
Ignoring the warning, the Taiwan authorities were revealed to be taking measures to counter the mainland and trying to prevent Taiwanese from going to the mainland

author:Great light observation

Recently, the mainland has issued a new document aimed at "Taiwan independence," which directly sets out the corresponding punishment measures for "Taiwan independence" elements. After the mainland issued this new regulation, the Taiwan authorities not only did not repent in time, but instead issued new regulations against the mainland and formulated strict regulations for Taiwan people to travel to the mainland.

According to Taiwan media reports, a person familiar with the matter revealed that in order to counter the new regulations against "Taiwan independence" implemented by the mainland, the Taiwan Mainland Affairs Council was originally going to announce on 25 June a warning to increase the number of Taiwan people traveling to the mainland, but it postponed the release because it did not want to dilute the news heat of the Taiwan authorities' reform of the relevant laws on the reform of the legislature. It is reported that Taiwan divides the travel alert into four gears, red means that it is not suitable to go and should leave the country as soon as possible, orange means to avoid non-essential travel, yellow means that special attention to travel safety and review whether you should go, and gray means to remind attention. According to Taiwan media, Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council will announce on June 27 at the earliest, raising the travel alert for Taiwanese people to mainland China to orange.

Ignoring the warning, the Taiwan authorities were revealed to be taking measures to counter the mainland and trying to prevent Taiwanese from going to the mainland

It should be pointed out that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of our country has taken the lead in opening up Fujian people to travel to Matsu, and the mainland stepping line group was originally scheduled to go to Matsu in early June to step on the line for inspection, and after several waves of postponement, it was finally finalized to set off on the 29th, and it is expected to stay in Matsu for three days, and there are tentatively 28 people. However, the Taiwan authorities are preparing to announce a warning to the Taiwan people about their travel to the mainland before the mainland group inspects the mainland, which will have a tremendous impact on the tourism industry on both sides of the strait.

In this regard, Hsiao Bo-jen, chairman of the All-China Federation of Taiwan Travel Associations, said in an interview that although the travel warning is not mandatory for tourists, if the Taiwan authorities really release a negative signal to the mainland, it will lead to a spiral of hostility between the two sides of the strait, thus making the hope of resuming normal exchanges even more slim. Moreover, the Taiwan authorities' "countermeasures" against the mainland's new regulations will only cause further backlash on the island, and tourism operators have repeatedly expressed dissatisfaction with the ban on group tours to the mainland. This is because the Taiwan authorities' political manipulation in the tourism industry is to disregard the interests and well-being of the tourism industry and the general public, and to artificially create obstacles to cross-strait exchanges.

Ignoring the warning, the Taiwan authorities were revealed to be taking measures to counter the mainland and trying to prevent Taiwanese from going to the mainland

It can be seen from the "countermeasures" to be announced by the Taiwan Mainland Affairs Council that the Taiwan authorities have no idea of changing their attitude. Not only that, after the mainland announced the new regulations, Lai Qingde also tried to use the "Taiwan people" as a shield to maliciously distort the mainland's new regulations, and threatened that the mainland not only does not have any right to "sanction" the Taiwan people, but also does not have the right to "trace back" the Taiwan people across borders. However, the new regulations announced by the mainland are only aimed at the "Taiwan independence" elements on the island, and are not aimed at ordinary Taiwan people, and the new regulations also have clear definition criteria for the definition of "Taiwan independence."

The mainland has also given corresponding consideration to those who used to advocate "Taiwan independence" in the past, but whose stance has changed at present. Zhu Fenglian, spokeswoman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said that the new regulations formulated by the mainland are formulated in strict accordance with the law, and they insist on blending leniency with severity and punishing them as their crimes; if "Taiwan independence" diehards take the initiative to abandon their "Taiwan independence" separatist stance and no longer carry out "Taiwan independence" separatist activities, and they also take measures to mitigate or eliminate the harmful consequences and prevent the harm from expanding, and they meet the relevant regulations, they may not be investigated for some or even all of their criminal responsibility according to law.

Ignoring the warning, the Taiwan authorities were revealed to be taking measures to counter the mainland and trying to prevent Taiwanese from going to the mainland

As a matter of fact, judging from the current situation, a more effective way to stabilize cross-strait relations is to restart cross-strait tourism and rejuvenate cross-strait nongovernmental exchanges, which will naturally reduce risks, which will not only benefit Taiwan's tourism industry, but also Taiwan's commercial trade. However, the Taiwan authorities have not only failed to consider the interests of the Taiwan people, but have repeatedly adopted an antagonistic cross-strait policy, which has directly affected the willingness of overseas tourists to travel to Taiwan and will also have negative effects on many aspects of Taiwan's economy.

Ignoring the warning, the Taiwan authorities were revealed to be taking measures to counter the mainland and trying to prevent Taiwanese from going to the mainland

At present, many business operators on the island are looking forward to the normalization of cross-strait tourism, and it is foreseeable that if the Taiwan authorities continue to stubbornly refuse to come to their senses, not only will they lose the support of the people on the island, but the mainland will also take tougher measures. It is hoped that the "Taiwan independence" forces on the island and the external forces that are pursuing the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces will have a clear understanding of the current situation, change the evil and follow the good, maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, and promote the peaceful development of the two sides of the strait.

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