
(2) The dimensions, tools, and positioning of Chen Dawei's classroom observations

author:A snail bird that can fly

Second, the dimension of classroom observation

The fundamental purpose of classroom observation is to improve the quality of classroom teaching. What are the factors that affect the quality of the classroom? In what ways to improve the quality of the classroom? This is a question that every classroom observer needs to answer. Answering such questions is also looking for the object and dimension of classroom observation. In my long-term classroom teaching practice and research, I have constructed a framework of influencing factors for classroom quality as shown in Figure 1:

(2) The dimensions, tools, and positioning of Chen Dawei's classroom observations

Based on the understanding of the factors related to the quality of the classroom in the above figure, the author has formed an ideal classroom reform vision of "improving the existence of students in the classroom, improving the quality of students' learning quality, and allowing students to experience a beautiful classroom life; improving the living conditions of teachers in the classroom and creating a happy life for teachers; making valuable choices and transformations of teaching content, cultivating students' core literacy, laying the foundation for students' happy life; choosing appropriate teaching methods and methods, and implementing effective teaching". Based on the construction of the ideal classroom, in the classroom observation, I advocate giving priority to the survival and learning status of students and teachers in the classroom, as well as the relationship between each other and influence in the classroom. This is out of the people-oriented, through the improvement of people to achieve the improvement of classroom quality of the educational philosophy, I think that whether it is teaching or classroom observation, there needs to be such a turn and change, that is, to have someone in the eyes and someone in the heart. In the priority selection of educational content and teaching methods, I advocate that priority should be given to the value and influence of teaching content on students, the adaptability, rationality and logical structure of teaching content, and the rationality of teaching objectives and teaching content should be prioritized over the effective choice of teaching methods.

It should be noted that in the classroom observation, the listed and unlisted elements in Figure 1 and their relationships can become the dimensions and elements of observation; but when discussing the class, it is necessary to focus on the observed classroom phenomena, and to find out more meaningful and more valuable phenomena through dialogue and discussion to obtain a deep understanding of the classroom phenomenon and achieve the research purpose of classroom observation, focusing on bringing depth and in-depth research.

Third, the tools of classroom observation

I think the most practical object of classroom observation is the person, the observer himself. When observing in class, we should give priority to using the tool of "myself". In the promotion of class observation and discussion, I often emphasize the following two points: (1) "Happiness is a kind of ability", to use the method of classroom observation to improve their classroom teaching and subject research ability; you must constantly study and improve your classroom observation, improve the quality and level of classroom observation itself, pursue more effective professional development in a more professional way, and improve the level of classroom observation with more effective classroom observation. (2) "People change because of thinking", you should take the initiative to think and think positively in classroom observation, on the one hand, you should exert educational insight to study others, on the other hand, you should exert educational imagination to study yourself, classroom observation should not only understand teaching inside, but also innovate teaching outside.

In addition to the observer himself, a useful observation tool for me is the instructional design of the teaching teacher. With the help of instructional design, we can understand the teaching ideas and intentions of the instructors, the main content of teaching and the process of learning, observe and understand the differences between expectations and design, and think about the effective interaction and promotion of teaching ideals, teaching design and teaching practice. Based on the teaching design of the instructor, we may also reduce the misunderstanding of the instructor, and at the same time, we can also allocate energy to observe and study other classroom phenomena.

According to the purpose, I divide the classroom observation into the following categories: one is investigation and research, the second is grading and evaluation, the third is tempering and grinding lessons, and the fourth is the observation and discussion of classes that are different from the above three daily teaching and research activities. One key opens a lock, and different purposes require different tools and gauges. I'm not a big advocate of using a predetermined scale against teaching in practice in a classroom discussion. In addition to the general teaching record sheet, the tool that the author uses more is the camera, which can take pictures of meaningful and research-worthy teacher board books, students' homework, and the situation of teacher-student activities... Gather reliable information for research and discussion.

In terms of artificial intelligence (recording classrooms, big data) collecting and analyzing data from classroom observations, I think this may become a trend in the future, and it can also bring about some innovations in classroom observation (such as slicing, playback, storage, timely participation, extensive discussion and sharing). However, it needs to be seen that the teaching under the lens may appear more whitewashed and disguised, the data collected by the recording and broadcasting may not be the real education, and the reliability of the data itself needs to be examined. Data can be used as a reference, not only data; in addition, teaching is extremely complex, using artificial intelligence to form a teaching norm (such as how much time is appropriate for group discussion, how appropriate the proportion of teachers explains) to judge whether there is a suitable group cooperative learning, whether the teacher's explanation time is scientific, which itself deviates from the science of education, and data cannot become a "shackle" that constrains us.

Fourth, the classroom observes the positioning of the change

In terms of the positioning of classroom observation, I am pursuing and practicing some of these changes:

The first is to move from criticism to construction. Participants in the class should not use their own classroom observation to evaluate others, but based on observation to understand, understand the situation, pursuit, conditions and efforts of the instructor, understand the current effect and future impact of teaching behavior, understand other possible choices and values of teaching, and thus move towards curriculum construction and teaching reform. Special reminder is to do less judgment and more research and prospecting, facing the future rather than judging the past.

The second is from bystander to teaching assistant. Sitting next to the students, the class viewer is not only a researcher, but not a pure observer, but a certain degree of classroom participants and interveners. The way to participate and intervene is to become a teaching assistant to the classroom teacher, to guide and help the students around you to learn more actively and with a higher quality of learning. Classroom observation among school colleagues, we do not approve of just "your class has such a few advantages, there are several shortcomings" objective description, but to become mutual help, mutual support, and joint promotion of student development and progress of the peer partners.

The third is from the unification of standards to the awareness of change. Classroom observation faces a wide range of teachers, who have their own growth experiences and ability levels, and evaluate and require teachers with a unified standard, which deviates from the basic principles of education according to their aptitudes. In the parable of "ponies crossing the river", the old cow can cross the river, and the squirrel can't cross it anyway. Looking at different teachers with uniform standards, some teachers may think that you are "pediatrics"; some teachers have difficulty in reaching,...... Therefore, I advocate and practice classroom observation to have the right to change consciousness. That is to say, we must start from the actual situation of teachers, based on their kits and possibilities, observe and study how they "jump", and provide them with "peaches" that can be picked through hard work. Let classroom observation become a seminar that all participants are willing to participate in, can participate, and can feel cared for and grow in participants.

The fourth is to move from element observation to situational observation. Education is complex and fluid, and Sukhomlinsky once felt about complex and rheological education: "Education, in its broader sense, is a multifaceted process of spiritual enrichment and renewal that both the educated and the educated are constantly enriching and renewing. At the same time, this process is characterized by the profound individuality of phenomena: a certain educational truth is correct in the first case, useless in the second case, and absurd in the third case. "Classroom observation cannot only focus on the object observation of the elements of the classroom, but also observe the relationship and the whole based on the actual situation, and observe in the actual situation of the teaching. Observe in the current teacher-student relationship, in the context of the past history and future development of current teaching. Because educational truth has such a contextual characteristic, the observer should have fully perceived and analyzed the observed classroom phenomena, and when communicating and discussing, "The fourth son: no intention, no will, no solidity, no self." (The Analects)

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