
After the death of Qin Shi Huang Yingzheng, his children ended up tragically!

author:Boiled wine history

In 210 B.C., Ying Zheng ended his mighty life in the famous "Land of Trapped Dragons" Dune Palace! And the Dune Palace has also become a place for literati to visit the ancient world, and even left a lot of poems. During the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, Wu Cunli of Guangzong County wrote a poem "Dune Palace Nostalgia", which can be regarded as one of the representatives. His poems:

"I have to count the spring and autumn seasons and read all the vicissitudes of life.

The native soldiers have won a hundred battles, but they have been disintegrating for a while.

The ancestral dragon hegemony Che Shen hated, and the main father's ambition was sad in the palace.

唯有朦胧沙上月,至今犹自照荒邱! ”

Of course, it is not Ying Zheng's death that arouses the author's poetry, but a series of changes after Ying Zheng's death that makes people sigh.

It's sad how fast the world is changing!

If it was his eldest son Fusu or other princes who inherited the throne of Yingzheng, it is indeed worth thinking about whether the Qin Dynasty would not just survive and die abruptly.

In July 210 BC, Ying Zheng, who opened up the territory, died on the sand dune platform, and the only people who knew that Ying Zheng died were Li Si, Zhao Gao, and Ying Zheng's youngest son Hu Hai.

After the death of Qin Shi Huang Yingzheng, his children ended up tragically!

Because the emperor died in a foreign country, Prime Minister Li Si was very worried about the changes between the princes and the world, so he blocked the news of Yingzheng's death. At this time, Ying Zheng, who was loaded in the chariot, still reviewed political affairs and ate as usual, and the uninformed ministers also reported political affairs as usual.

No anomalies seem to have been noticed.

And with the steaming and roasting in the scorching heat, the stench of Ying Zheng's corpse came out of the chariot, and Li Si issued an edict ordering the accompanying officials to take one stone of salted fish per car to confuse the stench of Ying Zheng's corpse.

Prime Minister Li Si tried his best to hide people's eyes, and he conspired with Zhao Gao to destroy the edict given by Yingzheng to his eldest son Fusu, and falsely claimed that Yingzheng made Hu Hai the crown prince, which changed the historical trend of the Qin Dynasty, and Li Si also ended up being sentenced to five punishments and beheaded in the Xianyang Bazaar.

Perhaps, Li Si never dreamed that his wrong decision would make him head in a different place and be punished by the three clans.

And long before Ying Zheng died of illness, he had already written a letter to his eldest son Fusu: "Leave the army under the management of Meng Tian, and come back to escort my coffin back to Xianyang for burial." Unfortunately, this edict was not sent to Fusu, but was intercepted in the hands of Zhao Gao, the commander of the CRRC Prefecture.

After the death of Qin Shi Huang Yingzheng, his children ended up tragically!

And Zhao Gao was particularly close to Hu Hai because he had taught Hu Hai to write and criminal law before, so he conspired with Li Si to make Hu Hai the crown prince.

After that, Hu Hai naturally became the emperor, and the moment he became the emperor, an unprecedented family massacre began!

In order to keep his throne, Hu Hai followed Zhao Gao's advice to "destroy the minister and stay away".

In the spring of the first year of Qin II, Meng Yi, an important minister of the state, and other innocent people were executed, and for a time, the bloody storm spread all over the court and outside. Within the royal family, 12 princes were humiliated in every way and beheaded in Xianyang Market, and 10 princesses were dismembered alive; Their goods were confiscated, and the number of those who were punished by the sin was innumerable.

Gongzi Gao was ready to escape, and he was afraid that his family would be punished, so he had to write a letter and ask for a funeral for Qin Shi Huang.

Born in the emperor's family, there are always some innocent people who suffer.

And the same plot will be repeated in any era! Even in modern times, there is no escape from the sorrow of human nature!

After the death of Qin Shi Huang Yingzheng, his children ended up tragically!

In October 1976, a group of burial tombs were found near Shangjiao Village on the east side of the Qinling Tombs, a total of 17, archaeologists excavated 8 of them, and each of the 8 tombs had a coffin and a stop; Seven of the tombs each contain a human skeleton, five men and two women. In one tomb, there is only a bronze sword in the coffin, and there is no human body.

Incredibly, the bones in the coffin were very scattered, some of the bodies were separated from the limbs, some of the skulls were separated from the torso, and some of the skulls had arrows, indicating that the owner of the tomb died an unnatural death.

But at the same time, the burial goods in the tomb are very rich, there are more than 200 pieces of gold, silver, copper, iron, pottery, jade, mussels, shellfish, bones, lacquerware and silk fragments, this specification shows that the owner of the tomb has a certain identity. These tomb owners, who had a certain identity and were brutally murdered, are reminiscent of the children of Qin Shi Huang who was brutally murdered.

Of course, I believe that this is just a kind of secondary, and there is no basis, but I feel sorry for Yingzheng.

After the death of Qin Shi Huang Yingzheng, his children ended up tragically!

The hard-earned country is gone!

Back then, Ying Zheng asked Lu Sheng to go around to visit the immortals, and Lu Sheng brought back books from overseas and said, "Hu Ye, the Dead Qin". Qin Shi Huang thought that "Hu" was a Hu person, and sent 300,000 people north to attack the Xiongnu. But what he didn't expect was his son Hu Hai!

History really played a big joke!

We don't get tired of it!

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