
How to watch the class? Professor Chen Dawei of Chengdu University replied to the teaching and research personnel of Anyue County

author:Kawakyo Shinkansen

Recently, Professor Chen Dawei of the Normal College of Chengdu University visited the training class for teaching and scientific researchers in Anyue County and gave a lecture on "Objects and Strategies of Class Observation and Discussion". Professor Chen, a "bridge expert", uses the art of education masters to build a bridge between theory and practice, the theory is popular, the cases are vivid, the explanations are humorous, so that the trainees can benefit a lot in the relaxed and pleasant learning, and the harvest is full.

How to watch the class? Professor Chen Dawei of Chengdu University replied to the teaching and research personnel of Anyue County

Professor Chen focused on the strategies for observing and discussing lectures. The first is to discuss the strategy of teaching with learning. Class observers need to go to the place where learning takes place to observe, need to study students' learning, need to study students' psychological and developmental needs, and need to be a good teaching assistant teacher. The second is to pay attention to the situation of educational practice, and to do: no intention, no necessity, no solidity, no self. The third is to promote thinking strategies, emphasize that people change because of their thoughts, exert teaching insight to study others, discover the relationship between effects and behaviors, adhere to learning and teaching, study the educational concepts and teaching pursuits behind teaching behaviors, reveal teaching strategies and methods, and exert teaching imagination to teach reengineering. The fourth is to promote the strategy of dialogue, emphasizing the need to use equal, interactive, and practice-oriented discussion dialogues, changing the single dialogue of "fighting landlords" into a multi-directional dialogue of "fighting group fights", and requiring a view of learning, benevolence, and benefit.

Professor Chen also instructed the trainees to conduct practical exercises on class observation and discussion. Students first watch the video of the lesson example, and then complete the lesson observation record sheet, filling in the three columns of "Teaching Phenomena with Discussion Value", "Raising Valuable Discussion Questions" and "If I Come to Teach Ideas". The group suggests that the class team simulate the practice discussion process: the viewer first describes the story containing confusion, and then understands the class teacher with questions; the lecturer first says his own thinking and understanding, and then asks the story teller's views and opinions; the viewer and other participants say their discovery and understanding of the story; reflect and transform the existing experience; summarize the knowledge and understanding of the problem, and construct the strategy and method of solving the problem.

How to watch the class? Professor Chen Dawei of Chengdu University replied to the teaching and research personnel of Anyue County

From theory to practice, Professor Chen went deep and simple, built from a lofty height, and had a master's demeanor, which ignited the passion of the trainees. The trainees had a lively discussion on "how to watch the class and discuss the class". Representative Wu Rong of Anyue Middle School made a speech, and Deng Biao, director of the Anyue Institute of Educational Sciences, made a concluding speech: Happiness is a kind of ability, we improve our ability to help teachers grow; people change because of their thoughts, focus on problems, explore the causes, and find measures; discuss classes, pay attention to equal dialogue, ask for understanding, value clarification...

On the way to learning, let us remember the key to the case study of the lesson: ask questions after the white story, and sincerely answer the search language. The frank response is self-thinking, and if there is an unsolved solution, it is sought. Reflect on the experience and delve deeply, and the teaching is new to the ordinary. The case study has a process, and Johari's window diagram shows it. Rethink the structure of the table and work together towards tomorrow. (Wang Jun Correspondent Zhang Chunlai)

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