
The official reply of "Changjin Lake": the prototype character of "Lei Gong" is Kong Qingsan of Shandong, paying tribute to the spirit of Yimeng

author:Popular Daily

"We've fought all the battles that should be fought, and the next generation won't have to fight them." The emotion brought by "Chosin Lake" continues.

When the movie "Yimeng Mountain Minor" sounded, some netizens said, "I never thought she would sound so good and cry so well." For Shandong moviegoers, this plot is like "I am the same as my father", more intimate, more tragic, more painful.

Who is the prototype of the Shandong character in the movie? What was the original intention of using the episode "Yimeng Mountain Minor"?

On the Weibo platform, the Yimeng Evening News consulted the official Weibo of the "Movie Changjin Lake": in the movie, "Zhang Xiaoshan" and "Lei Suisheng" were all from Linyi, and the scene of "Lei Gong" humming "Yimeng Mountain Minor" made the children of Yimeng burst into tears. Therefore, I want to confirm whether these two characters are really human or based on a martyr. We hope you can help us answer some of the stories between "Chosin Lake" and Yimeng Mountain.

The official reply of "Changjin Lake": the prototype character of "Lei Gong" is Kong Qingsan of Shandong, paying tribute to the spirit of Yimeng

At 9:19 on October 10, "Changjin Lake" solemnly replied: One of the archetypal characters of Lei Gong in the film is Kong Qingsan, a first-class combat hero born in Jinan, Shandong, whose hometown is set in the Yimeng Mountain area of Shandong Province, stemming from the tribute to the old revolutionary area of Yimeng and the spirit of Yimeng, and the spirit of fighting against the world and the spirit of the great War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea are in the same vein, and are all valuable spiritual wealth of the sons and daughters of China.

This reply is not only a reply to the Yimeng Evening News, but also a warm interaction for readers and audiences in Shandong, and it is also a call to the national film fans - to pay tribute to the hero and the spirit of Yimeng.

Kong Qingsan, what are the heroic deeds?

He used his body as a gun mount on the battlefield of Chosin Lake, and the deeds of "immortality" in the artillery fire were extremely shocking.

The official reply of "Changjin Lake": the prototype character of "Lei Gong" is Kong Qingsan of Shandong, paying tribute to the spirit of Yimeng

Kong Qingsan was born in 1926 to a poor peasant family in Wangshe Renzhuang, a suburb of Jinan City, Shandong Province. In 1948, Kong Qingsan joined the Chinese People's Liberation Army and served as a first gunner and squad leader of the 92nd Infantry Artillery Company of the 27th Army. Subsequently, he participated in the Battle of Jinan, the Battle of Huaihai, and the Battle of Crossing the River. In 1949, Kong Qingsan joined the Communist Party of China.

In November 1950, Kong Qingsan joined the Chinese Volunteer Army and served as the 5th Squad Leader of the 92nd Artillery Company of the 80th Division of the 27th Army. He participated in the Second Campaign of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea and carried out the task of blocking the Eastern Front of the Korean Battlefield.

On November 27, the 9th Corps of the Volunteer Army launched a campaign to encircle and annihilate the invading American forces at Sungshin-ri, Chogjin County, South Hamgyong Province, North Korea. The third squad of Kong Qing was assigned to the 8th Company of sharp knife infantry of the main attack force, performing the task of covering the advance of the assault troops. The fighting was fierce. A U.S. military fire point spewed tongues of fire, and the 8th Company commando was blocked, forming a confrontation with the U.S. army.

Due to the small guard, the gun could not shoot directly. Kong Qingsan decisively pushed the infantry artillery with a killing radius of 25 meters to a small post only 20 meters away from the target, and immediately built a fortification on the ice. But the ridge was full of ice, light and hard, and it was impossible to build a position. At this time, the US troops fleeing from the ditch are running towards Xinxingli, and if the US troops are allowed to converge in Xinxingli, the consequences will be very serious. The situation is urgent. Regardless of his body, Kong Qingsan resolutely pressed his shoulder against the right bracket of the cannon and resolutely ordered the cannon to be fired. With the fire of the shell explosion, the US military fire point was destroyed, more than 40 US troops were annihilated, and the road of the commando team was opened, but Kong Qingsan was hit by the recoil of the infantry artillery, and another shrapnel was hit in the abdomen, and he died heroically.

In recognition of Kong Kyung-san's heroic deeds, in 1952, the leading organ of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army posthumously awarded him the title of "First Class Combat Hero of the Chinese Volunteer Army", and engraved his name on the "Volunteer Army Martyrs Memorial Tower" on the shore of Chosin Lake in North Korea.

The Spirit of Yimeng was included in the spiritual genealogy of the first batch of Chinese Communists.

As an old revolutionary area, Shandong has a long history of red blood, and there are many "Shandong disciples" like Lei Gong and Zhang Xiaoshan... According to statistics, during the entire War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, a total of 280,000 people in Shandong joined the volunteer army.

Recently, the Party Central Committee approved the first batch of great spirits sorted out by the Central Propaganda Department that were incorporated into the spiritual genealogy of the Chinese Communists, and released them on the occasion of the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the Yimeng spirit was listed.

On November 25, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during his inspection in Linyi, Shandong Province: "The Spirit of Yimeng, like the spirit of Yan'an, the spirit of Jinggangshan and the spirit of Xibaipo, is a precious spiritual wealth of the party and the country, and it should be continuously carried forward in combination with the new conditions of the times." "The Yimeng-Mongolian spirit of blending the military and the people with milk, life and death, and co-forging is still very important to today's party building."

The official reply of "Changjin Lake": the prototype character of "Lei Gong" is Kong Qingsan of Shandong, paying tribute to the spirit of Yimeng

"Everyone says that Yimeng Mountain is good, and Yimeng Mountain is a good scenery." How beautiful is the green water in the green mountains, and the wind blows that grass low..."

This well-known song "Yimeng Mountain Minor" sang in the majestic Mengshan Mountain and gushing Yishui, singing the Yimeng spirit of the military and the people of "water and milk blending, life and death and coexistence", which echoed endlessly in the land of China for a long time.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, the First Column of the Eighth Route Army, the Headquarters of the 115th Division, the Headquarters of the New Fourth Army, and the Headquarters of the East China Field Army were stationed in Yimeng for a long time.

During those arduous years, more than 1.2 million people in the Yimeng base area, with a population of 4.2 million, supported the army, more than 210,000 people joined the army to participate in the war, more than 100,000 people died heroically, and a large number of pioneer model figures such as Hongjie emerged.

"As soon as I came here, I remembered the glorious years of the revolutionary war." On November 25, 2013, stepping on linyi in Shandong Province, a land that had been plagued by war, General Secretary Xi Jinping sighed with emotion, "In the red land of Yimeng, countless heroes and sons and daughters who can sing and cry were born, and the deeds of the six sisters of Yimeng, the mother of Yimeng and the sister-in-law of Yimeng are very touching. ”

The official reply of "Changjin Lake": the prototype character of "Lei Gong" is Kong Qingsan of Shandong, paying tribute to the spirit of Yimeng

△ Group photo of the five "Yimeng Six Sisters" commemorating the 50th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Menglianggu.

During the Liberation War, the "Six Sisters" led the whole village to bake 150,000 catties of pancakes for the troops, gathered 30,000 catties of military horse and hay, washed more than 8,000 military uniforms, and made more than 500 pairs of military shoes.

In the spring of 1947, the War of Liberation entered an important period. It was precisely because of the continuous rear support that the East China Field Army spent only three days in the Battle of Menglianggu to annihilate the most elite unit of the Kuomintang army, the integrated 74th Division, initially reversing the situation in East China and laying the foundation for our army's strategic counteroffensive.

The times have developed to the present, and the Yimeng spirit still has a strong vitality. During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, more than 10 million Yimeng sons and daughters fully carried forward the Yimeng spirit, worked hard to start a business, made selfless dedication, and frequently highlighted the ecological protection, rural revitalization, economic development and other aspects, and handed over a Yimeng answer sheet with the characteristics of the new era to the party and the country.

The Yimeng spirit is the precious spiritual wealth of the people of the whole country, inspiring the sons and daughters of yishui in the eight hundred Limeng Mountains, inheriting the fine traditions, inheriting the red gene, and doing a new world, just like the names of Kong Qingsan and other heroes engraved on the "Memorial Tower of the Volunteer Martyrs" on the shore of Changjin Lake, which are passed down from generation to generation.

(Dazhong Daily client reporter Liang Kaiwen sorted out the report and planned Lan Chuanbin)

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