
Novel: The family seizes power, and the weak female president dares to resist? Can the poor boy fight for the Savior?

author:A pot of red dust wine
Novel: The family seizes power, and the weak female president dares to resist? Can the poor boy fight for the Savior?

The Zhao family, Zhao Hanxue's head was buzzing, and the successive phone calls made her heart sink to the bottom, and it was too late to wait for Chen Chen, turning over and coming to Hanxue Pharmaceutical.

A group of people who had just arrived at the company had been waiting anxiously for a long time.

"Mr. Zhao, you should take a quick look at it, these partners are ready to cancel cooperation with us."

Xiao Zheng of the business department said with an anxious face.

"Cancel cooperation? Is that a big liquidated damages crazy? ”

"That's right, but our raw material suppliers also refused to supply us, we couldn't send the goods at all, and in the end it was we who had to pay compensation."

At this time, the business took a step forward, holding the document and saying with an anxious face: "Not only that, Longguo Bank is not ready to give us a loan, and even have to collect, so that we can't make ends meet, and the capital chain is all broken." ”


"Stop, let me be quiet, you all come to my office and make it clear."

Through the narration of these people, Zhao Hanxue fell on the chair fiercely, his eyes were unfocused, these were all fatal, fierce hearts, who was it.

"Finance, there is no way to cooperate with other banks, we still have products, as long as the funds are in place, I don't believe that no one has given us raw materials."

The financial face was full of bitterness, shaking his head: "No way, Longguo Bank does not cooperate with us, the judgment of other banks will only be more miserable, Zhao Zong, are you offending anyone, you want to engage us like this." ”

Who has offended?

Zhao Hanxue was stunned, and she waved her hand bitterly to let everyone out, at this time she already had the bottom in her mind, Yang Family!

At this moment, Chen Chen also came to the company, looking at a group of people with sad faces, and frowned slightly: "Ding Yuan, what happened?" ”

"Boss, you have finally arrived, our company is going to be finished, let's hurry up and find some way back..."

Speaking Ding Yuan was like opening the conversation box, and the thunderbolt said everything again, most of Chen Chen couldn't understand it, but he knew a message that someone was secretly dealing with Zhao Hanxue.

With a twinkle in his eye, Chen Chen nodded and turned to Zhao Hanxue's office.

"What are you here for?"

Zhao Hanxue's face was full of vicissitudes, and when he saw Chen Chen come in, he said impatiently.

"Are you okay?"

Handing over a glass of water, Chen Chen asked softly.

Zhao Hanxue was stunned, and then shook his head with a bitter smile: "I'm fine, if you want to go, go, now our company is about to go bankrupt, I can't give you a million, where do you want to go." ”

Clutching his hair with both hands, Zhao Hanxue was already desperate, asking the family for help? It's a fire and water now.

The Zhao family, Zhao Ming and Zhao Ming were drinking tea in the living room, and suddenly Zhao Ming frowned and said: "Grandpa, I got the news, Zhao Hanxue's Hanxue Pharmaceutical Industry seems to have been sniped, and now the operation of the whole company has stopped." ”


With a glint of essence in his eyes, Old Master Zhao snorted coldly: "The Yang family has finally struck, and Zhao Hanxue, the contrarian son, should also be punished." ”

Zhao Ming smiled, nodded, and said, "Yes, I am not worried about Zhao Hanxue, I am worried about Hanxue Pharmaceutical, no matter how to say that this company is also our Zhao family, now Zhao Hanxue is not qualified to continue to be the president, Grandpa, why don't we go and get her back?" ”

Old Master Zhao's eyes lit up suddenly, and he patted his thigh: "Yes, this company can not be defeated by her, I still supported her in the first place!" ”

I hope you will support you a lot, Red Dust is here to thank you!

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