
Chapter 004: Outside the West Garden Gate

author:Ziyu Cinema Hall

In the middle of the night, everyone was already underwater, and Wu Heng secretly gathered all his men to Fang Yi's room, very vigilantly guarding a large box of his own money.

Chapter 004: Outside the West Garden Gate

  As for his room, it had already been filled with mechanisms by Fang Yi at this time. If anyone dared to hit the attention of their box, as long as he dared to enter Wu Heng's room, he would be shot as a hedgehog.

  Even so, Wu Heng was still a little uneasy, worried that someone would invade their room again. Twelve of them gathered in a room, all sleeping in unison, and waking up as soon as there was movement.

  Sure enough, the big box that Wu Heng brought with him when he came to the inn was too eye-catching, and someone was really ready to hit his attention. Taking advantage of the high wind in the dark of the night, I saw someone secretly enter the inn and touch the window of Wu Heng's room.

  At the same time, there was another group of people and horses, who secretly climbed to the roof and quietly touched the top of Wu Heng's room, intending to sneak down from above and steal the treasure in the box unconsciously.

  The other wave of people and horses was even more arrogant, they just covered their faces, and dozens of people planned to attack directly from the front and carry out open robbery. As for the innkeepers and treasurers, they had already been knocked down with sweat medicine.

  "Big brother, it has been determined that the box is in this boy's house." There was only one boy in the room, and so many of us rushed straight in, and we were sure to chop it into meat paste. The spy in charge of the stepping point whispered back to the leader.

  "Then what is the matter, just rush in, the four of you, each guarding one side, someone dares to come to the rescue, directly to Lao Tzu chopped." The leading han directly commanded, not paying attention to Wu Heng and the others at all.

  The thief outside the window had just blown a wisp of smoke into Wu Heng's room, and was waiting for Wu Heng to be stunned before he turned through the window to steal the treasure!

  The group on the roof also lifted the bricks and tiles, carefully hanging a brother, and slowly lowered him down with a rope. As long as the brother entered Wu Heng's room, the gods unknowingly ended up with Wu Heng, and the treasure in the box was theirs.

  At this moment, there was a loud "bang", and those outside the door directly broke through the door. The men on the roof had released half of the ropes, and their brothers were still hanging in mid-air, and the door was smashed open.

  At this time, a fragrance came to the surface, and everyone was in a trance, and then they fell to the ground shakily. The brothers who were frightened by the guards at the door, just when they wanted to see what was happening, were also stunned by the drug.

  Even more unfortunate was the brother who was dropped in mid-air, and their people thought he was alive and jumping! As a result, I also fainted, and I couldn't do anything about it.

  The brother outside the window, after hearing the sound of the broken door, subconsciously wanted to run, when he inadvertently saw several figures in the room who fell to the ground, and saw that no one came to such a big move, he no longer ran away, and turned around to turn in.

  At this time, several people on the roof also found that the brother hanging under the rope was unconscious, and they quickly pulled it up, and also saw that the inn was surprisingly quiet, and no one came to investigate the situation.

  So, as soon as the brothers combined, they got off the roof and planned to enter through the main entrance to rob them. However, when they first came to Wu Heng's door, they suddenly shot a rain of arrows from the room, unbiased, just right in the right direction.

  Several people looked into the room with shocked faces, but found that the brother who had entered through the window had been shot as a hedgehog. It turned out that the mechanism installed by Fang Yi was on the bed.

  The boy went through the window, and after entering, he didn't say a word, and he slashed at the bed, which triggered the mechanism on the bed, and he was shot into a hedgehog, not to mention, and also tired of several brothers who came down from the roof.

  In Fang Yi's room, Wu Heng and the others had actually sensed the movement outside the door long ago, and they also knew that it was the attention of someone hitting their treasure, but they only raised their vigilance and did not go out.

  Even if the other party broke the door, they had no intention of going out, and when the arrow rain passed, Fang Yi arranged for the two to quietly go out to check the situation, and most of them were still guarding the big box in the room.

  "Grandpa Fang, such an incident has happened, how should I explain it to the government tomorrow?" Wu Heng suddenly asked.

  "You can rest assured that I have already thought of a countermeasure." Fang Yi whispered to Wu Heng about his countermeasures.

  Wu Heng was worried that when the government saw their chest of treasures, it would have some careful thoughts. Wu Heng was at best a landlord's son, he had no status, and people wouldn't care about him at all.

  However, Fang Yi had already thought of a countermeasure, took out all the treasures in the box, and let people find a piece of porcelain at night and put it in. Even if the government comes to investigate, it can give them a good explanation.

  As for these ten servants, they were all trained by Fang Yi himself, and he had been in Xiaowuzhuang for some years, and he was very loyal to Wu Heng, the only heir of Xiaowuzhuang, and did not have to worry about someone revealing that he had a large amount of treasure.

  , through this era, even if it is your own money, in your hands, you have to live in fear. 」 Wu Heng was not unaware of the darkness of the official arena.

  If the government were to define its property as a wealth of unknown origin, then all of them would be confiscated and confiscated, and Wu Heng would not be able to find a place to cry. For the sake of his own grand plan, for the sake of everyone's future, Wu Heng could only be more cautious.

  Fortunately, the next day, the government sent someone to arrest the robbers and thieves who were not yet dead, and then called Wu Heng and the others to understand the situation, so they let them leave, and did not embarrass them.

  However, to the surprise of Wu Heng and others, their operation inadvertently helped the government to capture the Jiangyang thieves who had been on the run for decades, and later received additional rewards from the government.

  "I admit, it was an absolute accident." In the face of many people's questioning, Wu Heng replied very modestly.

  After being delayed by the report of the case for half a day, after lunch, Wu Heng and Fang Yi led everyone to the West Garden without stopping. The money in his hands was a hot potato, and it had to be exchanged for something useful as soon as possible.

  After arriving at the West Park, they did not delay much time, and soon went directly to the department that sold official positions. There are no imaginary people coming and going here, but it seems slightly deserted.

  Wu Heng could also understand, after all, which one of the people who could come to buy officials was not a family fortune? And many of the people with great wealth are already officials of the imperial court.

  Emperor Ling had been selling officials for many years, and most of the people who had the ability or the courage to buy officials had done so in advance, which made Wu Heng, the crosser, see the bleak scene of the door falling here.

  "Alas! It seems that what I think is still too simple, and it is not easy to buy officials! After seeing the official sales price posted outside the door with a clear price, Wu Heng couldn't help but sigh.

Special statement: This work has been removed from other websites, if there is any similarity, it is purely pirated!!!