
Look at the hand to know what is missing? What should I do if my palms are white? This article teaches you

author:Orthopedic Liu Gang

As the saying goes, "the palm of the hand is a woman's second face", in fact, not only women, but also men. The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic says that "all diseases within must be done outside." There are 99 acupuncture points in the hand, and from the small hand, you can see the direction of qi and blood in the whole body. The health of the body will be reflected.

A healthy palm goes like this: a healthy hand can be seen when it is outstretched. The palm is ruddy and the palm is elastic. The nails are healthy, the nail surface is flat, and the crescent is obvious.

Look at the hand to know what is missing? What should I do if my palms are white? This article teaches you

I don't know if you have observed their palms when you are with friends, but many people have some problems with their palms from the appearance. These palms look to see if it's you.

The palms of the hands are not rosy. The most common problem among young people is that the palms of their hands are not rosy. The palms of my hands were whitish and there was no blood. The palms that generally appear in this way are manifested as: insufficient qi and blood in the body, malnutrition.

The palms are peeled and dry. Peeling and drying can not be underestimated. Many people mistakenly think that the skin is dehydrated during the changing seasons, resulting in dry palms. Applying a little moisturizer will be good, in fact, the palm is always dry and dry may be caused by the unobstructed operation of the body's qi and blood, the qi and blood are not smooth, and the supply of the skin is not enough when the qi and blood flow, which may affect the function of the skin sweat glands and so on.

Look at the hand to know what is missing? What should I do if my palms are white? This article teaches you

The hands burst out. Most of the green tendons are blood vessels, but the blood through the skin is easy to make people mistaken for tendons. In the absence of any stress, there are still a lot of green tendons on your hands that may mean that there may be a problem with your blood vessels. If you have green tendons on your hands for a long time, it is recommended to go to the hospital for a health examination.

Do you know the standards for nail health? Nails can also reflect the state of the body to a large extent. Uneven nails? The horizontal stripes represent a lesion in the body! Simply put, the body has a lesion, the whole body's "energy" to fight the lesion, so that the growth of the nail is not enough nutrients, it may lead to rhabdomy lines. If you are occasionally appearing a horizontal stripe, don't worry. But if your nails are frequently striated, there may be problems with your body. It is recommended to go to the hospital for examination.

What do you eat with your palms white? The whitening of the palms of the hands is most likely caused by insufficient qi and blood, and at this time, only the body needs to be well conditioned to slowly recover.

hawthorn. Hawthorn has an effect on gastrointestinal stagnation. For people with insufficient qi and blood, special attention should be paid to nourishing the stomach. The stomach and intestines can be well nourished to allow what is eaten to be absorbed.

Look at the hand to know what is missing? What should I do if my palms are white? This article teaches you

Spinach pork liver soup. Deficiency of qi and blood is similar to what we often call anemia. The amount of blood is not enough, and the palms of the hands naturally do not look rosy enough. Pork liver is high in protein, rich in phosphorus and vitamins, and spinach is also rich in iron, so it can nourish qi and blood very well. So people with white palms can eat some in moderation.

Black sesame seeds. In the view of Chinese medicine, black food goes into the kidneys. The kidneys are the essence of the body, and sesame seeds promote kidney blood production and can achieve a good nourishing effect on the body.

Appropriate Herbal Medicine. Chinese medicinal herbs such as angelica and astragalus are common herbs that replenish qi and blood. Not only people who are sick or make up for it can eat it, but they can also drink it in moderation every day to replenish qi and blood.

In addition to eating food that replenishes qi and blood, you can also perform some massages.

There are many acupuncture points on the body. Massage the valve, which is about two centimeters from the wrist and about the center of the palm. Dredging here can promote blood circulation in the hands. It can make the palm more rosy. Massages can be made three times a day for two minutes.

Massage the temples. The temples not only relieve fatigue, but also soothe the mood and promote blood circulation by massaging regularly. It is a good way to promote the patency of qi and blood.

Look at the hand to know what is missing? What should I do if my palms are white? This article teaches you

There are also these two points, which can also promote the circulation of qi and blood in the body.

In addition to what is said above, it can be carried out from diet and massage. It can also strengthen exercise. You should have seen that people after exercise are often rosy in color and in good spirits. If you look at his palm at this time, it is basically slightly red. Exercise can drive the blood throughout the body, and it can also exercise the blood vessels. When exercising, it will also discharge waste products in the body, so the appropriate amount of exercise can play a good role in activating blood.

Look at the hand to know what is missing? What should I do if my palms are white? This article teaches you

Keep warm. The cold in the body is senior, and the natural person's appearance is not good. People with too much cold may not only have white palms, but also may turn purple. Therefore, if you want to look good, you must also pay attention to keep warm.

The problems with your body can be seen in the palm of your hand. If your palms are not healthy and rosy for a long time, there may be no obvious symptoms, but there may be a deficit in qi and blood. Nowadays, most people have problems with insufficient qi and blood because of problems such as diet or living habits. Although there may be no symptoms now. However, if you accumulate labor and become a disease, it is easy to leave health risks. Eat more foods that replenish qi and blood, and develop a healthy and good body.

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