
Chen Dawei: Teachers cannot "raise parents"

author:Bright Net
Chen Dawei: Teachers cannot "raise parents"

Not long ago, I expressed a point of view in an article: teachers should first "cultivate themselves", teachers must first love themselves, cultivate themselves, and strengthen their self-cultivation.

The second is "educating students", teachers should help students to more effectively obtain survival skills, life wisdom, and experience the dignity, value and meaning of life.

After having experience in "educating themselves" and "educating students", the new mission of teachers to educate people is to "educate colleagues". "Nurturing colleagues" is to build an environment conducive to growth with colleagues and achieve co-education in mutual consultation.

The idea that "teachers should also nurture colleagues" has been endorsed by some friends, and some people have proposed that "teachers also have the responsibility of parents". Teachers and parents are the most important influencing factors for children's growth, and I agree with the cooperation between home and school to promote student development, but I have reservations about the view that teachers should assume the responsibility of "parenting parents".

Teachers cannot "raise parents", if teachers regard parents as their own educational objects, teachers always think of themselves as educators, it is difficult to establish mutual respect and equal dialogue with parents.

Moreover, teachers do not necessarily have the ability and level to educate parents. In 2000, I attended a training class for key teachers in Beijing, and when the keynote speakers talked about the relationship between home and school, some of them talked about the story of being "taught" by the children's class teacher, and they also agreed with and accepted some criticisms from the class teacher, but at the same time they thought that many criticisms were unreasonable.

With the expansion of the scale of higher education, the parents of today's students are getting higher and higher, and the education level and insight of many parents are above the teachers, and we cannot put on a high posture.

At the same time, we must also see that parents with high academic qualifications may not have research on education. Based on their children's positions and interests, parents will inevitably take their children as the center when looking at problems and dealing with problems, and lack the overall situation and long-term perspective.

This may lead to unreasonable parents' methods of education and unobjectiveness of the class teacher's views on class affairs. At this time, teachers should establish professional self-confidence, establish their image and status in the minds of parents through their professional ability, professional attitude and professional way, and improve the effectiveness of home-school co-education.

Chen Dawei: Teachers cannot "raise parents"

In the "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening Family Education Work", the Ministry of Education does not position the relationship between teachers and parents as "education", but as "guidance": "strengthen the guidance of school family education work", "to hold parent training lectures and consulting services, to carry out advanced educational concepts and scientific education knowledge guidance" "primary and secondary school kindergartens should incorporate parent committees into the daily management of schools, formulate the charter of parent committees, and regard family education guidance services as an important task".

It should be noted that "refers" can be an indication, indicating a more worthwhile goal and a more valuable method of family education; "pointing" can be a point, which can discuss and comment on effective or undesirable family education organizations.

After "pointing" it is necessary to "guide". In my opinion, the focus of "guidance" is "guidance". I once read an educational narrative written by Cui Lei, a teacher at Yangming Primary School in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province: she once repeatedly told students that "learning to do things starts from learning to sweep the floor", "the things of the world must be done in detail", "why sweep the world without sweeping a house", but the classroom floor is still not clean, and the desks and chairs are still not placed in place.

Later, after careful observation, she found that the main reason for the problem was that most children did not know how to sweep the floor and how to organize the utensils. So she taught students to sweep the floor by hand at the class meeting, instructing students how to divide the work, how to arrange the cleaning order, how to arrange the tables and chairs, instead of instilling the importance of sweeping the floor to the students, and directly taking the operation route.

This incident tells us that the problem of education is not only a problem of perception, nor is it only a problem of attitude, but also a problem of methods and technology. Similarly, homeschooling requires methods.

For example, parents should not only make demands to supervise their children to complete homework, but also give parents a way to effectively supervise them. Comparatively speaking, "pointing" is easy to "guide" and difficult, teachers need to accumulate experience in "guidance", practice the ability of "guidance", and improve the level of "guidance".

Teachers and parents are a relationship of mutual learning and progress and growth together. An ideal state of teacher-student relationship is to teach each other, and the ideal relationship between teachers and parents is also to grow together.

Growth and progress is the first priority in life, in the process of interacting with parents, with the open heart as the premise, to equal dialogue as the way, to each other's growth and progress as the goal, in the growth and progress to improve the quality of school education and family education, to achieve more quality development of students, this is the relationship between teachers and parents that I think is more worth exploring and practicing.

Author: Chen Dawei, Professor of Chengdu University, Dean of Sichuan Western Education Research Institute, published 24 books such as "Happiness Education and Eight Lectures on the Ideal Classroom".

Transferred from: China Teachers Daily

Source: Teachers' Expo

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