
Thirty years of men reaching out to their parents for money has become the norm, believing that their parents owe themselves and their wives are self-reliant

author:Qin Jin Liu Nian
Thirty years of men reaching out to their parents for money has become the norm, believing that their parents owe themselves and their wives are self-reliant

Sun Wenhao shouted loudly in front of his parents: "I repeat, you have to get me fifty thousand yuan, don't show you to do it, anyway, you have to be responsible for me!" My parents cried bitterly and said, "There is still money for you there, and your sister only gave you ten thousand yuan, and there is no more." ”

Sun Wenhao was emotional: "Then you also have to find a way, I want it tomorrow." ”

Parents looked at their son's back, sad, and sighed relatively.

Sun Wenhao returned to his commissary, sat on a chair, breathlessly as if he had run a thousand meters, and his chest rose and fell severely. The previous thing came to his mind again, and he punched him on the table.

Sun Wenhao's parents gave birth to two brothers and sisters, and her sister Sun Jieru had good academic performance since childhood, was admitted to a good university, and then sent to study abroad, and returned to China for employment after graduating from graduate school.

Sun Jieru has often received parents and younger brothers since she went to work, her younger brother was naughty and mischievous from an early age, and he did not have to pay for it, and finally his sister paid for his brother to go to a chinese medicine college, and after graduation, his brother failed to get a practicing physician qualification certificate several times, so it was difficult to find a job.

Sun Wenhao went to the south, all day with the money his parents took from his sister, said that he was looking for a job in the south, wandered around for more than half a year, spent more than ten thousand yuan, but the work was not settled, but often went to the barber shop to wash his hair, met a hair washer sister, that is, his later wife - Li Ming, Li Ming is not tall, less than one meter six, but there is a strength not to accept defeat.

Sun Wenhao and Li Ming have known each other for a long time, and will talk about their own family affairs, telling her parents to listen to themselves in terms of money, and generally ask for money, and their parents will give it.

Li Mingming is very envious, because her parents divorced since childhood, she grew up with her grandmother, and when her grandmother died in junior high school, she had to go out to work.

Li Ming has longed for the warmth of home since he was a child, and hearing Sun Wenhao introduce his parents, Li Ming thought how good it would be if he had such parents.

Two young people far from home became good friends without saying a word, sharing the nostalgia of missing their hometown with each other.

One day the barbershop came a few, had to invite Li Mingming out to eat, Li Ming and them are not familiar, let alone still on the job, but a few are stalking and refusing to leave, just when Sun Wenhao bumped into him, he went forward to block, unexpectedly a few did not listen, pulled Sun Wenhao to the barbershop door, Li Ming took a look, blocked in front of Sun Wenhao, took advantage of the fact that several did not pay attention, pulled Sun Wenhao to run wildly for several miles before stopping, seeing that no one was chasing, the two of them gasped loudly while laughing.

Looking at the petite girl in front of him, Sun Wenhao secretly decided to make her his girlfriend and be good to her for a lifetime.

Sun Wenhao expressed his admiration for Li Ming, and Li Ming shyly agreed.

The young man dried firewood and lived together for ten months, the hormones of youth popped, and the two were like glue like paint, enjoying each other's wonderful time that everyone was pursuing.

Sun Wenhao felt that he could not find a satisfactory job outside, so he returned to his hometown with Li Mingming.

Seeing that the son led a girl home, the parents saw that the girl had thick eyebrows, big eyes, fair skin, politeness, and knew how to speak, and felt that this girl was not bad as her daughter-in-law.

Soon, after the parents learned that the girl was a foreigner, they strongly opposed their son's association with her, such as how, their son had to find a local girl as a daughter-in-law.

Sun Wenhao and Li Ming have "friends who have passed the fate"

Where will listen to the arrangement of his parents, he has a resolute attitude, not to marry without dawn, otherwise, he would rather beat a bare stick, you don't want to hold your grandson, without a grandson, your grandchildren's ancestors will not agree.

Seeing that their son was so persistent and moved out of the ancestors, the parents could not twist their sons, and could only promise their sons to communicate with Li Mingming.

Sun Wenhao is not high or low, just think of his own doctor qualification certificate, you can open a small clinic or something, but he has not earned a penny, the examination fee has to ask for his parents, the parents turned around and called their sister to say that their brother wants to take the exam, you have to pay the fee.

Thirty years of men reaching out to their parents for money has become the norm, believing that their parents owe themselves and their wives are self-reliant

The next day the sister and brother-in-law came to the house, mentioned that the brother did not go to find a job to prepare for the exam, the exam also had to pay a few thousand yuan, the brother-in-law did not say a word, picked up a wad of money and threw it at the coffee table in front of the mother-in-law, the money was scattered, scattered on the ground, the mother bent down to pick up the money on the ground, Sun Wenhao looked at the mother in front of the brother-in-law to pick up the money on the ground, dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, he felt that the brother-in-law was deliberately throwing the money to the ground, the mother did not care about the face to pick up the money on the ground, the money was not angry, you can be disrespectful, he hates the brother-in-law hates the teeth and teeth, He complained that his mother did not have a backbone, but he just did not want to, and his mother was asking for money from his brother-in-law for him.

Took the money to report the name, Sun Wenhao took Li Mingming to eat outside, drank some wine, the people at the next table looked at him, he thought that the other party was looking at Li Mingming, he had a quarrel with the other party, and finally the two sides also moved their hands, in order to show themselves in front of their girlfriend, Sun Wenhao gave up his life, took the bottle and injured the other person's head, the person suddenly broke his head and bled, someone reported to the police, and paid the other party's medical expenses.

The police collected evidence through investigation and fined him fifteen thousand yuan, and Sun Wenhao thought that his sister's parents would definitely pay a fine for him, but they did not come to see themselves at all, causing themselves to be detained for half a month.

The parents and sister did not care about themselves, only Li Mingming saw himself and said that he was waiting for him outside.

When Sun Wenhao returned home from the detention center, he saw his parents angry, complaining that their own sons didn't care, and they still had the face to be parents.

The parents trembled angrily: "We also want to go, your sister said that you are already in your twenties, you should be responsible for your own actions, this incident just happened to be taught." ”

As soon as he heard that it was related to his sister, Sun Wenhao's hatred for his sister added another one, and he shouted to his parents: "You listen to your sisters so much, they are so important in your heart, I am a son you don't want to see at all, then why did you give birth to me!" ”

The parents cried out sadly: "The palms of our hands and the backs of our hands are all flesh, how can we not care about you." ”

Sun Wenhao said: "I missed the exam, and I can't find a job in the future because of you." ”

His parents cried incessantly, Sun Wenhao ran out of the house, he found Li Mingming, listing his parents and sisters is not, Li Ming is kind to persuade: "To have parents, how much my sister's family makes me envious, you have to get along with them well." ”

Sun Wenhao lived in Li Mingming's rental house and did not want to go home, and his parents persuaded him bitterly to call him home.

As soon as he got home, he told his parents that he was going to marry Li Mingming, asked his parents to buy a house, the two parents had a pension of three thousand yuan, where there was money to buy a house for him, he said: "If you want to hold your grandson, promise me to buy a house, not to ask you to buy it in full, you can pay a down payment, the two of us provide." ”

The parents were so overwhelmed by their son that they had to take out the coffin and asked their sister to borrow money and pay the down payment for the house.

His parents and sister bought a house for Sun Wenhao, Sun Wenhao and Li Ming married, Li Mingming's family did not have relatives to come, Sun Wenhao's parents did not give Li Ming a bride price, all this left a grudge in Sun Wenhao's heart, feeling that his parents and sister still looked down on his wife - his lifelong benefactor and lover.

The house has not been delivered, Sun Wenhao and Li Ming still have to live with their parents after marriage, originally the parents have prejudices against the daughter-in-law, living together contradictions are inevitable, the mother-in-law complains all day long that the daughter-in-law cooks more salt and vinegar less, the rice is soft and hard and does not have an appetite, Li Mingming did not go too far to the heart, but Sun Wenhao, think that the parents deliberately find trouble for their wives, and want to give the daughter-in-law a dismount. This further increased Sun Wenhao's hatred for his parents in his heart.

Dawn said to her husband, "Now that my parents and sister have paid us a down payment on the house, you have to find something to do, and then we will repay the loan on our own." ”

Sun Wenhao did not want to go out to work for people at all, wanted to be his own boss, did not have to be controlled by others, and wanted to open a commissary.

When Sun Wenhao told his parents about the idea of opening a shop, his parents said: "I just bought you a house, got married, and have no money." ”

Sun Wenhao was bold: "Isn't it necessary to pay a monthly payment after buying a house?" I don't do anything to repay the loan. ”

His parents told him that he could help others work, but Sun Wenhao was determined not to work for others and wanted to be his own boss.

So Sun Wenhao went to his sister's house with his parents, and the sister listened to her brother's thoughts and felt that what her brother said was a little reasonable, so she and her brother went to the bank to withdraw money.

The sister who was walking on the road accidentally bumped into a person and quickly apologized to the other party, but the other party was somehow very excited: "I'm sorry for what!" Knock me out, a word of sorry is over, I slap you, say sorry to you okay?" Saying that he was going to raise his hand to hit his sister, Sun Wenhao blocked in front of his sister, the other party's hand hit Sun Wenhao's face, Sun Wenhao was anxious, he wrestled with the other party, hit the other party's nose, shed a nosebleed, the other party called the police, Sun Wenhao was taken to the police station, from eleven o'clock in the morning until ten o'clock in the evening, cold and hungry Sun Wenhao did not wait for his sister and brother-in-law to pick him up, he was angry: he was locked up for a day to protect his sister, but his sister seemed to have nothing to do with himself, sitting at home to eat and drink.

Sun Wenhao came out of the police station, came to his sister's house, knocked on the door of his sister's house, and scolded his sister, and his brother-in-law's words were not friendly at all: "Look at yourself, a big man, all day long you know that you are in trouble." ”

Sun Wenhao was angry: "For whom I was taken to the police station, you remember, you owe me." ”

Wife went to work in the factory, Sun Wenhao had nothing to do every day, just waiting for his parents to take money to open a shop for himself, watching his son hang out all day and night, not wanting his son to become a waste, the parents tried every means to consult with their daughters, the daughter also relieved her parents, she took money to her parents, the parents turned around and handed it to their son, and the son opened a commissary.

A few months later, his wife was pregnant, Sun Wenhao was distressed about his wife, told her to raise a fetus at home, this time the two children had no income, the commissary business was dismal, and he could not make ends meet, but Sun Wenhao wanted to hold on to his scalp, did not want to let his parents, sisters and brothers-in-law see his jokes, which may be his last chance to turn over.

The monthly payment of the house is gone, the daughter-in-law has to strengthen nutrition, the second elder sighs at home every day, the daughter-in-law is also very uncomfortable, so she sits in the commissary, wants to stay away from the mother-in-law and the father-in-law, but at night she has to go home to sleep, and when she returns home, she will inevitably be counted by the in-laws: "I can't go home all day long, I run blindly, and I will stay at home." ”

Li Ming did not return the mouth, silently bearing the nagging of her mother-in-law, Sun Wenhao did not agree: "At home, you give her a face, what do you see that she is not pleasing to the eye, she came to my shop to help, you also said, we two sons you can not see, as far as your daughter is good, has the ability, can earn money." So why don't you move in with your daughter? Save yourself the annoyance of seeing us both. ”

The mother knows that the son-in-law is a person, and it is impossible to move to the daughter's house, and if she moves, will her house not be occupied by her son and daughter-in-law?

Thinking of this, the mother stopped talking.

Li Ming gave birth to a daughter five months later, and Sun Wenhao was not happy to be a father.

In the month, the mother-in-law made half a month's meal for Li Mingming, and she was unwilling to serve the moon again, Li Ming could only get up and do it herself, wash the dishes with cold water, she had no way, and did not dare to tell Sun Wenhao, for fear of causing him and his mother-in-law to quarrel again.

After the full moon, in order not to let the in-laws gossip, Li Ming handed over his daughter to the care of his in-laws and went to work by himself, but the monthly mortgage and commissary rent were still far behind.

Sun Wenhao consulted with his parents and asked his parents to help him come up with some money, and his parents did not agree this time, saying that it was already very hard to take the child, and they could not take out the money again, Sun Wenhao quarreled with his parents again, and turned over the old accounts: "You take the child, three changes in the middle of the night, the child cries and you smash our door, you have to wake us up, who doesn't know that you don't want to make us sleep, obviously you have to go to work the next day, you call her hard and uncomfortable?"

The mother was angry and crying, did not want to pay attention to his nonsense, Sun Wenhao did not stop, kept saying, the more he said, the more angry, the louder he said, the smallest to the adult, the parents' preference for their sister said out in one breath, the parents did not expect that in the son's heart they were such an image, has been responding to the son's parents are cold and sad, grief...

Li Ming saw the two elderly old people, the old tears flowed, the heart could not bear, gently advised the old man: "Parents, you don't care, he is angry, your son you don't understand?" He has no heart, although he can't earn money, but there is no particularly bad problem, you two don't see him in general, take the children in the future, if you need you can call me at any time, I will not complain about you. I now pay four thousand a month to pay off the mortgage, the rent of the commissary we think together, I see if I can ask my sister and my friends to borrow some, the money you can rest assured. I grew up without the love of my parents, so long, your kindness to us, I remembered in my heart, our family worked together to live a good life. ”

Looking at the sensible daughter-in-law, the mother-in-law stopped crying: "Mom did not do well enough before, and will be corrected later." ”

Li Mingming said: "Mom, look at what you said, the family does not speak two languages." ”

Sun Wenhao, who was beside him, saw that his mother and wife had resolved their previous suspicions, and he was secretly happy in his heart.

Thirty years of men reaching out to their parents for money has become the norm, believing that their parents owe themselves and their wives are self-reliant

The mother told her daughter-in-law's performance to her daughter-in-law, and the daughter was quite touched after listening to her sister-in-law's inner words, and only then did she know that it was not the sister-in-law who colluded with her brother to ask her parents for money, but they had misunderstood their sister-in-law before.

The sister knew that they had difficulty repaying the loan, and volunteered to take the money out to the mother to call to bring to the younger brother.

Getting the money that his mother brought back from his sister's house, Sun Wenhao was very moved, in his opinion, his sister would definitely not take care of his own affairs anymore, to his surprise, his sister cared about him as always, cared about him, loved him...

Sun Wenhao's daughter grew up in the blink of an eye, one day played with her sister's children, beat her sister's children, her sister and brother-in-law had a middle-aged son, very distressed, the brother-in-law pulled Sun Wenhao's daughter over, slapped the child several times, the slap mark on the child's hand back and leg was clearly visible, the daughter's cry attracted Sun Wenhao to come and see, the daughter cried to Sun Wenhao to complain, Sun Wenhao heard the anger, and quarreled with the brother-in-law, and the relationship that was difficult to ease up gave rise to new contradictions.

The parents did not favor the brother-in-law this time, intervened, and said to the brother-in-law: "It is common for children to fight and make trouble, adults do not need to be mixed, after a while they will be fine, and as always, how can you beat a little girl?"

Sun Wenhao saw that his mother did not "pull the bias frame" In his heart, the knot was untied, it turned out that his mother did not only care about his sister and brother-in-law, but treated his sister and himself equally, he always thought that his parents were partial to his sister's family for so many years, he saw that people had money, and he was not optimistic about himself, because he could not earn money, it seemed that he thought wrong.

Sun Wenhao walked over to his mother and said guiltily to her mother, "Mom, I'm sorry. Choked up at the end of the speech, he could not say anything else.

The mother hugged her son and cried: "Son, my mother has not worried about you for all these years!" ”

The mother and son hugged and cried together, and the sister-in-law, wife, and father who were watching next to them also began to cry.

The mother was the first to stop crying and said loudly: "Well, from now on, our family has something to discuss, more for the family to consider, more for the other party." ”

Sun Wenhao, they all nodded, "Hmm, hmm. ”

Sun Wenhao's thirty years of heart knots have been unraveled, and they have always had their own place in the hearts of their parents, but they are reluctant to say it, and often pay silently, not only money but also the painstaking efforts that cannot be measured with money, but the hearts of parents in the world!

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