
Folk tales of the bold Chen Dawei no. 2 "Little Devil Marries Relatives"

author:Good people live a peaceful life

Chen Dawei is bold and upright, and no one knows and knows everyone here. Therefore, as long as the production team has to process and work at night, it is inseparable from him.

That night the captain said that tomorrow he would plow the ground, and tonight he would scatter the dung in the field. (There was no fertilizer before, it was all cow dung after feeding the cattle, etc.), but the land where the manure was spread was too far from home, and there were several graves in the field, so no one dared to go. At this time, Chen Dawei volunteered that he would do it.

After eating dinner, Chen Dawei went to the field to work. In the second half of the night, he was a little tired, so he rolled up a cigarette and sat behind a pile of dung and smoked it. Halfway through his cigarette, he felt a cool breeze blowing over him, and he got goosebumps and his hair exploded. He was bold and didn't think anything of it. That night, the weather was clear and the moon was very bright. Suddenly he heard a cannon blast, which was very dull, not the same as the one we often heard. Then a scream also came over, and this scream was different from the usual scream, which sounded strange. He thought to himself, this is where the second marriage was married. (Listening to the old man, we used to get married at night before. He leaned out to see that in the southeast there were four men carrying a certain palanquin, and four people were blowing and whispering in the direction in which he was. He always felt that something was wrong in his heart, so he quickly took the flat burden and hid behind the dung pile. At this time, the screams were getting closer and closer, but there were no footsteps. He sneaked out his head to look at it, and the ones who lifted the car and blew the car did not have a nose, eyes, mouth, or ears. His heart was stirred, could it be that he had met a little ghost and married him? Saying that it was too late, he quickly pulled out the flat burden and said, "Something, hit you a turtle grandson", saying that he took the turn to take the flat burden and hit it out. When I looked at it again, there was nothing left.

The next day he talked to people about last night, and people didn't believe what he said. Netizens do you believe? Welcome to leave a comment.

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