool method jade pillow, crispy water, jintangdun to understand

Linru kiln celadon bowl (left) Chrysanthemum pattern gold bowl (right)

Pay attention to the nourishment of the gods: ice and snow in the heart, the heat is reduced

The ancients paid attention to "God originating from the heart" and believed that "form and god" is the fundamental guarantee of health and longevity. How to nourish the mind? Maintaining a simple life, improving moral sentiments, and cultivating high-pressure interests are all ways to "nourish the gods". The "Qin", which ranks first in the "Qinqi Calligraphy and Painting", is one of the most important ways for the ancient literati to cultivate their personality and regulate their body and mind.

In the "Book of History and Music", it is said: Therefore, the musician, so the turbulent bloodline, flows through the spirit and the right heart.

The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic also put forward the idea of "five tones to cure diseases". The five tones, namely horns, signs, palaces, shang, and feathers, correspond to the five elements (wood, fire, earth, gold, and water) and are connected to the five viscera and the five emotions of man. For different psychological and physiological states, different music can be used to regulate and guide.

Wei Jin Daqin master Ji Kang also mentioned in the "Theory of Health": it is advisable to pranayama and meditate, often like ice and snow in the heart, the heat is also less reduced in my heart, can not be hot for heat, more hot. It can be seen that Ji Kang also believes that summer should be adjusted from the mind, "ice and snow in the heart", and the heat naturally felt is also reduced.

Therefore, on a hot summer day, it is better to listen to some soothing and calming music to soothe the restlessness of summer.

The ancients had thousands of ways to cool off, some swords were biased, some were decent, like the poet Bai Juyi wrote", "How to cool off the heat and sit in a courtyard." There is nothing long in front of you, and there is a breeze under the window. Heat dissipation is composed of the heart, and coolness is the void. At this time, it is difficult to protect yourself, and it is difficult to be with others" The method of cooling off is even more wonderful. Sitting alone in the courtyard, blowing air conditioning, as long as we can physically survive the hot summer period, that is a good way to cool down.

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