
Chapter 002: Heading to Luoyang

author:Ziyu Cinema Hall

"Grandpa Fang, let's go!" For a long time, Wu Heng finally withdrew the gaze that had been staring at the gate of Xiao Wuzhuang and said softly.

Chapter 002: Heading to Luoyang

  The reason why he stared at the door for so long was to look at his body for the last time, and finally look at the home where he had lived for fifteen years. This time gone, perhaps, there was no chance to come back.

  With the sound of a horse's hooves, Wu Heng's party of twelve people, each with a good horse, full of a carriage full of Wu Heng's property, rushed towards Luoyang City.

  After Wu Heng and the others left Xiao Wuzhuang, the door of Xiao Wuzhuang suddenly "snapped" and closed tightly. Wu Heng, who seemed to have an induction, turned his head and looked back, and then he no longer cared about the horse and drove away.

  While Heaven closes one door for you, it also opens another door to you. Wu Heng took the initiative to close the door of Xiao Wuzhuang, opened a more magnificent door for himself, and embarked on a path that was destined to be extraordinary.

  Riding his horse on the broad avenue, Wu Heng had been thinking about a problem in his heart. It was a voice that sounded in his head when he had just crossed over to the body of this contemporary person named Wu Heng: "The world is in a state of power, and it is divided for a long time, and it is divided for a long time; the hero road, the chaotic world is smooth, and the taiping is reversed." ”

  After that, the voice kept echoing in Wu Heng's head and told him something else. For example, what happened together and what will happen in the future while he crossed here makes him wonder.

  "Fang Yi, Grandpa Fang, is a subordinate who crossed with me, and it is actually a character created in a Three Kingdoms game that I once played?" It also includes myself, and the game characters I created.

  In addition, there are Zhou Xun, Zhou Da, Jiang Tang, and Bai Zhen, all of whom are heroes created by myself. Now, because of my accidental crossing, I have even crossed with these heroes I created in the game. These strange things made Wu Heng have a headache for a long time.

  There are even more bizarre things! Now, Wu Heng had a Fang Yi by his side, and there was no doubt about how loyal this person was to him, but what about the others? Where they were, Wu Heng didn't have the slightest information.

  Fortunately, when Wu Heng first created these heroic characters, in order to ensure their loyalty, they also matched their kinship. For example, Fang Yi and Zhou Xun, the two of them are brothers.

  Wu Heng also knocked on Fang Yi's side and found that he really had a brother named Zhou Xun, and that Zhou Xun also had a son named Zhou Da. After getting this news, Wu Heng was much more relieved.

  The opening box of property, a warrior, ten creeps, this is the basic resource of Wu Heng. He needs to rely on these people to climb the highest peak of power step by step. For Wu Heng, the son of an ordinary landlord, in this era, the difficulty is indeed not small.

  "Three passive summoning opportunities, uncertain when disaster strikes. I haven't read the crossover novel, is this what is called Goldfinger? When he learned that his gold finger was so chicken, Wu Heng was even more depressed.

  As a college student in the twenty-first century, Wu Heng has not read traversal novels, and there are really few authors like him who are tragic crossers.

  After the people crossed, they were either a king, or a prince, or the son of a high-ranking official, and even if they were not good, they were also illegitimate children. Either there is a noble status, or there is a gold finger that makes countless people envious.

  What is Goldfinger? Of course, it is a treasure that helps you brush up on your experience and help you quickly reach the top. What Wu Heng has, if you calculate it carefully, should also be regarded as a goldfinger! After all, he had three chances to summon!

  "Passive summoning is also a summoning opportunity?" Disaster that can strike at any time, which is also the operation of Goldfinger? When he knew that his golden finger was such a waste, Wu Heng almost couldn't help but scold.

  The three passive summoning opportunities had already been used passively once, that is, when Wu Heng had just crossed, and was triggered together with his appearance. It's just that Wu Heng's luck is too back, and there is only one Fang Yi around.

  "I have to bring everyone together within a year, or, according to the reminder of the waste goldfinger, they will most likely defect to others." The talents he brought with him could not be used for himself, and he might also serve his own hostile forces, and Wu Heng might be the most pitiful crossing figure he knew.

  The horses galloped on the wide avenue, the air was still filled with the fresh smell of mud after the spring rains, and the trees on both sides of the road were already moving backwards at a rapid pace.

  "Drive, everyone work harder, you must enter Luoyang City before dark." Fang Yi jerked his crotch and commanded the people behind him.

  "Yes, the crowd replied, and then the speed of the team increased by a few points, from the side of the field, speeding through, leaving a light wind, blowing the flowers and trees on both sides of the official road to sway together.

  Although these people were all the family members of Xiao Wuzhuang's gatekeeper, Xiao Wuzhuang's Yique was only a few tens of miles away from luoyang city, and they who guarded Xiaowuzhuang all day had never been to Luoyang City in their lives.

  This time, under the leadership of Wu Heng and Fang Yi, these ten family members who were fortunate enough to be left behind by Wu Heng finally had the opportunity to go to Luoyang City, the capital division they had longed for for a long time, and the hearts of the people were full of excitement and excitement.

  According to historical records, during this period, as long as there was money, even the official positions of the third duke could be bought. Didn't Cao Teng, Cao Cao's old man, use money to buy the lieutenant who ranked first among the three dukes?

  It's just that I, the crosser, don't know anything about the current market! I don't know how big an official I can buy with the money I bring. Wu Heng galloped to the front of the line on horseback, thinking about things in his mind, and did not have to worry about him falling off the horse, all thanks to the credit of the original owner of this body.

  Wu Heng did not dare to expect how much official position he could buy, as long as he could serve as the number one in a place, even if he was a pavilion chief, he felt that he could do it. Didn't Liu Bang, the founding prince of the Great Han Dynasty, also start from a small pavilion at the beginning?

  Of course, if there is a chance, the higher the starting point, the greater the help for his future development, which Wu Heng is not unaware of, and he has made a perfect plan in his heart.

  After thinking about all this, Wu Heng turned his head and glanced back at the carriage walking in the middle of the line, specifically, it should have looked back at the big box pulled on the carriage, which was all his assets now, and it was also his lifeblood and hope.

  The people behind him thought that Wu Heng was looking back at them, and they all looked at Wu Heng respectfully, and after Wu Heng reacted, he nodded slightly at the crowd, and then turned his head again and continued to run forward.

  As time went on, Luoyang City got closer and closer, and even they could already see the tall city wall in the distance. The excitement and excitement in the hearts of the people could not be concealed more and more.

  "Luoyang, here I am." The crowd roared in their hearts.

Special statement: This work has been removed from other websites, if there is any similarity, it is purely pirated!!!