
Chapter 006: Talent

author:Ziyu Cinema Hall

"Seven million, still considered a conscience price, is located in the central plains of the county, can buy at this price, for me, it is also a little bit of a bargain." When the fat eunuch finished quoting the price, Lin Yueyang pondered.

Chapter 006: Talent

  In fact, in Wu Heng's view, even if the other party wants eight million, he will not hesitate to buy it, after all, there is no shortage of buyers in the county orders in the Central Plains, he can meet one, it is also considered to be the ancestor's blessing, if he hesitates, it is sorry for the ancestors.

  Without thinking too much, worried that the other party would change his mouth again, Wu Heng directly carried the box that had been prepared earlier. The fat eunuch saw this and walked over with a smile.

  "Hmm! You boy is not bad, presumably these are all your savings, right? The fat eunuch opened the box and glanced at it, feeling very satisfied, and then asked with a smile.

  "Go back to your father-in-law, there is a total of ten million dollars in this box, and please ask your father-in-law to count it." Wu Heng secretly regretted it, he didn't know how much money he needed, so he directly prepared ten million and put it in the box.

  Now it only takes seven million to buy officials, and the remaining three million are likely to be directly pit by the other party. However, in the face of this situation, Wu Heng had no choice but to admit his fate.

  "Hmm! You boy, but we are all businessmen, do business with a sincere, I only take the should, the rest will be reserved for you as a road fare! As a result, the fat eunuch unexpectedly smiled at Wu Heng.

  "How does that mean?" Why don't you keep a little bit of your father-in-law? Completely unexpected by Wu Heng, this made him somewhat unexpected, reflexively modest.

  Finally, after some good talk, Wu Heng left another half a million dollars, and only then did he take his Nancheng County Order Certificate and the County Order Seal, let people carry a large box, and bid farewell to the three "kind" eunuchs with a smile.

  After Wu Heng left, the fat eunuch showed a strange smile, held a cup of tea, and said to himself: "I don't know how long this little brother County Ling can stay in that position." ”

  "The county order of nancheng county has changed 5 times in the past three years, and I heard that thieves are rampant there, and I don't know if he can cope with it." Another eunuch also answered.

  "This is not easy to say! I looked at the old man behind him, like a practicing family, should be able to last longer! The last eunuch also laughed.

  "Leave him alone!" The more diligently the official position is changed, the more we earn for His Majesty, and we can have more shoucheng, and I really hope that he will hang up before he takes office! The fat eunuch smiled again, completely devoid of the kindness he had done to Wu Heng before.

  Wu Heng and Fang Yi and the others had already left, and naturally did not know what was happening behind them. Even if he knew, he wouldn't care, wasn't it just a few little thieves? With his current skills, he really didn't take them seriously.

  Speaking of this Yanzhou, I have to say another big man. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, a generation of traitorous male Cao Cao continued to grow and develop on the basis of this place.

  Yanzhou was located at the junction of present-day Henan and Shandong provinces, including northeastern Henan and parts of the Eastern-Western Boundary of Shanxi. Although the area is not large, it is a really large population county.

  At this time, Yanzhou was divided into four counties and four kingdoms, including Dong County, Jiyin, Shanyang, Taishan, Jibeiguo, Chen Liuguo, RenchengGuo, and Dongpingguo, with 71 counties under its jurisdiction, Taishan County was located near the present-day Taishan, and Nancheng County was at the southernmost end of Taishan County, bordering Xuzhou.

  After all, it is located in the Central Plains region, and it is close to Xuzhou, although there is no understanding of the current Nancheng County, according to the people in Wu Heng's subconscious, it is at least a good big county.

  It's just that Wu Heng is very curious, his own Nancheng County Order, the age is eight hundred stones. According to the fact that the current sale price of the official position is ten times that of the old man, he cannot buy this county order for seven million.

  "Why are these eunuchs not greedy in business, but are willing to give preferential treatment?" Wu Heng said to himself with some puzzlement.

  Thinking that he had Fang Yi, a master, and dozens of good players who had been trained by him for several years, and there would be more talents to join in the future, Wu Heng did not take this matter to heart.

  Then, with a smile on his face, he walked toward the gate. When he was about to cross the threshold, he was suddenly tripped by the high threshold at the door, and almost fell down to reveal his appearance. If it wasn't for Fang Yi rushing to help him, it was estimated that he would be humiliated.

  "Heng'er, how are you?" You okay! Fang Yi hurriedly supported Wu Heng and cared.

  "It's all right, Grandpa Fang, the threshold of this place is not low!" I stumbled upon it if I accidentally. Wu Heng said humorously.

  Fang Yi smiled and said nothing, and then the group of five returned to the inn. After half a day of busy work, everyone was tired and went back to their rooms to rest, while Fang Yi came to his room with Wu Heng.

  "Heng'er, you first drink a cup of water to moisten your throat." Fang Yi poured Wu Heng a glass of water and handed it over.

  Wu Heng took a sip of the cup, then sat down and motioned for Fang Yi to sit down.

  Then, he smiled at Fang Yi and said, "Grandpa Fang, now that I am the county commander of Nancheng County, I don't know what tricks Grandpa Fang has?" Give the boy a point or two, so that the boy can mix well in the future! ”

  "You don't know me, but I know too well about politics." Although I know a few words, I don't have any farts except for writing personal names and reading letters.

  I have heard that if you want to be the highest official of a place well, you must first learn to employ people, and as for the rest, as long as you use the right people, everything is easy to handle. After Fang Yi sat down, he smiled and replied.

  "What Grandpa Fang said is, but now we bring the family Ding and you and me, that is, twelve people, new to a place, do not understand all the things and characters, how is this good?" How do I find someone to help me? Wu Heng asked again.

  "Well! I do have a note. Seeing that Wu Heng was embarrassed, Fang Yi said again.

  "Speak quickly, speak quickly, and the boy listens." Wu Heng excitedly pricked up his ears and waited.

  "When we first arrive in a new place and don't understand everyone, it's best not to change their original structure there, but to act as an observer for the time being, to listen more, to see more, to understand more."

  It is much easier and more convenient to establish good relations with the people there, especially the large families, establish their own prestige, and then implement their own policies. Fang Yi continued.

  "I don't understand how political affairs are so sophisticated?" One of my problems was solved so quickly. It seems that this old man is not just as simple as it seems! After listening to what Fang Yi said, Wu Heng secretly thought.

  Subsequently, he nodded his head at Fang Yi's opinion and expressed his approval, and at the same time, he also hoped that Fang Yi would recommend a few talents to him to help him govern Nancheng County. Fang Yi couldn't help him, so he had to promise Wu Heng that he would write letters to several old friends to help.