
Xinhua County Ming and Qing Dynasty "Xinhua County Chronicle" for the first time to complete the completion of the official publication of the official publication

author:Morning Shaoyang
Xinhua County Ming and Qing Dynasty "Xinhua County Chronicle" for the first time to complete the completion of the official publication of the official publication

Xinhua News Network News (Reporter Li Mingming Tian Yan) On October 23, the final draft of the "Xinhua County Chronicle" of the Ming and Qing dynasties in Xinhua County was held at the Wubian Tea House, and lovers of literature and history in Xinhua, Lengshuijiang, Longhui and other places attended the forum. According to the person in charge of sorting out the base school, the five county records of the Ming and Qing dynasties that have now completed the recording and point schooling will soon be officially published.

Xinhua County Ming and Qing Dynasty "Xinhua County Chronicle" for the first time to complete the completion of the official publication of the official publication
Xinhua County Ming and Qing Dynasty "Xinhua County Chronicle" for the first time to complete the completion of the official publication of the official publication

Xinhua is an ancient county that has been established for nearly a thousand years, and in the Ming and Qing dynasties, there were ten revisions of zhi, but unfortunately half of the zhishu was scattered, and only five parts of Jiajing, Kangxi, Qianlong, Daoguang, and Tongzhi still exist. These five chronicles, totaling more than 2 million words, comprehensively record the historical evolution and development of Xinhua in the past thousand years, leaving a wealth of literary and historical materials, and are a valuable cultural heritage of Xinhua County.

It is understood that Xinhua literature and history enthusiasts Chen Zhonglin, Zeng Junfu, Zeng Yi and others have been proofreading and sorting out the five "Xinhua County Chronicles" of the Ming and Qing dynasties since 2011, and strive to follow the original and reflect the original appearance. In 2012, he completed the point school of the first existing county chronicle of Xinhua, Ming Jiajing's "Xinhua County Chronicle", and since then, he has successively ordered the county records of various periods of the Qing Dynasty, and fully completed this major historical work in July this year.

Author: Dawn Ming Tian Yan

Editor: Zeng Binchu

【Source: Xinhua News Network】

Copyright belongs to the original author, a tribute to the original


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